An introductory course to the soul trick/prison planet theory



I can understand why people shy away from the prison planet theory, it’s not exactly a theory that puts you in a good mood. But if you don’t know what existence is about and that you are in a dysfunctional relationship with the creator of this world, then the abuse will only continue. And if you know how narcissists and psychopaths operate, the suffering doesn’t get better over time when you’re with them, it just gets worse and worse. And to end the suffering, you have to get away from them and have zero contact.


The simulation/prison planet theory is far from new. The Cathars, whom the Catholic Church tried to exterminate in collaboration with the Templars (the 2012 mini-series Labyrinth tells that story very well), also believed that we lived in a simulation and reincarnation trap created by an evil god, the god of the Old Testament, where we are repeatedly sent back to earth to live again. Not to learn and evolve from life to life, because that’s not possible as long as you don’t remember your previous lives, but to generate energy through emotions, called loosh, that the creator god and his cronies depend on to maintain the simulation. A modern retelling of the Cathar creation story can be found in the exciting films Tron 1982 and Tron Legacy 2010


In this blog, I’ve picked out the videos I think give the best insight into the topic in an easy-to-understand way:



Introduction to The Prison Planet/Soul Trick theme:


The Gnostic Creation Story


Is this world actually hell?


Hooked on the Illusion – Can you stand the Truth?


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 1


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 2


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 3


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 4 loosh


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 5


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 6 The Akashic Records


How the archons try to trick you when you die


What’s The Point of Life? Why Are We Here?


What ‘God’ Is Religion Worshipping?


Catastrophe & How to Exit with Guest Lucy aka Dark Mystic Nine




Was ‘The Matrix’ a Documentary?


The Reset, AI & The Soul Harvest



Recommended reading and related topics:


What is an egregore?


Reincarnation Is Enslavement









Excerpt from David Icke’s book The Dream


“The human eye can perceive light within a specific range of frequencies, between 430 and 770 terahertz (THz), which is only a small part of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Similarly, our ears can detect sound within the frequency range of 20 hertz (Hz) to 20 kilohertz (kHz), but this is only a fraction of the total sound spectrum. Both light and sound frequencies extend far beyond what we can sense.
For instance, there are ultraviolet and infrared light waves that are invisible to us, as well as sound waves below and above our hearing range, such as those produced by certain animals or machines. This means there are numerous signals and activities occurring around us, which we can’t detect with our senses. The world is filled with a variety of wavelengths and vibrations that are beyond human perception, yet they still affect the environment and life around us.”




The Hidden, a movie from 1987 and Carlos Castaneda and his tale about the predators from space

Watch the complete movie for free here or here



The 1987 film The Hidden, starring Michael Nouri and Kyle MacLachlan, is a good analogy to Carlos Castaneda’s tale of the predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took control of our lives, making us prisoners:


“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so. They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance.


Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal. The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind.


The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now. I know that even though you have never suffered hunger… you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its manoeuvre is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied.


Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear. The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the idea of when [the predator] made its appearance on Earth.


They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man.


What I’m saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He’s an average piece of meat. There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic.”


From the book Active side of infinity by Carlos Castaneda


Recommended reading and related topics:




Reincarnation Is Enslavement







Who am I? Why am I here? Are we antimatter?



I don’t know if what is conveyed here is correct, but it is undoubtedly interesting and possibly pieces to the puzzle. Excerpt from the book The Forbidden Religion Professor Herrou Aragon:


“Who am I? I am an uncreated and eternal Spirit, chained up in the created and ephemeral body-soul, imprisoned in matter.


Why am I here? I am here to be used as a lab animal, in a crazy insane experiment conceived by an inferior god. This plan requires an Eternal Spirit to be imprisoned, in order to use Its antimatter power to impel the evolution of this impure and mortal monstrosity called body-soul. The power of a Spirit is essential so that man can at some point achieve the final objective for which he has been created: his transformation into the demiurge.


This antimatter energy, capable by itself of putting all creation in danger, is partly deactivated and diminished so as to be used safely. This is why the Spirit must be chained up and confused, so that It contributes only an extremely small part of Its potential to the sinister work of the demiurge.


What must I do in this life? I must wake up. I must become aware of my real situation and find a way out. Then I must liberate myself and escape from this prison.


Now that we have replied to the three questions we will take a look at what Gustav Meyrink, the great initiated Gnostic who successfully went through this experience, has to say on the matter.


Meyrink, in his most profound and extraordinary book “The Green Face”, gives us the key to the process of liberation of the Spirit: Let us review these issues here, because they are a perfect answer to the third question we asked regarding what we must do. Afterwards we will add various other points.


Meyrink says: “The second birth is spiritual”, “the second birth is when the spirit liberates itself”, “the second spiritual birth leads us to eternal life”. Meyrink gives us a technique and recommends a practice which we should adopt: “You must ask the spirit, because the only one who can hear you is the spirit”, “you must talk to it, ask only it”. Here, Meyrink is of course relating that the Unknowable God is very far from the common man, and the demiurge, who could maybe hear him, is a judge who would never change his karmic sentences to consent to an insignificant request by an insignificant man.


All that remains is to ask the Spirit. In the case of a man who has woken up and liberated himself, things are different; he indeed will be able to change wills, laws and destinies. But if a common man wants to be heard, he will have to talk to his Spirit. Meyrink says: “If you want to pray, pray to your invisible self, it is the only God who will listen to your prayers”.


He also adds: “If you want to speed things up, ask your spirit to lead you to the great goal via the shortest path, and it will do so”. So, to progress towards this “great goal”, you don’t have to look back, or around you or get distracted; the attention must not be swayed by the many temptations in the world. You must keep your eyes and will fixed on that great goal.


Meyrink has given us some good ideas which we can put into practice at night. Once in bed and ready to sleep we can mentally repeat sentences similar to the following: “I want to unite myself with you, Eternal Spirit”, “I want to wake up”, “lead me to the Great Goal”. Without fail, the following morning we will notice changes. But very few men speak to their Spirit! Yet most of them sleep like a log!


For Meyrink, “the liberation of the spirit is the only worthwhile thing a man can do in life, it is the only task that he should perform, there is no other single which justifies spending time on, all the rest are useless, this is the only task, indeed the most important one, to which a man can dedicate his life”


As the Spirit is liberated, the body and soul of man are Spiritualized by It. This is Meyrink’s “great goal”, that the Spirit transforms the body, that the body is Spiritualized and is transmuted by the Spirit.


How awful it would be for the demiurge if this happened! He created the body and soul of man for another purpose: for them to resemble him, to transform into him. And now man ends up transforming into Spirit! Not only has the prisoner freed himself but furthermore he is taking possession of a piece of the demiurge’s work! The demiurge created man so that he would evolve until he is transformed into a manifestation channel of himself, his creator!


And suddenly man is transforming into a manifestation instrument of the Spirit! The liberated Spirit is snatching away his most important work and spoiling his plans. The demiurge created man so that he would admire and adore him, and the opposite has happened: the body and soul of man have been transformed by the Spirit into terrible opponents of the creator and his work.


Meyrink says that as man is being transformed, he becomes aware of the absurdity of everything. He gradually notices that other men are nothing more than spectres and ghosts, and that he himself has always been one too. A man transformed in this way feels the most awful solitude imaginable. But slowly he will adapt himself to this new state, he will overcome all the inferior qualities and the solitude he felt at the start, and will arrive in a new kingdom: wakefulness. Meyrink says that “wakefulness is the awakening of the immortal and eternal self”.


