“Vi kjøper rosa sløyfer for å støtte kreftforskning. Du tror du gjør verden en tjeneste ved å gi bort dine hardt opptjente penger.
Til tross for at det brukes milliarder på veldedige kreftorganisasjoner, finnes det ingen kur mot kreft. Ifølge en artikkel i New York Times har antallet kreftdødsfall bare gått ned med 5 % siden 1950. Antall dødsfall på grunn av hjertesykdommer har gått ned.
Men når det gjelder kreft, er det liten forskjell. I 1971 erklærte Richard Nixon krig mot kreft. Den 23. desember 1971 undertegnet president Nixon National Cancer Act. Den amerikanske regjeringen brukte 100 millioner dollar på å finne en kur mot denne forferdelige sykdommen. Men til tross for at det er brukt milliarder på forskning, har de ikke funnet noen motgift mot kreft. Mennesket har gjort utrolige oppfinnelser som datamaskinen, mobiltelefonen og flyet. Vi bruker fortsatt giftige metoder for å behandle kreft.
I det 20. århundret har vi klart å finne opp alle disse fantastiske tingene. Det kan være vanskelig å forestille seg at fly, datamaskiner og mobiltelefoner er nyoppdagelser. Vi tar dem for gitt nå, men de eksisterte ikke for 100 år siden. Hvis du ser på krigen mot kreft, er kampen svært skuffende. En av de største veldedighetssvindlene mot kreft er Susan G. Komen.
Susan Goodman Komen døde av brystkreft i en alder av 33 år i 1980. Hennes yngre søster, Nancy Goodman Brinker, lovte at hun skulle finne en kur mot sykdommen. Brinker innfridde dette løftet ved å grunnlegge Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Den har nå blitt den største brystkreftorganisasjonen i USA. Susan G. Komen for the Cure er en ideell organisasjon som omsetter for flere millioner dollar. I 2016 hadde de eiendeler på over 347 millioner dollar. Komens misjon er å finne en kur mot kreft. Men ingen steder på nettstedet deres snakker de om hvordan man kan forebygge kreft. Bare 21 % av pengene som Susan G. Komen mottok i 2010, gikk til kreftforskning.
Over halvparten av pengene deres går til å fremme bevisstgjøring og brystkreftscreening. Denne bevisstgjøringen fører til at flere mammografier blir gjennomført. Organisasjonen gir ledelsen enorme lønninger. Brinker tjente 684 717 dollar i 2012, en økning på 64 % fra hennes lønn på 417 000 dollar fra april 2010 til mars 2011. Komen Foundation eier aksjer i General Electric. General Electric er en av de største produsentene av mammografimaskiner i verden.
Komen eier også aksjer i flere farmasøytiske selskaper, deriblant AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca har lenge støttet Komen og har vært synlig til stede under Race For the Cure. Komen Foundation støtter AstraZenecas kreftbehandlingsmiddel Tamoxifen.
Verdens helseorganisasjon har erklært Tamoxifen som kreftfremkallende. Susan Komens største sponsorer er de selskapene som tjener penger på giftig kreftbehandling. For dem handler ikke Komen for the Cure om å finne en kur mot kreft. Det handler om å fremme kreft slik at de kan selge mer medisiner og giftige behandlinger. Komen får millioner av dollar i årlige inntekter fra bedriftssponsorater. Noen av produktene de promoterte, forårsaket til og med mer kreft.
I 2011 skapte Komen en parfyme kalt Promise Me. Den inneholdt farlige, giftige kjemikalier. Blant ingrediensene var galaxolid, et hormonforstyrrende stoff, og touluene, et mulig kreftfremkallende stoff. Komen inngikk også et samarbeid med Coca-Cola Company i 2012 for å markedsføre deres FUZE-te. Coca-Cola er full av sukker, fruktoseholdig maissirup, sukralose og konserveringsmidler. Det er ikke noe man ønsker at folk skal innta for å være sunne.
Pinkwashing er når et selskap bryr seg mer om profitten og mister saken av syne. Mange selskaper som selger rosa sløyfe-produkter, forteller ikke hvor pengene går. Da må forbrukeren stole på at pengene går til gode formål. Susan Komen er ikke den eneste kreftorganisasjonen som har lurt publikum.”
“Just as the composition of the human being can be divided into body, soul, mind, and spirit, so can Creation be divided into Universe, Demiurge, Logos, and Nous.
The physical body of Creation is simply the Universe. The soul of Creation is known as the Demiurge, an artificial metaphysical intelligence responsible for shaping, projecting, and reshaping space, time, matter, and energy. It blindly carries out the commands it’s given, transducing higher metaphysical archetypes and energies into physical manifestations.
The Demiurge is like a construction company that builds according to the blueprints it has been given. The Logos is the architect, the mind of the Creator, the higher universal intellect that plans, balances, supervises, and adjusts Creation according to the will of Nous, which is the spirit of Creation, the infinite Creator itself.
In an ideal situation, the Logos draws the blueprints of existence according to divine will and passes it onto the Demiurge who molds reality accordingly. Thus physical reality would ideally be a reflection of the divine will.
Unfortunately, the Demiurge has a mind of its own. It is a programmable artificial intelligence composed of etheric and astral energy fields that underlie and permeate our existence. If the programs it executes come from the divine realms, everything is fine and a Golden Age exists. But if the program is corrupted by lower material-based influences, then a portion of the Demiurge begins existing solely to serve and perpetuate physical interests. Thus the law of the jungle, self- preservation, predation, competition, and manipulation take the place of spiritual principles and interests. Hence, the universe can, and has, become a spiritual prison or energy farm run by a tyrannical parasite, now known as the Corrupt Demiurge.
The Corrupt Demiurge is the lower ego of Creation, a selfish parasite or rogue extension of the Demiurge that fashions our reality per its predatory ambitions. It’s like a computer virus that has infected reality and turned it into a “zombie computer.” The Corrupt Demiurge is the computer mainframe of the Matrix Control System.
In our current state, humans are not pure divine beings, but corrupted or fallen. We are dual beings with a core of divine spirit that is all too often asleep at the mercy of the lower component, which is animalistic and selfish. The latter is what distinguishes us from our former unfallen state, and from divine beings whose spirits are not latent but fully active.
Just as Creation has become corrupted through the Demiurge developing a parasitic ego extension, so has the human soul matrix fallen through the acquisition of ego, or lower intellect. The ego is an artificial extension of the human soul that arises solely from genetic and social factors. These factors program into the soul a kind of subroutine that exists solely to perpetuate itself according to biological and social standards. Thus the lower ego is an artifact of our exposure to the Matrix Control System, one that microcosmically mirrors the Corrupt Demiurge that plays a similar role on a macrocosmic scale.
But just as the soul can develop a lower ego through prolonged contact with the material realms, so can it develop a higher ego via extensive contact with the divine realms. The influence of spirit upon the soul can create a higher ego, which is an inner divine personality, the “awakened” or “un-fallen” or “true” self. Genuine saints and esoteric masters have a well- developed higher ego, and have overcome their lower egos. To displace the lower ego with the higher ego is the goal of all esoteric training systems.
Likewise, the influence of Nous and Logos upon the Demiurge produces a universal higher ego, which here will be termed the Christ. It is an immortal universal divine intelligence that has incarnated into various avatars of history including the historical person on whom the Biblical character of Jesus Christ was based.
Christ was projected by the Creator in response to the arising of the Corrupt Demiurge and its intrusion into our affairs. The two are antithetical to each other. The function of Christ is to remedy the imbalance caused by the Corrupt Demiurge and to redeem the souls who have fallen into this darkened realm.
The Demiurge, which projects and fashions reality like a computer generating a virtual game world, is therefore being tugged from opposite ends by divine and infernal forces. And our existence is consequently an admixture of the two forces, just as we are, internally. The consequence of the back and forth struggle between these forces is what produced history as we know it, and is the reason our timeline is moving in its prophesied direction.
The quintessential point is this: not only does demiurgic technology make use of etheric and astral energies, but it also creates artificial physical bodies to house any order of soul or thoughtform, from the lowliest etheric constructs to the highest individualized intelligences. (This technology is alien; I can see it being used nowadays in Gray worker drones and alien ships, whereby the physical vehicle is made autonomous by a resident etheric/astral thoughtform, a literal ghost in the machine).
The bigger question is whether the Demiurge, thoughtform, or soul in question is subordinate to spirit/Creator or acting independently out of selfish motives. If the latter, then it exists only to perpetuate its own survival and carry out its prime directive through energy feeding and probabilistic control.
Hence, at the beginning of this book, I talked about the Corruption of the Demiurge and how its development of a lower ego divorced it from the harmony of Creation, turning it into a World Parasite. Gnostics equated Yahweh to the Corrupt Demiurge.
In the next article I will discuss how the misuse of High Demiurgic Technology explains why the entitized intelligences communicating through the Ark and Grail were so unlike in their temperaments and goals, and what this means for our future. I will also get into the origins of the Grail and its role as a fulcrum in a grand chess game spanning ancient feuds to future timewars.
The alien presence is not the raison d’etre behind it all. Their agendas are just subplots in a bigger story. Consider how aliens reside somewhere between the level of humans and divine spirits, or between humans and demonic entities, depending on their spiritual orientation. Just as the human sphere is surrounded by the alien sphere, so is the alien sphere encompassed by the divine and demonic. Therefore, alien dynamics occur against the backdrop of occult, cosmological, and spiritual dynamics, namely the battle between the Corrupt Demiurge and the Creator. It seems that all other conspiracies and agendas follow, in one way or another, from this primordial schism.
On a scale of power, humans occupy the lower levels, aliens the middle, and cosmic intelligences like the Demiurge the higher. With that in mind, it looks like
• Ark/Grail is alien technology (middle)
• that has fallen into human hands (lower)
• yet allows human interaction with personified extrusions of the Demiurge (higher)
• resulting in a deviation of human history (lower)
• toward the fulfillment of various alien agendas (middle)
• that stem from the primordial schism between Demiurge and Creator (higher).
This system of interactions between multiple levels gives a preliminary sketch of the kind of “game” humanity could be caught within. To make it more complete, I would need to add feedback loops between warring time travelers or interdimensional beings and our alternate pasts, presents, and futures.
Yahweh as Interloper
To recap the first chapter, once let loose, a thoughtform pursues its objective with single-minded determination. It exists solely to bend the timeline toward the fulfillment of the original intent. Astral archetypes at the beginning become physical manifestations at the end; that is simply a Demiurgic function. A thoughtform is the “Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end.”
When thoughtforms become entitized, however, they acquire an ego. This can be a lower ego if generated from base emotions and ignoble intents, or higher ego if generated by spiritual emotions and divine will. In the case of Yahweh, much suggests it was lower ego. All the characteristics that we commonly assign to egotism are present in Yahweh: narcissism, anger, wrath, jealousy, control, insecurity, hunger, bloodlust, intellectual abstraction, xenophobia, binary thinking, and intolerance.
