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Paramoralism is a technique used by psychopaths and other pathological individuals to direct normal human behavior in a direction of their choice. It can take the form of verbal epithets which carry a special flavor of suggestion implying the target’s “otherness” (e.g. “witch”, “heretic”, “traitor”, “terrorist”, “Communist”, “Capitalist”, “Nazi”, “Fascist”, even “psychopath”). These are used on political opponents and other dissidents whose voice would otherwise bring attention to the pathological nature of the system which must make use of such epithets.

Paramoralism is also a product of false moral logic, which can be engaged in purposefully or as a result of conversive thinking. For example, Right Wing Authoritarians view the law as the final arbiter of behavior, and their leaders as above the law. Such an individual may say, “They broke the law, they deserve the punishment!” even if the law is arbitrary and the punishment is vastly out of proportion to the behavior.

In a pathocratic system, paramoralism creates an arbitrary pseudo-morality where everything that hinders the pathocracy’s aim is labelled immoral and illegal. On the contrary, pathological behavior and benign behavior which does not threaten the pathocrats’ rule is deemed moral and legal. For example, criticizing other forms of government is encouraged while criticism of the pathocracy is treasonous; torture in other countries is a sign of their depravity yet torture in pathocracy is a necessary measure taken against external and internal threats.


The conviction that moral values exist and that some actions violate moral rules is so common and ancient a phenomenon that it seems to have some substratum at man?s instinctive endowment level (although it is certainly not totally adequate for moral truth), and that it does not only represent centuries? worth of experience, culture, religion, and socialization.

Thus, any insinuation closed in moral slogans is always suggestive, even if the ?moral? criteria used are just an ?ad hoc? invention. Any act can thus be proved to be immoral or morally proper by means of such para-moralisms through active suggestion, and people whose minds will succumb to such reasoning can always be found.

In searching for an example of an evil act whose negative value would not elicit doubt in any social situation, ethics scholars frequently mention child abuse. However, psychologists often meet with para-moral affirmations of such behavior in their practice, such as in the above-mentioned family with the prefrontal field damage in the eldest sister. Her younger brothers emphatically insisted that their sister?s sadistic treatment of her son was due to her exceptionally high moral qualifications, and they believed this by auto-suggestion.

Para-moralism somehow cunningly evades the control of our common sense, sometimes leading to an affirmation of behavior whose character is openly pathological. Para-moralistic statements and suggestions so often accompany various kinds of evil that they seem quite irreplaceable.

Unfortunately, it has become a frequent phenomenon for individuals, oppressive groups, or patho-political systems to invent ever-new moral criteria for someone?s convenience. Such suggestions often partially deprive people of their moral reasoning and deform its development in youngsters. Para-moralism factories have been founded worldwide, and a ponerologist finds it hard to believe that they are managed by psychologically normal people.

The conversive features in the genesis of para-moralisms seem to prove they are derived from mostly subconscious rejection (and repression from the field of consciousness) of something completely different, which we call the voice of conscience. A ponerologist can nevertheless indicate many observations supporting the opinion that the various pathological factors participate in the tendency to use para-moralisms.

This was the case in the above-mentioned family. As occurs with a moralizing interpretation, this tendency intensifies in egotists and hysterics, and its causes are similar. Like all conversive phenomena, the tendency to use para-moralisms is psychologically contagious. That explains why we observe it among people raised by individuals in whom it was developed alongside pathological factors.

This may be a good place to reflect that true moral law is born and exists independently of our judgments in this regard, and even of our ability to recognize it. Thus, the attitude required for such understanding is scientific, not creative: we must humbly subordinate our mind to the apprehended reality. That is when we discover the truth about man, both his weaknesses and values, which shows us what is decent and proper with respect to other people and other societies.”

– Łobaczewski, Andrzej, Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes

 Boken kan også kjøpes her http://www.adlibris.com/no/bok/political-ponerology-9781897244258


og her http://www.bokkilden.no/SamboWeb/produkt.do?produktId=4369293


Psykopatene kontrollerer verden, og det kan dokumenteres – http://olehartattordet.blogg.no/1474108490_psykopatene_kontrolle.html



Defense against the pyschopath (Full length 37 min)

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