Å ta et informert valg når det gjelder å vaksinere sitt barn er for mange veldig vanskelig fordi den informasjonen man får fra helsemyndighetene er mangelfull og bivirkningene blir bagatelisert.
Høyeste prioritet hos vaksineindustrien er profitt, og man skal vel være rimelig bra naiv for å tro at en slik industri ikke kjøper seg innflytelse. Det er både politikere, leger, vitenskapsmenn og kvinner som har bindinger til legemiddelindustrien, som ikke burde hatt slike bindinger. Slike bindinger (korrupsjon, kameraderi) skaper jo ikke akkurat tillit, og det skaper heller ikke mer tillit at informasjonen myndighetene får når det gjelder vaksiner, den kommer fra produsentene som produserer vaksinene.
At foreldre blir usikre på om de skal vaksinere barna eller ikke, det har jeg ingen problemer med å forstå, men det er mange som ikke forstår det, men istedet for å gå i dialog og forklare hvorfor man ikke behøver å være skeptisk eller frykte vaksiner, så bli man enten latterliggjort, fremstilt som barnemorder, eller ansett som dum av dem som tror blindt på det legemiddelindustrien sier. Jeg sier ikke at alle vaksiner er farlige, ei heller at alle legemidler er farlige, jeg har selv tatt alle vaksinene jeg skulle ha da jeg var barn og gikk på skolen, og legemidler bruker jeg ved behov.
Det jeg vil fram til er at legemiddelindustrien er en kynisk industri der første prioritet er å tjene mest mulig penger, og i den prosessen så er man tydeligvis villig til å begå kriminelle handlinger, juks og bedrag, som linkene under her viser. Og tar man en titt på dem, så er det all grunn til å bli bekymret og skeptisk, for det de forteller er mildt sagt ubehagelig.
If Your Doctor Insists That Vaccines Are Safe, Then Have Them Sign This Form http://www.realfarmacy.com/if-your-doctor-insists-that-vaccines-are-safe2/#rfwp04v2vr5CXkIM.99
Ny kinesisk vaksineskandale, rammer millioner av barn http://www.bt.no/nyheter/utenriks/Ny-kinesisk-vaksineskandale-3576856.html
Trøndere får 3,2 millioner etter vaksinetabbe http://www.adressa.no/nyheter/sortrondelag/article7920995.ece
Vaksine-troverdighet i grus http://forskning.no/helsepolitikk-helsetjeneste-helseadministrasjon-samfunnsmedisin-sykdommer-epidemier-influensa/2010-0
Narkolepsi kom som en bombe på alle fagfolk http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/–Narkolepsi-kom-som-en-bombe-pa-alle-fagfolk-7254351.html#.UeG8-Y30GSp
Vaksine eller ikke ? http://www.babyverden.no/Baby/Helse/Helsestasjonen/Vaksine-eller-ikke/
Vaksineprodusent forlangte ansvarsfritak http://www.dagbladet.no/2009/08/08/nyheter/svineinfluensa/innenriks/utenriks/epidemi/7566254/
Vil stoppe kreftvaksine Kreftvaksinen skal innføres til høsten ? Nå sier Bioteknologinemda stopp. http://www.nrk.no/livsstil/vil-stoppe-kreftvaksine-1.6523069
DEL 1 Vaccin föredrag med Linda Karlström https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRDwISNTbsg
The Vaccine Experiment – In the service of good, pt 1 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6JiUwkrTNk
VAKSINE-EKSPERIMENTET – I det godes tjeneste http://www.skup.no/metoderapporter/2006/2006-25%20Vaksineeksperimentet.pdf
Dokument 2 Et løfte om beskyttelse del 1 av 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dUCdUi1v8c
Korrupt forskning http://olehartattordet.blogg.no/1425219971_korrupt_forskning.html
Å selge sykdom http://tidsskriftet.no/article/3175102
Health Canada Refusing to Release Glaxo’s Dirty Secret http://fiddaman.blogspot.no/2014/06/health-canada-refusing-to-release.html
Where Conservative Skepticism Falls Short http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/06/where_conservative_skepticism_falls_short.html
Medicinal-sælger: Vi “hjernevaskede” lægerne til at give vores drugs til børn – https://www.180grader.dk/Krimi/medicinal-saelger-vi-hjernevaskede-laegerne-til-at-give-vores-drugs-til-brn
Folkehelseinstituttet løy om risiko http://www.nettavisen.no/1390507.html
Conformity Bias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gswmcc4TpxU
Conflict of Interest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnRpMQvW_ow
Vil du noen gang kunne stole på legen din etter å ha lest dette ? https://www.facebook.com/olejohn.saga/media_set?set=a.4106983603936.177041.1563436195&type=3&hc_location=ufi
The Ethical Foundation of Addressing Scientific Conflict of Interest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BCoh8ahM_8
Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome http://vactruth.com/2013/06/22/shaken-baby-syndrome/
China is poised to become a major global vaccine maker, but first it must overcome serious problems with quality control. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v507/n7490_supp/full/507S12a.html
Vaksine skandaler https://www.google.no/#q=vaccine+scandals
Mistet smaks – og luktesans etter svineinfluensavaksine http://www.nrk.no/hordaland/legemiddelverket-er-overrasket-1.7742981
Massevaksinasjon mot svineinfluensa var totalt unødvendig http://www.tv2.no/a/3708979
Legemiddelreklamen forteller halvsannheter http://tidsskriftet.no/Innhold/Nyheter/2014/August/Legemiddelreklamen-forteller-halvsannheter
Snart kan norske pasienter selv sjekke om fastlegen står på lønningslisten hos ulike legemiddelvirksomheter. http://www.nrk.no/norge/vil-offentliggjore-bransjens-utbetalinger-til-leger-1.12200197
Lægers industrihonorar klar til at blive offentliggjort – http://ugeskriftet.dk/nyhed/laegers-industrihonorar-klar-til-blive-offentliggjort
Bayer s HIV medicine scandal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ue87cmNiJI
Pandemrix: 135 millioner i erstatning http://www.npe.no/no/Om-NPE/Aktuelt/Pandemrix-135-millioner-i-erstatning/
Sannheten om legemiddelindustrien av professor Einar Kringlen https://www.facebook.com/olejohn.saga/media_set?set=a.10202266353971273.1073742116.1563436195&type=3
HPV vaksine har gjort vår datters liv til et helvete http://www.webforumet.no/nytte/hpv-vaksine-har-gjort-var-datters-liv-til-et-helvete/
Skeptisk til vaksine for 12-åringer http://forskning.no/forebyggende-helse-kreft-vaksiner-stub/2008/02/skeptisk-til-vaksine-12-aringer
Honorar til forskningssjef er korrupsjon http://www.aftenbladet.no/nyheter/innenriks/–Honorar-til-forskningssjef-er-korrupsjon-2197956.html
Forskerne må jobbe som «selgere» http://www.aftenposten.no/kultur/-Forskerne-ma-jobbe-som-selgere-7704618.html
Oljefondet tjener på influensavaksine http://www.aftenposten.no/nyheter/iriks/Oljefondet-tjener-pa-influensavaksine-5589708.html
Det du ikke vet, kan skade http://www.nrk.no/ytring/det-du-ikke-vet_-kan-skade-1.11939873
Yolo County Officials Perplexed By Unusual Spike In Whooping Cough Cases http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2014/07/14/yolo-county-officials-perplexed-by-unusual-spike-in-whooping-cough-cases/
Why Is China Having Measles Outbreaks When 99% Are Vaccinated? http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/why-china-having-measles-outbreaks-when-99-are-vaccinated-2
Unvaccinated Children Appear To Be Immune To The Mysterious Virus Currently Spreading In The Midwest http://www.thesleuthjournal.com/unvaccinated-children-appear-immune-mysterious-virus-currently-spreading-midwest/
400.000 piger i fare: HPV-Vaccinen kan give alvorlige bivirkninger http://www.bt.dk/danmark/400.000-piger-i-fare-hpv-vaccinen-kan-give-alvorlige-bivirkninger
Forskere fraråder influenzavaccine http://www.b.dk/nationalt/forskere-fraraader-influenzavaccine
Læger tør ikke tage influenzavaccine http://politiken.dk/indland/ECE97408/laeger-toer-ikke-tage-influenzavaccine/?fb_action_ids=353230734855515&fb_action_types=og.recommends
Dollars for Doctors How Industry Money Reaches Physicians – https://www.propublica.org/article/our-first-dive-into-the-new-open-payments-system
Doctors Earn $3.5 Billion in Kickbacks from Pharmaceutical Companies – See more at: http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/doctors-earn-3-5-billion-in-kickbacks-from-pharmaceutical-companies/
Ondskapsfull harselas http://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/Ondskapsfull-harselas-7008319.html#.VDzYasDCT6Y.facebook
Fire offentlig ansatte leger mottar hvert år 600 000 kroner fra legemiddelfirmaet Glaxo Smith Kline. Dette er firmaet som produserer lykkepillen Seroxat. Legene har sitt eget firma hvor pengene fra medisinindustrien går inn. Men de er ikke bare lønnet av industrien; de er også offentlig ansatte behandlere med ansvar for utskriving av resepter. http://www.nrk.no/programmer/tv/brennpunkt/1.905941
Fikk betalt av vaksineprodusent. “Fire av ekspertene som har rådet regjeringen til å starte vaksinering av alle 12 år gamle jenter, har fått penger til forskning av den amerikanske legemiddelgiganten Merck.” http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/helse-og-medisin/fikk-betalt-av-vaksineprodusent/a/167501/
Medisinprofessor Ole-Erik Iversen gir myndighetene råd om