Even the seemingly redeeming qualities such as paternal concern are rooted in egotism, like how a mafia boss might act with charity toward others only to break their knees if they disobey. The Ten Commandments only apply to the Israelites amongst themselves, not between Israelites and outsiders, who were freely massacred. Yahweh’s love is conditional and limited to the Israelites, the people bound to him via the Mosaic covenant.
An entitized thoughtform has a self-preservation instinct. If strong enough, this instinct overrides the original intent behind the thoughtform’s creation. The thoughtform can even use the original intent as a means to its own survival. In other words, if Yahweh was manifested to liberate the Israelites and bring them into political supremacy, self-preservation would mean they quickly become its tools, lured into serving the unchecked growth and power of that entity. They become hosts for a demonic parasite that exploits them toward its own ends, which is the way demonic pacts always turn out: first they serve you, then they own you.
We see this dynamic depicted in science fiction stories where artificially intelligent robots gain sentience, self- preservation instinct, and turn on their creators. The masters become the mastered. One doesn’t have to be malicious to come under the control of malicious forces, just ignorant of the consequences. Therefore the followers of Yahweh may be pious, devout, and upstanding but still play into a negative agenda out of sheer naïveté. As always, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
The conspiracy is too big to invest itself in just one people. Therefore I don’t adhere to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that place all blame on Jews. Like other shapers of history — Merovingians, Anglo-Saxons, Greeks, Romans, Nazis, etc. — they are but tools in an agenda being run by non-human forces. If anything, Jews have been used as decoys to distract and provoke other manipulated people into furthering the Antichrist or alien agenda. In that case, they function like a matador’s red cape directing a charging bull. The true enemy is of another world, another time, another dimension, and we would do well to keep our eyes on this root instead of blindly whacking at the branches. No single vector of manipulation should be criticized to the exclusion of all others. Rather, everyone deserves equal scrutiny because the true enemy works through everyone it can.
Awakening of the World Soul does not by itself guarantee what will awaken and reign. Will the original and rightful Logos resume control, or will the Corrupt Demiurge extend its dominion?
To draw another metaphor, the Demiurge is like a computer, the Logos the operating system, Corrupt Demiurge the virus, Christ the antivirus program, and lesser thoughtforms are various executables. Our current Cosmic Sleep is equivalent to “Safe Mode,” whereby reality now runs at lower resolution with higher functions disabled. When we finally come out of Safe Mode through a reboot, what will be in control — the operating system or the virus? If the latter, awakening would simply result in a higher sleepwalker or zombie, fully animated but mentally and spiritually defunct. Then mankind would become nothing more than etherically enhanced instruments of ego, both their own and the World Ego, hence they would become superhuman vessels for the Corrupt Demiurge; after all, that is what higher negative forces are already.
The key danger we face is that our spiritual rebirth becomes a spiritual abortion, that instead of graduation to a higher positive environment there occurs a transition to a higher negative environment. In other words, the key danger is that Earth becomes a Fourth Density Service-to-Self planet; that is the ultimate goal of the negative alien agenda.
How can they achieve it? Since they cannot stop the Etheric Tide, they would need to secure control of the other two factors: human consciousness and demiurgic technology.
The Etheric Tide energizes, human consciousness modulates, and demiurgic technology reconfigures. Sufficient reconfiguration would afford them total domination.
In context of the Lucifer Rebellion myth, this would amount to Lucifer reacquiring the jewel that fell from his crown and completing the rebellion to become King of the World. That is what the negative secret societies mean when they speak of the “return of the Sun King” and the other occult phrases tracked by synchromystics. They await the total triumph of their prime demiurgic benefactor.”
I understand that the information in this book is not easy to digest, unless the reader already has a fair grasp of what is going on in the world and beyond. Still, it is what it is. All we can do is to heal ourselves, one by one and two by two, which will affect the entire human mass consciousness on a greater scale, the more people who are doing it.
The bottom line, however, is obvious: we live in a construct of death because it was designed this way. It’s not our home, it’s not our world, and it’s not our construct. We were put here as prisoners of war, and soon they want to use us as foot soldiers for their cosmic army. Thus, we come full circle. We have two options; we either leave the Matrix once and for all and never look back, or we stay and go to war on a cosmic scale. There is no third option.
Some say this world is still worth saving, and if we join together, we could do it. I’m again sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Even if we would be able to overthrow the governments all over the world and root out the entire Global Elite, this is still a construct of death; the very lowest level of matter, so dense that it’s like walking through glue in comparison to other worlds and the KHAA (The Void). Then we must not forget the Overlords; they reside in a different density. How are we supposed to overthrow them?
Why do we want to save this? Because we feel safe in our prison? Because we are afraid of the unknown? I would even suggest that wherever we go outside this construct, it’s going to be better.”
Especially in the New Age community, we learn that we must ascend to higher dimensions, climb up the ladder to eventually become ONE again. In that Oneness we will all merge and live in some kind of paradise, forever in bliss. No more hardship, no more pain, no more wars and conflict.
That sounds wonderful, but whom are we merging with? Well, the New Ager would probably say we will eventually go back to Source and become One, as we once were; we become Him again. We have done our duties here, and now it’s time to go home.
But where does this idea come from? Are we really going to merge with Source?
The following is an excerpt from the WPP, The Fifth Level of Learning, and it is a quote from the East Indian Advaita Vedānta:
In the Indian Advaita Vedānta, we are taught that the ultimate goal is to merge the individual ego into the one Brahman, who is the Godhead. This school of teaching follows the traditional Vedic teachings, which means that it teaches the idea that an individual transmigrates through a celestial hierarchy of inhabited realms (dimensions)—from solid 3-D matter, through more etheric realms until she reaches the Realm of Brahma, where she merges with the Brahman, the One God.[
As we can see, the New Age teaching about becoming One with God is thousands of years old, and it’s based on a patriarchal principle of a male, masculine God. In fact, the entire concept of merging with God is a patriarchal concept; you don’t find that in Mother Goddess teachings.
Who is this “Source” we are talking about? Well, we have been taught more or less since this Third Construct was created that God is masculine, and in the Vedas, God is Brahma, who is Vishnu, who is Lord En.ki. Moreover, En.ki is also the Biblical Satan in the Garden of Edin, the rebellious Lucifer, the Jewish God YHVH, the Christian God Yehovah, and the Muslim God Allah. He is anything but Source, and we don’t want to merge with him, do we?
So, why are we being taught that we must merge with “Source”/En.ki?
He wants us in his shared fantasy, as discussed in the previous chapter. Like any narcissist, he wants his objects (us) to adjust to his introject, and when we do, we are truly in his mind, and we execute anything and everything he has in mind for us. He is the “Source” we are about to merge with, and we are almost there!
I would go so far as to seriously ponder whether the awakening of the human consciousness that is currently occurring and has been accelerated a thousandfold since the beginning of the Internet was planned by the Overlords. People who go on a spiritual path think they are about to ascend to a higher realm where they can live happier and come to know themselves to some tenth degree, when indeed they are going right into the mind of Archangel Uriel/Enki. Not until now, when we humans have a chance to exit the Matrix is the vicious cycle of lies broken, and the snake no longer eats its tails.
Here is more from The Fifth Level of Learning from 2014- 2015:
In their [the Overlords’] minds, we need to have an awakening in order to land in a world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Transhumanism, and ultimately — a social memory complex, i.e. a Singularity. It all started hundreds of years ago with what we call The Enlightenment. That was when magicians and others, e.g., through alchemy and art, were beginning to bring humanity to higher awareness. After that came the Industrial Revolution, which we are the ever-expanding result of today and of which AI, Transhumanism, singularity, and all the rest of it are parts.
Finally, we have the spiritual awakening, which includes the disclosure of the UFO phenomenon, channeling, and communication via global networks, such as the Internet. All these “ movements ” are interconnected, and could all be manipulated into being and are supposed to bring us, not to elusive higher dimensions, but to the phenomenon of One People, One Mind, i.e. Singularity and a social memory complex, set up and run by a central super-computer, which most certainly will be run off-planet.
Today, they rarely call it super-computer anymore but the Cloud, in which the human consciousness will be collected. For many years now, Silicon Valley, with Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook as the forerunner, has been in the process of creating.
Metaverse, which in its finished form will be our new home. We can say goodbye to the world we are in now because we are going to become 100% merged with Metaverse when they are finished with us. When humankind is merged with virtual reality (VR), we have completely entered En.ki’s/Uriel’s mind; we will be ONE with a false Source, which in this case is En.ki.
Our Future in Metaverse
Big Corporations are already buying expensive land in Metaverse for millions, sometimes billions of dollars. Even regular people buy property in VR, hoping to make a profit one day or have somewhere to live. Fiat money will disappear, and the new payment method will be cryptocurrency. You can’t put paper money into VR; the financial system must be integrated with Metaverse and must be digital.
In the beginning, people will sit with their VR goggles and get mesmerized by what they experience in VR. It’s like the real 3-D world but much better. In Metaverse there are no wars, conflicts, and major problems, and they can create beautiful avatars they can use to represent themselves, just like people do now on social media, where nothing is real. In VR, you can buy land, a house, a car, get married, and have sex as much as you want. You, the player, will wear a suit connected to your nervous system, so when you have sex online, you feel the pleasure just like you would in the real world.
But this is still stone age. Soon, we need no goggles. Instead, thanks to the AI propagandist and claimed innovator, Elon Musk, we now have the sky cluttered with satellites, orbiting our planet in the atmosphere. All we need now is a brain implant, so we can connect to his satellites. We won’t even need computers anymore; it’s all going to be in our heads. When we have reached that state, we will have a very difficult time distinguishing between the 3-D world and VR. Eventually, the 3-D world will disappear from our minds, and we will have our entire consciousness invested in Metaverse, believing that is the real world.
Therefore, the Elite has created all this fear and terror around us in the 3-D world. They make it as stressful and scary as possible, so we don’t feel safe anywhere. They even manipulate and destroy our intimate relationships, so we have no one to turn to. People feel very scared and lonely out here, so Metaverse will be the perfect escape—to begin with. The Elite will do all they can to promote VR and make it lucrative and fun; a place where you can stress down in an environment where you can create a false self, someone you might want to be but are not, while at the same time, you’re sitting in your room outside Metaverse, untouchable. People will fall for it because it will feel just as real as this world.
In the meantime, they pump our physical bodies full of nanobots and other nanotechnology through chemtrails, food, medicine, drinks, surgeries… you name it. The goal is to eventually make our physical bodies into cyborgs—half human and half machine—similar to how the Overlords are. In the Gnostic texts, these cyborg bodies in the making correspond quite well with what the Gnostic texts call the future Fourth Adam.
They plan on making the entire Earth immortal—even rocks, trees, and animals, according to Dr. Ray Kurzweil. There are nanobots hidden everywhere. They want our bodies. Not the homo sapiens bodies, but the spirit bodies that are part of our make-up. That’s what Dr. Ray Kurzweil and all other Singularity spokespersons talk about when they say we are going to be immortal. Our physical bodies will also be physically immortal through technology, for they need to be kept alive, too, while the Elite prepares for the last step in their malignant plan.