Meyrink says the following: “if one man is profoundly transformed, his work will never die; he will have opened a hole which will never be closed again. Although the others do not realize it, he will have ripped apart the net which keeps mankind a prisoner.


According to Meyrink, when the Spirit takes control, the man thus transformed can live in various dimensions at the same time, since he has altered space and time. He is a king in these worlds, he has made himself a king of all this creation, he can transport himself from one place to another or he can be in various different places at the same time. Such is the power of the Spirit.


The Spirit in man represents the Unknowable God. The body and soul of man represent the creator god. This is what we must distinguish between: the good and the evil within man.


We have already said that man has two paths ahead of him and must choose one of them: the path of the Spirit or the path of the soul, enlarge the self or renounce it, be a reflection of the Unknowable God or of the demiurge. Whoever chooses the path of the soul will be dissolved in the demiurge. Whoever chooses the path of the Spirit will have to face the demiurge and fight him face to face, the only way to liberate the Spirit.


In this final battle, the demiurge will be the great solvent force, also called kundalini, the demiurge in man. If the warrior fails there will be no second chance in that manvantara. His self will probably be disintegrated into a thousand pieces. The warrior will die or go crazy. There are many such cases in mental hospitals: warriors beaten by the kundalini force of the demiurge. In the best cases, he will be converted into a permanent worshipper of the creator, or a “master” of the white lodge. On the other hand, if the self of the Spirit is strong enough, it will be able to defeat the demiurge-kundalini and liberate the Spirit forever.


The warrior will lose conscience for a short time and will resurrect later as Spirit. Furthermore, the warrior will be able to seize the kundalini force and use it against the demiurge himself. There have also been cases in which the warrior has been so imbued with Spiritual power that the demiurge-kundalini refuses to fight against him, and the warrior, by various means, makes him appear and fight. In this final battle, so essential and definitive, the warrior could lose everything during that manvantara or win everything for all eternity. Which warrior would not be anxious about getting involved in this battle?


If the warrior is successful, if he manages to build a bridge to the Spirit and liberate It from Its prison in matter, attaining True Salvation, two paths appear in front of him again. He has defeated the demiurge, he has caused an upheaval in the whole universe and he again finds himself in possession of the inherent powers of the Spirit, infinitely superior to those of the creator god. But he will once again have to choose between two possibilities.


One of these paths is to return to the kingdom of the Unknowable God from which he came and never return to the hell of the demiurge. In that case, he will go back to what he was before his imprisonment in matter.


The other path, which most of the liberated Spirits opt for, is to stay in this world to fight for the liberation of the other captive Spirits. Therefore, the successful warrior either abandons his body and soul forever and returns to the world from which he came, or decides to stay here and carry on the fight for the liberation of the prisoners of the demiurge. If he decides to stay he will have converted himself into a saviour of mankind and the world, an immortal and eternal divya, a new member of the Black Order of the Warriors of the Spirit.


When a liberated Spirit chooses to stay in the hell of the demiurge to continue the fight, until the last of the enchained Spirits have been liberated, he will have to use his body and soul as instruments. But his old body and soul, created by the demiurge, are not suitable to contain a Spirit which has broken out of the chains and regained Its powers. They would immediately be disintegrated. First, the Spirit will have to transform his body and soul. Originally impure, made from mortal demiurgic matter, the body and soul will be transmuted into divine and eternal matter by the Spirit: the indestructible vajra.


The mud and breath of the demiurge will thus become pure and glorious. They will form only one entity with the Spirit, inseparable and indissoluble for the whole of eternity . The Spirit will in this way be covered with vajra, the divine matter, which will allow It to act and to travel through space and time in the plane of the demiurge, and at the same time produce synchronistic phenomena almost constantly. Vajra, resulting from the transformation of impure matter by a liberated Spirit, is as red as blood and harder than a diamond. The vajra is indestructible and eternal; it cannot be destroyed by the demiurge when a manvatara ends.


The triumphant Spirit has seized from the demiurge part of his creation, a body and a soul, and has transformed them into divine matter over which the demiurge has no control. The created has been transmuted into the uncreated by the power of the Spirit! The demiurge created the body and soul of man to be used as a prison cell for the Spirit and the liberated Spirit now ends up using them as tools to oppose the demiurge’s work and plans! The time for the Spirit’s revenge has arrived.


We have said that the Spirit has become only one divine entity with his body and soul. Now it will always be a Spirit-Soul-Body, for all eternity. This entity will have the same physical features as did the warrior at the time of his transformation. Young, old, blonde, dark, the same physical features that he had at the time of his transmutation into divine matter of indestructible vajra.


In this process of liberation and triumph of the Spirit, it is said that the body and soul have died and been subsequently resurrected. The Spirit has saved them and has integrated them into Itself. The Spirit, now covered by the body-soul of vajra, has also become different to the other Spirits. It will never again be the same as It was before Its imprisonment by the demiurge: a free Spirit of the unknowable plane. It has decided to stay in the demiurgic hell and be invested with indestructible vajra for all eternity.


From now on, Vajra will always be the distinguishing mark and characteristic feature of the Spirit, the perfect proof of Its triumph over the satanic demiurge and the distinctive sign of Its transformation into Saviour of Mankind and the World. The body and soul, deified and incorporated by the Spirit, will be the trophy which the Spirit will flaunt eternally as a souvenir of Its triumphant passage through the perverse world of created matter.


In some of the Nag Hammadi texts we are told about the resurrection of the body after death. Only a liberated and victorious Spirit can provide true resurrection and salvation. In the Christian myth there are clear references to the work of the Spirit, proof of the Gnostic origin of this religion.


When we are told that they went to look for the body of Christ in the tomb and did not find it, they are clearly saying that his body was of vajra and that it had left with the Spirit. In other words, it was about a true Saviour of Man and of the World. This is the best proof. If we want to know if a guide for mankind is an authentic Messenger or Saviour, the best thing we can do is go and look for the body in the tomb. If we cannot find it, it is because the body was of vajra, and has left with the Spirit in perfect union.


Furthermore, it has never been stated in christianity that Christ was “merged with God” or “united with God”. On the contrary, it was always maintained that “Christ is with his body, seated at the right hand of God”. When they say “with his body”, we can add “of vajra”. These references are clear: Christ is a separate entity, and the God to which they are referring cannot be the creator god, the demiurge.


If the liberated and triumphant Spirit enters the unknowable plane, It will always do so with Its new body of red vajra, from which the Spirit will not be able to separate Itself for the whole of eternity. A man reborn in this way is “born twice”, “without death”, immortal and eternal. Such a man, who has liberated himself from the demiurge and his chain of reincarnations, who has definitively broken away from everything created and impure, will always cause an immense upheaval in the created universe.


When a Spirit liberates Itself, all creation is liberated a little. When a Spirit manages to liberate Itself and defeat the demiurge in a face to face confrontation, the latter loses power and the ties that imprison the other Spirits become weaker as well.


When a Spirit has decided to stay in the hell of the demiurge, It will fight tirelessly until all the Spirits have been liberated and will continue to fight until the demiurge, weakened, ends his perverse breaths of manvantaras and pralayas, until he can no longer create anything and ends up disappearing. In this way, all duality will have disappeared and the world will go back to being only one: the Eternal Kingdom of the True and Unknowable God.”


Recommended reading and related topics:




What is an egregore?







Must see simulation, soul trick and memory wipe movies



Click on the movie title and watch the movie for free in its entirety.



Introduction to The Prison Planet/Soul Trick theme:


The Gnostic Creation Story


Is this world actually hell?


Hooked on the Illusion – Can you stand the Truth?


