Ligger vår skjebne i hendene på psykisk ustabile individer?


«It should be, technically, quite simple to administer any group or nation—or even the whole world. Mankind certainly knows enough to do this job. We know a great deal about history, sociology, and the science of human relations and government, at least enough not to repeat the mistakes from history. We live in a world of technical and economic abundance.

But we have not yet learned to apply what we know or to organize the resources of the world. Somewhere something has gone wrong, and things have gotten out of hand. The will of nations and people to understand one another seems to be paralyzed and mutual fear and suspicion have been built up by the fantasies of mythical ideologies warring against one another. And tomorrow only the tails of the fighting dogs may remain.

The very fact of being in office and being a leader may change a man’s mind in many ways. Often he removes himself more and more from human problems and from the people he represents and thinks only in terms of national strategy, official ideology, and the aims of power politics. Or childhood ambitions, long frustrated, are aroused. He may become the victim of his inflated personal ambitions and his individual notion of responsibility, and, as a consequence, lose control of his own personality.

In the future, as our psychological understanding grows, leading politicians will have to be better educated in the principles of modern psychology. Just as a soldier must know how to handle his physical weapons, so the politician must know how to face and handle the mental strategy of human relationships and diplomacy. He will have to become aware of the pitfalls in all human communication and the frailties of his own mind.

Bodily disease and neurotic development can have all kinds of effects on those in office. Under their influence, some men are drawn into a life of continuous resentment, as if, in their political and official activities, they were fighting out their infantile struggles against devils, anxieties, and inner guilt. Others are purified by their sufferings and become wiser and more humane than they were.

The modern science of psychosomatic medicine makes it clear that constant worrying, continual competition, repressed aggressions, the will to dominate and to govern others, the fear of responsibility, the burden of one’s chosen profession are among the many factors that influence body and mind to form a pattern of bodily reactions. These reactions may actually hamper our ability to solve our problems by incapacitating us physically.

Becoming a chosen statesman in our era of increased human competition and increased dependence on the masses of voters builds up in officeholders qualities that are nearly psychopathic, that can cripple the body or the mind or both at a time when we need the healthiest and soundest leaders. The role the latent psychosis or character disorder plays in many a leading personality cannot be emphasized enough.

I suspect that many times this pathology is influenced by the way we select our leaders. Public preference is often directed toward strong, defensive, overcompensated qualities of character which show up well at public functions. The outer facade is too much seen; we are not able to judge the inner core.

Although I am afraid that the time is still far away when we shall subject our official representatives and administrators to psychological education and selection, we must become more aware of the many unconscious factors which influence them and us.

Do political leaders try to understand one another and the groups they represent, or are they only measuring the power of their political machines, their words, and their votes? Are they guided by private resentments and ambitions or by the honest wish to serve the community and its ideals?

Are our administrators mentally well equipped to do their tasks? If not, how could psychological insight gradually improve their equipment?

How many of them are conscious of the extent of their private frustrations ? Are their destructive impulses rationalized away under the guise of political allegiance? How do illness, disease, and neurosis collide in their deliberations ? Watch how, in any debate, polite speeches are interrupted by sudden diatribes.

To what degree do childhood rearing, fixed ideas, or pathological ambitions of administrators influence the destiny of a town or nation?»

We recognize that idealistic platitudes may cover inadequate proposals, and we tend to accept this as the well-worn play of political strategy and diplomacy. But far worse than this overt policy of evasion is the hidden political conference and discussion between the unconscious minds and passions of politicians.

How many politicians and their followers are aware of this lurking undercurrent which often wields a stronger influence than overt action? How does the personal element between our administrators obstruct our own mental freedom, and what is the role of the psychopathic element in some of our leaders?

It is important for us to ask these questions. For the development of science has taught us that, even when it is impossible to find immediate satisfactory solutions, posing the right question helps to bring clarity to the future. It prepares the way for a solution.

In a state where terror is used to keep the people in line, the administrative machine may become the exclusive property and tool of the dictator. The development of a kind of bureaucratic absolutism is not limited, however, to totalitarian countries. A mild form of professional absolutism is evident in every country in the mediating class of civil servants who bridge the gap between man and his rulers. Such a bureaucracy may be used to help or to harm the citizens it should serve.

It is important to realize that a peculiar, silent form of battle goes on in all of the countries of the world—under every form of government—a battle between the common man and the government apparatus he himself has created. In many places we can see that this governing tool, which was originally meant to serve and assist man, has gradually obtained more power than it was intended to have.

Is Saint Bureaucratus a devil who takes possession of a man as soon as he is given governmental responsibility? Are administrators infected with a desire to create a sham order, to manipulate others from behind their green steel desks? Governmental techniques are no different from any other psychological strategy; the deadening hold of regimentation can take mental possession of those dedicated to it, if they are not alert. And this is the intrinsic danger of the various agencies that mediate between the common man and his government. It is a tragic aspect of life that man has to place another fallible man between himself and the attainment of his highest ideals.

Which human failings will manifest themselves most readily in the administrative machine ? Lust for power, automatism, and mental rigidity—all these breed suspicion and intrigue. Being a high civil servant subjects man to a dangerous temptation, simply because he is a part of the ruling apparatus. He finds himself caught in the strategy complex. The magic of becoming an executive and a strategist provokes long-repressed feelings of omnipotence.

A strategist feels like a chess player. He wants to manipulate the world by remote control. Now he can keep others waiting, as he was forced to wait himself in his salad days, and thus he can feel himself superior. He can entrench himself behind his official regulations and responsibilities. At the same time he must continually convince others of his indispensability because he is loath to vacate his seat. As a defense against his relative unimportance, he has to expand his staff, increasing his bureaucratic apparatus.

In order to become a V.I.P. one needs a big office. Each new staff member requests new secretaries and new typewriters. Everything begins to get out of hand, but everything must be controlled; new and better files must be installed, new conferences called, and new committees set up.

The staff-interaction committee talks for days on end. New supervisors are created to supervise the old supervisors and to keep the whole group in a state of infantile servility. And what was formerly done by one man is now done by an entire staff. Finally, the bureaucratic tension becomes too great and the managerial despotic urge looks for rest in a nervous breakdown.

This creeping totalitarianism of the desk and file goes on nearly everywhere in the world. As soon as civil servants can no longer talk humanely and genially but write down everything in black and white and keep long minutes in overflowing files, the battle for administrative power has begun. Compulsive order, red tape, and regulation become more important than freedom and justice, and in the meantime suspicion between management, employees, and subjects increases.

Many people become administrators in public affairs out of idealistic feelings of service and avocation. Others try to escape the adventure of life by becoming part of the civil service corps. Such service assures them a settled income, regular promotion, and a sense of job security. It is very alluring, this feeling of security. The smooth automatism and polished rigidity of the red-tape world is very attractive to certain types of men, but it may devitalize others who still believe in challenge and spontaneity.

The burning psychological question is whether man will eventually master his institutions so that these will serve him and not rule him. In totalitarian countries one is not permitted to see the humor of one’s own shortcomings. The system, the red tape, and the manifold files become more important than the poor being lost in his chair behind a huge desk, looking much too important for his mental bearings.

The art of being a leading administrator, of being a genuine representative of the people is a difficult one, requiring multiple empathy and identification with other people and their motivations.

Diplomats and politicians still believe in verbal persuasion and argumentative tactics. It is a very old and alluring game, this strategy of political maneuvering with official slogans and catchwords— the subtlety of bypassing the truth in the service of partisanship, of giving faulty emphasis, the skill of dancing around selected arguments to arrive at pesonal propagandistic aims or party aims. Sooner or later nearly all politicians become infected with the bug.

Under the burden of their responsibilities, they give in to the desire to play the game of diplomacy. They start to compromise in their thinking, to bend backwards and to be circumspect, lest their remarks be criticized by the higher echelons. Or they fall back into infantile feelings of magic omnipotence. They want to have their fingers in every pie—to the left and to the right.

All these are dangerous mental streaks of every human being which can develop more easily in politicians and administrators because of the growing impact of modern governmental techniques and their threat to free expression. When a man gets entangled in strategical and political talk, something changes in his attitude.

He is no longer straightforward; he doesn’t express and communicate what he thinks, but he worries about what others are thinking about him behind their façades. He becomes too prudent and starts to build all kinds of mental defenses and justifications around himself. In short, he learns to assume the strategic attitude. Forget spontaneity, deny enthusiasm; don’t demand inner honesty of yourself or others, never reveal yourself, never expose yourself, play the strategist. Be careful and use more buts and howevers. Never commit yourself.