bruken av vaksine mot livmorhalskreft. Samtidig betaler
legemiddelgigantene Merck og GSK ham for å utvikle disse
vaksinene.” http://www.dagbladet.no/tekstarkiv/artikkel.php?id=5001070046297&tag=item&words=ole%3Berik%3BIVersen
Kræftens Bekæmpelse afsløres: Får penge af industrien http://hpv-vaccine-info.org/kraeftens-bekaempelse-afslores-far-penge-af-industrien/
135 millioner er utbetalt i erstatning etter svineinfluensavaksine http://www.personskadeadvokater.no/135-millioner-er-utbetalt-i-erstatning-etter-svineinfluensavaksine/
Et enormt arkiv som tar for seg forskningen og dens troverdighet http://www.mintankesmie.no/forskning_og_ressurser.php
Vaccine uden fordele Vi bør erkende, at HPV-bivirkningerne eksisterer http://www.dagensmedicin.dk/opinion/debat/vaccine-uden-fordele/
MS-syke Torbjørn (24) vant over staten for andre gang http://www.nrk.no/nordland/torbjorn-_24_-kan-juble_-far-erstatning-etter-at-vaksine-ga-han-ms-1.12169160
ME-syk vant over staten i erstatningssak http://www.aftenposten.no/helse/ME-syk-vant-over-staten-i-erstatningssak-7234644.html
The National Vaccine Information Center has published an important document relevant to this topic titled “The Emerging Risks of Live Virus & Virus Vectored Vaccines: Vaccine Strain Virus Infection, Shedding & Transmission.” Pages 34-36 in the section on “Measles, Mumps, Rubella Viruses and Live Attenuated Measles, Mumps, Rubella Viruses” discuss evidence that the MMR vaccine can lead to measles infection and transmission.
Leger som ikke har svar, bør tørre å innrømme at de ikke vet http://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/sid/Leger-som-ikke-har-svar_-bor-torre-a-innromme-at-de-ikke-vet-7880655.html
Hordes of Hired Guns Earned About $19 Million Per Day As Lobbying Soared to Nearly $1 Billion in First Quarter http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2010/04/hoards-of-hired-guns-earned-about-1/
Corruption, American Style http://www.forbes.com/2009/01/22/corruption-lobbying-bribes-biz-corruption09-cx_mm_0122maiello.html Is Lobbying Closer To Bribery… Or Extortion ? https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120406/18051618415/is-lobbying-closer-to-bribery-extortion.shtml
How vaccine hysteria could spark totalitarian nightmare
Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/02/how-vaccine-hysteria-could-spark-totalitarian-nightmare/#1qiLyhYpji7DEu0i.99
1988: 180 000 skolebarn og 50 000 rekrutter ble vaksinert Nå: 295 syke vil ha gransking http://www.dagbladet.no/2015/02/08/nyheter/innenriks/vaksine/pasientskade/gransking/37529622/
Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/02/how-vaccine-hysteria-could-spark-totalitarian-nightmare/#1qiLyhYpji7DEu0i.99
Slakter vaksineprosjekt på barn og rekrutter. Folkehelseinstituttet beklager meningokokkvaksineprosjekt på 80- og 90-tallet. http://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/2007/10/16/515216.html
Nina Kristiansen: Forskere er ikke nøytrale http://www.aftenposten.no/viten/uviten/Nina-Kristiansen-Forskere-er-ikke-noytrale-7896396.html
Ekspertrøysta er eit partsinnlegg, ikkje sanning. Framveksten av ekspertutval undergrev det norske demokratiet. http://www.bt.no/meninger/debatt/Ekspertveldet-Noreg-3300862.html#.VN24XrLYkec.facebook
Må sove to ganger i løpet av skoledagen – får ikke erstatning etter vaksine http://www.nrk.no/ostlandssendingen/ma-sove-to-ganger-om-dagen-1.12202433
Parents of Vaccine-Injured Children Speak Out: The Guilt Is Huge https://www.yahoo.com/news/parents-of-vaccine-injured-children-speak-out-110904439577.html
Big Pharma Is Americas New Mafia http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/02/21/big-pharma-is-america-s-new-mafia.html?utm_content=buffer28f49&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Kazakhstan Suspends Measles Vaccination Campaign After Many Students Fall Ill http://www.rferl.mobi/a/measles-vaccination-kazakhstan-campaign-problems/26870954.html
Fra boken Barn, sykdom og pleie 1985 http://www.nb.no/nbsok/nb/915853ecd795befd38081633ab134fd1?index=29#81 “Fordi en del av disse sykdommene kan være alvorlige eller føre til alvorlige komplikasjoner er det utviklet vaksiner som beskytter mot noen av dem. Hvorvidt vaksinene gir like god motstandskraft som selve sykdommen og dermed livslang imunitet, kan vi ikke si noe sikkert om. Mye tyder på at noe av vaksineringen må gjentas for å ha god effekt.”