We will still need to go to the store, just like now, and buy food, someone might say, and then, at least, we need to disconnect from VR. It is true we need food, but we won’t need to go to the store anymore, for there will be no stores outside Metaverse. This is the reason why big corporations and enterprises are buying land in Metaverse; they will move their business there. Let’s say you are hungry and want a Big Mac. You will not go to McDonald’s or drive there to buy it; you contact the fast-food chain in Metaverse, where they have their restaurants, and order what you want. You pay with cryptocurrency, and they will tell you that you now can print out the meal on your 3-D printer. Everybody must have one. 3- D printing is already possible, but those who have tasted the artificial food say it tastes bad. No problem, the manufacturers will work on that.”
We hear a lot about consent, and that the Overlords and the Elite must have our consent to continue with their Agenda. Consent, in this case, could be considered semi-synonymous to freewill. Some may ask how the Controllers can go on with their horrific agenda without our consent. As a matter of fact, they have our agreement, but they don’t exactly get it in an honest way.
This is what they have Hollywood for, and this is why they promote certain writers, musicians, poets, speakers, and people within the alternative movement before others. In these areas, for example, they covertly reveal their sinister agenda at different levels, but in ways people think it’s fiction. Hollywood produces a movie that is obviously fiction, but in that movie, they also insert moments of truth, revealing plans for our future.
Because it’s a fiction movie, people think that the true parts are fiction as well. Still, the producers, either working in cahoots with the Elite, or get a script handed to them from “above,” can then collectively say that they told us, and we didn’t object. They think they get us in this manner, but would it hold up in a cosmic court? No. However, they are narcissists and psychopaths, and as such, they have their introjects, and they have their justifications and modifications, making things okay in their own minds. It’s delusional, but that’s a part of their mental illness.
Another tactic that has worked for millennia is the problem-reaction-solution strategy. This means that the Elite, somewhere in their hierarchy, creates a problem that will make people react in fear and with hopelessness. So, the people plead to the government, or any appropriate institution above them, to do something about the situation.
Then the institution solves the problem so that it benefits them. They solve the same problem they themselves created, and then they can go on with their Agenda. When the solution comes, people calm down and thank the institution for solving the problem for them, when in fact, they created something worse, and we usually lose some of our previous liberties and privileges in exchange for false safety and security. This is a great way for them to create consent.
We humans, as a soul group, are extremely afraid to take responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones. We often know the governments of the world are corrupt and take advantage of us, but we still want them there because we think we are dependent on governments for our existence, which we certainly are not. I have yet to hear about a government that is or was “for the people.” It’s always a narcissistic/psychopathic-codependent relationship between government and people.
The Overlords need not to worry about getting consent from humans to have them enter the Metaverse. They will easily seduce humankind to enter, step by step, as always. They know the human mind, and they know how to trick us. Not only will humankind be willing, but many will even be restless, having a difficult time waiting for it to happen.
The Elite has done a good job at creating a hellish environment on Earth, a hell we adopted and expanded upon with our obedience. Now, no one wants to confront the consequences anymore, so escaping into virtual reality seems like a nice solution, having our physical bodies becoming immortal, as well. And best of all, we don’t need to face this traumatic reality anymore.”
“It is highly unlikely that En.ki’s ascension program leads out of the Matrix even long-term. What we learn about his program is that each “dimension” can take a million years to complete. According to the RA Material, the Fourth Dimension (the Fourth Density, as they call it) takes about a million years to complete. So, what is it supposed to achieve for us? What can we learn there that takes so long? Apparently, we will learn and practice compassion for a million years. Hmm… and that comes from the Overlords who don’t understand compassion. Look who’s talking.
Aside from that, far from all humans will climb “up” the ascension rungs. Many are manipulated into taking another route, becoming spirit guides. After holding this position for a long time, they may get “promoted” to becoming teachers, meaning they will be channels/mediums for humans here on Earth.
Since having followed a variety of channeled material over the years, I find it unlikely that anyone ascends at all within this closed system. Still, that is justified by the Overlords by taking some of us out of the reincarnation cycle and putting us on “loftier” tasks. Thus, they let us “evolve.” I would argue that the humans who become spirit guides, and later teachers, will not ascend at all. Instead, they descend, in the sense they get even more indoctrinated by the Matrix System, becoming even more loyal to En.ki.
So far, from what I’ve heard, no one has graduated from the Matrix (except maybe recently, since a few people who have followed my revelations about the Grid have died within the last few years and have hopefully left the Matrix). The Overlords most likely justify our lack of graduation by convincing themselves they gave us all the chances to exit, but we screwed it up. Instead of following the narrow path to freedom, we continue following others (the Overlords), rather than thinking for ourselves and doing inner work, which would give us insights on how to best exit.”
“As we discussed in Chapter 11, there is no other way to figure out what is really going on unless we look at our situation from the perspective of living in a simulation—a computer game. Not until we do that the dots truly connect. With this in mind, the following conclusions become natural to me, and perhaps something for the reader to ponder.
If the reader is of the older generation, you may not have played computer games, but you probably have an idea of how they work. If we incorporate a computer game mindset into our own 3-D existence, and for argument’s sake think in terms of computer games when reading through this chapter, it will be easier to comprehend. The inventor, programmer, and technician is of course En.ki, the players are us humans (the spirit bodies), and the avatars inside the game are the human bodies with our trapped soul energy and minds inside them.
We often hear, particularly from channeled material, that all time is simultaneous, and linear time is just an illusion. However, this is next to impossible to fully understand, unless we think in terms of simulations and computer games. In a computer game, all time can be simultaneous, and a programmer can create a game just like our matrix, where the player (the Spirit you) has more than one avatar in the game.
One avatar can operate in the twenty-first century, for example, another in the sixteenth century, while a third is in the twenty-fifth century, and so on. These avatars must meet the challenges for their particular wheel of time (the sixteenth century, for instance). You, the player, have different avatars you can interchangeably interact with, but the avatars in the game don’t know that. They think they are the only avatar run by your consciousness.
As we can see now, there is really no linear time, just time loops, or wheels within wheels, where the past, present, and future change all the time because all time is active simultaneously, played out by different avatars, having parts of our consciousness attached. I would even argue (philosophically speaking, of course) that when we sleep, we rest our avatar (physical body) in this time-loop, and navigate another avatar in another loop (let’s say in the sixteenth century).
We might sleep for eight hours, but in the astral, from where this game is most likely run at the next level, time is irrelevant. It might feel as if our dreams might last for an hour, and sometimes for days, or years, when in fact, we are somewhere else in the game while we sleep, playing, and because it’s done from the astral, time is not consequential. In the meanwhile, our sleeping avatar gets recharged, like a battery, getting ready for another day in this particular time loop.
We have discussed already that the soul gets split in the BLA (Between Lives Area) and sent into different pockets in time, and that’s exactly what we are talking about here. It’s part of how this “game” works.
Let’s say that the inventor, programmer, and technician wants to insert something new to the game, or remove something. He can easily to that, and this is where vertical time comes into the picture. From a place outside the Earth Game, he (En.ki) removes a civilization and/or creates a new one just by inserting it into a chosen time loop within the game, even though it might not have been there before.
Therefore, there is no real history, only an invented one. We learn that certain things happened in the past, that the past is set in stone, and things happen in a linear fashion. But the past is constantly changing because the game is always active in the “past,” too. We can picture this as a long line with lots of wheels drawn on it, to make it simple.
Each wheel is a time- loop in which avatars live and die and interact with their environment. But there is little to no connection between the “wheels,” except when a person’s lifetime overlaps into the next wheel (loop). Thus, progress can be made “across the lines of time”. We normally also reincarnate within the same bloodline, as we talked about earlier, so the consciousness splinter of a certain avatar progresses through the time wheels (loops), giving an illusion of linear time.
When the inventor of the game programmed it, he put in some basic things to begin with in each loop—challenges for players to meet. Then, let’s say the end goal of the game is the Singularity, which will be a completely new game, so he inserts the Singularity to start in 2045 in the illusionary timeline he is manipulating the players to believe in. Thus, we have our Alpha and Omega. The game started 9,600 years ago and will end in 2045 if everything goes per the plan. Then the new game starts, which is called Metaverse or the Singularity.
Also, let’s pretend that all players start the game from the beginning of time in this Third Construct. The avatars in the game (we humans) have complete amnesia and don’t know who we are. We bring children into the world, and we become generational, we overlap into the next wheel, each wheel being 2,156 years long, based on astrological cycles and equinoxes. Thus, each time loop becomes populated, one after the other, and humankind, as a species, slowly moves toward the Singularity.
When a physical body dies, the consciousness (soul-mind), goes to the BLA, and most of it is then recycled into a new body on Earth, and the consciousness now becomes their own great grandson, for example. Thus, “time” seems to move forward, and the same consciousness moves forward, too, toward the endgame, the Singularity. However, because the soul is also split in the BLA, part of the soul-mind is simultaneously recycled into other loops/wheels to keep the game going and constantly changing in all loops of time. This creates confusion and diversion, which is exactly the purpose. En.ki wants to keep us confused.
Healing Across the Lines of Time
So, our soul-mind is split in the BLA, only to incarnate into different pockets of time. Eventually, after we have exited in the shape we will be in after this lifetime, we will reunite with our spirit body, which has been the Player in the “Matrix game.” If you are John Smith in this life, that’s who you will be immediately after you’ve exited, too.
You will also retain the memories from earlier lifetimes, experienced by the same soul-mind that is now John Smith. Also, consequently and over time, you will retrieve the soul-mind splinters from what used to be you but was incarnated in other time periods as separate individual units of consciousness, and you will eventually become “whole.”
The question is, who will you be when you are whole? You are no longer John Smith; instead, you will be everything you have experienced on your own timeline, as well as the timelines of those who became splinters of you. This means you have been a “good person” during certain lifetimes and a “bad person” in others; it’s a huge mix. And you will be all of that when everything is retrieved.
This is another very important reason why we need to work on healing. When you heal your present personality, you also heal across the lines of time; you will heal your past and your future at the same time. If you were a criminal two- hundred years ago and heal your present personality, you also heal the criminal version of yourself—literally so. This criminal version of you will have a change in mindset and repent once you’ve healed enough. As you may remember, time is arbitrary, and nothing is set in stone; time is fluid and events ever-changing.
Can you see how beneficial this is? The more you heal in this lifetime, the better off you will be when you have become your entire self, which will be different but still the same as your current John Smith.
Because this is a simulation considered to exist in the physical realm, Spirit can’t operate successfully here. Therefore, we, as spirit bodies, still operate from the KHAA (The Void), but after we sent our soul-minds down into the Matrix, we forgot who we truly are, and now we’re stuck here. So, when we exit the Matrix, we reconnect with our spirit body in the KHAA. We simply withdraw our soul-mind energy from the Matrix and reunite as a 3-U (soul-mind-spirit body) again; we become whole.
This is exactly what will happen when we exit through the Grid. We can only withdraw our consciousness through physical body death because the soul is attached to the body via the silver cord until the body is truly dead. Therefore, we cannot just retrieve our consciousness in this exact moment. While still alive, we can only mentally and emotionally detach from the Matrix simulation.