Some politicians are puppets, spokesmen of their bosses. Some are the cavalier jugglers of words, who transfer human aggressions into slogans. There are also the loudmouthed trumpeters of doom, who resort to the argument of panic. Modern politics is carried out with obsolete rules of conversation, communication, and discussion.

Yet mutual understanding can become a basis of political strategy. It is not power politics with verbal deceit and catchwords that is needed but mental probing to find ways in which proposals and suggestions may cut through the resistance of those with different opinions and motivations.

Politicians too often forget that their fight for administrative power may become a form of psychological warfare against the integrity of the minds of those who are compelled to listen. The repetitious mutual calumny, so often used during elections, gradually undermines the democratic system and leads to the urge for authoritarian control. The strategic rumors and suspicions the politicians sow are an attack on human integrity.

When the citizenry no longer has confidence in its leaders, it looks for the man with brute power to be its leader. Where is the politician who is willing to admit that his opponent is at least as capable as he, and perhaps even more capable than he is? In the free admission of equality of ability and of the wisdom of his opponent lies the politician’s chance for cooperation. For true cooperation can only be brought about by mutual empathy and sympathy and the understanding of human faults.

In April, 1951, a group of psychologists, psychoanalysts, and social scientists affiliated with the United Nations, the World Federation of Mental Health, UNESCO, and the World Health Organization were guests of the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation in New York. This was a meeting at which these problems of government, and the impact of governmental systems, were explored and discussed and published later in a report. These experts have become more and more aware of the need for psychological education and selection of government administrators.

Should our administrators be psychoanalyzed? This nearly utopian question does not predicate an immediate rush for psychological training for politicians and administrators, but it does point toward a future period when practical intelligence and sound psychological knowledge will guide man in the various aspects of his life. Education will be more fully permeated with dependable psychological knowledge.

Psychology and psychoanalysis are still young sciences, but many of our present-day politicians could already profit by them. Through gain in self-insight, they would become more secure in the strategy of world guidance. They would assume more responsibility—not only for their successes, but also for their failures. And they would take more responsibility, with fewer inner qualms, for the good and welfare of all.

At this very moment our failure to solve the problems of governmental inefficiency and bureaucratic intrusion into human actions may hamper the citizen’s mind in its development. Man’s need to conform is in constant battle with man’s need to go out on his own. The tie-up of our spontaneous freethinking with the unadventurous administrative mind has to be studied and the problem it presents solved by the psychology of the future.»

Utdrag fra: Joost A. M. Meerloo. «The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing». 1956




Et virus som er mye farligere og mye mer skremmende enn covid 19

Dette er altså situasjonen vi er i i dag, men det er kun de som ikke er “smittet” av disse villfarelsene som klarer å se det. Forteller man dem som er infisert av dette at de er det, så forsterker man bare symptomene deres, og de vil se på formidleren som både farlig og psyk. Welcome to The Twillight Zone in real life. Dette er “viruset” som vi har mye større grunn til å frykte enn covid 19:
«To induce mass delusion it is simply a question of organizing and manipulating collective feelings in the proper way. If one can isolate the mass, allow no free thinking, no free exchange, no outside corrective, and can hypnotize the group daily with noises, with press and radio and television, with fear and pseudo-enthusiasms, any delusion can be instilled. People will begin to accept the most primitive and inappropriate acts.
Outside occurrences are usually the triggers that unleash hidden hysterical and delusional complexes in people. Collective madness justifies the repressed personal madness in each individual.
Delusions, carefully implanted, are difficult to correct. Reasoning no longer has value; for the lower, more animal type of thinking becomes deaf to any thought on a higher level.
If one reasons with a totalitarian who has been impregnated with official clichés, he will sooner or later withdraw into his fortress of collective totalitarian thinking.
The mass delusion that gives him his feelings of belonging, of greatness, of omnipotence, is dearer to him than his personal awareness and understanding.» Joost A.M. Meerloo 1956

“Hva er «Gaslighting?

Sagt på en enkel måte – det er hjernevasking.

Tre stadier av Gaslighting

1. stadium

Det første stadiet avhenger av tillit i situasjonen og troverdige intensjoner fra overgriperens side, en tilstand som har blitt skapt av overgriperens kunstferdige selvbilde og hans innsmigrende propaganda.  Når han har oppnådd denne tilliten vil overgriperen begynne å undergrave den, skape situasjoner og omgivelser der offeret begynner å tvile på sin egen dømmekraft. Til slutt vil offeret stole fullstendig på overgriperen for å mildne sin egen usikkerhet, og for å prøve å gjenopprette sin egen virkelighetsoppfatning som i realiteten er blitt som overgriperens.

2. stadium

Det andre stadium, forsvar, er en prosess der overgriperen isolerer offeret, ikke bare fra hans egen identitetsoppfatning, men også fra verdiene til hans likemenn. Ofrene vil tro at deres meninger er verdiløse, diskrediterte og merkelige. I politiske sirkler vil de bli kalt konspirasjons-teoretikere, dissidenter eller mulige terrorister. Som en konsekvens vil ofrene trekke seg tilbake og slutte å uttrykke seg av redsel for å ha latterlige oppfatninger og for å bli straffet.

Dette stadiet kan sammenliknes med Stockholm-syndromet. Stockholm-syndromet binder ofrene til den aggressive og blir en slags «foreldre».

Begge disse metodene blir hamret inn i offerets overlevelses-mekanisme for å gjenvinne og opprettholde kontroll.

3. stadium.

Det siste stadiet er depresjon. Et liv under et tyrannisk styre driver ofrene inn i en tilstand av total forvirring. De er fratatt all verdighet og selvbevissthet. De eksisterer i et informasjons-vakuum som bare blir fylt med det overgriperen mener er relevant.

Dermed er prosessen komplett, og ofrene har blitt redusert til en villige medsammensvorne i overgriperens bilde av en svært forvrengt realitet.”



“In this episode Professor in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, Mattias Desmet, explains the phenomenon of Mass Formation. Desmet holds a Master’s Degree in Statistics and after studying the public COVID-19 statistics, he realised that the mortality of the virus was highly exaggerated. Yet, when people pointed it out publicly, the narrative did not seem to become more balanced. He has studied totalitarianism and realised that the world was experiencing a Mass Formation, which is a condition where people are hypnotised and have a very narrow focus on just one problem. They go into a collective, totalitarian state of mind, and do not realise that they are losing everything. The group will also feel extreme anger towards those who do not go along with their narrative and almost religious rituals.”


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Kan datamaskiner erstatte politikere og toppledere?

Hovedproblemet til våre “kjære” folkevalgte og andre toppledere er at alt det de analyserer og setter ut i livet det mangler den menneskelige faktor, den er ikke tatt med i beregningen.
Politikerne og topplederne ser ut til å ha kommet med en “programvare” det ikke er noe å gjøre med, akkurat som de første spillkonsollene der en ball gikk mellom to streker, så har også politikerne og topplederne bare et forutsigbart program som ikke kan bearbeides eller skiftes ut og som gjentar seg i det uendelige.
Dagens datamaskiner har et enormt utvalg av programmer, og nye kan lages der det er fullt mulig å skreddersy dem slik at den menneskelige faktoren er med i analysene som skal gjøres, dermed så vil datamaskinene bli mer menneskelige enn politikerne og topplederne og vi vil ikke lenger ha bruk for dem.
Politikere og toppledere vil da bli overflødige og den økonomiske gevinsten man får ved å fjerne dem kan man jo bruke til å utvikle enda flere medmenneskelige programmer. 



Skal 1, 5 millioner nordmenn dø i løpet av 2025?


I følge så skal det norske befolkningstallet i løpet av 2025 ned fra 5.3 milloner til 3.8 millioner. Norge står som nr 69. Hold markeringspilen over 3.8 og du vil se det nåværende antallet Det er også interessant at vi blir sett på som utstyr (equipment).

Er en skjult verdensomspennende regjering allerede etablert og vil de utføre massemord over hele planeten for å få ned befolkningsantallet? Kan dette være årsaken til at den sittende regjeringen her til lands vil holde konklusjonen koronautvalget har kommet frem til hemmelig i 100 år

Deagel Makes Mysterious Changes To 2025 Population Forecast For America As Bill Gates Launches ‘Grand Challenge’: The ‘Holy Grail Of Influenza Research’ And ‘Bridging The Valley Of Death’ Fra denne bloggen her 

All News Pipeline – by Stefan Stanford

“While Microsoft founder and vaccine propagandist Bill Gates recently warned that the next deadly flu epidemic is just waiting around the corner and it could quickly lead to the deaths of more than 30 million people, we’re not the least bit surprised that he also claims a ‘universal flu shot’ is the answer to prevent such a deadly pandemic, this despite the fact that even medical experts claimed that this year’s flu shot was hardly a preventive and actually led to the spread of the flu.