På nasjonalbiblioteket er det utrolig mye spennende informasjon. Her fant jeg noe om meslinger fra en bok om barnesykdommer utgitt av Schibsed fra 1974. Ingen hysteri her – Barn og sykdom : barnelegen gir praktiske råd om stell og pleie 1974 http://www.nb.no/nbsok/nb/3744b3fe6aa94e0c1e689ad82bcacef5?index=17#27
Beskrivelse av meslinger fra1982. Infeksjonssykdommer: http://www.nb.no/nbsok/nb/2a8162eaa05e555282a54444ce962f3a?index=22#47
Og i denne boken fra 92 så står det at “meslinger er en plagsom barne sykdom, men vanligvis er den ikke alvorlig” Barnets helse : en oppslagsbok fra A til Å http://www.nb.no/nbsok/nb/e5713a4467e60d09333415274636a2d6?index=26#173
Measles, Back In The Days Before The Marketing Of The Vaccine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDb0ZS3vB9g&app=desktop
25 Facts About the Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines and “Anti-Vaxers” http://www.globalresearch.ca/25-facts-about-the-pharmaceutical-industry-vaccines-and-anti-vaxers/5433260
VAKSINEDRAMAET. http://adeligbakka.blogg.no/1424907147_vaksinedramaet.html
Advisers on Vaccines Often Have Conflicts, Report Says http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/18/health/policy/18cdc.html?_r=0
Conflicts of interest in vaccine safety research. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22375842
Leger knebles til taushet http://www.p4.no/nyheter/leger-knebles-til-taushet/artikkel/604060/
Vaccine-skandale: Nu betaler Sverige millioner i erstatning til ofre http://www.bt.dk/sundhed/vaccine-skandale-nu-betaler-sverige-millioner-i-erstatning-til-ofre
Produsenter fritatt fra ansvar for H1N1-vaksine http://www.aftenbladet.no/nyheter/utenriks/Produsenter-fritatt-fra-ansvar-for-H1N1-vaksine-2084705.html
Merck used ghostwriters and selective data in Vioxx publications, JAMA says http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2323047/
Svineinfluensavaksinen bidro til gigantoverskudd for legemiddelprodusenten GlaxoSmithKline. http://www.nrk.no/norge/tjente-grovt-pa-svineinfluensaen-1.6979199
Attorney Demolishes Pro-Vaccine Talking Points, Lays Bare The Shocking Facts About Vaccination Risks And Dangers http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=12072
Gardasil Vaccine: Spain Joins Growing List of Countries to File Criminal Complaints – See more at: http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/gardasil-vaccine-spain-joins-growing-list-of-countries-to-file-criminal-complaints/#sthash.fwhDUwVf.fTDCE3hz.dpuf http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/gardasil-vaccine-spain-joins-growing-list-of-countries-to-file-criminal-complaints/
HPV-vaksine naivt og velment http://tidsskriftet.no/article/1809620
12 millioner i erstatning etter svineinfluensavaksine http://www.ba.no/nyheter/12-millioner-i-erstatning-etter-svineinfluensavaksine/s/1-41-7564980?ns_campaign=article&ns_mchannel=recommend_button&ns_source=facebook&ns_linkname=facebook&ns_fee=0
Public Health Officials Know: Recently Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease http://www.cnbc.com/2015/03/03/globe-newswire-public-health-officials-know-recently-vaccinated-individuals-spread-disease.html
CNBC Reports Vaccinated People Spread Disease. How St. Jude`s Handles This For Its Kids Is Crazy Amazing http://edgytruth.com/2015/03/04/cnbc-reports-vaccinated-people-spread-disease-how-st-judes-handles-this-for-its-kids-is-crazy-amazing/
Den farlige legemiddel- industrien http://www.tk.no/leserbrev/den-farlige-legemiddel-industrien/o/1-113-7425755
Sykdomskremmere http://tidsskriftet.no/article/564947
Pharmaceutical lobbying http://www.pmrconsulting.com/a7/pharmaceutical-lobbying
Merck Ends Lobbying For Cervical-Cancer Vaccine http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB117200727319814015
19 kids in Summit Co. diagnosed with whooping cough despite being up to date on vaccinations http://fox13now.com/2015/03/27/19-kids-in-summit-co-diagnosed-with-whooping-cough-despite-being-up-to-date-on-vaccinations/
If the corporate fines are too small, the False Claims Act will need to be amended so that a higher percentage of the revenues derived from fraudulent activities is recouped. At the same time, federal law must insist on greater transparency for clinical trial results, so that negative safety data are not hidden from clinicians and regulators. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1209249?query=TOC&
How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research ? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0005738
Retracted publications in the drug literature. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22581659
Retractions in the medical literature: how many patients are put at risk by flawed research? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21586404
Mariettes klassevenninne ble også syk etter MMR-vaksinen. Fikk diagnose ME. To av tolv vaksinerte i samme klasse ble alvorlig syke. http://www.dagbladet.no/2009/07/14/nyheter/innenriks/pasientskader/rettssak/vaksine/7194750/