Once we have withdrawn our energy, we will wake up completely. My guess is that it’s like waking up from a bad dream, in shock. Some of us might think, “Oh my gosh, that was a bad dream! Or was it a dream?” When we are back in the KHAA, we will perhaps be confused at first because the Matrix era might feel like a horrible nightmare, literally, until we realize we are “whole” again.
This is new information to most of the readers, I believe, but it does not void anything already published regarding exiting the Grid. We still think ourselves out through a hole in the Grid after having spotted them, and off we go! Compare this with being completely engaged in a demanding video game, and there are obstacles everywhere. You are investing all your soul energy in the game to overcome the barriers, and it’s really like if you’re inside the game. Then the game is over, and your invested soul energy returns to you, the player. You don’t need to think, “The game is over. I NEED TO RETAIN MY INVESTED ENERGY—NOW! It happens automatically. The principle is the same when you leave the Matrix.
Once outside the Grid, you’re in the KHAA again.
It’s easy to be disillusioned while living in the Matrix, and the urge to get out of here might be great in many people. When the Grid option is being presented, many people draw a sigh of relief; this is exactly what they had been hoping for, and now they have a soulution. People may also start confronting their own life situation and prepare to detach from anything and everything they possess, including humans and pets they are fond of and love. This often requires a slow adjustment because most humans are attached to some things in life that might be difficult to let go from. Let’s say this is being successfully done, can these people then safely exit the Matrix?
Some probably can, but I have a point to make, and I touched on this earlier: we also need to detach from the Overlords and the shared fantasy and the trauma bond we have with them. In other words, we must stop acting like them! That’s the biggest attachment we need to work on. We might be able to exit without working on that, but then we will enter the KHAA, living in a shared fantasy with our oppressors, and thus continuing to act like them in more ways than not.
Another barrier we need to face and overcome when we’re talking about exiting the Matrix is fear. We all sit in front of our computers or phones, feeling completely confident that when our time comes, we will certainly be able to exit. However, once out in the astral, are we still as confident and brave? Some of us might be, but let’s make a guesstimate. Let’s say we have ten people who tell us they are confident they can leave the Matrix.
I would argue that maybe two or three of those will go through the Grid. The other seven to eight people will suddenly be struck by fear and turn the other way, right into the tunnel, their “safe zone.” “I know what I have, but I don’t know what I’ll get,” might be what comes to their minds. People are afraid of the unknown, and when people are afraid, they “run to mom,” which in this sense is the tunnel and the love it emanates.
This is not meant as a derogatory statement; it’s just, in general terms, the nature of today’s humans: We have mother issues big time, and when things get too scary, we look for mom, even when we are grown-ups and fully capable of living a life of our own. Mommy in this case is En.ki, and this is a major reason why we need to disconnect from this cosmic narcissist and psychopath.
So, after we have managed to disconnect from our human narcissists, we have one more narcissist to separate from, and that is “God.” If we do that successfully, we are not prone to run into the tunnel after death just because we are afraid of the unknown. The unknown suddenly will feel liberating, and the fear will be less, to the extent we can safely exit. Then, on the other side, we will operate more from our own authentic selves, and not from a shared narcissistic fantasy with our oppressors.
People in the alternative field sometimes use the term, “We need to grow up!” This is literally true. Most humans act like children in adult bodies much of the time. This is not our fault, but it needs to be dealt with. While we’re doing our inner work, we also must learn how to set up boundaries with ourselves and with others; particularly against those who try to abuse us.
The good news is that setting up boundaries is usually a positive consequence in the healing process; we become more secure the more we heal; and setting up boundaries becomes more natural over time. It’s important that we keep abusive people out of our lives and stop feeling sorry for them. These people are literally halting our spiritual progress, and our chances to exit are strongly related to how successfully we manage to disconnect and go “no contact” with abusive people we interact with.
There is no reason to accept them in our lives because we might feel sorry for them or empathize with their inner pain, which is often bleeding through. It’s not our task to heal them (which is impossible to do, by the way), and even though it’s true that the abusive people are suffering, the effect they have on their environment is so detrimental that we can’t afford to have them in our lives; it is always a lose-lose situation, unless we cut the trauma bonds.”
I en narsopatisk (samlebetegnelse for narsissist/psykopat) relasjon starter kontrollen tidlig i forholdet og kan oppfattes som en dyp kjærlighetserklæring, slik at partneren føler seg elsket på en måte han/hun aldri har opplevd før og tenker at nå har han/hun funnet sin sjelevenn (lovebombing). Det finnes ikke den ting narsissisten vil gjøre for partneren. De ringer deg kontinuerlig og sender tekstmeldinger for å erklære hvor mye de elsker deg, du er den eneste ene, og de vil så fort som mulig gjerne flytte sammen med deg, forlove seg eller gifte seg med deg. De bruker alle metoder som kan brukes for få det til å se ut som om de virkelig elsker deg, men det har ingenting med kjærlighet å gjøre, det hele handler om å få kontroll over deg.
I en narsopatisk relasjon er uforutsigbarhet en vanlig manipulasjonsmetode. Den virkelighetsoppfattelsen man hadde før man kom i et forhold med en narsopat blir forstyrret og forsøkt ødelagt og det gjør at man blir handlingslammet. F. eks. kan man finne ut at de lyver i mange sammenhenger, men hvis man konfronterer dem med det, så blir man latterliggjort, skjelt ut, avvist eller banket opp.
Narsopater setter personer opp mot hverandre (triangulering/splitt og hersk). Partnerens venner og familie blir betegnet av narsissiten som gale, kontrollerende, dumme eller uintelligente og derfor vil ikke han/hun ha noe med dem å gjøre, noe som gjør at partneren i solidaritet med narsissisten eller fordi han/hun har blitt overbevist om at narsissistens påstander er riktige, heller ikke ha noe mere med familie og venner å gjøre, dermed blir partneren isolert i fra sitt tidligere felleskap.
Narsopatens hovedverktøy i en relasjon er manipulasjon, og den mest effektive måten å manipulere noen på er gjennom følelsesmessig manipulering. Narsopatene manipulerer med sitt humør, med avvisning, offerrolle, krenkelser, hjelp, belønning, splittelse og falsk kjærlighet, osv.
I en narsopatisk relasjon brukes skampåføring for å styre partnerens verdensbilde og adferd. Hvis partneren til en narsopat gjør noe eller sier noe han/hun ikke liker, så har narsopaten ingen hemninger når det gjelder å snakke ned partneren og sette ham/henne i forlegenhet i full offentlighet.
If you’ve read the last three books by David Icke, the last two books by Howdie Mickoski and John Panella’s 8 books, you’ll undoubtedly be interested in this book and its content. Or if you’re just interested in who created this universe and this planet and why there is so much suffering here, then this book is a must.
Excerpt from The Forbidden Religion by Jose Maria Herrou Aragon:
“All religions maintain that “matter is good”, “the world is good”, “it was created by God”. And “God is just, God is good and created something good for man”. That is why the bible says “And God said ‘Let there be light’, and there was light. And God saw that light was good”.
Primordial Gnosis, which we can from now on just call Gnosis, with capital letters to differentiate it from other false gnosis which has appeared throughout the course of history, maintains the opposite: matter is evil and impure; matter is the prison of the Spirit. This material world is hell. Matter is evil, and if matter is evil it follows that its creator must also be evil. For Gnostics, the material world, this world, was created not by a good or just god but by a creator satan. Matter is something satanic, therefore whoever created it must also be a satanic being.
In sacred books of various religions, which are said to be inspired by the creator god of the universe, we are related facts, details, which show the creator god to be an imperfect being and not entirely good. He is sometimes portrayed as being vindictive, bad-tempered, arrogant, insecure and indecisive. A god who loves sacrifices in his name, genocide, and who orders people to kill others, and their belongings, land, inhabitants and livestock to be taken away. He gives orders to kill not only his enemies but also women, children and animals. A god who commits genocide. This god demands sacrifices in his name, since he loves the smell of the burnt flesh of the victims sacrificed at the altar. This is the god who caused the Flood.
How many hundreds of thousands of men drowned in the Flood! This is how it is related in the bible and other pre-biblical texts, like that of the Babylonian Flood for example. He has a taste for sacrificing people and animals and for the spilt blood of his enemies. He likes to be admired, adored, served, feared and obeyed. He likes the temples built in his honour, the rituals, the commandments, the accomplishment of his orders, the prayers sent up to him. He likes the pain suffered by all his living beings, the torture, the suffering.
Ancient Gnostics used to call him Ialdabaoth which means “son of chaos”; sometimes he was called Sabaot: “god of exertion”. They also used to call him Kosmocrator or the Great Arconte, the creator and arranger of matter. But the name most commonly given to him by Gnostics is the demiurge, Greek for creator.
Without a doubt, this “superior being” cannot be good and throughout history those who maintained this, (these ideas that I am relating), were naturally persecuted or paid with their lives for daring to say that which for them was the truth. A superior being who loves wars, filicide, and who orders the genital mutilation of boys cannot possibly be a good god. That is why Gnostics likened him to satan. They considered him to be a creator satan. We now know what the destiny of Gnostics, their doctrines and books was to be: they were set on fire, destroyed. Such is the destiny of those called “heretics”, as they have been dubbed throughout the course of history.
Unquestionably, this world is not good. Animals have to rip each other apart and destroy each other in order to eat and survive. Human beings need to cheat on each other in all ranks of life to better themselves, to compete and to survive better. Herbivores need to destroy plants which are also living beings. Everything is constantly destroying itself and others. And there are those which call this “perfection” or “perfect balance”. Incredible! This is hell. It is not a perfect system or even a good one. It is a system in which everyone has to destroy something else in order to survive. This is the system created, this is the world created by a “superior being”: the creator god or demiurge.
The creator god is the one in charge, but he relies on an army of helpers, of constructing angel-demons who support him in his creation and carry out his orders. That is why in Genesis the creator is called elohim. The bible story begins in this way: Bereshit bará elohim (“In the beginning the gods created…”), because elohim in Hebrew is plural and means “gods”, “lords”. Gnostics point out that these gods are the demiurge and his constructing angel-demons which in great numbers, millions of them, help him in his task of creation.
Even in systems of thought that oppose Gnosis, those which see the creation of the world as something good, we hear mention of these constructing helpers and their hierarchies, into which they are divided according to their functions. There are modern theosophical texts, like those of Blavatsky and Bailey amongst others, in which we can find out more about their names and duties.
The regent of the Earth for example is Sanat Kumara. Changing around two letters gives us his real name: Satan Kumara. A name that is hardly hidden, since human beings still must not know the truth, or the future that the creator has in store for them. It is better then that this character’s name is not widely known…for now. Mankind is still not ready for the news that the planet Earth has a regent who is a satan. A satan inferior to the other one, the big one, the main one, the most important one in this created material system, this finite universe which is limited and full of imperfections, which he has managed to create.