With the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation teaming up with Google co-founder Larry Page to launch the ‘Grand Challenge’ of what they call the ‘holy grail of influenza research‘, an attempt to develop a ‘universal vaccine‘, Gates and Page are giving out individual grants of between $250,000 and $2 million over 2 years to those attempting to develop such a universal flu shot with human testing set to begin by 2021.

Calling upon computational biology, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, machine learning and other new technologies to be used as aids in the ongoing research, Gates and Page hope to ‘bridge the funding‘ of such projects due to what they call the “valley of death” between novel concepts and clinical trial-ready products.

And while like many globalists, Gates and Page sound ‘sincere’ in their goals to prevent the spread of an epidemic that could cull tens of millions of lives, we must always remember that Gates and the Gates Foundation are also proponents of eugenics with Gates himself coming out directly and stated the world is far too overpopulated as heard directly from him in the 2nd video below while his father, William H Gates Sr., was a former board member of ‘Planned Parenthood’.

Bill Gates has doubled down on his goal to depopulate the planet, using deceitful Orwellian doublespeak in a new video to bamboozle his naive followers into believing that “by making people healthier, we can reduce the world’s population”.

Make no mistake, when Gates talks about “making people healthier” what he is really talking about is enforcing the mandatory roll out of his range of experimental vaccinations. The same vaccines that have already caused mass sterilization and death on multiple continents.

The second-richest man on the planet is a committed globalist and eugenicist working towards the New World Order goal of depopulation. Lest anyone forget these facts, Bill Gates regularly goes out of his way to remind us of them.

Bill Gates and his foundation have consistently come under fire for their goal of depopulation, and now the same man who admitted in a TED talk that his goal is to eliminate a billion humans from the face of the Earth has now taken to Facebook to lecture us about why being eradicated is in our own interests.

And while the website has recently made some very mysterious changes to their 2025 forecast for America as we report in much more detail below, as we hear in the final video below from the Leak Project and read in this March story from The Sun, one medical health expert is warning of a mutant virus that sounds straight from a science fiction movie, potentiall becoming the fastest-spreading viral killer known to the human race and as he tels us, such a killer virus outbreak could happen tomorrow.

Dr Jonathan Quick, chair of the Global Health Council, said the flu virus is “the most diabolical, hardest-to-control, and fastest-spreading potential viral killer known to humankind”.

Describing what sounds like scenes from a horror film, Dr Quick warned in The Daily Mail of starvation, medicine supplies running low, energy systems crippling under the pressure and the collapse of the global economy.

And what’s could cause such devastation, on a global scale?

“The most likely culprit will be a new and unprecedentedly deadly mutation of the influenza virus. The conditions are right, it could happen tomorrow.”

And while the website is STILL forecasting a massive depopulation for America by 2025, on our visit to their website this morning we found a huge difference in their 2025 forecast from just weeks ago.

As we had reported on ANP back on December 31st of 2017, Deagel was previously forecasting the US population to drop to 54 million people by 2025, down from what was then 324 million people in 2016. Well as we see now in the screenshot above taken from their website page for the United States this morning, Deagel is now forecasting that the 2025 population of the USA will be a nice, round 100 million people – nearly doubling their previous 2025 forecast for America of 54 million.

Yet as it’s easy to see, even a 2025 forecast of 100 million people living here in less than 8 years is STILL DOWN 227 million from the 2017 population of America. How will America LOSE 227 million people by 2025?

We’d love to know why Deagel is forecasting the population of the US to drop from 327 million in 2017 to only 100 million in 2025, with them also forecasting a 2025 US military budget of 32 billion dollars, down from our 2017 military budget of $637 billion, while forecasting our population density to drop from 34 inhabitants per square mile to only 10 inhabitants per square mile in 2025. While our emails to Deagel have gone unreturned, what does Deagel know that we don’t know?

Also forecasting that our gross domestic product will drop from $19 trillion in 2017 to only $2.4 trillion in 2025, Deagel’s numbers for America in 2025 still show an America in total collapse, a 3rd world nation with our GDP per capita more than cut in half while our purchase power parity is forecast to be lower than Thailand, Columbia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro.

And before you go and discount Deagel’s numbers, its very important to know that their sources ARE the ‘deep state’ with the CIA, US Department of Defense, US Department of State and World Bank contributing data for their forecasts. So…. what does Deagel know what we don’t know? Their souces make clear that whatever Deagel knows, the ‘deep state’ knows, too!

While Deagel leaves no explanation on their website about why they’ve made these changes to the 2025 forecast population of America, as we’ve previously reported on ANP, they did put out an explanation back in October of 2014 about why they were forecasting such a huge drop for America, ‘a confluence of crisis’ with a devastating result‘. A brief excerpt from that 2014 explanation:

The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States.

The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!!

We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe – suffering a similar illness – won’t be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union’s population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say “Twice the pride, double the fall”? Nope.

The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having a services economy that will be gone with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union’s one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.

And while their expected culling of 227 million Americans isn’t quite as many as they were forecasting just weeks ago, they are still forecasting a huge drop for America’s population within less than 8 years, a population drop-off which is still unadequately explained, even using their 2014 explanation seen in the previous section of this story above.

While the mainstream media and gatekeepers such as snopes will continue to call the globalists depopulation agenda a ‘conspiracy theory’ despite the fact that its written in granite upon the mysterious Georgia Guidestones, we hear from videographer Truth Happens in the first video below all about Gates plans for a universal vaccine with our videographer also talking with us about the globalists depopulation agenda.

And in the final video below from videographer ‘Leak Project’ about the suspect ‘mutant virus’ on the loose that some warn could eventually lead to the deaths of 300 million or more, with medical experts warning the conditions for such a deadly outbreak are perfect despite the fact that they still don’t even know exactly what will cause this ‘outbreak’.”


Historical Cycles: Are we doomed to repeat the past?


Relatert lesing:

“Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, an imprisoned doctor in the Auschwitz camp, wrote that Nazi doctors hoped studying twins would solve the problem of faster reproduction of superior races. Nazis hoped to have each German mother bear as many twins as possible.

What Darwin influenced went far beyond the Nazi death camps: Shocking political, social, and scientific legacies of Darwin and his family Disturbing disclosure of how over 45 million Christians were killed in the 20th century because of their faith Revealing and layman-friendly presentation.

This book is the result of 30 years of research and study carefully documenting the common destructive threads that tie some of history’s most murderous dictators, uncaring capitalists, and aggressive social activists to the flawed concepts of Charles Darwin in an effort to change the world and how they succeeded.

The extermination of races considered ‘;lower’ than others, the profound lack of empathy for less-advanced cultures, the corrupted atheistic justifications for taking the lives of millions all done to advance the agendas of social Darwinism at work in the world today. More than mere theoretical discussions, we have seen the horrifying evidence of the practical results when applying these destructive and misleading concepts to society in the last 100 years!”


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“Matthew Connelly offers the first global history of a movement that changed how people regard their children and ultimately the face of humankind. It was the most ambitious social engineering project of the twentieth century, one that continues to alarm the global community.

Though promoted as a way to lift people out of poverty–perhaps even to save the earth–family planning became a means to plan other people’s families.With its transnational scope and exhaustive research into such archives as Planned Parenthood and the newly opened Vatican Secret Archives, Connelly’s withering critique uncovers the cost inflicted by a humanitarian movement gone terribly awry and urges renewed commitment to the reproductive rights of all people.”


Teksten fortsetter under bildet


“There was a time when humanity looked in the mirror and saw something precious, worth protecting and fighting for–indeed, worth liberating. But now we are beset on all sides by propaganda promoting a radically different viewpoint. According to this idea, human beings are a cancer upon the Earth, a species whose aspirations and appetites are endangering the natural order.

This is the core of antihumanism. Merchants of Despair traces the pedigree of this ideology and exposes its deadly consequences in startling and horrifying detail. The book names the chief prophets and promoters of antihumanism over the last two centuries, from Thomas Malthus through Paul Ehrlich and Al Gore. It exposes the worst crimes perpetrated by the antihumanist movement, including eugenics campaigns in the United States and genocidal anti-development and population-control programs around the world.

Combining riveting tales from history with powerful policy arguments, Merchants of Despair provides scientific refutations to antihumanism’s major pseudo-scientific claims, including its modern tirades against nuclear power, pesticides, population growth, biotech foods, resource depletion, industrial development, and, most recently, fear-mongering about global warming. Merchants of Despair exposes this dangerous agenda and makes the definitive scientific and moral case against it.”