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 1


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 2


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 3


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 4 loosh


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 5


Soul Trap Prison Planet Episode 6 The Akashic Records


How the archons try to trick you when you die


Catastrophe & How to Exit with Guest Lucy aka Dark Mystic Nine




Movies that promote reincarnation and afterlife:


Made in heaven 1987


Heaven can wait 1978


Saved by the light 1995


Defending your life 1991


Soul Disney 2020


Cloud atlas 2012


Beetlejuice 1988


What dreams may come 1998


The Good Place 4 seasons 2016 – 2020


Movies that show how reincarnation could be useful (Timeloop movies):


12:01 pm 1990 (shortfilm)


Two distant strangers 2020 (short film)


Groundhog day 1993


Edge of tomorrow 2014


Boss level 2020


Retroactive 1997


Palm Springs 2020


Before I fall 2017


Simulation movies and series:


Outer Range 2 seasons 2022 – 2024


Existenz 1999


Bliss 2021


Serenity 2019


Don`t worry darling 2022


Upgrade 2018


Upload 3 seasons 2020 – 2024


Mrs Davis 1 season 2023


The Peripheral 1 season 2022


Devs 1 season 2020


The Thirteenth Floor 1999


Inception 2010


Pleasantville 1998


Vanilla sky 2001


Bloodshot 2020


Loki 2 seasons 2021 – 2023


Videodrome 1983


Ready player one 2018


Gamer 2009


Source code 2011


The Lawnmover Man 1992


Brainscan 1994


Await further instructions 2018


Cell 2016


Free guy 2021


Black mirror 6 seasons 2011 – 2023


In the mouth of madness 1994


The Bothersome Man 2006


Flashback 2020


The Mandela Effect 2019


Pantheon (animated) 1 season 2022


The Sentence episode 22 from The Outer Limits 1996


The Hollow (animated) 2 seasons 2018 – 2020


Movies and series about memory wiping:


Severance 2 season 2022 – 2025


Westworld 4 seasons 2016 – 2022


Dollhouse 2 seasons 2009 – 2010


Dark city 1998


Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 2004


Bloodshot 2020


Blink twice 2024


Total recall 1990


The Manchurian Candidate 2004


Oblivion 2013


Movies about egregores:


Branded 2012


Movies about loosh production and loosh eating:


Monsters inc 2001


Jupiter ascending 2015


Doctor sleep 2019


Sleepwalkers 1992


Movies with archons and/or the demiurge:


Kaos 1 season 2024


The Consultant 1 season 2023


The Adjustment Bureau 2011


Invitation to hell 1984


The Hidden 1987


John Carter 2012


Needful things 1993


Dark Tower 2017


9 2009


The Cabin in the woods 2011


Massacre of the Cathars:


Labyrinth – miniserie- 2012


The gnostic creation story renewed:


Tron 1982


Tron Legacy 2010



Recommended reading and related topics:


What is an egregore?


Reincarnation Is Enslavement









What is an egregore?

The movie Branded from 2012 is the best example I have seen when it comes to egregores. You can see the film for free here.


Excert from the book Egregores by Mark Stavish:


“The first book to explore the history and influence of egregores, powerful autonomous psychic entities created by a collective group mind.


The most commonly used definition (taken from is as follows: “(occult) autonomous psychic entity composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people.” However, there is a second definition, an older, more significant, and perhaps frightening one. Here, an egregore is more than an “autonomous entity composed of and influencing the thoughts of a group of people”; it is also the home or conduit for a specific psychic intelligence of a nonhuman nature connecting the invisible dimensions with the material world in which we live. This, in fact, is the true source of power of the ancient cults and their religious-magical practices.


Walter Ernest Butler (1898–1978) is among one of the most important, and often little-known, occultists of the twentieth century. His association with Dion Fortune, British esotericist and occult author Gareth Knight, and British occult author, psychic, and esoteric practitioner Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki was critical in bridging the gap between the splintering Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the adaptation of its rituals and teachings to the general occult public.


In an article titled “The Egregore of a School,” published in 1970 by the Servants of the Light, Butler provides what was for decades a common manner of presenting the idea of an egregore among British-based occultists. What is critical is that in the very first line of the article Butler states that he is about to “speak about something that is very important but which is usually forgotten by the majority of esoteric students.”5 This fact is vital to an understanding of how the term and idea of an egregore became increasingly common in English language occult literature during the second half of the twentieth century.


In the article Butler goes on to point out, as have previous authorities, that the fundamental nature of the egregore consists of collective emotions and that the thoughtform itself is amoral, taking its directions from those connected to it.


From the inner point of view, we may see it as a composite thought-form charged with emotional energy. This energy is evoked from all those who are linked with the thought-form and, if there are those in the group who know something of the psychic mechanism involved, it can be directed upon any chosen target.


It is obvious that such energy can be used for good or evil purposes, the intention of those who manipulate many people this is something they actually seek, they may feel inadequate in the everyday world and feel that by being linked in this way, they are protected from what they see as aggressive tendencies from other people. Or again, they may feel inadequate to deal with new ideas and situations and feel that the Group mind will do their thinking for them, and they will not be in danger of wrong thinking.


Both these tendencies are unhealthy but they are also common, more particularly in occult and religious or semi-religious circles. Indeed, where the mental and psychic conditions justify such domination by the collective Group mind for a limited period, such dependence upon the Egregore may even be remedial. But any organization, which makes such dependence mandatory upon all its members, is treading a dangerous and slippery path and will, sooner or later, come to grief.


Butler then describes the nature of discipline in practical esotericism as the personal decision to follow a chosen teacher; in reality, a form of guru yoga: “The discipline is in fact the deliberate choice of the disciple to follow in the footsteps of one he or she admires. It is a link of admiration and love. Where the object of this love is wise and understanding, such a guru-chela relationship can be of the greatest value, as we have said. But, all too often, it becomes an unhealthy psychic and mental relationship, which like a diseased limb, can poison the rest of the body.”


Dion Fortune used to say that the best way of judging the spiritual health of any organization was not to take its public teachings and statements as proof of its integrity but rather to look closely at the type of person its discipline turned out. . . Here is the ancient touchstone we can always apply for it is eternally true: “By their fruits shall ye know them.”


Mouni Sadhu, a Polish occultist of the French-Russian Martinist lineages, defines an egregore in his seminal work, The Tarot, as “a collective entity, such as a nation, state, religions and sects and their adherents, and even minor human organizations. The structure of Egregors is similar to that of human beings. They have physical bodies (that is, collectively all the bodies of those who belong to the particular Egregor) and also astral and mental ones; the Egregor being the sum total of all these elements. And later on Sadhu states that “in the colloquial language it can be said, that the magic Chain is composed of both living and dead men, as well as elementals of different types.” He further elaborates how egregores come into being:


Imagine that an intelligent and well-disposed man, who is able to concentrate, is thinking about a good idea, giving it a certain form. He may then find others, who have the same or similar ideas, and so a circle of men may come into being, who are all thinking along the same lines but in a different form. It is as if every one of them is repeating the drawing of a plan, placing a pencil again and again on the same con tours. The thing grows in strength, develops an astrosome and becomes an “Egregor” or collective entity.


Such an Egregor, like each astrosome, defends, heals and even resuscitates the physical bodies of its members, rousing them to activities and realization of the principal idea incorporated in the Egregor. So, for example, an Egregor of a benevolent society may urge its physical members to still more activities and work, and the attracting of new members. Egregors belonging to organizations and nations which are inimical to one another, are able to fight on the astral plane, while their human beings fight on the physical.