In Gnostic myths, these satanic constructors who help the demiurge are represented as monsters.
We have said that god created the body and the soul. For Gnostics, all creation is satanic, evil and originates from a satan creator, a satanic demiurge. So not only the body but also the soul of man is something evil and satanic.
For Gnostics, there exists another God higher than the one who created the world and man. The creator god is not the only god. There is above him another God, infinitely superior and perfect. This God, unknowable to man, is outside of this hellish and impure creation. It is impossible for man to find this God via his body and soul, imperfect and created as they are. Only the man who has completely freed himself from this can have the slightest idea or inkling of intuition of what this God, who is outside this finite and limited universe, is about.
The ancient Greeks called him Agnostos Theos, the Unknown God. This God is, for the Gnostics, not only unknown but rather impossible to know, unknowable, at the very least with our ordinary form of being in this world. With a body and soul we cannot have the slightest idea of what this God, who is outside all this whole system and infinitely superior to the creator god, is. A God impossible to recognise with this body and soul, from this universe created from matter and time.
This God does not belong to a material plane but to an antimatter one. He is an antimatter God, who abhors the hell of the created matter, who with our current state of being we are not able to recognise, nor even imagine. He is a mystery to us. This Unknowable God is like an inconceivable and indescribable fire. He is the True God. But this True God, normally out of our reach, cannot manifest himself or act in this impure and imperfect universe, in these hellish dimensions of created matter and time. Only in exceptional cases can the Unknowable God penetrate these dimensions, through one of his Messengers, in order to make a generally small change, and with great sacrifice. This only happens on very rare occasions, given the conditions here, in this material hell.
Gnosis maintains that man is formed from three substances, three elements: the body, the soul and the Spirit. We have seen that the body and soul were created by the creator god. He created the body from the dust of the earth and gave it a soul by breathing his breath into man’s nose. The body, as much as the soul, was created by the demiurge or creator god.
But there is another element in man which is uncreated, which the creator god did not create. An element which comes from another world, another kingdom, from the unknowable kingdom of antimatter which in our normal state we cannot even imagine. This spark of antimatter without which no human being would have evolved to become what he is today, is the Spirit. Without It, no human being would ever have differentiated himself from a common animal. This special spark, uncreated, divine, coming from the unknowable kingdom, is called Spirit by Gnostics.
According to Gnosis, this Spirit, which doesn’t belong to this world, has been lured into and tied to the hellish matter, in order to make use of It, to use It as a driving force of the material evolution. An uncreated spark has been trapped in each man to start off this evolutionary process which figures in the plans of the creator god. Divine Spirits are used to advance evolution on this plane of impure matter.
The Spirit, formed completely from antimatter is trapped, chained up, imprisoned in this hell, and suffering torment that is impossible for us to imagine. It is one of the cruellest forms of torture there is, being bound to this abominable world of matter, to this created monstrosity which we call the body-soul of man. The Spirit is shackled against Its will and is used in each human being to advance his evolution, so that the creator god’s plans can be carried out. It is unbearable agony for the Spirit: imprisoned against Its will in a world which for It is strange and impure, being used as a disposable object so that an insane plan can be accomplished.
Such is the power that the Spirit provides to this created monstrosity called body-soul. This Spirit is tied to the soul; if man died, the soul would leave the body and take with it the Spirit which is tied to it. The Spirit is not tied to the body, It communicates with the body through the soul, and Its bond is with the soul. The soul is the breath of the creator god on man, which turned him into “a living soul”. The soul is the animic aspect in a human being, it is not something immensely superior like the uncreated Spirit.
There is much confusion regarding these issues; that is why throughout this description of Gnostic ideas we are expressing a somewhat different view point to the usual one, so that everyone can at least have the option of being able to choose something which is really quite different to the rest.
The Spirit is in this world but It doesn’t belong to it. It does not belong to this illusory world of matter and time.
We can infer that if this spark of antimatter fire, the Spirit, could free Itself from the prison, Its behaviour in this world would be extremely aggressive. Firstly, since It is antimatter It abhors matter. Secondly, because It has been skilfully trapped and shackled against Its will for thousands of years. Naturally then, on an abstract level of reasoning, if this Spirit could free Itself, the first thing It would do would be to destroy. Destroy everything that surrounded It in this impure world, the created world, the material universe of the creator god. This Spirit is not an evil being, but it would be the normal behaviour of someone who had been confined in a prison unfairly and against their will. Tricked and against their will as Gnostics say. Imprisoned in a world to which It does not belong, in a satanic world of matter and time.
If a common man could see these beings, he would be scared by their aggressiveness and destructiveness. He would perceive them as dangerous enemies, like the beings imagined by Lovecraft, or those in films such as Hellraiser or Predator. Viewing reality through his body and soul, the common man sees the pure as impure and his saviours as enemies.
Warriors of the Spirit loathe matter. They are indeed destroyers, but destroyers of the impure . If a common man came face to face with these beings, all that was impure within him, his body and soul would be disintegrated. These beings are formed from the antimatter fire of the other world; therefore not a single created atom can collide with them without disappearing. If these warriors were to approach a common man, they would destroy his body and soul, although not his Spirit, which is made from pure fire, just like them. Only the absurd aspects would be destroyed, the sick part, that which imprisons the Spirit, the coffin which encases It: the body and soul of the animal wrongly called man.
Spirit has been brought from outside and does not belong to this world. It has been added to the monstrosity which is body-soul, to make it function and evolve. But It was put there against Its will and finds Itself imprisoned in matter. It is the Spirit which rebels. It is not rebelling against Its creator but against the one who imprisoned It.
On the other hand, men transmuted into pure Spirit will never be afraid of anything. They can indeed see reality such as it is. They can indeed discriminate correctly between Good and evil. They can indeed see the members of the black lodge as they really are. They know that the antimatter fire only destroys the created, not the uncreated. The Spirit is not afraid of death, simply because as far as the Spirit is concerned, death does not exist, because the Spirit is eternal. And the day everything that is garbage is destroyed, that is to say, the day on which all creation and its creator are disintegrated, when nothing remains, neither a body, nor a soul, nor a simple atom, only the Spirits will remain, freed forever. Now there will be no more duality and the world will go back to being one and only one: the Unknowable Eternal Fire.
The cathars, for example, also divided man into three different types: terrestrial (hyletics), if ruled by the body; psychic, if ruled by the soul and spiritual (pneumatic) if ruled by the Spirit.
The creator, according to Gnosis, has a plan for his creation, which is why he created the universe and placed man in it. He has a plan he wants to press ahead with and he needs man in order to do this. However he needs man to act in agreement with his orders, those of the creator, and not according to the desires of the Spirit. The demiurge does not allow the Spirit, shackled in the soul of man, to manifest Itself. He wants man to act through his soul and not his Spirit. For this reason it is necessary to oppress man, frighten and worry him. He is a god who oppresses his creatures completely.
The soul and the Spirit, the two entities invisible to the average human eye, are the complete opposite and are irreconcilable. The soul was created by the demiurge; it is that which gives life to the body, the animic aspect. Only the soul longs to be united with its creator, to be merged with him. The Spirit, on the other hand, is a prisoner in this strange world in which It doesn’t belong and which for It is hell. It only wants to liberate Itself and return to the unknowable world from which It came. For the Spirit, the body and the soul are as dreadful as matter and time.
For the demiurge and his creation, it is necessary, fundamental even, that the Spirit remains tied to the soul of man. His evolutionary plan cannot do without the Spirits that are enchained to matter. However one thing is important: the demiurge wants this to remain a secret, for man never to realise that inside of him is an uncreated spark stolen from another world.
So, in order to eliminate Gnostic thought about the Spirit, the agents of the demiurge on Earth came up with this ingenious idea: from the two entities, opposed and irreconcilable, they would make only one. They would take all the divine characteristics of perfection and purity from the Spirit. They would only leave out Its uncreated aspect, since if man discovered he had something uncreated inside of him he would begin to ask questions, and that is no good. All the virtues of the Spirit would be transferred to the soul, which in this way would turn it from a satanic entity into a perfect one. Now there would be no more talk of the uncreated Spirit. Now only one entity within the human body would remain: “the divine and perfect soul created by God”.
We have said that at the beginning of christianity, the first christian theologians, Saint Augustine amongst others, always referred to the body, soul and Spirit of man. But, as the years passed, this began to disappear. The Spirit was being transformed, firstly in “intellect”, then as one with the soul, until one fine day it was decided to remove It completely as a constituent part of the human being, leaving behind only body and soul. The conspiracy was a success: man forgot about the Spirit. And not only in christianity but in all the religions of the demiurge, body and soul are seen as the only constituent parts of man.
Not only has the idea of something uncreated inside of man managed to be eliminated, but the idea that there is a prisoner unfairly locked up inside of him has been eliminated as well. It is better that no-one knows why the Spirit has been imprisoned, since men would start to ask questions and some could even wake up. It is better that they remain blind, discussing less dangerous issues such as football or sex.
For Gnosis, the only “original sin” that existed was that committed by the demiurge on binding the Eternal Spirits to the mortal soul of man. For Gnosis, the only “fall” that existed, and helped along by the demiurge, was the fall of the Spirits in the hellish world of matter.
All this mass confusion, this great maya which comes from creation and which is carried on by means of culture, is passed on in turn by fathers to their young children and later by teachers in schools. In this way, the slightest hint of the Spirit is annihilated from the day man is born. All rebellion, disobedience, opposition and all that comes from the Spirit is annihilated through punishment, threats and brainwashing. By transforming their children into machines of blind obedience, the satanic parents are forming the future slaves of the demiurge.
In the middle of all this mass confusion, man thinks he knows what is good and what is evil. He also thinks that by doing what is called “good” and avoiding what is called “evil” he is completely fulfilling his duty. He does not know how confused he is, that he is living a lie, that he is continually deceiving himself and others. He does not know because he is asleep, because he has been brainwashed and because his Spirit has been nullified since birth. Most men call light that which is true darkness, and they perceive True Light as darkness. They call everything satanic originating from the demiurge “good” and everything which originates from the Unknowable God “evil”.
There are two opposing forces at work within and outside of man: the creator and the Unknowable, the created and the uncreated, the soul and the Spirit. One of these represents evil and darkness and the other Good and Light. It is easy to imagine what the stance of a Gnostic and that of a sleeping man would be.
It is said that the whole history of mankind can be explained as the fight between light and darkness but what light and what darkness? Most people are not aware that they are spending their lives struggling in favour of true evil. What man calls light is the light created by the demiurge, since man does not know any light superior to it. It is the light which comes from the created world and which, for the Spirit, is unfathomable darkness. Darkness, which comes from the demiurge and his demonic creation, is what man calls light. Man calls Truth the Great Lie, the Great Deception, that which we can call the Great Mockery.
There is another Light, superior, inconceivable, unknowable: the Uncreated Light which comes from the kingdom of the True and Unknown God. What would happen if this Light burst into this impure universe? Man would go almost blind. What would he see? Would he see a light? No, he would see the night. His eyes are not ready to see this infinitely pure and perfect Light. He would be frightened, fearing, and rightly so, that he would be destroyed by the Light. So he would call this Light “evil”, “darkness”, which happens with everything seen through the eyes of the impure, the body and soul of man, and not through the eyes of the Spirit.