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“Disordered Minds offers a compelling and timely account of the dangers posed by narcissistic leaders, and provides a stark warning that the conditions in which this psychopathy flourishes – extremes of social inequality and a culture of hyper-individualism – are the hallmarks of our present age. ‘An excellent account of how malignant narcissism is evident in the lives of the great dictators, and how the conditions in which this psychopathy flourishes have returned to haunt us.’ Dr Kieran Keohane, editor of The Social Pathologies of Contemporary Civilization.”


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“The body pushing The Great Reset happens to be the World Economic Forum and its charismatic German leader Klaus Schwab who is calling for a return to Marxist principles, claiming that capitalism has empirically failed. Professor Schwab has just released a book titled The Great Reset and has dedicated a large portion of the official WEF website to such articles as “Does capitalism need some Marxism to survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution?”. It is truly a terrifying notion that a man as educated and powerful as Schwab would use his supposedly independent economic organisation to push for a return of the deadliest social experiments of the 20thcentury.”


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14 nye og viktige bøker som er svært kritiske til hvordan den såkalte covid 19 pandemien behandles


For å forstå hvordan man kan skremme hele verdens befolkning til å godta et verdensomspennende diktatur, så må man ha innsikt i hvordan hjernen er konstruert, hvordan den påvirkes av frykt, og hvordan frykt hindrer oss i å tenke rasjonelt. Disse tre bøkene er en særdeles god innføring i nettopp det. Alle tre bøkene er like mye rettet mot leg som lærd:




“Life today for citizens of the developed world is safer, easier, and healthier than for any other people in history thanks to modern medicine, science, technology, and intelligence. So why is an epidemic of fear sweeping America?

The answer, according to nationally renowned health commentator Dr. Marc Siegel, is that we live in an artificially created culture of fear. In False Alarm, Siegel identifies three major catalysts of the culture of fear–government, the media, and big pharma.

With fascinating, blow-by-blow analyses of the most sensational false alarms of the past few years, he shows how these fearmongers manipulate our most primitive instincts–often without our even realizing it.False Alarm shows us how to look behind the hype and hysteria, inoculate ourselves against fear tactics, and develop the emotional and intellectual skills needed to take back our lives.”


Dennne boken som er skrevet i 1956 er mye mer relevant i dag enn da den ble skrevet. Den kan lastes ned gratis på zlibrary:

“Since 1933, when a completely drugged and trial-conditioned human wreck confessed to having started the Reichstag fire in Berlin, Dr Joost A M Meerloo has studied the methods by which systematic mental pressure brings people to abject submission, and by which totalitarians imprint their subjective “truth” on their victims’ minds. The first two and one-half years of World War II, Dr Meerloo spent under the pressure of Nazi-occupied Holland, witnessing at first-hand the Nazi methods of mental torture .on more than one occasion.

During this time he was able to use his psychiatric and psychoanalytic knowledge to treat some of the victims. Then, after personal experiences with enforced interrogation, he escaped from a Nazi prison and certain death to England, where he was able, as Chief of the Psychological Department of the Netherlands Forces, to observe and study coercive methods officially.

In this capacity he had to investigate not only traitors and collaborators, but also those members of the Resistance who had gone through the utmost of mental pressure. Later, as High Commissioner for Welfare, he came in closer contact with those who had gone through physical and mental torture.

After the war, he came to the United States, where his war experiences would not permit him to concentrate solely on his psychiatric practice, but compelled him to go beyond purely medical aspects to the social aspects of the problem. As more and more cases of thought control, brainwashing, and mental coercion were disclosed — Cardinal Mindszenty, Colonel Schwable, Robert Vogeler, and others — his interest grew.

It was Dr. Meerloo who coined the word menticide, the killing of the spirit, for this peculiar crime. His knowledge of these totalitarian procedures has been officially acknowledged; he served as an expert witness in the case of Colonel Schwable, the Marine Corps officer who, after months of subjection to physical and mental torture following his capture in Korea, was made to confess to having taken part in germ warfare.

It is Dr Meerloo’s position that through pressure on the weak points in men’s makeup, totalitarian methods can turn anyone into a “traitor”. And in this book he goes far beyond the direct military implications of mental torture to describing how our own culture unobtrusively shows symptoms of pressurising people’s minds.

He presents a systematic analysis of the methods of brainwashing and mental torture and coercion, and shows how totalitarian strategy, with its use of mass psychology, leads to systematised “rape of the mind”.

He describes the new age of cold war with its mental terror, verbocracy, and semantic fog, the use of fear as a tool of mass submission and the problem of treason and loyalty, so loaded with dangerous confusion. The book is written for the interested layman, not only for experts and scientists.”

“Disordered Minds offers a compelling and timely account of the dangers posed by narcissistic leaders, and provides a stark warning that the conditions in which this psychopathy flourishes – extremes of social inequality and a culture of hyper-individualism – are the hallmarks of our present age. ‘An excellent account of how malignant narcissism is evident in the lives of the great dictators, and how the conditions in which this psychopathy flourishes have returned to haunt us.’ Dr Kieran Keohane, editor of The Social Pathologies of Contemporary Civilization.”



Jeg har kun lest fire av bøkene under her (de som kan lastes ned gratis, og kan anbefale dem), men alle de andre virker veldig interessante. Gå inn på linkene under bøkene for å lese mer om dem før du eventuelt går til innkjøp av dem.—the-covid-19-agenda-9781623850128—fakta-och-analyser-9789188729668

“The body pushing The Great Reset happens to be the World Economic Forum and its charismatic German leader Klaus Schwab who is calling for a return to Marxist principles, claiming that capitalism has empirically failed. Professor Schwab has just released a book titled The Great Reset and has dedicated a large portion of the official WEF website to such articles as “Does capitalism need some Marxism to survive the Fourth Industrial Revolution?”. It is truly a terrifying notion that a man as educated and powerful as Schwab would use his supposedly independent economic organisation to push for a return of the deadliest social experiments of the 20thcentury.”





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Relatert lesing:




Fars rolle er av stor betydning for hvordan et barn modnes

«The specific role of the father as a transference prototype is not so simple as it seems to many fathers. Father is not merely a toy with whom the child can occasionally play. The child needs to identify with this giant who lives with him and with Mother; he wants to become familiar with the giant, he wants the giant to become part of his world. The child wants more than this—he wants to be gratified by Father so that he can love Father as much as he does Mother.

But the child will transfer some of its love and emotional investment to Father only if it sees something of Mother in him. Father can do the same things Mother does—he can feed the child, can solace him, can take care of him—and thus the child can maintain a feeling of gratitude and affection toward this third person.

This transference of feelings can only take place, however, when the relationship between the parents themselves is tranquil. How can the child identify with and love his parents when they are in constant conflict with each other?

This picture is, of course, something of an oversimplification. There are mothers who behave like cold, distant fathers, and fathers who behave like warm, cuddling mothers. There are grandparents or adoptive parents who can take over. There are many mother or father substitutes. But this is not my point. My point is that in every situation there must be some individual who can become the conditioning prototype for the child’s relationships with new beings.

This first person is most likely to be the father, and it is he who changes the child’s biological dependency into a psychological relationship. When there is no father figure, or if the father is too weak or too busy or is denying and tyrannical toward the child, the result is that the child’s relationship with and dependence on the mother remains strong and lasts too long.

Consequently, the child’s need for social participation and for gregarious ties with others may become to him a consuming need. As an adult he may be willing to join with any social group which promises him support and reassurance. Or his unconscious resentment against the father who did not help him to grow up into an immature adult and become independent may be diverted into a resentment against other symbols of authority, such as society itself. Either way the child may be headed for maladjustment and for difficulties. Either way the child may grow up into an immature adult.

In the building up of man’s awareness of an independent self and the establishment of his ability to have easy, relaxed relationships with his fellow men, the father, as the natural chief and protector of the family, plays an important role. He cuts the cord. He may condition the later pattern of dependence and independence. His potential psychological dominance can become a blessing or a curse, for the child’s emotional attitude toward its father becomes the prototype for its attitudes toward future leaders and toward society itself.»

Utdrag fra: Joost A. M. Meerloo. «The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing». 




Hvordan Hitler sin strategi har blitt brukt til å få legestanden til å akseptere Dr Mengeles ugjerninger og fått folk til å godta hyklersk rasisme



«In his strategy of criminalization, the totalitarian dictator destroys the conscience of his followers, just as he has destroyed his own. Think of the highly learned and polished Nazi doctors who started their professional life with the Hippocratic oath, promising to be the helping healer of man, but who later in cold blood inflicted the most horrible tortures on their concentration-camp victims.