HOW PLUMBING (NOT VACCINES) ERADICATED DISEASE. Disease Before Plumbing http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/how-plumbing-not-vaccines-eradicated-disease
Indian Rotavirus Vaccine Trial Data Not Forthcoming http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/indian-rotavirus-vaccine-trial-data-not-forthcoming
This Pharma Company Admits to $2 Million in Bribes to Government and Health Officials http://vactruth.com/2012/08/28/pharma-admits-to-bribes/
Betalt av legemiddelindustrien: “VG avslører at mannen som alene har forhandlet frem vaksineavtalen i Norge, har fått penger innbetalt på sin personlige bankkonto fra vaksineprodusenten i flere år”. http://www.skup.no/metoderapporter/2006/2006-16%20Kreftregister-skandalen.pdf
“Antallet af livmoderhalskræft er steget siden HPV-vaccinen blev indført.
Sundhedsmyndighederne i Danmark ved det, men prøver at dække over det. Jeg er ikke i tvivl om, at vi er på vej mod den største sundhedsskandale i nyere tid.” http://www.dagensmedicin.dk/opinion/debat/vaccinerouletten/
Två barn döda och 29 sjuka efter vaccinationer i Mexiko http://www.dn.se/nyheter/varlden/tva-barn-doda-och-29-sjuka-efter-vaccinationer-i-mexiko/
GSK fined over vaccine trials; 14 babies reported dead http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/88922/gsk-fined-over-vaccine-trials-14
Dollars for Doctors, How Industry Money Reaches Physicians https://www.propublica.org/series/dollars-for-docs
Biokemisten Lucija Tomljenovic avslöjar hur industrin mörkar bieffekter av Gardasil http://newsvoice.se/2015/05/16/biokemisten-lucija-tomljenovic-avslojar-hur-industrin-morkar-bieffekter-av-gardasil/
The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds? http://nsnbc.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/BSEM-2011.pdf
Poliovaksine kan ha gitt kreft http://forskning.no/forebyggende-helse-sykdommer-kreft-vaksiner-stub/2008/02/poliovaksine-kan-ha-gitt-kreft#.VWE4xULlriw.facebook
Thousands of teenage girls report feeling seriously ill after routine school cancer vaccination http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/thousands-of-teenage-girls-report-feeling-seriously-ill-after-routine-school-cancer-vaccination-10286876.html
Drug companies donated millions to California lawmakers before vaccine debate http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article24913978.html
Store selskaper styrer vitenskapelig publisering http://forskning.no/om-forskning-okonomi/2015/06/store-selskaper-styrer-publisering
The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0127502
What is medicine?s 5 sigma? http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736%2815%2960696-1.pdf
Vaccine-fortalere afgør syge HPV-pigers fremtid. Flere medlemmer af de videnskabelige ekspertgruppe, der i dag skal lave en objektiv undersøgelse af 13.915 europæiske pigers indberetninger om mulige HPV-bivirkninger har tætte bånd til industrien. http://www.mx.dk/nyheder/danmark/story/19694076
Editors, Publishers, Impact Factors, and Reprint Income http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2964337/
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False http://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124
GlaxoSmithKline to Plead Guilty and Pay $3 Billion to Resolve Fraud Allegations and Failure to Report Safety Data. Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in U.S. History https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/glaxosmithkline-plead-guilty-and-pay-3-billion-resolve-fraud-allegations-and-failure-report
Fikk ME av vaksine, får erstatning https://sykepleien.no/2014/06/fikk-me-av-vaksine-far-erstatning
Doctors Are No Experts on Vaccines. Get Over it. https://idsent.wordpress.com/2015/11/22/doctors-are-no-experts-on-vaccines-get-over-it/
Bare legesønnen har fått erstatning etter vaksina. Sønnen til professor Ola Didrik Saugstad fikk 6,5 millioner kroner. – Flere burde fått erstatning, sier medisineren. http://www.dagbladet.no/2010/10/01/nyheter/innenriks/helse/me/vaksine/13638589/
Report condemns swine flu experts’ ties to big pharma http://www.theguardian.com/business/2010/jun/04/swine-flu-experts-big-pharmaceutical
Dogmatism in science and medicine https://www.facebook.com/olejohn.saga/media_set?set=a.10202280801332448.1073742125.1563436195&type=3
Winner of Maverick of The Year Award and Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist, and featured by WSJ, Fortune and Bloomberg TV for his battle to defeat unlawful actions by the FDA, Dr. Joseph V. Gulfo provides a first-hand riveting account of an against-all odds fight that demonstrates what it takes to advance breakthrough medical products that truly benefit patients. Having been responsible for the development and FDA approval of three innovative cancer products, he provides the reader with ringside seats to the struggles that entrepreneurs of biotech and medtech companies must fight to successfully bring ideas to marketed innovative products that truly advance the lives of patients.