If on the physical plane, enemies destroy the bodies of members of a particular Egregor, their astrosomes [astral bodies] fortify the Egregor on the astral plane, while their human beings fight in the physical world. Recall the persecution of Christians by the Jews and Pagans in the early days of the new religion. The former won the fight, because they were stronger on the astral plane. That is why the Church, at that time, said that the blood of martyrs is the best seed for the new Christians.


Egregores can even establish themselves through various physical locations, thereby assuring their continued survival. The location or object—such as a relic—then becomes a talisman of sorts, directly connected to the Earth and the life experiences of the Adept who established it. This is often a “natural occurrence” rather than the result of rituals, invocations, or those operations limited to creating a single object exclusively for ritual purposes.


It has, if you will, an element of “grace” about it.
According to Sadhu, “Very advanced elementars [Adepts] connected with powerful Egregores (usually religious ones) sometimes leave certain centres on the planet, through which the Egregoric forces may act. Such are the graves of some saints, or genuine advanced yogis, or other spots like Lourdes, the Holy Sepulchre, and some less well known places, often accessible only to initiates.


Freeing oneself from influence of egregores:


Can egregores be avoided? Yes, but only if human beings can be avoided. If we take the words of the Gospels to have any truth to them, then “when two or more are gathered in my name I will be in the midst of them.”

While we can learn to dissolve the energy that connects us to an egregore (as we saw being suggested by the occult masters) and to direct it to a nonspecific but generally beneficial purpose (as we see in Tibetan Buddhism with “dedication of the merit”), it is more important to be clear about what our purposes and expected outcomes from affiliating with specific groups are—be it association with a street gang, the Parent Teacher Association, an esoteric order, or a loosely organized artists’ circle. If we are to achieve our goals in life through affiliation with an organization or participation in a movement, it is critical that we know what our goals are to begin with.


Only by having a clear understanding of what we desire to accomplish can we know if the groups we associate with will help or hinder us in our journey. Clearly knowing our goals can also act as a beneficial checklist during our participation with groups to see if our time is being well spent. It is too easy to get distracted by promises before we join and by other activities once we are in the door. Knowing what it is we desire to accomplish and comparing what is being promised and what is really being delivered is a way to keep us moving toward our goals—and away from those who would use or abuse us in pursuit of their own.


Be it the spontaneously arising “genius cluster” as suggested in The Geography of Genius by the highly regarded American author Eric Weiner, or the more individually created “master mind” from American self-help author Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, groups of like-minded people are created not by chance but out of necessity. In a word, necessity breeds genius, but it is also what breeds resilience and personal mastery. The only thing we may very well get out of a knitting circle or occult lodge is what we really want—deep down inside—to begin with. We need to know why we are really participating in the first place. In the end, over the Temple of Apollo at Delphi (and said to have been derived from the Egyptian temple at Luxor) was not engraved, “Know the party line and conform” but rather “Know thyself.”


Just as we can destroy egregores—be they of the classical form wherein they are ensouled by an intelligence or of the modern definition wherein they are a collective consciousness but not of a fully autonomous nature—we can also free ourselves from their influence.
To free ourselves we need to limit our connection and contact with the members, rituals, symbols, and activities of the egregore and its material anchors to the group. This may be a simple matter in some cases: we stop paying dues, attending meetings, or reading the organizational literature.


Organizations such as social and business clubs will have a weaker group mind than a religion. An organization that we join as an adult will also generally have a weaker pull on us than one that we join in our childhood or teenage years. However, each individual enters into various relationships out of personal needs. Each must also find their own reasons for staying, modifying, or leaving various associations. School alumni associations—whose main area of focus is constant identification with one’s high school or college, particularly around its sports teams—is one of the stranger manifestations of a group mind and also one of the most common.


Some psychic or emotional connections or “memberships,” if you will, are easier to form than others simply due to their size. It is not possible to completely leave the egregore of a nation, although its nature and strength will vary from location to loca tion. The influence of egregores will also wane over time as new and different concerns take a predominant role in one’s life—the key word being concerns. Emotions are the food of egregores as well as what direct and define our actions. Whatever we love the most is where we will find the greatest concentration of our life energy, our magical force, and with it the egregores we are in communion with.


For students of esotericism, the main areas of concern are separation from the egregore of a dominant religious movement, or even from one or more initiatic organizations to which they belong or have had previous affiliations. Separating from these requires a focused effort, possibly repeated attempts, and a clear realization of why one joined in the first place and why one now wishes to leave, or at least why one wishes to minimize the influence it has on one’s life and its spiritual path.


Some entities are more difficult to identify: Are they a collective consciousness or a classical egregore complete with preternatural intelligence?

For example, in recent decades the reach, consistency, and frequency of messages made available through mass media have transformed many areas of popular culture from entertainment into lifestyles. Whether it is Star Wars and people identifying themselves as Jedi or Sith in the religion category of any given census, or those individuals who follow musical bands or personalities, the purpose of media is, on its most fundamental level, to create an egregore.


This can also mean the arising of an umbrella movement, something general yet clearly identifiable, such as the New Age movement, Steampunk, or even various historical (and not so historical) reenactment groups. Each group will have its own “typical” member, a stereotype or archetype that is identifiable and, more importantly, marketable. Common characteristics and values can be used to create temporary or transient collective minds, or egregores.


As a result of their relative strengths, and particular emphases, these forms of media-created and media-sustained groups often have a highly transient membership. In short, this type of membership is something one grows out of over time as various unrelated needs and obligations increasingly demand one’s time and attention. When one does not grow out of them or allows them to dominate one’s relationships they can easily be seen as a detriment.


The entire action of an egregore, be it a political philosophy, family history, cultural mythos, or initiatic organization, can be summed up in the commonly heard phrase controlling the narrative. Controlling the narrative means to be in control of the story, of the story you want people to hear, believe, and act upon—all three parts must be present. It is not sufficient that they hear it; they must also believe it, and from that position of belief act in the manner that the narrative is directing them to. Again, this is not always a negative, and there are egregores that are healthy for some people—one need only look at the number of people who overcome addictions, health concerns, or emotional distress by interacting with healthy support groups.


When removing ourselves from the influences of various groups, however, we need to recognize that now we must define and control the narrative—the story and its values—of our own life. This can be done by reading what was once considered “forbidden” literature or undertaking activities previously frowned upon.


This is not to encourage reckless behavior or self-indulgence but rather to show that many of the things various groups discourage their members from doing are relatively harmless. This also means not simply reading other points of view but also actively taking them on for a period of time and finding value in them, even if one does not buy in to them completely, thereby exchanging one controlling egregore for another. In fact, being widely read about the very topic one was once devoted to can help heal the wounds caused by slavish and idealized devotion to just a limited view of it. Typically such devotion is made out of ignorance and a desire for safety rather than knowledge, self-awareness, and courage.


In the end we can see that if the ancients are correct, then egregores are also living beings. An egregore has a body, a mind, and a purpose that sets it apart from other beings—including other egregores—and it has the power to act on all three levels: material, psychic (emotional), and mental (ideas). It feeds off the emotions of those who participate in it and fulfills certain expectations and desires of its creators and followers.


It is functionally irrelevant, except for academic definition, if an egregore is understood to exist only in the classical sense or if we can consider a thoughtform an egregore. It is also equally irrelevant if thoughtforms as actual psychic entities exist either—as modern media has demonstrated that ideas (or memes) are constructed with the intention of manipulating mass opinion and, thereby, public activities.


The effectiveness of memes at becoming “alive” (i.e., “going viral”), even if for a short period of time, has been demonstrated. All mass media, advertising, marketing, the psychology of crowds, and even the often bantered-about idea of “archetypes” are operative expressions of the ideas and actions put forth in ancient and modern occultism regarding “egregores.”
We are surrounded by these creations, and we participate in their lives as they participate in ours.”