They slaughtered innocents by the thousands in order to discover the statistical limits of human endurance. They infected other thousands as guinea pigs because the Fuhrer wanted it so. They had lost their personal standards and ethics completely and justified all their crimes through the Führers will. Political catchwords encouraged them to yield their consciences completely to the dictator. 


The process of systematic criminalization requires a deculturation of the people. As one of Hitler’s gangmen said, “When I hear the word ‘civilization,’ I prepare my gun.” This is done to consistently arouse the instinct of cruelty. People are told not to believe in intellect and objective truth, but to listen only to the subjective dictates of the Moloch State, to Hitler, to Mussolini, to Stalin.


Criminalization is conditioning people to rebellion against civilized frustrations. Show them blood and bloody scapegoats, and a thousand years of acculturation fall away from them. This implies imbuing the people with hysteria, arousing the masses, homogenizing the emotions. All this tends to awaken the brute Neanderthal psyche in man. Justify crime with the glamorous doctrine of race superiority, and then you make sure the people will follow you.


Hitler knew very well what he was doing when he turned the German concentration camps over to the unleashed lusts of his storm troopers. “Let them kill and murder,” was the device. “Once they have gone so far with me, they must go on to the end.”


The strategy of criminalization is not only directed toward crushing the victims of the totalitarian regime, but also toward giving the elite hangmen—the governing gang—that poisonous feeling of power that drags them farther and farther away from every human feeling; their victims become people without human identity, merely speaking masks and ego-less robots. The strategy of criminalization is the systematic organization of the lower passions in man, in particular in those the dictator must trust as his direct helpers.


Under the pressure of totalitarian thinking, nearly every citizen identifies with the ruling gang, and many must prove their loyalty by murder and killing, or at least expressing their approval of murder and killing. The boredom of Totalitaria’s automatic patterns of living leads the deluded citizens to welcome the adventure of war and crime and self-destruction.


Each new act of torture and crime makes new bonds of fidelity and unscrupulous obedience, especially within the leading gang. In the end, driven by crime and guilt, the ruling members have to stick it out together because the downfall of the system would bring about the downfall of the entire gang, both leaders and followers.


The same thing holds true in the criminal world. Once a man has taken the first step and rejected the laws of society and joined the criminal gang, he is at war with the outside world and its moral evaluations. From that point on, the gang can blackmail him and subdue him.


In Totalitaria, the vicious circle of criminalization of the citizenry, in which the means become ends in themselves, grows into a cynical conspiracy covered with the cynical flag of decent idealism. The country’s leaders use such simple words as “the universal campaign of peace,” and the citizens rejoice and take pride in these words. Only a few among them know what deceptive deeds lie behind the flowery phrases.


Blood becomes a magic fluid, and shedding someone else’s blood becomes a virtuous and life-giving deed. Unlimited killing, as it is practiced in totalitarian systems, is related to deep, unconscious fears. The weak and emotionally sick in any society kill out of fear, in order to borrow, in a magic way, their dead victims’ strength and happiness—as well as, of course, their material possessions.»

Utdrag fra: Joost A. M. Meerloo. «The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing» 1956


Relatert lesing:

“Dobbeltenkning i romanen 1984:
For det første er en av de viktigste måtene som regjeringen opprettholder kontroll over befolkningen, konseptet med dobbeltenkning. Dobbeltenkning er kraften til å holde to motstridende meninger samtidig. De er to motstridende oppfatninger på samme tid av samme person.
I Oceania er befolkningen utdannet i dobbeltenkning så de vet hvordan man aksepterer motsetninger og forstår deres praktiske eksistens. I det kontrollerte samfunnet i romanen 1984 er ikke tegnene på en totalitær regjering skjult. Totalitarisme blir det undervist om, og folket både godtar og avviser det samtidig. Dette gjenspeiles i regjeringens tre slagord:
«Krig er fred. Frihet er trelldom. Uvitenhet er styrke.»
Det endelige målet med dobbeltenkning er å få befolkningen til å tenke på denne måten automatisk. Regjeringen vil at folket venner seg til å holde to motstridende tanker i hodet uten å innse at de er motstridende. Skjer dette i virkeligheten?
Mange studier har vist at hjernen vår støtter motstridende ideer. Ideen dreier seg om Festingers teori om kognitiv dissonans. Teorien hans sier at det er mulig for oss å ha dissonante ideer. Festinger sier imidlertid at det er mekanismer i hjernene våre for å ignorere eller løse den dissonansen. Dobbeltenkning vil være en måte å rasjonalisere dissonanser på og være i stand til å eksistere med dem.
I virkeligheten bruker vi dobbeltenkning mer enn vi forestiller oss. Regjeringene utnytter dette og bruker dobbeltenkning til en viss grad. Et klart eksempel er fiendskapet vårt mot terrorangrep. Imidlertid utfører samtidig mange land handlinger av samme art og selger til og med våpen til disse terroristgruppene. Vi må være ekstremt forsiktige. Rasjonaliseringen av motsetninger er en automatisk prosess, og vi kan utføre den prosessen uten å innse det.
Et annet viktig aspekt av regjeringens kontroll i 1984 er kontrollen med tanken. For å oppnå tankekontroll forsøker regjeringen å endre språk slik at tanken blir praktisk i stedet for nyttig som kan brukes til argumentasjon. Faren er at folk tenker for mye, det vil ødelegge dobbeltanken, og dette vil føre til regjeringens ødeleggelse. Hvis vi følger Sapir-Whorf-hypotesen, foreslår Orwell at ved å bytte språk kan vi forandre det menneskelige sinnet.
For å oppnå tankekontroll reduserer Oceania-regjeringen språket til dets enkleste form, og gjør det til et helt pragmatisk språk. På denne måten mister synonymer og antonymer sin betydning. Det er ikke lenger interessant å formidle nyanser av ord som fører til avgjørelser og tolkninger. Antonymer genererer frykt, og konflikt baner vei til rasjonalitet. Et eksempel på dette kan være å fjerne ordet “krig” fra ordlisten og bare snakke om det når det gjelder mer fred eller mindre fred.
Leksen vi kan lære av dette nye språket er at språk kan være farlig i livene våre. Språket er i stand til å forandre oppfatningen og tenkningen vår. En politisk diskurs kan således virke svært forskjellig avhenging av ordene som brukes til å beskrive den. Når en politiker prøver å sette ord som “demokrati,” “konstitusjonell” og “fred” mot ord som “angrep” eller “krig,” forsøker de å få sympati fra borgerne sine. Av denne grunnen er det viktig å utforske begrunnelsen bak hvorfor folk bruker et bestemt språk.
Til slutt, i romanen 1984, ser “Store Bror” alltid på og kontrollerer alt. “Store Bror” ser på innbyggerne overalt, til og med i deres egne hjem. Selv innen familier blir barn utdannet til å vokte foreldrene sine og fordømme dem hvis de begår en forbrytelse. Et viktig aspekt ved kontroll er manipulering av informasjon.
For Oceania kan regjeringen omskrive fortiden for å opprettholde regjeringens stabilitet. I romanen er Sannhetsministeriet dedikert til å forandre alle skrifter, aviser og bøker til fordel for “Store Bror”. Hvis “Store Bror” sa at sjokoladerasjoner skulle gå opp og det er faktisk mindre nå enn før, ville “Store Bror” endre data for å få det til å se ut som om sjokoladerasjonene faktisk økte.
Vi er ikke immune mot manipulering og kontroll av informasjon. Massemedia, inkludert fjernsyn, radio og aviser, har vanligvis partier og regjeringer som endrer informasjon for å påvirke meningene våre. Derfor krever all informasjon vi mottar at vi tenker kritisk om det vi leser.
Til slutt, i romanen 1984 utgjør Orwell et veldig interessant dystopisk samfunn med store paralleller til det nåværende samfunnet vårt. Det er viktig å reflektere over disse parallellene og se de potensielle feilene i samfunnet vårt. Hvis vi ønsker å unngå å utvikle oss mot en orwellsk verden, er det viktig å opprettholde en kritisk holdning mot mekanismene som påvirker og overtaler oss.”








Utfordring! Noen som klarer å finne en bedre beskrivelse enn dette av tiden vi nå lever i?


«The formulation of big propagandistic lies and fraudulent catchwords has a very well-defined purpose in Totalitaria, and words themselves have acquired a special function in the service of power, which we may call verbocracy. The Big Lie and the phoney slogan at first confuse and then dull the hearers, making them willing to accept every suggested myth of happiness.