As exclaimed by one real-life witness to a high profile public battle recounted in the book, ?It was like watching Gladiator!? The only difference is that this really happened. Sometimes life is more dramatic and unbelievable than fiction; the courtroom-like trial in front of FDA?s medical Advisory Panel is certainly one of those times. A second was the ?declaration of war? ? filing a Citizen Petition against the FDA demanding that it follow its own laws and acts transparently in honoring its binding agreements. A third was a Congressional Hearing at which the FDA subsequently admitted that a mistake was made. The book contains public record facts woven together in a series of compelling stories complete with unique characters and deeply personal insights. Unrelenting focus, even to the level of personal destruction, and leadership through crises are other major themes.
Part One describes how medical innovation occurs in small companies and details the challenges in moving those start-ups along a course that is anything but straightforward. It addresses issues such as the psychology of inventors and founders versus investors, the challenges of attracting and retaining talent, and the vagaries of early phase product development.
Part Two takes a deep dive into the unlawful actions and cover-ups by the U.S. FDA that had to be overcome in our effort to obtain approval of a non-invasive product that saves lives. It is a brutal blow-by-blow account of a public slugfest that forever damaged the company.
Part Three explains how the unnecessary and very public battle with the FDA left an indelible mark on the company, a taint that was exploited by nefarious Wall Street actors who then preyed on the company for their own benefit. It details how with a Scarlet Letter on its back and an albatross around its neck, Wall Street?s short sellers and dark pool traders hamstrung the course toward widespread use and adoption.
The book concludes with The Innovation Manifesto, an actionable list of changes to help fix this horribly broken system, including reform to the legal system to reduce meritless shareholder lawsuits; securities reform to stop manipulative trading, analysis, and predatory shorting of small companies; and FDA reform that will bring in leadership that is committed to, and unafraid of, promoting health by proactively advancing the development and approval of innovative products, rather than simply blocking drugs and devices that are not deemed to be safe. The FDA needs to get back to its first principles and to stop the propaganda – the author knows how to make that happen.
In medical school and residency, the author was taught to ?see one, do one, and teach one? as the means to master a procedure and to complete the ?circle of education.? With respect to biotech and medtech companies that have been severely compromised by an untenable system, having ?seen one, done one, and taught one? he now seeks to ?prevent a hundred? similar unfortunate examples. Continued advancement of our national health depends on it.
Collaborations of physicians and researchers with industry can provide valuable benefits to society, particularly in the translation of basic scientific discoveries to new therapies and products. Recent reports and news stories have, however, documented disturbing examples of relationships and practices that put at risk the integrity of medical research, the objectivity of professional education, the quality of patient care, the soundness of clinical practice guidelines, and the public’s trust in medicine. Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice provides a comprehensive look at conflict of interest in medicine. It offers principles to inform the design of policies to identify, limit, and manage conflicts of interest without damaging constructive collaboration with industry. It calls for both short-term actions and long-term commitments by institutions and individuals, including leaders of academic medical centers, professional societies, patient advocacy groups, government agencies, and drug, device, and pharmaceutical companies.Failure of the medical community to take convincing action on conflicts of interest invites additional legislative or regulatory measures that may be overly broad or unduly burdensome. Conflict of Interest in Medical Research, Education, and Practice makes several recommendations for strengthening conflict of interest policies and curbing relationships that create risks with little benefit. The book will serve as an invaluable resource for individuals and organizations committed to high ethical standards in all realms of medicine.
During her two decades at The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Marcia Angell had a front-row seat on the appalling spectacle of the pharmaceutical industry. She watched drug companies stray from their original mission of discovering and manufacturing useful drugs and instead become vast marketing machines with unprecedented control over their own fortunes. She saw them gain nearly limitless influence over medical research, education, and how doctors do their jobs. She sympathized as the American public, particularly the elderly, struggled and increasingly failed to meet spiraling prescription drug prices. Now, in this bold, hard-hitting new book, Dr. Angell exposes the shocking truth of what the pharmaceutical industry has become?and argues for essential, long-overdue change.