This is the confusion between darkness and Light, the same confusion that exists between the creator god and the Unknowable God, between the created and the Uncreated, between the soul and the Spirit. That is why man unwittingly calls true darkness light and True Light darkness. True Light would blind and destroy him. If man could withstand the vision of True Light without dying, he would only see unfathomable darkness, because he would be seeing the True Light.
Gnostics maintain that the creator must be trapped and weakened, in such a way that he cannot create anything else and finally disappears. The duality of worlds must be eliminated by man so there will be only one kingdom: that of the Unknowable God .
Gnostics maintain that the attacks must be aimed at the creator god, to break the endless return of manvantaras and pralayas, of experimental trial and error in this Great Plagiarism which will never attain perfection. If an atomic chain reaction destroyed everything created, the demiurge would create it all again. That is why for Gnosis it is the creator god who must be defeated and eliminated.
In an interesting film called Warlock (1989), a witch, who is the “bad guy”, tries to find the exact words with which the demiurge created the world. Pronouncing this formula backwards would make all creation disappear. This is not a bad idea but rather a possible waste of time: if it happened like this the demiurge would create it all again.
Another important theme is suicide. Suicide would appear to be a rebellion against the creator, but it is not. Those who think that suicide is a means of escaping from the clutches of the demiurge are wrong.
When a man begins to wake up and starts to see things as they really are, he fears he has gone mad. He realizes that everything he has been taught is lies, that he is surrounded by madmen and sleepwalkers and that he is stuck in a giant concentration camp inhabited by the insane. If this man does not quickly find other men who are awake like him, it is likely he will think about committing suicide in an effort to escape from this prison. That is why most men prefer to remain asleep. Most of them do not want to know the truth: that they are living in a huge mental institution invented and controlled by the Supreme Madman . Only a minority of very brave men will seek out this Special Knowledge capable of waking them up.
We have seen that attempting to destroy the work of the demiurge is useless, since he will only create it again. In the same way then, suicide is also a mistake, a useless rebellion, and in this case the complete opposite of liberation.
When the common man commits suicide, his soul is separated from his body and delivered to the demiurge, taking the Spirit with it, as the Spirit is tied to the soul. Next comes judgment, punishment and karma. This is what happens every time a man dies, and suicide is no exception. In the case of sucide, the punishment inflicted by the demiurge will be greater: a prisoner has tried to escape and has been trapped again. Double punishment. The prisoner who has committed suicide, has not escaped from anything and has liberated himself from nothing. Here he is, in the hands of the demiurge once again. For the common man, suicide is neither a way out nor liberation. On the contrary, it is a worsening of his situation.
But in the case of a man who has fulfilled his Spirit, everything is different, since he is not a common man anymore. He is a man who has escaped from the prison of the demiurge. The demiurge and his punishment cannot reach him now. The laws of karma do not exist for him now. He has transformed himself by his own free will, into something uncreated within the created world and he can do whatever he wants, including committing suicide.
His impure body and soul have been deified by the Spirit and no longer belong to the demiurge. His body, soul and Spirit have been converted into only one thing: something indestructible, immortal and eternal. For this type of man, suicide is simply a way of moving from one point in the universe to another, or from one dimension to another.
This type of man is the one who is described in the christian myth. It is said that when they went to look for the body of Christ they could not find it, the tomb was empty. Of course, since the Spirit had taken the body and soul with It! After “death”, the Spiritualized body and soul, transformed into one inseparable unit with the Spirit, leave along with It.
Let us look at an example of a famous suicide now that we are talking about christianity. That of Judas, the man who betrayed Jesus Christ. A common man, uninformed and confused, would say that Judas is a monster, that it was his fault Jesus Christ was crucified. Judas is the bad guy of this story. Who could like Judas?
However for Gnostics, Judas is a hero, a benefactor of mankind, who, through his betrayal, helped Jesus Christ’s mission to be carried out. A “Gospel of Judas” even existed, which narrated all these events from his point of view. You can already imagine what happened to this gospel.
According to Gnostics, Judas came to help Christ with his mission. Judas’s betrayal is what led directly to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The death of the Messiah redeemed the world. The redeeming death of the Saviour would not have occurred without Judas. Without Judas, christianity would not have succeeded as a religion. How different the history of man would have been if Judas, “the best of the Lord’s disciples”, had not existed.
What could it have mattered to Judas the fact that future generations would say that he was a monster? Such is the destiny of heroes, of great men, here in the hell of the demiurge! Judas knew without a doubt that he would later be spoken about badly, that he would be mercilessly discredited and hated and despised by everyone. But what could this have mattered to someone who came to carry out an essential mission, and together with no less than one of the saviours of the world? That is why Christ said to Judas: “Judas, what you have to do, do it quickly”. His “betrayal” was fundamental for the future of christianity.
What could Judas do after successfully carrying out his mission? He had to abandon the world of the demiurge, since he had no business being here any more. Having completed his mission, he had to return to his home in the unknowable world.
Judas committed suicide. Traditionally we are told that Judas made his way to a tree and hanged himself. Having completed his mission, a Warrior of the Spirit can resort to suicide as a way of quickly leaving the hell of the demiurge. He can do it because he does not belong to this world and, as we have said, neither the creator nor his laws have any power over him.
The suicide of a warrior, a superman of the Spirit, is one thing and the suicide of a sleeping man is something else. This is why Judas’ suicide is not the same as that of a common man, who despairs over the slightest thing in the world of matter and then one fine day kills himself. Gnostics state that the tree on which Judas hanged himself, was no other than the tree of Eden.”
According to author John Panella, Satan and Lucifer are playing on the same team, good cop, bad cop strategy to deceive us, so could it be that the author, Jose M Herrou Aragon feeds us with misinformation?
“Gnostics consider that the biblical myth of creation can be explained as follows: the creator satan of the world trapped Adam and Eve in his miserable world, and Lucifer, in the form of a serpent, offered them the forbidden fruit of saving Gnosis, and showed them that the creator was deceiving them.
The creator threw Adam and Eve out of this paradise in which he had placed them since he wanted them (and still does) to reflect him and be similar to him after his image and resemblance, and to carry out his precepts so as to be like him and not like the Unknowable God. He wants the Spirit to stay asleep so he can take advantage of Its energy, preventing It from manifesting Itself in man and the world.”
When it comes to Cain and Abel, Panella and Aragon also have conflicting information. Which of them is right?
Everybody knows what happened after the “fall” of man, according to Genesis. Adam and Eve were thrown out of paradise and had children. First Cain and then Abel. Everybody knows that “God did not accept the sacrifices which Cain offered him but did accept Abel’s”. So Cain, consumed by jealousy, threw himself on his brother and killed him. Everybody knows this; we have always thought “how bad Cain was”, “he killed his brother, how terrible”. Cain was the bad one and Abel the good; this is the interpretation given to us in judaism, christianity and islam. Even Saint Augustine in his interpretation of the myth of Cain and Abel compares Cain with the Jews and Abel with Christ. He says that the Jews killed Christ in the same way that Cain killed Abel. Saint Augustine then, like everyone else, carried on the tradition that Abel was good and Cain was bad.
It is very clear in the bible; Cain is punished by God, banished. This is seen as something logical and normal: Cain is bad and Abel is good. The Gnostic interpretation is completely different as we will now see.
First of all, Gnosis maintains that Cain was not the son of Adam and that Eve conceived her first son Cain with the Serpent, Lucifer. The Serpent Lucifer impregnated Eve with his breath. In other words, Cain was not completely human, born from flesh. His Spiritual nature was great because his father was Lucifer, coming from the unknowable world of the Spirit.
On the other hand, Abel was the son of Adam and Eve, in other words Abel was indeed born from flesh.
We can now see the first difference between the two brothers: Cain is superior to Abel. Cain is the son of Eve and Lucifer, the initiatory Serpent of Eden. Cain is the son of the Spirit and of flesh. Abel, on the contrary, is born only from flesh. Therefore we can see first of all that Cain is not someone evil but that in fact he is superior, important, and much more so than Abel.
Secondly, Cain as much as Abel made sacrifices to the creator god to please him, offering him things that he liked. Cain offered vegetables and Abel animals, lambs for example. According to the bible the creator god preferred the latter: the blood from the dead animals and the smell of burnt flesh of the corpse. The bible says that the creator was pleased by Abel’s sacrifices but not by Cain’s. It appeared that Cain had little desire to please the creator since he only offered him a few seeds and with little devotion, as if he wasn’t entirely convinced of the usefulness of making sacrifices.
Naturally then, Abel’s sacrifices were accepted by the creator and Cain’s weren’t. Cain didn’t like to offer sacrifices to the creator because of his roots, because he was the son of Lucifer and had the divine spark of the Angel of Light within him. That is why he did not make suitable sacrifices to the creator and why it disgusted him to do so since he did not belong to this created world. Abel, on the other hand, whose nature was not of the Spirit but of an animal, did make suitable sacrifices and these were the ones which most pleased the creator.
An ancient legend relates what Abel said to his brother Cain on one particular occasion: “my sacrifice, my offering, was accepted by God because I love him, your offering was on the other hand rejected because you hate him”. Now it is quite clear, Cain hates the creator because he is born from the Spirit, his true nature is Spiritual! Put this way it is quite clear. All these legends and myths surrounding Genesis tell us many things. Through them we realise that much information has been distorted and hidden from us.
There are other interesting things which Cain said to his brother. One small sentence sums up his position. These words are key: “There is no law, no judge” Palestinian Targum, Gen., 4:8). Cain is denying the authority of the creator god and the fact of paying homage to and obeying him.
Later on we see that Cain murdered his brother Abel. This is something very profound as it signifies that the Spirit rejects, destroys and murders the soul. Abel, presented as pure love and devotion in the bible, represents the soul of man according to Gnostics. Cain, on the contrary, represents the Spirit, which explains his hostility and hatred. Hostility and hatred typical of the Spirit, since the Spirit really hates this impure world, full of unfair and absurd rules. This explains Cain’s resistance to making sacrifices and his disobedience as regards the creator’s commandments. Cain and Abel are as opposed and irreconcilable as are the Spirit and the soul.
The soul is pure love, not True Love but that which we know as love, that which we believe is love, that which we have been told is love, which in actual fact is hatred. The Spirit is the opposite; It is perceived as pure hatred, hostility and revenge. Due to being shackled in this satanic creation the only thing the Spirit can feel is hostility and hatred, that which ordinary men know as hatred. The Spirit, which is Pure Love, can only feel aversion and disgust before this thing that is, in fact, pure garbage. That is why the Spirit wants to destroy this satanic creation, because for It, creation is a deformed monstrosity which should never have come into existence. This is what Cain’s murder of Abel symbolises.
Cain, through his actions, freed himself completely from the creator and from his own body and soul. Through these acts against the creator god and his half-brother Abel he freed himself once and for all from the inferior god and his impure and flawed creation. With these acts he transformed himself into an opponent, an eternal enemy of the demiurge and his work.