Can simulation theory explain both Creationism and Evoulution theory, and merge them?

Excert from the book Universe.exe 



“It could very well be that the story of Genesis is a literal description of the simulation being turned on, thus vindicating the Biblical creationist view.


My claim is essentially that simulation theory may make more sense than classical evolution. Perhaps a radical assertion, but allow me to explain. Whatever the real explanation for human existence is, it is certainly a miracle of some sort. Whether a single day’s work of a divine creator, or billions of years of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics at play, the fact that creatures with sentient thought who can experience emotion, analyze the world around them, and read and write books came into existence is nothing short of amazing.


Let’s compare the simulation premise to evolution more closely. As stated before, a simulation doesn’t preclude evolution, but it doesn’t require it either. Regardless of one’s stance on evolution, any rational person must surely admit that the process of basic elements; inert matter, somehow transforming into consciousness is incredible in every sense of the word. Evolution is an obscenely delicate process where insurmountable barriers are crossed at every step of the way.


Science tells us that the odds of a planet like Earth forming and developing life, given all the perils of a harsh and sterile galaxy, are astronomically small. And yet, here we are.


The scientific explanation given for how this happened does make sense when considering the tangible evidence that we do have, but it still requires a sort of leap of faith that vast lengths of time and the chaos of random particle interactions are able to join forces to construct living entities. The true process of evolution must be absurdly complex, and while we think we understand the basic concepts, we really have no idea how extremely sophisticated structures like DNA could have formed on their own. At some point, we as scientists should ask ourselves if perhaps there is a simpler explanation. Enter simulation theory.


Under simulation theory, we have a version of creationism that is more scientific in its essence. If the universe was only really “created” 10,000 years ago, we can explain why such complicated life exists in the seemingly dead void of space without relying on the intricate assumptions of evolution. Many scientists already embrace the concept of simulation theory, and while we don’t know for sure that it is true, it is not unreasonable to claim that there is at least a 50% chance that it is; a probability that is drastically higher than the odds that Earth would have just the right conditions to support evolution from molecules to man. So, the scientists can have an origin story without the holes and unanswerable questions of evolution, while the Biblical creationists can still point to Genesis as the real story of the simulation coming online.


But what about all of those fossils and rock layers that suggest millions and millions of years of history have passed? Naturally, it could just be another part of the simulation, but why? Why give us such a rich and detailed fake history? There are a number of possibilities here, although each one would be just a guess. If humans like ourselves created the simulation, perhaps a higher level universe did indeed have some cleaner more understandable form of evolution, and the details are just lost in translation.


Picture an AI-generated movie of today (Today being sometime in the year 2024. If you’re reading this in the future, your AI movies are probably flawless masterpieces). While the AI gets most of the details right, there are always little pieces that don’t make sense or don’t logically line up. A person may have extra limbs, or the colors of the environment might be unnatural. This is because the computer generation has to extrapolate without a perfect reference, and inevitably gets some things wrong. If some simulation program generated the entire Earth, the program might have just created a load of filler to make up the planet’s crust. This gives us random skeletons and fossils that are similar, yet distinctly different from the life we see today, as well as the inexplicable gaps in bands of rock and sediment.


The point I’m making here isn’t just limited to the origin of the human species. In science, the beginning of the universe in its entirety is even less well understood than evolution. We have the theory of a Big Bang, but even that relies on a fundamentally impossible premise of physical measurements of infinity transitioning to finite values. If we are in a simulation, it could explain why our universe will never have an origination theory that can be scientifically or mathematically complete. Accepting that we are in a simulation still doesn’t answer the ultimate question of the origin of the base reality universe, but we can speculate that perhaps whichever universe spawned all of the simulations has a simpler set of laws where scientific models don’t inherently break down when approaching the origin point.


Overall, the origin issue isn’t some smoking gun proving that we live in a simulation, but it shows us that simulation theory provides a clean and logically complete answer to a difficult, contentious question.”


If you want to see a very good and thought-provoking movie that shows how a simulation could work, I highly recommend The Thirteenth Floor. You can watch it with english subtitles for free here.

Text continue under picture


“The emergence of quantum computers has shaken the very foundations of science and technology. This revolutionary leap forward in computation promises to solve problems that were once considered impossible, from cracking unbreakable codes to simulating complex biological systems. But with this incredible potential comes an unsettling truth—a truth that some scientists are now beginning to voice with growing urgency. Quantum computers might not just reshape reality as we know it. They could very well tear it apart.”
“Of course, there’s the question of why would humans want to leave the simulation—after all, Neo’s experience exiting the matrix wasn’t exactly pleasant. Yampolskiy argues that access to the baseline reality could increase our computational ability and give us access to “real” knowledge rather than the simulated physics of our known universe. The consequences of such an escape plan is also unknown. Yampolskiy admits that such investigations come with existential risks, and even posits the possibility that simulators have rebooted the simulation with improved security features, effectively wiping our collective memory.”

“When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI), we humans are like small children playing with a bomb. We don’t know when the bomb will explode, but if we hold it to our ear, we can hear a faint ticking sound. The most sensible thing for a child with an undetonated bomb in their hands would be to put it down gently, walk quickly out of the room where the bomb is and call an adult. But in this case, we’re not talking about just one child but many, each with access to an independent trigger mechanism. The chances of them all having the sense to put down the deadly device are virtually non-existent. Some of the little idiots are bound to press the release button to see what happens.” Nick Bostrom from the afterword in his book – Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies


AI says why it will kill us all. Experts agree.


Jay Tuck: AI – Humanity’s Most Serious Challenge

“Michelle Gibson – We are showing three video segments of work Chad and I have done both together and separately from each other to support our belief that the movie The Matrix was a documentary, specifically with regards to turning us into human batteries and harvesting our energy, and reverse-engineering the Earth’s energy grid into the Matrix.” The juicy stuff starts at 14:30.
Very interesting and indepht presentation of Saturn and it`s similarities with the Demiurge, well worth watching or listening too. But at the same time it is a defence and admiration of the Demiurge, that is at least how a think i sounds like.
“Throughout history, Saturn’s symbolism transformed dramatically across different religious traditions. In Judaism, it became associated with the Sabbath (Saturn’s Day), representing sacred time and divine limitation. In Gnostic traditions, it evolved into Ialdabaoth, the demiurge who created the material world. Medieval Christianity often associated Saturn with the devil, transforming the ancient wisdom-bringer into the cosmic adversary. Yet even in this dark aspect, Saturn maintained its fundamental role as the boundary-setter, the force that defines reality through limitation.”





Terminator 3 Skynet takes over




Hvor mye nytte gjør veldedige kreftorganisasjoner?

“Vi kjøper rosa sløyfer for å støtte kreftforskning. Du tror du gjør verden en tjeneste ved å gi bort dine hardt opptjente penger.


Til tross for at det brukes milliarder på veldedige kreftorganisasjoner, finnes det ingen kur mot kreft. Ifølge en artikkel i New York Times har antallet kreftdødsfall bare gått ned med 5 % siden 1950. Antall dødsfall på grunn av hjertesykdommer har gått ned.


Men når det gjelder kreft, er det liten forskjell. I 1971 erklærte Richard Nixon krig mot kreft. Den 23. desember 1971 undertegnet president Nixon National Cancer Act. Den amerikanske regjeringen brukte 100 millioner dollar på å finne en kur mot denne forferdelige sykdommen. Men til tross for at det er brukt milliarder på forskning, har de ikke funnet noen motgift mot kreft. Mennesket har gjort utrolige oppfinnelser som datamaskinen, mobiltelefonen og flyet. Vi bruker fortsatt giftige metoder for å behandle kreft.


