The Hidden Hands Behind the New Age Movement – Beyond the 3D reality

Despite our belief systems, we still fail and will suffer. One of the reasons this is so is that most belief systems just provoke guilt instead of leading to understanding of symbols/forces behind the events of our everyday lives. Simply focusing on “creating love and light” or “changing the universe” or “creating a new reality by thinking and affirming and desiring” actually have a backward effect, because they are tacit admissions of lack; lack of light, lack of perfection, lack of perfect reality. Any change for the better in this life can only come from an objective look at the limits of our own beliefs, and learning to think in unlimited terms.

In our search for the objective nature of our beliefs and the ways they influence our lives, we`ve learned something of the nature of higher realms, that negative beings do inhabit then and influence our lives in insidious ways. To be free of the negative forces, we must be aware of them. The only thing that offers protection is knowledge. With the knowledge of higher worlds and their relation to our own, we can navigate this world with awareness of the various pitfalls and diversions that we all encounter, but that few recognize. What you don`t know about can harm you, but vigilance in the art of discernment – of seeing the reality behind the symbol system of 3D reality – can offer protection.


Laura Knight Jadczyk from her book Soul Hackers: The Hidden Hands Behind the New Age Movement (The Wave Series, Volume 2) –


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