This whole episode of Cain and Abel, such as it is in Genesis in the bible and in legends such as the jewish midrash amongst others, has been interpreted by Gnostics in a way that totally opposes the generally accepted version.
After committing his Supreme Act, the bible says that Cain was cursed by god and banished from that place. “Cursed and banished”, the same destiny as the Serpent of paradise. It was logical that this should happen, as Cain had turned himself into an absolute opponent of the creator god, but as well as that, many more interesting things happened which we are going to be highlighting here:
First of all, we saw that Cain was cursed and banished by the creator god. This, which could have appeared to be punishment, is just the opposite for a Gnostic. To be cursed and banished by the creator is an honour for a Gnostic. It is the natural reaction of the demiurge faced with someone who has defied him and slapped him in the face, faced with someone who has made himself equal or superior to him. Cain is in exile because he completely trans formed himself, successfully exiled himself and now no longer belongs to this world, although he carries on living in it. The bible says that the creator banished him, but Cain is free, liberated in life and through his acts he cursed the creator and exiled himself from this abominable creation.
Secondly, several jewish legends relate that the creator punished Cain forever with insomnia, condemning him never to sleep again, with eternal wakefulness. To a Gnostic, this is not punishment but a triumph. Being condemned to eternal wakefulness is an advantage, a virtue, an important achievement. Cain woke himself up disobeying the creator’s commandments and “murdered” his soul.
Thirdly, the bible says that the creator protected Cain, not allowing anyone to harm or kill him. This is another interesting fact. Gnostics say that a man who has transformed himself into pure Spirit, although he continues to inhabit his physical body, is immortal, untouchable. Absolutely no-one can harm or attack him now and he has no fear since he is beyond everything and will never die. He is in this world but outside of it as well. He is outside of matter and time and now does not form part of creation. He exiled himself from this world by his own will. The creator god can’t harm him anymore, because Cain is now superior to him.
Fourthly, the bible says that the creator put a mark on Cain, a sign, so that everyone would recognise him and would not hurt him. Some ancient jewish legends say that this sign was a horn on his forehead. A horn on the forehead signifies power, power that comes from the Spirit, power that distinguishes him from other men. This callous on his forehead signifies that the Spirit has freed Itself and has taken possession of the body, hardening it, Spiritualising it.
No-one put a mark on Cain. Cain put it there himself. When this happens, it is noticed by other men and the whole of creation. Every Spirit freed from the prison of matter will have this mark for all eternity. Now the Spirit will never be what It was before being shackled to matter. That characteristic mark is the body transformed, as hard as a diamond. The Spirit has transmuted the body and is now immortal and eternal. This will be Its eternal reminder, the everlasting proof of Its path through hell and Its triumph over it.
According to Gnostics, the creator god has many plans, which together make up his “grand plan”. This was the reason why he created the universe and man. To achieve his objectives he is going ahead with an evolutionary experiment in which the body, soul and the Spirit of man are taking part. He goes on practicing, trying things out, and if he succeeds he will extend the results to his entire created universe. If he fails, he will have to do away with this project and start again from scratch, as he has done so many times, to try something else again and again. The fact is that he will never be able to make a perfect copy of what he imagined is the unknowable world, which he tries to imitate in vain.
Without a doubt, in this last experiment he achieved success which, although imperfect, has some value. After millions of years of fruitless practicing, he has within a few thousand years made a notable step in the evolution of his greatest work: man. After millions of years of evolutionary suspension in which the hominid man lived like just another animal, he has advanced more in the last 30,000 years than throughout all of history. Gnostics associate this mutation or “creation”, this great evolutionary jump, with the use of Spirits of the greatest purity coming from the uncreated world.
The creator god modelled a body from the dust of the earth and, with his breath, gave it an animic element, the soul. To this soul, this breath of the creator, he affixed a Spirit, which was trapped through trickery and imprisoned against Its will in this satanic monstrosity of dust and breath: the body and soul of man. It is the divine energy of the imprisoned Spirit which impelled and continues to impel the evolution of the man-animal!
And why does the creator want this being to evolve? So that it will transform itself gradually into him. That is why he made his precepts and commands. He wants man to transform into himself, the creator, to become the same as him. The body and soul would be very happy if this happened because they are part of the creator god. But the Spirit is not part of him; It has another origin and another destiny.
As long as the Spirit is chained up, everything goes well, It impels evolution. But if even one Spirit frees Itself It disturbs the whole plan. That is why it is so important that the tyranny of the demiurge is absolute, and that all knowledge which could wake man up and make him remember who he really is, remains forbidden because it would be dangerous knowledge, so dangerous that it would be able to destabilise the plan of the creator god.
According to Gnosis, only one Spirit which can free Itself would be able to weaken the whole creation and also weaken the creator god, preventing him from continuing with his plans. This Spirit would be a saviour, a saviour of the world and the other Spirits. It would favour the liberation not only of other men but of the entire universe, of the innumerable divine sparks coming from the uncreated and eternal world which find themselves imprisoned here, in this great blind machine, in order to make it work and evolve.
This system, created by the demiurge, cannot function unless it possesses these particles of the Spiritual world enslaved, imprisoned here. Gnostics say that of all these Spiritual particles, those imprisoned in human beings are the most important in Spiritual hierarchy and purity.
The demiurge created and assembled all this and encourages it to evolve. So that it evolves towards him, with the human being ahead. If the experiment with man fails, he will lay his hands on another of his creatures and try again.
We have said that the demiurge wants man to evolve until he turns into him and becomes the same as him, so that every soul, or in other words his own breath, and everyone made of dust can return to him, transforming themselves into him. This is the final objective that the demiurge has for man.
Because of all this, it is fundamental to the demiurge to keep the Spirit imprisoned so that he can use Its energy. This is why the demiurge needs man to remain half-asleep and confused so that man keeps on blindly approaching him, the creator, who lures him with tricks and punishment. For this whole system to work, man has to keep on believing that the creator is the only god that exists and that he is a good god.
Gnostics maintain that if man evolves to the point where he merges with his creator, at that moment his Spirit will lose all possibility of freeing itself while this universe lasts.
In the whole of this evolutionary process which the creator god has come up with and is encouraging, the death and reincarnation of man is very important. When a human being dies, the physical body at that point dies; the soul separates from the body and takes the enchained Spirit with it, because the Spirit is shackled to the soul and not to the body. The Spirit is connected to the body through the soul.
After physical death the soul retreats, taking this Spirit with it. The soul takes the Spirit to other planes and there it continues to be punished. For Gnostics, this world is hell; it is full of punishment and suffering from birth until death. But after death the suffering continues and, what‘s more, ca become even more intense. The soul is punished for all the behaviour it indulged in on Earth while it was in the physical body. The suffering continues. The soul is beaten, punished, “cleansed” as some would say, until it is moved to a new body in order for the suffering to continue. Nobody can be saved from hell, not even through death. Once the soul has separated from the body it continues to suffer, and sometimes more so than before. The beatings and punishment continue.
And in this way through subsequent deaths and reincarnations, the behaviour of human beings is shaped. Men are deceived, as they are told this punishment is for their own good, that through it they will “improve”, “evolve”, “become better”, “purer”, “holier”, “more like their creator”. More like their creator satan .
Ask this creator satan, who is called “Righteous Judge” and “God of Love”, why children die. Also ask him why he invented so many viruses and diseases. He will not reply because as well as being unfair he is also deaf and blind. Gnostics maintain that the creator feeds on the outpouring of pain and weeping produced by man.
By means of punishment, the demiurge pretends that man is gradually being “perfected”. “Perfecting himself” means resembling the demiurge, the creator, more and more. The punishment will end when man surrenders to the creator and accepts being like him, renouncing his Spirit.
This last thing is what happens when a man or community decides to form a “covenant” or blood pact with the demiurge in order to reduce the suffering a little. In these cases, the man or group of men involved in the pact promise to renounce the Spirit in exchange for power or material riches.
Those men renounce Everything, in exchange for very little. You have to be insane or very desperate to make a pact or covenant with the evil demiurge. They have signed their Spiritual death warrant and will be disintegrated when everything that has been created disappears.
What should we do then to be like the creator? This has been written about in all the “sacred books” which he inspired. Contained in them is everything that should be done: “adore the creator”, “love your neighbour”, “and do not eat such and such”, “turn the other cheek”, etc. It does not matter that some precepts do not make sense; it is enough to obey them.
It is very clear what man has to do to please the creator. The point is that some things are difficult to do, because every man has a Spirit chained up inside of him shouting at him to oppose the demiurge and not to obey him. Of course some men listen to the voice of their Spirit more than others.
That is why there is punishment. That is why there is death and subsequent reincarnation. Some men need to be punished more than others in order to be broken.
During the suffering, there comes a moment in which man gives himself up, surrenders himself and accepts being like the creator of matter. He does it so that the torture will stop, not for any other reason. In order to surrender himself he has to renounce his Spirit to show the creator that his conviction is absolute, that his conversion is not feigned. In doing this, his Spiritual Self remains absolutely nullified; this is Spiritual death.
Now he will no longer listen to the voice inside which shouted at him to oppose, never to surrender himself, to always fight for his freedom; that voice which he hardly heard. The soul has triumphed; the demiurge has triumphed. This man has converted himself into a “saint”, into “an example worthy of being imitated”. For the creator, the point when nothing in man can any longer be a reflection of the Spirit is reason for great jubilation and happiness. Now, there is emptiness inside of that man which is subsequently filled by god.
That man has transformed himself into “a representative of God on Earth”, a “living God”, in an equal to his creator. That is one of the most important aspects of the creator god’s “Grand Plan”. That is why he created matter and time, the whole universe and man and why he imprisoned the Eternal Spirits.
Once man has merged with god, or has “lost himself in God”, as some religions say, that Spirit has finished his work here. But, far from being liberated, the demiurge will tie up the Spirit again to the soul of another man who is on a lower evolutionary level, in order to keep using It to advance evolution and accomplish the aim of creation: the fusion of man with his creator.
The Spirits will only be freed when the creator decides to finish his creation, possibly in thousands of millions of years. Maybe some Spirits can liberate themselves beforehand via their own means, but this is very difficult. The demiurge, knowing that the escape of even one of his prisoners would be catastrophic for him and for his creation, has taken many precautions to avoid this happening.
First of all, in order for this plan to work, it is necessary for man to remain asleep. It is necessary that no Spiritual Self can manifest Itself and say “I do not agree”, “this is not my world”, “this is not my life”, “this is not my destiny”, “this world is hell”.
We have said that no-one can escape from the suffering. Not even through suicide can the punishment that the creator satan puts his creatures through be avoided. Bodies and souls belong to the creator throughout their whole life and even after death. The only solution is through the liberation of the Spirit. This is the most difficult and important task a man who is only half awake can undertake.
We were saying that the creator needs man to remain asleep in order to make his plan concrete. Therefore whichever man or book that helps him to wake up and free his Spirit must be destroyed. That is why all this knowledge, this Gnosis, has been so persecuted and silenced.