Currently Americans spend a staggering $200 billion each year on prescription drugs. As Dr. Angell powerfully demonstrates, claims that high drug prices are necessary to fund research and development are unfounded: The truth is that drug companies funnel the bulk of their resources into the marketing of products of dubious benefit. Meanwhile, as profits soar, the companies brazenly use their wealth and power to push their agenda through Congress, the FDA, and academic medical centers.
Zeroing in on hugely successful drugs like AZT (the first drug to treat HIV/AIDS), Taxol (the best-selling cancer drug in history), and the blockbuster allergy drug Claritin, Dr. Angell demonstrates exactly how new products are brought to market. Drug companies, she shows, routinely rely on publicly funded institutions for their basic research; they rig clinical trials to make their products look better than they are; and they use their legions of lawyers to stretch out government-granted exclusive marketing rights for years. They also flood the market with copycat drugs that cost a lot more than the drugs they mimic but are no more effective.
The American pharmaceutical industry needs to be saved, mainly from itself, and Dr. Angell proposes a program of vital reforms, which includes restoring impartiality to clinical research and severing the ties between drug companies and medical education. Written with fierce passion and substantiated with in-depth research, The Truth About the Drug Companies is a searing indictment of an industry that has spun out of control.
A hard look at the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the families desperately trying to navigate their way through it. The Vaccine Court looks at the mysterious and often unknown world of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), the only recourse for seeking compensation for those who have been injured by a vaccine. The NVICP, better known as the “Vaccine Court,” however, is not without controversy. Established by Congress as a direct result of the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, the NVICP was supposed to offer a no-fault alternative to the traditional injury claims filed in state or federal courts and was to provide quick, efficient, and fair compensation for those who have been injured by vaccines. The reality, however, is that many cases take several years or longer to complete and require tremendous commitment from families already pushed to the brink of bankruptcy caring for the vaccine-injured family member, only to discover that the end result is manipulated by the government in defense of the US vaccine policy. Mr. Rohde looks into the inner workings of the US Federal Claims Court and the NVICP.He interviews families who have filed petitions and won compensation, families who have been denied compensation, and families still waiting for a decision. By highlighting the journeys of these families–their efforts to find attorneys willing to represent them, the filing of their petitions, and the subsequent mountain of paperwork, medical records, and other documents that span years–Mr. Rohde exposes the bitter truth behind the NVICP. Through his thoughtful interviews and fact-finding research, The Vaccine Court sheds light on how the NVICP has evolved into something far more treacherous than what Congress envisioned with the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986.
Public health officials state that vaccines are safe and effective, but the truth is far more complicated. Vaccination is a serious medical intervention that always carries the potential to injure and cause death as well as to prevent disease. Coercive vaccination policies deprive people of free and informed consent?the hallmark of ethical medicine. Americans are increasingly concerned about vaccine safety and the right to make individual, informed choices together with their healthcare practitioners. Vaccine Epidemic focuses on the searing debate surrounding individual and parental vaccination choice in the United States.
Habakus, Holland, and Rosenberg edit and introduce a diverse array of interrelated topics concerning the explosive vaccine controversy, including the ethics of vaccination mandates, corrupting conflicts of interest in the national vaccine program, and personal narratives of parents, children, and soldiers who have suffered vaccine injury.
Newly updated with additional chapters focusing on institutional scientific misconduct, mandates for healthcare workers, concerns about HPV vaccine development, and the story behind the Supreme Court?s recent vaccine decision, Vaccine Epidemic remains the essential handbook for the vaccination choice movement and required reading for all people contemplating vaccination for themselves and their children.
This is an essential guide for parents about vaccinations. Dr. Stephanie Cave explains their pros and cons and the book provides information to help parents make a knowledgeable, responsible choice about vaccinating their children.
Having read “Fear of the invisible” by Janine Roberts, I was prepared for what was to come in her next book. The Vaccine Papers should be read by every parent, by every government officials who are attempting to push mandatory vaccines in their state. It’s been established that the CDC,the AAP, AMA etc are all just subsidiaries of the pharmaceutical industry so the world has no protections from this barbaric practice called vaccination. There are to this date in the works about 600 new vaccines from companies around the world. Vaccines are what’s keeping many of these companies in business because in the United States vaccine makers have blanket immunity. That’s right folks for those who don’t know, you cannot sure a vaccine company if a loved one dies or is damaged by a vaccine. The pharmaceutical companies in the US, went to the US Congress and threatened in 1985-86 to stop producing vaccines in the US if they didn’t have federal protection from lawsuits because they were being sued constantly because their products were killing and damaging people. So they got protection by way of a vaccine court: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. It takes about 8 years to get a case heard. It’s a TAX PAYER funded court, the LAWYERS are from the Justice Dept -the complainants and the governments and the complainant is not allowed to attend the hearing. The magistrate is also from the government. The vaccine makers can voluntarily give money to the fund. So the entire court is TAXPAYER funded. If the complainant wins their case, the compensation is paid for by the TAXPAYERS OF THE US. No liability to the vaccine makers. Some are winning and being compensated. To date the court has paid out over 3 billion dollars. If vaccine are safe and effective-why are these cases being settled?