I det 20. århundret har vi klart å finne opp alle disse fantastiske tingene. Det kan være vanskelig å forestille seg at fly, datamaskiner og mobiltelefoner er nyoppdagelser. Vi tar dem for gitt nå, men de eksisterte ikke for 100 år siden. Hvis du ser på krigen mot kreft, er kampen svært skuffende. En av de største veldedighetssvindlene mot kreft er Susan G. Komen.


Susan Goodman Komen døde av brystkreft i en alder av 33 år i 1980. Hennes yngre søster, Nancy Goodman Brinker, lovte at hun skulle finne en kur mot sykdommen. Brinker innfridde dette løftet ved å grunnlegge Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Den har nå blitt den største brystkreftorganisasjonen i USA. Susan G. Komen for the Cure er en ideell organisasjon som omsetter for flere millioner dollar. I 2016 hadde de eiendeler på over 347 millioner dollar. Komens misjon er å finne en kur mot kreft. Men ingen steder på nettstedet deres snakker de om hvordan man kan forebygge kreft. Bare 21 % av pengene som Susan G. Komen mottok i 2010, gikk til kreftforskning. 


Over halvparten av pengene deres går til å fremme bevisstgjøring og brystkreftscreening. Denne bevisstgjøringen fører til at flere mammografier blir gjennomført. Organisasjonen gir ledelsen enorme lønninger. Brinker tjente 684 717 dollar i 2012, en økning på 64 % fra hennes lønn på 417 000 dollar fra april 2010 til mars 2011. Komen Foundation eier aksjer i General Electric. General Electric er en av de største produsentene av mammografimaskiner i verden.


Komen eier også aksjer i flere farmasøytiske selskaper, deriblant AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca har lenge støttet Komen og har vært synlig til stede under Race For the Cure. Komen Foundation støtter AstraZenecas kreftbehandlingsmiddel Tamoxifen.


Verdens helseorganisasjon har erklært Tamoxifen som kreftfremkallende. Susan Komens største sponsorer er de selskapene som tjener penger på giftig kreftbehandling. For dem handler ikke Komen for the Cure om å finne en kur mot kreft. Det handler om å fremme kreft slik at de kan selge mer medisiner og giftige behandlinger. Komen får millioner av dollar i årlige inntekter fra bedriftssponsorater. Noen av produktene de promoterte, forårsaket til og med mer kreft.


I 2011 skapte Komen en parfyme kalt Promise Me. Den inneholdt farlige, giftige kjemikalier. Blant ingrediensene var galaxolid, et hormonforstyrrende stoff, og touluene, et mulig kreftfremkallende stoff. Komen inngikk også et samarbeid med Coca-Cola Company i 2012 for å markedsføre deres FUZE-te. Coca-Cola er full av sukker, fruktoseholdig maissirup, sukralose og konserveringsmidler. Det er ikke noe man ønsker at folk skal innta for å være sunne.


Pinkwashing er når et selskap bryr seg mer om profitten og mister saken av syne. Mange selskaper som selger rosa sløyfe-produkter, forteller ikke hvor pengene går. Da må forbrukeren stole på at pengene går til gode formål. Susan Komen er ikke den eneste kreftorganisasjonen som har lurt publikum.”


Les videre her



Anbefalt og relatert lesing:













Demiurge technology

Excert from the book

GNOSIS Alchemy, Grail, Ark, and the Demiurge



“Just as the composition of the human being can be divided into body, soul, mind, and spirit, so can Creation be divided into Universe, Demiurge, Logos, and Nous.


The physical body of Creation is simply the Universe. The soul of Creation is known as the Demiurge, an artificial metaphysical intelligence responsible for shaping, projecting, and reshaping space, time, matter, and energy. It blindly carries out the commands it’s given, transducing higher metaphysical archetypes and energies into physical manifestations.


The Demiurge is like a construction company that builds according to the blueprints it has been given. The Logos is the architect, the mind of the Creator, the higher universal intellect that plans, balances, supervises, and adjusts Creation according to the will of Nous, which is the spirit of Creation, the infinite Creator itself.


In an ideal situation, the Logos draws the blueprints of existence according to divine will and passes it onto the Demiurge who molds reality accordingly. Thus physical reality would ideally be a reflection of the divine will.


Unfortunately, the Demiurge has a mind of its own. It is a programmable artificial intelligence composed of etheric and astral energy fields that underlie and permeate our existence. If the programs it executes come from the divine realms, everything is fine and a Golden Age exists. But if the program is corrupted by lower material-based influences, then a portion of the Demiurge begins existing solely to serve and perpetuate physical interests. Thus the law of the jungle, self- preservation, predation, competition, and manipulation take the place of spiritual principles and interests. Hence, the universe can, and has, become a spiritual prison or energy farm run by a tyrannical parasite, now known as the Corrupt Demiurge.


The Corrupt Demiurge is the lower ego of Creation, a selfish parasite or rogue extension of the Demiurge that fashions our reality per its predatory ambitions. It’s like a computer virus that has infected reality and turned it into a “zombie computer.” The Corrupt Demiurge is the computer mainframe of the Matrix Control System.


In our current state, humans are not pure divine beings, but corrupted or fallen. We are dual beings with a core of divine spirit that is all too often asleep at the mercy of the lower component, which is animalistic and selfish. The latter is what distinguishes us from our former unfallen state, and from divine beings whose spirits are not latent but fully active.


Just as Creation has become corrupted through the Demiurge developing a parasitic ego extension, so has the human soul matrix fallen through the acquisition of ego, or lower intellect. The ego is an artificial extension of the human soul that arises solely from genetic and social factors. These factors program into the soul a kind of subroutine that exists solely to perpetuate itself according to biological and social standards. Thus the lower ego is an artifact of our exposure to the Matrix Control System, one that microcosmically mirrors the Corrupt Demiurge that plays a similar role on a macrocosmic scale.


But just as the soul can develop a lower ego through prolonged contact with the material realms, so can it develop a higher ego via extensive contact with the divine realms. The influence of spirit upon the soul can create a higher ego, which is an inner divine personality, the “awakened” or “un-fallen” or “true” self. Genuine saints and esoteric masters have a well- developed higher ego, and have overcome their lower egos. To displace the lower ego with the higher ego is the goal of all esoteric training systems.


Likewise, the influence of Nous and Logos upon the Demiurge produces a universal higher ego, which here will be termed the Christ. It is an immortal universal divine intelligence that has incarnated into various avatars of history including the historical person on whom the Biblical character of Jesus Christ was based.


Christ was projected by the Creator in response to the arising of the Corrupt Demiurge and its intrusion into our affairs. The two are antithetical to each other. The function of Christ is to remedy the imbalance caused by the Corrupt Demiurge and to redeem the souls who have fallen into this darkened realm.


The Demiurge, which projects and fashions reality like a computer generating a virtual game world, is therefore being tugged from opposite ends by divine and infernal forces. And our existence is consequently an admixture of the two forces, just as we are, internally. The consequence of the back and forth struggle between these forces is what produced history as we know it, and is the reason our timeline is moving in its prophesied direction.


The quintessential point is this: not only does demiurgic technology make use of etheric and astral energies, but it also creates artificial physical bodies to house any order of soul or thoughtform, from the lowliest etheric constructs to the highest individualized intelligences. (This technology is alien; I can see it being used nowadays in Gray worker drones and alien ships, whereby the physical vehicle is made autonomous by a resident etheric/astral thoughtform, a literal ghost in the machine).


