Den største trusselen mot menneskeheten er mentalt syke individer med makt.


Evolusjonsteoretikerne har ikke funnet den manglende linken slik at de kan bevise at vi stammer fra apene, her derimot så er den manglende linken til sosiologien som gjør den komplett:
<<We are now demonstrating scientifically that the etiology of all mankind`s difficulties is to be found in those individuals who are seated in power, people who are psychologically ill to a very serious degree and who have organized power erroneously in such a way as to benefit themselves, not the people.
The age we have now entered is precisely a time when those individuals who are dangerous must be restrained, or better, ousted from power, so that we can finally live in freedom in the universe that belongs to us all.

The powerful will never relinquish their exploitive behavior; they must be dislodged from power and restrained so that they cannot cause further disorder. Like the mentally ill, they need to be constantly controlled. The proper place for the powerful is in the psychiatric hospitals, not in the position of power.>>

“The way in which society is organized is entirely wrong: no one doubts this. The real problem however, consists in knowing the cause. Marxism blames it on capital; psychoanalysis blames it on sex – as does the church. We are now demonstrating scientifically that the etiology of all mankind`s difficulties is to be found in those individuals who are seated in power, people who are psychologically ill to a very serious degree and who have organized power erroneously in such a way as to benefit themselves, not the people.

It is very easy to perceive that we have reached the end of an era. First there is general dissatisfaction with the socio-economic situation. Second, the people are ready to take a new direction since all accommodating orientations have failed. Third, we have come to a time of realism, an age which promises to be the most marvellous of all since Noah anchored his ark on the planet Earth.Robert L. Heilbroner, professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research, states that “economic problems occupy a good deal of our day-to-day conversations.”

In other words, modern man has transformed himself into homo economicus, seeing that his life is spent almost entirely in service to money. This means that the geniuses of the past have been transformed into the financiers of the present, whose energies are directed at achieving greater monetary profit — as though this base metal were the most important element in life.
We recognize that this age began under the incentive of the economists. Adam Smith, for example, asserted that the individual who knew how to do business would also automatically help his fellow man to obtain profit, as in the case of the industrialist who provides jobs.
Smith did not perceive the falsity of this; he did not see that, much to the contrary, the industrialist in reality takes from others that which belongs to them, and that he becomes rich because he has a great many people working for him for practically nothing.
Also, American economist W.W. Rostow states in his work The Stages of Economic Growth that the human being diminishes his aggressiveness by way of his dealings in business an affirmation which is not true.
In any commercial activity, the individual’s aggressiveness increases if it is not controlled.
The age we have now entered is precisely a time when those individuals who are dangerous must be restrained, or better, ousted from power, so that we can finally live in freedom in the universe that belongs to us all.”

Fra boken: Liberation of the people – The pathology of power av Norberto R. Keppe, Ph.D. 1986 – Kan leses gratis her: Eller så kan man kjøpe den her, pris 32 kr,—the-pathology-of-power-9780939019052

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