The task of the totalitarian propagandist is to build special pictures in the minds of the citizenry so that finally they will no longer see and hear with their own eyes and ears but will look at the world through the fog of official catchwords and will develop the automatic responses appropriate to totalitarian mythology.


The multiform use of words in double talk serves as an attack on our logic, that is, an attack on our understanding of what monolithic dictatorship really is. Hear, hear the nonsense: “Peace is war and war is peace! Democracy is tyranny and freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength! Virtue is vice and truth is a lie.” So says the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s grim novel, 1984. 


The words we use influence our behavior in daily life; they determine the thoughts we have.


In Totalitaria, facts are replaced by fantasy and distortion. People are taught systematically and intentionally to lie. History is reconstructed, new myths are built up whose purpose is twofold: to strengthen and flatter the totalitarian leader, and to confuse the luckless citizens of the country.


The whole vocabulary is a dictated set of slowly hypnotizing slogans. In the semantic fog that permeates the atmosphere, words lose their direct communicative function. They become merely commanding signs, triggering off reactions of fear and terror.


They are battle cries and Pavlovian signals, and no longer represent free thinking. The word, once considered a first token of free human creation, is transformed into a mechanical tool. In Totalitaria, words may have a seductive action, soothing or charming their hearers, but they are not allowed to have intrinsic meaning. They are conditioners, emotional triggers, serving to imprint the desired reaction patterns on their hearers.


Man’s mental laziness, his resistance to the hard labor of thinking, makes it relatively easy for Totalitarian dictator to bring his subjects into acceptance of the Big Lie. At first the citizen may say to himself, “All this is just nonsense—pure double talk,” but in the very act of trying to shrug it off, he has become subject to the power of the inherent suggestion.


That is the trick of double talk; once a man neglects to analyze and verify it, he becomes lost in it and can no longer see the difference between rationale and rationalization. In the end, he can no longer believe anything, and he retreats into sullen dullness.


Once the citizen of Totalitaria has accepted the “logic” of his leaders, he is no longer open to discussion or argument. 


Something has crept into our mechanized system of communication that has made our modes of thinking deteriorate. People too casually acquire ideas and concepts. They no longer struggle for a clear understanding. The popularized picture replaces the battle of the pros and cons of concepts. Instead of aiming at true understanding, people listen to thoughtless repetition, which gives them the delusion of understanding.


Communication has an even more infantile, magic character for the citizen of Totalitaria. Words no longer represent intelligible meanings or ideas. They bind the citizen of Totalitaria to utter dependence on his commander, much as the infant is bound to the word pictures of his parents.


Politicians seeking power must coin new labels and new words with emotional appeal, “while allowing the same old practices and institutions to continue as before … The trick is to replace a disagreeable image though the substance remains the same. The totalitarians consequently have to fabric a hate language in order to stir up the mass emotions. We all have experienced how the word peace doesn’t mean peace any more, it has become a propagandistic device to appease the masses and to disguise aggression.”


The verbocracy in totalitarian thinking and the official verbosity of demagogues serve to disturb and suffocate the free minds of citizens. We can say that verbocracy turns them into what psychology calls symbol agnostics, people capable only of imitation, incapable of the inquisitive sense of objectivity and perspective that leads to questioning and understanding and to the formation of individual ideas and ideals. In other words, the individual citizen becomes a parrot, repeating ready-made slogans and propaganda catchwords without understanding what they really mean, or what forces stand behind them.


This parrotism may give the citizen of Totalitaria a certain infantile emotional pleasure, however. Heil, heil!—Duce, Duce!— these rhythmic chants afford him the same kind of sound-enjoyment children achieve through babbling, shrieking, and yelling.


The abuse of the word and the enshrinement of propaganda are more obvious in Totalitaria than in any other part of the world. But this evil exists all over. We can find all too many examples of it in actual conversation. Many speakers use verbal showing off to cover an emptiness of thought, to stir up emotions and to create admiration and adoration of what is essentially empty and valueless. Loudmouthed phoniness threatens to become the ideal of our time.


The semantic fog in Totalitaria is thickened by the regimentation of information. The citizens of our mythical country have no access to sources of facts and opinions. They are not free to verify what they hear or read. They are the victims of their leader’s “labelomania”—their judgments are determined by the official labels everything and everybody bears.


The urge to attach too much meaning to the label of an object or institution and to look only casually at its intrinsic value is characteristic of our times and seems to be growing. I call this condition labelomania; it is the exaggerated respect for the scientific-sounding name—the label, the school, the degree, the diploma —with a surprising disregard for underlying value.


All about us we see people chasing after fixed formulas, credits, marks, ranks, and labels because they believe that if one is to have prestige or recognition these distinguishing marks are necessary. In order to obtain acceptance, people are prepared to undergo most impractical and stylized training and conditioning—not to mention expense— in special schools and institutions which promote certain labels, diplomas, and sophisticated facades.


The urge to attach too much meaning to the label of an object or institution and to look only casually at its intrinsic value is characteristic of our times and seems to be growing. I call this condition labelomania; it is the exaggerated respect for the scientific-sounding name—the label, the school, the degree, the diploma —with a surprising disregard for underlying value.

All about us we see people chasing after fixed formulas, credits, marks, ranks, and labels because they believe that if one is to have prestige or recognition these distinguishing marks are necessary. In order to obtain acceptance, people are prepared to undergo most impractical and stylized training and conditioning—not to mention expense— in special schools and institutions which promote certain labels, diplomas, and sophisticated facades.


Dissension and disagreement become both a physical and an emotional luxury. Vituperation, and the power that lies behind it, is the only sanctioned logic. Facts contrary to the official line are distorted and suppressed; any form of mental compromise is treason. In Totalitaria, there is no search for truth, only the enforced acceptance of the totalitarian dogmas and clichés.


The most frightening thing of all is that parallel to the increase in our means of communication, our mutual understanding has decreased. A Babel-like confusion has taken hold of political and nonpolitical minds as a result of semantic disorder and too much verbal noise.


Totalitaria makes the thinking man a criminal, for in our mythical country the citizen can be punished as much for wrong thinking as for wrongdoing. Because the watchful eyes of the secret police are everywhere, the critic of the regime is driven to conspiratorial methods if he wants to have even a safe conversation with those he wants to trust. What we used to call the “Nazi gesture” was a careful looking around before starting to talk to a friend.


The criminal in Totalitaria can be an accidental scapegoat used for release of official hostility, and there is often need for a scapegoat. From one day to the next, a citizen can become a hero or a villain, depending on strategic party needs.

Nearly all of the mature ideals of mankind are crimes in Totalitaria. Freedom and independence, compromise and objectivity— all of these are treasonable. In Totalitaria there is a new crime, the apostatic crime, which may be described as the obstinate refusal to admit imputed guilt. On the other hand, the hero in Totalitaria is the converted sinner, the breast-beating, recanting traitor, the self-denouncing criminal, the informer, and the stool pigeon.

The ordinary, law-abiding citizen of Totalitaria, far from being a hero, is potentially guilty of hundreds of crimes. He is a criminal if he is stubborn in defense of his own point of view. He is a criminal if he refuses to become confused. He is a criminal if he does not loudly and vigorously participate in all official acts; reserve, silence, and ideological withdrawal are treasonable.


He is a criminal if he doesn’t look happy, for then he is guilty of what the Nazis called physiognomic insubordination. He can be a criminal by association or disassociation, by scapegoatism or by projection, by intention or by anticipation. He is a criminal if he refuses to become an informer.


can be tried and found guilty by every conceivable ism—cosmopolitanism, provincialism; deviationalism, mechanism; imperialism, nationalism; pacifism, militarism; objectivism, subjectivism; chauvinism, equalitarianism; practicalism, idealism. He is guilty every time he is something.

The only safe conduct pass for the citizen of Totalitaria lies in the complete abdication of his mental integrity.


The continual intrusion into our minds of the hammering noises of arguments and propaganda can lead to two kinds of reactions. It may lead to apathy and indifference, the I-don’t-care reaction, or to a more intensified desire to study and to understand.
Unfortunately, the first reaction is the more popular one. The flight from study and awareness is much too common in a world that throws too many confusing pictures to the individual.
For the sake of our democracy, based on freedom and individualism, we have to bring ourselves back to study again and again. Otherwise, we can become easy victims of a well-planned verbal attack on our minds and consciences.»


Utdrag fra: Joost A. M. Meerloo. «The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing». 1956


The manufacturing of a mass psychosis


“Hva er «Gaslighting?

Sagt på en enkel måte – det er hjernevasking.