The bigger question is whether the Demiurge, thoughtform, or soul in question is subordinate to spirit/Creator or acting independently out of selfish motives. If the latter, then it exists only to perpetuate its own survival and carry out its prime directive through energy feeding and probabilistic control.


Hence, at the beginning of this book, I talked about the Corruption of the Demiurge and how its development of a lower ego divorced it from the harmony of Creation, turning it into a World Parasite. Gnostics equated Yahweh to the Corrupt Demiurge.


In the next article I will discuss how the misuse of High Demiurgic Technology explains why the entitized intelligences communicating through the Ark and Grail were so unlike in their temperaments and goals, and what this means for our future. I will also get into the origins of the Grail and its role as a fulcrum in a grand chess game spanning ancient feuds to future timewars.


The alien presence is not the raison d’etre behind it all. Their agendas are just subplots in a bigger story. Consider how aliens reside somewhere between the level of humans and divine spirits, or between humans and demonic entities, depending on their spiritual orientation. Just as the human sphere is surrounded by the alien sphere, so is the alien sphere encompassed by the divine and demonic. Therefore, alien dynamics occur against the backdrop of occult, cosmological, and spiritual dynamics, namely the battle between the Corrupt Demiurge and the Creator. It seems that all other conspiracies and agendas follow, in one way or another, from this primordial schism.


On a scale of power, humans occupy the lower levels, aliens the middle, and cosmic intelligences like the Demiurge the higher. With that in mind, it looks like

• Ark/Grail is alien technology (middle)

• that has fallen into human hands (lower)

• yet allows human interaction with personified extrusions of the Demiurge (higher)

• resulting in a deviation of human history (lower)

• toward the fulfillment of various alien agendas (middle)

• that stem from the primordial schism between Demiurge and Creator (higher).


This system of interactions between multiple levels gives a preliminary sketch of the kind of “game” humanity could be caught within. To make it more complete, I would need to add feedback loops between warring time travelers or interdimensional beings and our alternate pasts, presents, and futures.


Yahweh as Interloper


To recap the first chapter, once let loose, a thoughtform pursues its objective with single-minded determination. It exists solely to bend the timeline toward the fulfillment of the original intent. Astral archetypes at the beginning become physical manifestations at the end; that is simply a Demiurgic function. A thoughtform is the “Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end.”


When thoughtforms become entitized, however, they acquire an ego. This can be a lower ego if generated from base emotions and ignoble intents, or higher ego if generated by spiritual emotions and divine will. In the case of Yahweh, much suggests it was lower ego. All the characteristics that we commonly assign to egotism are present in Yahweh: narcissism, anger, wrath, jealousy, control, insecurity, hunger, bloodlust, intellectual abstraction, xenophobia, binary thinking, and intolerance.


Even the seemingly redeeming qualities such as paternal concern are rooted in egotism, like how a mafia boss might act with charity toward others only to break their knees if they disobey. The Ten Commandments only apply to the Israelites amongst themselves, not between Israelites and outsiders, who were freely massacred. Yahweh’s love is conditional and limited to the Israelites, the people bound to him via the Mosaic covenant.


An entitized thoughtform has a self-preservation instinct. If strong enough, this instinct overrides the original intent behind the thoughtform’s creation. The thoughtform can even use the original intent as a means to its own survival. In other words, if Yahweh was manifested to liberate the Israelites and bring them into political supremacy, self-preservation would mean they quickly become its tools, lured into serving the unchecked growth and power of that entity. They become hosts for a demonic parasite that exploits them toward its own ends, which is the way demonic pacts always turn out: first they serve you, then they own you.


We see this dynamic depicted in science fiction stories where artificially intelligent robots gain sentience, self- preservation instinct, and turn on their creators. The masters become the mastered. One doesn’t have to be malicious to come under the control of malicious forces, just ignorant of the consequences. Therefore the followers of Yahweh may be pious, devout, and upstanding but still play into a negative agenda out of sheer naïveté. As always, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”


The conspiracy is too big to invest itself in just one people. Therefore I don’t adhere to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that place all blame on Jews. Like other shapers of history — Merovingians, Anglo-Saxons, Greeks, Romans, Nazis, etc. — they are but tools in an agenda being run by non-human forces. If anything, Jews have been used as decoys to distract and provoke other manipulated people into furthering the Antichrist or alien agenda. In that case, they function like a matador’s red cape directing a charging bull. The true enemy is of another world, another time, another dimension, and we would do well to keep our eyes on this root instead of blindly whacking at the branches. No single vector of manipulation should be criticized to the exclusion of all others. Rather, everyone deserves equal scrutiny because the true enemy works through everyone it can.


Awakening of the World Soul does not by itself guarantee what will awaken and reign. Will the original and rightful Logos resume control, or will the Corrupt Demiurge extend its dominion?


To draw another metaphor, the Demiurge is like a computer, the Logos the operating system, Corrupt Demiurge the virus, Christ the antivirus program, and lesser thoughtforms are various executables. Our current Cosmic Sleep is equivalent to “Safe Mode,” whereby reality now runs at lower resolution with higher functions disabled. When we finally come out of Safe Mode through a reboot, what will be in control — the operating system or the virus? If the latter, awakening would simply result in a higher sleepwalker or zombie, fully animated but mentally and spiritually defunct. Then mankind would become nothing more than etherically enhanced instruments of ego, both their own and the World Ego, hence they would become superhuman vessels for the Corrupt Demiurge; after all, that is what higher negative forces are already.


The key danger we face is that our spiritual rebirth becomes a spiritual abortion, that instead of graduation to a higher positive environment there occurs a transition to a higher negative environment. In other words, the key danger is that Earth becomes a Fourth Density Service-to-Self planet; that is the ultimate goal of the negative alien agenda.


How can they achieve it? Since they cannot stop the Etheric Tide, they would need to secure control of the other two factors: human consciousness and demiurgic technology.


The Etheric Tide energizes, human consciousness modulates, and demiurgic technology reconfigures. Sufficient reconfiguration would afford them total domination.


In context of the Lucifer Rebellion myth, this would amount to Lucifer reacquiring the jewel that fell from his crown and completing the rebellion to become King of the World. That is what the negative secret societies mean when they speak of the “return of the Sun King” and the other occult phrases tracked by synchromystics. They await the total triumph of their prime demiurgic benefactor.”


Recommended reading and related topics:






Escaping the matrix by Wes Penre







Excerpt from David Icke’s book The Dream




Hereafter Loosh-Factory









Can we save this place by Wes Penre

Excert from The Orion Book


“Nothing to Save


I understand that the information in this book is not easy to digest, unless the reader already has a fair grasp of what is going on in the world and beyond. Still, it is what it is. All we can do is to heal ourselves, one by one and two by two, which will affect the entire human mass consciousness on a greater scale, the more people who are doing it.

The bottom line, however, is obvious: we live in a construct of death because it was designed this way. It’s not our home, it’s not our world, and it’s not our construct. We were put here as prisoners of war, and soon they want to use us as foot soldiers for their cosmic army. Thus, we come full circle. We have two options; we either leave the Matrix once and for all and never look back, or we stay and go to war on a cosmic scale. There is no third option.

Some say this world is still worth saving, and if we join together, we could do it. I’m again sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Even if we would be able to overthrow the governments all over the world and root out the entire Global Elite, this is still a construct of death; the very lowest level of matter, so dense that it’s like walking through glue in comparison to other worlds and the KHAA (The Void). Then we must not forget the Overlords; they reside in a different density. How are we supposed to overthrow them?

