What will happen to our individuality when the body dies and the soul leaves the body?


It is frightening to think that when the soul leaves the body and if we manage to leave this matrix that it merges with a consciousness so that we lose our individuality. Anyone who claims this with certainty cannot prove that it is true, it becomes nothing more than a speculation. Since we all suffer from amnesia, virtually everything that is said about what happens to the consciousness after it leaves the body will be theories. In his latest book, Empty the Cave, Howdie Mickoski writes “Once you strip away, layer by layer – what you are not; then, No-Thing remains.”

Does this mean that everything that we have experienced and learned here will vanish, that we will merge with a greater consciousness where our individuality and memories disappear? I don’t think so, and neither does John Panella, who Howdie also refers to in his book. Please read what Panella writes about this, and I believe it will ease the fear for such an outcome. And I highly recommend all his books for those who want to take an ever deeper dive into this subject that goes beyond both David Icke and Howdie`s approch of leaving/escaping this matrix:



Excert from the book The Divine Secret Garden Series – Book Four -The Keys to the Master Code & the Spirit World page 109 – 110:


“Then comes the New Age, the new religion of the enlightened ones. This is the new dogma that does not solely follow science or religion. It offers a new and more exciting thrill that we belong to a higher power, and a force that is beyond this realm.

And unlike religion, they speak of no darkness, no evil, all is here for our benefit. Everything is here for our good, which is sort of true, but it is also being used for massive deception.


Evil is here to teach us what is wrong. However, if you have been lured by the idea that nothing is evil, then it is impossible to see where you have gone wrong, and thus will never attempt to change.

The New Age teaches us we are directly connected to God as some sort of common body. That God is our higher-self, that we are all one.

Again, there is truth within the deception. The New Age was created by the same dark forces that created religious and scientific dogma.


It was done to capture those souls who were beginning to acknowledge who they truly are. And then trap them again into a new special dogma… that the knowledge of good and evil is all good.

And then to top it all off, New Age teaches we are all Gods. We do not need anything else. And then they separate the soul from the most important aspect of who they really are, the Father and Mother. And they fail to acknowledge that they are imperfect seeds of their divine Parents in transition.

And granted as you have learned by now, that the Father and Mother is each individual soul’s higher self. This is very true. But the soul is separated until they can return with the fruits.

The soul of itself can do nothing except the Father and Mother work in them the good fruits. As well as, the New Age teaches nothing about the Father and Mother, they instead falsify it all by teaching that god is ONE SOURCE that we are all part of, and we will all return to that source again and be enveloped into that one source.


They then falsify the mother as being the earth. According to them, Earth is Mother Gaia, and she is our sustainer and protector. It never occurs to them they are worshipping an illusory god that is completely and solely fake.

Again, everything they say is partially true, but the lie and error is so embedded and mixed in this truth that one fails to see the obvious. That what the New Age is teaching is, we are all BORGS, i.e. a star trek term representing biological organisms, and will all be assimilated back into the ONE having no unique spirit to our divine reality.


My friends, we are all unique, we are all spirits of the Christ the firstborn among many. Thus, we are the perfect humanity. We exist as spirits in the higher realms, not just a single SPIRIT.

We are many and we all came from the one. But we are not going to be absorbed back into the ONE that would defeat the purpose of creating a family and individuality. If the process was to absorb us all back into the one source, then everything we are accomplishing is useless.


As the Ultimate Father and Mother created us as spirits, in their image and likeness of spirit energy awareness. We also create offspring called souls, it is through our souls that we access greater and greater perfection in wisdom and character.

Our souls are a spark of energy that our spirit emits that goes out like a probe to discover and learn and then returns to its source with the knowledge and information which then allows the spirit to learn and grow and become more perfect.

In our true state where we are the individualized spirit, we are not going to be absorbed back into the originators, we will always be individual children of the Father and Mother.”



Recommended reading and related topics:





Excerpt from David Icke’s book The Dream




Hereafter Loosh-Factory



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