Tre stadier av Gaslighting

1. stadium

Det første stadiet avhenger av tillit i situasjonen og troverdige intensjoner fra overgriperens side, en tilstand som har blitt skapt av overgriperens kunstferdige selvbilde og hans innsmigrende propaganda.  Når han har oppnådd denne tilliten vil overgriperen begynne å undergrave den, skape situasjoner og omgivelser der offeret begynner å tvile på sin egen dømmekraft. Til slutt vil offeret stole fullstendig på overgriperen for å mildne sin egen usikkerhet, og for å prøve å gjenopprette sin egen virkelighetsoppfatning som i realiteten er blitt som overgriperens.

2. stadium

Det andre stadium, forsvar, er en prosess der overgriperen isolerer offeret, ikke bare fra hans egen identitetsoppfatning, men også fra verdiene til hans likemenn. Ofrene vil tro at deres meninger er verdiløse, diskrediterte og merkelige. I politiske sirkler vil de bli kalt konspirasjons-teoretikere, dissidenter eller mulige terrorister. Som en konsekvens vil ofrene trekke seg tilbake og slutte å uttrykke seg av redsel for å ha latterlige oppfatninger og for å bli straffet.

Dette stadiet kan sammenliknes med Stockholm-syndromet. Stockholm-syndromet binder ofrene til den aggressive og blir en slags «foreldre».

Begge disse metodene blir hamret inn i offerets overlevelses-mekanisme for å gjenvinne og opprettholde kontroll.

3. stadium.

Det siste stadiet er depresjon. Et liv under et tyrannisk styre driver ofrene inn i en tilstand av total forvirring. De er fratatt all verdighet og selvbevissthet. De eksisterer i et informasjons-vakuum som bare blir fylt med det overgriperen mener er relevant.

Dermed er prosessen komplett, og ofrene har blitt redusert til en villige medsammensvorne i overgriperens bilde av en svært forvrengt realitet.”


“Dobbeltenkning i romanen 1984:
For det første er en av de viktigste måtene som regjeringen opprettholder kontroll over befolkningen, konseptet med dobbeltenkning. Dobbeltenkning er kraften til å holde to motstridende meninger samtidig. De er to motstridende oppfatninger på samme tid av samme person.
I Oceania er befolkningen utdannet i dobbeltenkning så de vet hvordan man aksepterer motsetninger og forstår deres praktiske eksistens. I det kontrollerte samfunnet i romanen 1984 er ikke tegnene på en totalitær regjering skjult. Totalitarisme blir det undervist om, og folket både godtar og avviser det samtidig. Dette gjenspeiles i regjeringens tre slagord:
«Krig er fred. Frihet er trelldom. Uvitenhet er styrke.»
Det endelige målet med dobbeltenkning er å få befolkningen til å tenke på denne måten automatisk. Regjeringen vil at folket venner seg til å holde to motstridende tanker i hodet uten å innse at de er motstridende. Skjer dette i virkeligheten?
Mange studier har vist at hjernen vår støtter motstridende ideer. Ideen dreier seg om Festingers teori om kognitiv dissonans. Teorien hans sier at det er mulig for oss å ha dissonante ideer. Festinger sier imidlertid at det er mekanismer i hjernene våre for å ignorere eller løse den dissonansen. Dobbeltenkning vil være en måte å rasjonalisere dissonanser på og være i stand til å eksistere med dem.
I virkeligheten bruker vi dobbeltenkning mer enn vi forestiller oss. Regjeringene utnytter dette og bruker dobbeltenkning til en viss grad. Et klart eksempel er fiendskapet vårt mot terrorangrep. Imidlertid utfører samtidig mange land handlinger av samme art og selger til og med våpen til disse terroristgruppene. Vi må være ekstremt forsiktige. Rasjonaliseringen av motsetninger er en automatisk prosess, og vi kan utføre den prosessen uten å innse det.
Et annet viktig aspekt av regjeringens kontroll i 1984 er kontrollen med tanken. For å oppnå tankekontroll forsøker regjeringen å endre språk slik at tanken blir praktisk i stedet for nyttig som kan brukes til argumentasjon. Faren er at folk tenker for mye, det vil ødelegge dobbeltanken, og dette vil føre til regjeringens ødeleggelse. Hvis vi følger Sapir-Whorf-hypotesen, foreslår Orwell at ved å bytte språk kan vi forandre det menneskelige sinnet.
For å oppnå tankekontroll reduserer Oceania-regjeringen språket til dets enkleste form, og gjør det til et helt pragmatisk språk. På denne måten mister synonymer og antonymer sin betydning. Det er ikke lenger interessant å formidle nyanser av ord som fører til avgjørelser og tolkninger. Antonymer genererer frykt, og konflikt baner vei til rasjonalitet. Et eksempel på dette kan være å fjerne ordet “krig” fra ordlisten og bare snakke om det når det gjelder mer fred eller mindre fred.
Leksen vi kan lære av dette nye språket er at språk kan være farlig i livene våre. Språket er i stand til å forandre oppfatningen og tenkningen vår. En politisk diskurs kan således virke svært forskjellig avhenging av ordene som brukes til å beskrive den. Når en politiker prøver å sette ord som “demokrati,” “konstitusjonell” og “fred” mot ord som “angrep” eller “krig,” forsøker de å få sympati fra borgerne sine. Av denne grunnen er det viktig å utforske begrunnelsen bak hvorfor folk bruker et bestemt språk.
Til slutt, i romanen 1984, ser “Store Bror” alltid på og kontrollerer alt. “Store Bror” ser på innbyggerne overalt, til og med i deres egne hjem. Selv innen familier blir barn utdannet til å vokte foreldrene sine og fordømme dem hvis de begår en forbrytelse. Et viktig aspekt ved kontroll er manipulering av informasjon.
For Oceania kan regjeringen omskrive fortiden for å opprettholde regjeringens stabilitet. I romanen er Sannhetsministeriet dedikert til å forandre alle skrifter, aviser og bøker til fordel for “Store Bror”. Hvis “Store Bror” sa at sjokoladerasjoner skulle gå opp og det er faktisk mindre nå enn før, ville “Store Bror” endre data for å få det til å se ut som om sjokoladerasjonene faktisk økte.
Vi er ikke immune mot manipulering og kontroll av informasjon. Massemedia, inkludert fjernsyn, radio og aviser, har vanligvis partier og regjeringer som endrer informasjon for å påvirke meningene våre. Derfor krever all informasjon vi mottar at vi tenker kritisk om det vi leser.
Til slutt, i romanen 1984 utgjør Orwell et veldig interessant dystopisk samfunn med store paralleller til det nåværende samfunnet vårt. Det er viktig å reflektere over disse parallellene og se de potensielle feilene i samfunnet vårt. Hvis vi ønsker å unngå å utvikle oss mot en orwellsk verden, er det viktig å opprettholde en kritisk holdning mot mekanismene som påvirker og overtaler oss.”
“In this episode Professor in Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, Mattias Desmet, explains the phenomenon of Mass Formation. Desmet holds a Master’s Degree in Statistics and after studying the public COVID-19 statistics, he realised that the mortality of the virus was highly exaggerated.
Yet, when people pointed it out publicly, the narrative did not seem to become more balanced. He has studied totalitarianism and realised that the world was experiencing a Mass Formation, which is a condition where people are hypnotised and have a very narrow focus on just one problem.

They go into a collective, totalitarian state of mind, and do not realise that they are losing everything. The group will also feel extreme anger towards those who do not go along with their narrative and almost religious rituals.”


12 edsvorne menn, en analogi til tiden vi nå er i og en hyllest og opmuntring til alle som vil at sannheten skal sette oss fri


Hver helg når jeg spiser frokost så pleier jeg å se en film. I dag så tok jeg en reprise på 12 edsvorne menn (12 angry men) fra 1957 med Henry Fonda i hovedrollen, som jeg ikke hadde sett siden den gikk som mandagsfilm på NRK i 1984,85 da jeg var 14, 15 år gammel.

“Filmen handler om et jurymedlem (Henry Fonda) som må prøve å overbevise de 11 andre medlemmene om å la en drapsmistenkte frikjennes, fordi tvilen bør falle han til gode. Den tiltalte har etter alt å dømme tatt livet av sin egen far og alle jurymedlemmene, unntagen en, mener saken er opplagt. Det hele utvikler seg til en lang, og til tider voldsom, diskusjon om vedkommendes skyld. Etterhvert som intensiteten stiger avsløres det at flere av jurymedlemmene har basert sin oppfatning på fordommer de har overfor kriminelt belastet ungdom. Og etterhvert som disse fordommene kommer til syne utover kvelden begynner stadig flere å tvile på vedkommendes skyld.”