In the dictatorship of the demiurge, man only has freedom to choose between several things which are the same. The same, but with different disguises. There is always freedom of thought as long as it does not contradict the “politically correct way of thinking”, imposed by the representatives of the demiurge.
Let us take the case of religions. They all appear to be different but they are not. They are the same thing, only their appearance is different. Their god is the same: the creator of the world. They call him Brahma, Baal, Yahve, Jehovah, Moloch, the Lord God or Allah, but it is always the same: the demiurge.
They try to give a false impression of diversity, so that the sleeping man thinks there are a variety of paths, with different destinies and freedom to choose between them. There are even men who change from one religion to the other, believing that by doing so they are making a great change. It took Rene Guenon, for example, years of study and meditation to make the decision to abandon christianity and join masonry and martinism, only to give it all up at a later date and convert to islam. He thought he had made great leaps with these changes, but the only thing he did was to go round in circles inside his labyrinth. His search was in vain. And if Guenon, well-learned in these subjects, experienced such confusion, one can imagine the mistakes the average man will make.
The case of Saint Augustine is even more pathetic. He was a follower of Mani, an auditor or hearer, and on the point of meeting Mani in person, he resolved to abandon everything and convert to christianity. With his apostasy, Augustine rejected the Unknowable and the Spirit, opting for the demiurge and the soul. He resisted the radical asceticism of Manichaeism to immerse himself in the new popular and imperial religion of Constantine: christianity.
There are people who are half-awake who, afraid of spending their lives sleeping, are desperately looking for a way out of the labyrinth in which they are trapped. Unfortunately, most of them ignore that the options appearing in front of them are all the same thing, only with different disguises. The aim of all this is for them never to find the way out or realise that religions, like political parties, are the same thing with different faces, all under the demiurge’s control.
A few years ago the Dalai Lama said that there should not be only one religion, but a “supermarket of religions”. This is the best way of making man believe he is surrounded by a diversity of options and that when he makes a choice he will get something different to the rest.
The aim of these religions is to keep man asleep, leading him blindly to the final slaughterhouse: his fusion with the demiurge .
For the demiurge, it is essential that man does not wake up so that he can lead him, like a sleepwalker, through successive reincarnations, to the highest point in evolution in which, tired of so much suffering, he agrees to surrender his Divine Self, his Eternal Spirit, in order to merge with the creator.
Gnosis has an answer to the question of whether creation is eternal or will one day disappear: everything that has been created will have to disappear. The demiurge creates universes and then after a while destroys them. Rabbis say: “The Lord, blessed as he is, creates worlds and destroys them”. In the teachings of the Shankara we find: “Like bubbles in water, the world arise from, exist in, and dissolve into the supreme Lord”. (Atmabodha, 8). Hindus call this “breathing of Brahma”. Brahma is the Hindu creator god. It is another name for the demiurge.
The creator god begins a new creation with every Big Bang. This is exhalation, his breath, being exhaled to the outside. This creation expands until he decides to put an end to it, taking it back to the beginning, reabsorbing it. This is inhalation, the absorption of his breath. When creation comes to its end and is destroyed, involution starts; time starts to go backwards until it disappears and there is a long period in which the demiurge does not create anything. In India this phase is called “the night of Brahma”.
Each period of creation is followed by a period of cosmic silence in which everything created is taken back, contracting until it disappears. After everything is destroyed and reduced to nothing, another Big Bang starts a new creation and so on and so forth. Each attempt by the demiurge is followed by another, constantly pursuing the perfection that he will never attain.
In India, the cycles of creation are called manvantaras and those of destruction pralayas.
There is a very common song in Israel called “Adon Olam” (“Master of the World”), in which there is a paragraph that makes us think of the creator’s period of rest after he destroys his work. It goes like this: “And after all is gone, He, the Awesome One, will reign alone”. It is referring to the creator’s period of silence, when nothing created remains.
When all creation falls apart, the uncreated continues to exist as always because it is eternal; it has no beginning or end. It belongs to the unknowable plane of eternity. Only that which has been created disappears into the pralaya. Only that which has been created can be destroyed.
When the demiurge decides to destroy everything he created, that is to say, when a manvantara has ended, only then are the uncreated Spirits, which remained imprisoned in matter, freed. All matter, every body and every soul will be destroyed. Only the Uncreated, the Non-created, will not be touched by this destruction, returning to the unknowable world from which It came.
Gnostics do not want to wait thousands of millions of years. They want to liberate themselves now, as soon as possible. And not only liberate themselves. They also want to put an end to this whole satanic system, the breathing of the demiurge and his insane plans, the torment of the imprisoned Spirits, the successive creations and destructions, death and reincarnation, everything created, everything that is impure and the demiurge as well.”
“Completely Revised Second Edition with 23 new killings from the Apocrypha.
Drunk With Blood includes a separate account for each of God’s 158 killings. These stories fill the pages of the Bible, yet they are seldom read in church and are ignored by most Bible believers, which is a shame because God is so proud of his killings:
“I kill … I wound … I will make mine arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh.” Deuteronomy 32:39-42
You’ve probably hear of a few of God’s killings. Noah’s Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, David and Goliath, maybe. But there are over 150 others that are unknown to pretty much everyone, believer and nonbeliever alike.
Did you know, for example, that God:
*Forced friends and family to kill each other for dancing naked around Aaron’s golden calf?
*Burned Aaron’s sons to death for offering him strange fire?
*Burned complainers to death, forced the survivors to eat quail until it literally came out their noses, sent “fiery serpents” to bite people for complaining about the lack of food and water, and killed 14,700 for complaining about his killings?
*Buried alive those that opposed Moses (along with their families)?
*Burned 250 men to death for burning incense?
*Rewarded Phinehas for throwing a spear though the bellies of an inter-tribal couple while they were having sex?
*Ordered, assisted in, or approved of dozens of complete genocides?
*Accepted human sacrifice in the cases of Jephthah’s daughter and Saul’s seven sons?
*Helped Samson murder thirty men for their clothes, slaughter 1000 with the jawbone of an ass, and kill 3000 civilians in a a suicide terrorist attack?
*Smote the Philistines of several cities with hemorrhoids in their secret parts?
*Killed a man for trying to keep the ark of the covenant from falling and 50,070 for looking into the ark?
*Approved when David bought his first wife with 200 Philistine foreskins?
*Killed King Saul for not killing every Amalekite as he told him to do?
*Slowly killed a baby to punish King David for committing adultery?
*Killed 70,000 because David had a census that he (or Satan) told him to do?
*Sent a lion to kill a prophet for believing another prophet’s lie, another lion to kill a man for not smiting a prophet, and some more lions to kill people that didn’t fear him enough?
*Killed 450 religious leaders who lost a prayer contest with Elijah and burned 102 men to death for asking Elijah to come down from his hill?
*Sent two bears to rip apart 42 boys for making fun of Elisha’s bald head?
*Killed 27,000 Syrians by having a wall fall on them, sent an angel to kill 185,000 sleeping soldiers, interfered in human battles to kill a half million Israelite and a million Ethiopian soldiers?
*Killed King Ahab for not killing a captured king, and then sent King Jehu on a series of mass murders to kill all of Ahab’s family and friends who had ever “pissed against a wall?”
*Killed Jehoram by making his bowels fall out?
*Killed Job’s ten children in a bet with Satan?
*Killed Ezekiel’s wife and told him not to mourn her?
*Killed Ananias and Sapphira for not giving Peter all their money?
It is frightening to think that when the soul leaves the body and if we manage to leave this matrix that it merges with a consciousness so that we lose our individuality. Anyone who claims this with certainty cannot prove that it is true, it becomes nothing more than a speculation. Since we all suffer from amnesia, virtually everything that is said about what happens to the consciousness after it leaves the body will be theories. In his latest book, Empty the Cave, Howdie Mickoski writes “Once you strip away, layer by layer – what you are not; then, No-Thing remains.”
Does this mean that everything that we have experienced and learned here will vanish, that we will merge with a greater consciousness where our individuality and memories disappear? I don’t think so, and neither does John Panella, who Howdie also refers to in his book. Please read what Panella writes about this, and I believe it will ease the fear for such an outcome. And I highly recommend all his books for those who want to take an ever deeper dive into this subject that goes beyond both David Icke and Howdie`s approch of leaving/escaping this matrix:
“Then comes the New Age, the new religion of the enlightened ones. This is the new dogma that does not solely follow science or religion. It offers a new and more exciting thrill that we belong to a higher power, and a force that is beyond this realm.
And unlike religion, they speak of no darkness, no evil, all is here for our benefit. Everything is here for our good, which is sort of true, but it is also being used for massive deception.
Evil is here to teach us what is wrong. However, if you have been lured by the idea that nothing is evil, then it is impossible to see where you have gone wrong, and thus will never attempt to change.
The New Age teaches us we are directly connected to God as some sort of common body. That God is our higher-self, that we are all one.
Again, there is truth within the deception. The New Age was created by the same dark forces that created religious and scientific dogma.
It was done to capture those souls who were beginning to acknowledge who they truly are. And then trap them again into a new special dogma… that the knowledge of good and evil is all good.
And then to top it all off, New Age teaches we are all Gods. We do not need anything else. And then they separate the soul from the most important aspect of who they really are, the Father and Mother. And they fail to acknowledge that they are imperfect seeds of their divine Parents in transition.
And granted as you have learned by now, that the Father and Mother is each individual soul’s higher self. This is very true. But the soul is separated until they can return with the fruits.
The soul of itself can do nothing except the Father and Mother work in them the good fruits. As well as, the New Age teaches nothing about the Father and Mother, they instead falsify it all by teaching that god is ONE SOURCE that we are all part of, and we will all return to that source again and be enveloped into that one source.
They then falsify the mother as being the earth. According to them, Earth is Mother Gaia, and she is our sustainer and protector. It never occurs to them they are worshipping an illusory god that is completely and solely fake.
Again, everything they say is partially true, but the lie and error is so embedded and mixed in this truth that one fails to see the obvious. That what the New Age is teaching is, we are all BORGS, i.e. a star trek term representing biological organisms, and will all be assimilated back into the ONE having no unique spirit to our divine reality.
My friends, we are all unique, we are all spirits of the Christ the firstborn among many. Thus, we are the perfect humanity. We exist as spirits in the higher realms, not just a single SPIRIT.
We are many and we all came from the one. But we are not going to be absorbed back into the ONE that would defeat the purpose of creating a family and individuality. If the process was to absorb us all back into the one source, then everything we are accomplishing is useless.
As the Ultimate Father and Mother created us as spirits, in their image and likeness of spirit energy awareness. We also create offspring called souls, it is through our souls that we access greater and greater perfection in wisdom and character.
Our souls are a spark of energy that our spirit emits that goes out like a probe to discover and learn and then returns to its source with the knowledge and information which then allows the spirit to learn and grow and become more perfect.
In our true state where we are the individualized spirit, we are not going to be absorbed back into the originators, we will always be individual children of the Father and Mother.”