In 2002 the vaccine makers were given blanket immunity and because the vaccine makers had friends in congress they put the bill under the umbrella of Homeland Security and the Supreme Court wouldn’t reverse it. Nice.
Why am I posting this? Most people in this country are unaware this has happened. Also, because of this people need to know exactly what’s being injected into their children and themselves. It goes beyond what the CDC has on their Vaccine Excipient list that’s available to the public. “The Vaccine Papers” and “Fear of the Invisible” are remarkable because not only does Roberts provided web sites and actual transcripts of high government vaccine meetings, she names her sources. CDC, FDA, AMA-it you talked to her at these meetings, you’re named in her book.
I dare anyone to read “The Vaccine Papers” and “Fear of the Invisible” and come away chanting the mantra of the CDC/Vaccine Industry and the Pro-vaccine apologist mantra of “vaccines are safe and effective”. From “Fear of the Invisible”:
“I next interviewed the top British expert on immunization at London University, Professor Michael Stewart of the School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I asked him; ?Some parents are telling me they suspect their children have been made ill as a consequence of vaccination. Are their fears groundless?”
“I nearly fell off my chair when he replied: ?What else would you expect? We all know the current childhood vaccines containing living viruses are dangerous. That is why I am heading up a team to develop safer vaccines.’ He went on to explain that, with living viruses, there was always potential for some to mutate or to be insufficiently attenuated for safe use in the vaccine.”
Reveals the truth behind the controversial issue of vaccine-related injuries.
Proponents declare that vaccines have saved millions of lives. Critics claim that the success is overstated and that vaccines may even be dangerous. Many consider mandatory vaccinations a violation of individual rights or religious principles. Many in public health argue that vaccine mandates are critical and justified and that antivaccination sentiment has resulted in outbreaks of preventable childhood illnesses. Vaccine critics point to mainstream medicine?s denial of and underreporting of vaccine injury.
Vaccine injuries have happened in the past and continue to happen today, and neither the mainstream medical establishment nor the government has ever fully and transparently addressed the issue of vaccine injury. In the 1980s, the United States addressed individual cases of vaccine injury by establishing the NVICP?the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?a controversial Department of Health and Human Services program. The NVICP was intended to be ?non-adversarial, compassionate, and generous? to vaccine-injury victims. However, many vaccine-injury victims and safety advocates believe that the program is not functioning as intended. There are also concerns that the program is keeping the reality of vaccine injury from public inspection.
Vaccine Injuries, a groundbreaking book in the field, reveals cases of vaccine injury from the NVICP?something that has never been offered to the public?and lets readers asses vaccine injuries for themselves.
The parent’s definitive book on vaccine problems – a complete vaccine education. It will open your eyes. This book is written for everyone concerned about the health and well-being of their children and of themselves.
This vaccination book is meticulously documented with almost 300 references, and does not represent special interests. It’s all there: the ingredients of vaccines, vaccine side effects, the dangers of vaccines, autism and vaccines, HPV vaccine, vaccine cover-ups.
The book is written in an easy-to-understand language as well, not the med-speak found in medical journals. It covers the important vaccine events of the past year, which have been kept out of most media.
It is not an anti-vaccine textbook. It is in favor of any vaccines that have proven to be 100% safe, effective, and necessary when tested by independent, third-party research that is wholly unconnected with vaccine manufacturers.
Since so many doctors don’t vaccinate their own kids, perhaps it isn’t a good idea to get all your information about vaccines from advertising or from the people selling them. See what the scientists who make the vaccines have to say. Only then will you have what you need to make an informed decision about how to best care for your child. That responsibility is yours. Not your doctor’s. Not the FDA’s. And definitely not any lawmakers’.
Whether or not to vaccinate your child is arguably the most important decision you will ever make for them. So if you’re having the slightest doubts about the safety of the vaccines you’re about to give your child, get the facts, from the most reliable vaccine book available today.
“It is impossible to estimate the true value of Dr O’Shea’s work. His review of the history of the vaccination industry is vastly more thorough than that taught in medical schools and decisively more balanced.” -David Ayoub, MD