Filmen er en fantastisk god analogi til tiden vi nå lever i, der en mann eller kvinnes higen etter sannheten kan smitte over til andre. Der propaganda og indoktrinering en gang hadde et kvelertak på flertallet så løsner det grepet nå fordi sannheten og higen etter den sprer seg som ild i tørt grass. Og grunnen til det, er fordi vi, som Henry Fonda, har en samvittighet som tvinger oss til rope opp når vi ser at det er noe galt og si ifra at slik vil vi ikke ha det.

Og der en mann og kvinne tør å heve røsten der han/hun ser urettferdighet og ondskap, selv om den røsten ikke når inn til så mange i første omgang, så vil den sakte men sikkert, litt etter litt nå ut til mange, og til slutt så vil den overvinne løgnene og propagandaen.

Mange av oss har i lang tid tatt ett oppgjør med urettferdigheten og ondskapen som vi ser overalt rundt oss, og nå begynner vi virkelig å høste fruktene av vårt arbeide og engasjement. Jeg vil si at vi nå nærmer oss det 77 minutt i filmen 12 edsvorne menn. 

Se filmen i sin helhet her

Har du sett ett to minutters nyhetsinnslag så er du en ekspert


Her om dagen så snakket jeg med far min om Hviterussland og situasjonen der. Far min hadde som vanlig sittet pal foran TV og sugd til seg propaganda fra TV2, NRK og CNN som en junkie som ikke kan få nok av dopet sitt.

Jeg spurte hvilke andre informasjonskilder han hadde sett på som ikke gjentok hverandre som papegøyer, men det var da ikke nødvendig i følge han. Jeg foreslo at han burde ta en titt på Steigan og se hva han hadde å si for noe om situasjonen i Hviterussland, men det falt ikke i smak. Steigan må du vite var jo en gammel kommunist i følge far min, slik at det far min hadde sett det trumfet artikkelen til Nistad som ligger ute på Steigan. Uten at far min hadde lest artikkelen så visste han altså at Nistad sin artikkel ikke var verdt fem flate øre, mens propagandaen han hadde tatt til seg den var hundre prosent objektiv.

Far min er overhodet ikke et særtilfellet, han er standaren. Utfordrer man informasjon som ikke stemmer overens med hva han tror på da går han på person med en gang i stedet for sak.

Han og alle andre som TROR blindt på den ensidige informasjonen mainstream media formidler, er i egne øyne eksperter, ikke bare i utenrikssaker, de er eksperter i alt som har med samfunnet å gjøre, ikke fordi de har lest hundre eller tusenvis av artikler og bøker om disse samfunnsemnene som ser på dem i fra forskjellige vinkler, men fordi de har sett ett to minutters innslag på NRK eller TV2 nyhetene, mens de av oss som har satt seg inn hvordan verden er, som 24/7 tar til oss allsidig informasjon og som klarer å se i gjennom propagandaen, vi er amatører og idioter i forhold til dem.

Vi lever altså i en verden, der de som vet lite eller ingenting om den verden vi lever i ser på seg selv som eksperter, og i følge dem selv så behøver de ikke å dokumentere at de har rett, de behøver bare å si at de som ikke er enige med dem, de er dumme eller konspirasjonsteoretikere, så har de alt på sitt tørre.

Kritisk tenking, innhenting av fakta, årevis med research kan i følge dem ikke måle seg med et to minutters TV innslag de har sett.

Og de skammer seg ikke det minste over å bruke hersketeknikker uhemmet for å beskytte sin dogmatiske tro som hverken har noe med koranen eller bibelen å gjøre, deres tro og bibel er TVn og det den formidler, og de forventer faktisk at de av oss som gjør vårt ytterste for å se forbi indoktrineringen og propagandaen skal skamme oss fordi vi gjør en hederlig jobb og ikke tror blindt på to minutters TV innlegg.

“All propaganda undergraver viktigheten av logikk. Dette er den grunnleggende egenskapen som skiller propaganda fra andre former for kommunikasjon. Avgjørelser bør tas gjennom nøye vurderinger. De bør tas etter å ha hørt alle argumenter og fakta fra alle sider i en debatt, der man veier opp det positive mot det negative. Propaganda oppfordrer oss til å omgå alle disse hensynene.
Evnen til å skille mellom budskap som kun sikter seg inn på det emosjonelle og reell argumentasjon og fakta gjør oss i stand til å ta informerte valg. Det er menneskelig å ha følelser, men å la dem ta kontrollen slik at de overstyrer fornuften kan være farlig, særlig når de manipuleres av utenforstående som ikke har våre beste interesser i tankene.
Konklusjonene vi trekker gjennom fornuften behøver ikke alltid å bli sanne eller riktige, alikevel har det å engasjere seg i logisk tenking en rekke fordeler. For det første blir vi i stand til å forklare andre hvordan vi kom til en gitt konklusjon. De kan synes at vårt resonnement er overbevisende, eller de kan se feil i logikken vår og avsløre disse feilene for oss. Dette gir en annen fordel: muligheten til å endre konklusjonene våre i lys av nye bevis. Når fornuften guider oss, er våre konklusjoner ikke statiske, da kan perspektivene våre vokse og utvikle seg.

Når vi tar ansvar for hva vi tror på og hvordan vi oppfører oss, trenger vi aldri å si at vi ble lurt, manipulert eller fanget i en bølge av lidenskap. Vi kan forklare feilene vi har gjort og forsvare handlingene våre hvis de er basert på logikk og ikke bare på følelser. Ved å praktisere uavhengig tenking, oppførerer vi oss som ansvarlige individer i en verden dominert av propaganda.”



“Bruker vi mindre tid på hjernenyttige aktiviteter fordi vi kaster bort mer og mer tid foran fjernsynet, eller er det noe med seeraktivitetens iboende natur som gjør skade ? Svaret er begge deler.

En vanlig, våken hjerne lager beta og gammastråler, men studier viser at bare noen få minutter med tv-titting gjør at alfastrålingsmønstere blir dominerende i hjernen. Alfastrålingen er assosiert med avslapping, mottaklighet for suggesjon, sløvhet og til og med hypnose. Du tror kansje dette er noe positivt siden de fleste ser på TV for å slappe av, men dette er den verste tilstanden å være i når man blir utsatt for reklame, nyheter – ja etthvert TV-program som markedsfører skaperne og produsentenes verdier og oppfatninger.

Gjentatt TV-eksponering forsterker denne alfatilstanden. Hvis hjernen din er vant til å bruke fem timer daglig på å se på TV (det er den gjennomsnittlige tiden husstander i USA og Storbritannia bruker på fjernsyn hver dag), så begynner den med å streve med å generere andre mønstre. TV-tittingen hjelper deg kansje med å sovne om kvelden, men er skadelig for hjernen din på et høyere nivå.

Den venstre hjernehalvdelen, ansvarlig for kritisk tenking, slås av når vi ser på TV og gjør oss mottaklig for hjernevasking. Som Jim Morrison sa i An American Prayer: “Vet du at vi allerede styres av TV ? ” Når vi ser på TV foregår det veldig lite analyse i hjernen av innkommende informasjon og vår følelsesmessige respons blir avstumpet – ikke bare overfor vold, men også for ting som burde vekke medfølelse. Gjentakende visning av sultofre og borgerkrig i land i den tredje verden er et godt eksempel.

TV og barn:
Barn er spesielt sårbare for fjernsyn fordi hjernen deres utvikler seg raskere enn voksne hjerner. Studier viser at det er veldig skadelig å utsette barn under to år for TV, og at det å se mye på TV korresponderer med dårlige akademiske prestasjoner senere i livet. Programmer som Sesam stasjon er gode læringsverktøy for barn på tre år eller mer, men de kan være skadelige for yngre barn. Dr. Dimitri Christakis sier at “Sesam stasjon ble ikke laget for så unge barn, men de blir sett av så unge barn fordi foreldre tror at det som er bra for en treåring også er bra for en toåring.” Små barn samhandler ikke med fjernsynet, ikke en gang med pedagogiske programmer, slik de gjør i den virkelige verden.

Eksperimenter gjennomført av Herbert Krugman i Advertising Research Foundation har fått ham til å beskrive TV-titting som en ” gå i søvne aktivitet”

Dr. Thomas Mullholand ble i sitt berømte eksperiment i 1970 den første vitenskapsmannen som fant en fysisk reaksjon på fjernsynstitting. Han brukte en elektroencefalografi (EEG) til å måle hjerneaktiviteten til ti barn mens de så på selvvalgte favorittprogrammer. Han ventet å finne høye nivåer av betabølger siden barna var engasjerte og begeistrede, men i stedet målte han først og fremst alfabølger – som er assosiert med minimal hjerneaktivitet.”