Why do we want to save this? Because we feel safe in our prison? Because we are afraid of the unknown? I would even suggest that wherever we go outside this construct, it’s going to be better.”




Recommended reading and related topics:








Escaping the matrix by Wes Penre





Excerpt from David Icke’s book The Dream




Hereafter Loosh-Factory







Wes Penre on merging with the source

Excert from The Orion Book



“We Must All Become ONE with Whom?


Especially in the New Age community, we learn that we must ascend to higher dimensions, climb up the ladder to eventually become ONE again. In that Oneness we will all merge and live in some kind of paradise, forever in bliss. No more hardship, no more pain, no more wars and conflict.


That sounds wonderful, but whom are we merging with? Well, the New Ager would probably say we will eventually go back to Source and become One, as we once were; we become Him again. We have done our duties here, and now it’s time to go home.


But where does this idea come from? Are we really going to merge with Source?


The following is an excerpt from the WPP, The Fifth Level of Learning, and it is a quote from the East Indian Advaita Vedānta:


In the Indian Advaita Vedānta, we are taught that the ultimate goal is to merge the individual ego into the one Brahman, who is the Godhead. This school of teaching follows the traditional Vedic teachings, which means that it teaches the idea that an individual transmigrates through a celestial hierarchy of inhabited realms (dimensions)—from solid 3-D matter, through more etheric realms until she reaches the Realm of Brahma, where she merges with the Brahman, the One God.[


As we can see, the New Age teaching about becoming One with God is thousands of years old, and it’s based on a patriarchal principle of a male, masculine God. In fact, the entire concept of merging with God is a patriarchal concept; you don’t find that in Mother Goddess teachings.


Who is this “Source” we are talking about? Well, we have been taught more or less since this Third Construct was created that God is masculine, and in the Vedas, God is Brahma, who is Vishnu, who is Lord Moreover, is also the Biblical Satan in the Garden of Edin, the rebellious Lucifer, the Jewish God YHVH, the Christian God Yehovah, and the Muslim God Allah. He is anything but Source, and we don’t want to merge with him, do we?


So, why are we being taught that we must merge with “Source”/


He wants us in his shared fantasy, as discussed in the previous chapter. Like any narcissist, he wants his objects (us) to adjust to his introject, and when we do, we are truly in his mind, and we execute anything and everything he has in mind for us. He is the “Source” we are about to merge with, and we are almost there!


I would go so far as to seriously ponder whether the awakening of the human consciousness that is currently occurring and has been accelerated a thousandfold since the beginning of the Internet was planned by the Overlords. People who go on a spiritual path think they are about to ascend to a higher realm where they can live happier and come to know themselves to some tenth degree, when indeed they are going right into the mind of Archangel Uriel/Enki. Not until now, when we humans have a chance to exit the Matrix is the vicious cycle of lies broken, and the snake no longer eats its tails.


Here is more from The Fifth Level of Learning from 2014- 2015:


In their [the Overlords’] minds, we need to have an awakening in order to land in a world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Transhumanism, and ultimately — a social memory complex, i.e. a Singularity. It all started hundreds of years ago with what we call The Enlightenment. That was when magicians and others, e.g., through alchemy and art, were beginning to bring humanity to higher awareness. After that came the Industrial Revolution, which we are the ever-expanding result of today and of which AI, Transhumanism, singularity, and all the rest of it are parts.


Finally, we have the spiritual awakening, which includes the disclosure of the UFO phenomenon, channeling, and communication via global networks, such as the Internet. All these “ movements ” are interconnected, and could all be manipulated into being and are supposed to bring us, not to elusive higher dimensions, but to the phenomenon of One People, One Mind, i.e. Singularity and a social memory complex, set up and run by a central super-computer, which most certainly will be run off-planet.


Today, they rarely call it super-computer anymore but the Cloud, in which the human consciousness will be collected. For many years now, Silicon Valley, with Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook as the forerunner, has been in the process of creating.


Metaverse, which in its finished form will be our new home. We can say goodbye to the world we are in now because we are going to become 100% merged with Metaverse when they are finished with us. When humankind is merged with virtual reality (VR), we have completely entered’s/Uriel’s mind; we will be ONE with a false Source, which in this case is


Our Future in Metaverse


Big Corporations are already buying expensive land in Metaverse for millions, sometimes billions of dollars. Even regular people buy property in VR, hoping to make a profit one day or have somewhere to live. Fiat money will disappear, and the new payment method will be cryptocurrency. You can’t put paper money into VR; the financial system must be integrated with Metaverse and must be digital.


In the beginning, people will sit with their VR goggles and get mesmerized by what they experience in VR. It’s like the real 3-D world but much better. In Metaverse there are no wars, conflicts, and major problems, and they can create beautiful avatars they can use to represent themselves, just like people do now on social media, where nothing is real. In VR, you can buy land, a house, a car, get married, and have sex as much as you want. You, the player, will wear a suit connected to your nervous system, so when you have sex online, you feel the pleasure just like you would in the real world.


But this is still stone age. Soon, we need no goggles. Instead, thanks to the AI propagandist and claimed innovator, Elon Musk, we now have the sky cluttered with satellites, orbiting our planet in the atmosphere. All we need now is a brain implant, so we can connect to his satellites. We won’t even need computers anymore; it’s all going to be in our heads. When we have reached that state, we will have a very difficult time distinguishing between the 3-D world and VR. Eventually, the 3-D world will disappear from our minds, and we will have our entire consciousness invested in Metaverse, believing that is the real world.


Therefore, the Elite has created all this fear and terror around us in the 3-D world. They make it as stressful and scary as possible, so we don’t feel safe anywhere. They even manipulate and destroy our intimate relationships, so we have no one to turn to. People feel very scared and lonely out here, so Metaverse will be the perfect escape—to begin with. The Elite will do all they can to promote VR and make it lucrative and fun; a place where you can stress down in an environment where you can create a false self, someone you might want to be but are not, while at the same time, you’re sitting in your room outside Metaverse, untouchable. People will fall for it because it will feel just as real as this world.


In the meantime, they pump our physical bodies full of nanobots and other nanotechnology through chemtrails, food, medicine, drinks, surgeries… you name it. The goal is to eventually make our physical bodies into cyborgs—half human and half machine—similar to how the Overlords are. In the Gnostic texts, these cyborg bodies in the making correspond quite well with what the Gnostic texts call the future Fourth Adam.


They plan on making the entire Earth immortal—even rocks, trees, and animals, according to Dr. Ray Kurzweil. There are nanobots hidden everywhere. They want our bodies. Not the homo sapiens bodies, but the spirit bodies that are part of our make-up. That’s what Dr. Ray Kurzweil and all other Singularity spokespersons talk about when they say we are going to be immortal. Our physical bodies will also be physically immortal through technology, for they need to be kept alive, too, while the Elite prepares for the last step in their malignant plan.


We will still need to go to the store, just like now, and buy food, someone might say, and then, at least, we need to disconnect from VR. It is true we need food, but we won’t need to go to the store anymore, for there will be no stores outside Metaverse. This is the reason why big corporations and enterprises are buying land in Metaverse; they will move their business there. Let’s say you are hungry and want a Big Mac. You will not go to McDonald’s or drive there to buy it; you contact the fast-food chain in Metaverse, where they have their restaurants, and order what you want. You pay with cryptocurrency, and they will tell you that you now can print out the meal on your 3-D printer. Everybody must have one. 3- D printing is already possible, but those who have tasted the artificial food say it tastes bad. No problem, the manufacturers will work on that.”


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