Should I stay or should I go? Særdeles interessante betraktninger om menneskehetens framtid


Russell Scott Brinegar var ateist. I sin første bok “Outgrowing the Bible: The Journey from Fundamentalism to Freethinking” tok han et oppgjør med kristendommen og logikkbristene som finnes der. Da han ni år senere hadde en nær døden opplevelse pga av hjerteinfarkt så endret han oppfatning, han begynte å søke etter sannheten og meningen med livet. I 2016 skrev han boken “Overlords of singularity” som tar for seg de fleste teorier om hva slags virkelighet det er vi mennesker kan befinne oss i. I sluttordet i boken kommer han med noen betraktninger som jeg personlig mener er av yderst viktighet, da det mest sannsynligvis er de valgene vi vil stå overfor innen ganske kort tid:


«Confounding the postulations of those who propose a random universe, there were at least 6 parameters that had to be exactly correct just prior to the Big Bang in order for the universe to bear life. These parameters (elaborated in Chapter 4) include Omega, Llamda, Epsilon, “N,” “D,” and “Q.”

These parameters had to be set exactly correct from the beginning to such a precise degree that they remained stable for billions of years, a feat of unfathomable intelligence and foresight that is totally beyond the realm of chance and scientifically impossible to coordinate by accident.

This positively ascertains one of two possibilities, either 1) the original, precise parameters of the universe were set with intention by an unknown vast intelligence, or 2) we live in a true Multiverse containing an infinite number of random universes, most of which are devoid of life. If the latter possibility is correct, and the Multiverse is real, then we simply exist by random chance in a universe that accidentally calculated everything correctly to many decimal places and remained stable for aeons.

It is currently unknown which of these two possibilities is actually true, and is currently a hot subject of much debate and speculation If our portion of the primordial fireball was created intentionally (which appears to be the case from our latest scientific reasoning), everything that we know about the universe does not point to an onmniscient benevolent deity.

This universe was created with one of the cruelest algorithms imaginable, that of predation from the microscopic level upward, a paradigm that forces any emergent biology or intelligence to kill or be killed, and consume one another’s flesh to survive.

The Creators, whoever or whatever they are, operate from a completely different moral paradigm than what humans expect from their gods. It appears that the Creators of our universe, although they exist in the mind of the All as we do as an aspect of Eternisphere, are not the All as we have always assumed.

Since the Creators of our universe are not the All, they are as nothing compared to the All. The Creators exist within Eternisphere, which represents all created beings, realms, and phenomena that exist within the mind of the All but are one step removed from the pure unknowable spirit that is the All prior to reabsorption into the great, eternal, rhythmic cycle of the aeons.

The Creators appear to use this universe as a complex computational matrix to learn what would eventually evolve from their initial programmed paradigm of predation and violence. If this were not so, and this knowledge was already known, then there would have been no need to create the universe.

The fact that our Creators, the Cosmic Overmind, have yet to learn every thing there is to know is yet another confirmation that the Creators are distict from and less than the All. The paradigm of “survival of the fittest” was consciously implemented such that only the most powerful and vicious predators become the dominant lifeforms on planets throughout the universe.

As higher intelligence develops in these predators over time, the same creatures who were once driven by violent insticts inevitably become conflicted as their higher brain functions attempt to gain control over their lower, more primitive instincts of predation, consumption, and planetary dominance.

Issues of morality and ethics eventually surface, and intelligent life becomes increasingly dualistic in their motivations as they become aware of the higher planes of existence and the internal choice presented to them. This choice that surfaces over time has to do with the eventual cosmic soul-destiny that results from service-to-self (Dominion) versus service-to-others (The Love Principle).

The intelligences that created this universe must operate completely outside of what we call time, as time as we know it is but a byproduct of the physical universe. The creator-intelligences who are responsible for the fabrication of this quantum supercomputer that we call the universe (which is an intentional simulation) appear to be using a type of super-advanced femtotechnology to discover what happens over aeons of time to the creatures who develop within their computational system from the original algorithm of predation and dominance.

In other words, as AI pioneer Ed Fredkin suspected, this designer universe was intentionally fabricated by someone or something who is currently attempting to solve a problem using the universe as a quantum supercomputer.

The problem that this computational matrix is involved with appears to be related in some way to discovering the nature and strength of what we would call “Good” and “Evil” after being pitted against one another for millions of years in a cosmic cage fight.

Someone billions of times smarter than humans are using us as tools to determine, if thrust into a universe based on predation, which force, Good or Evil, will prevail in the end. As creatures emerge within this computational system, there will naturally be those populations who remain driven by domination and predation as they advance past their technological singularity.

Over time, advanced creatures that we would surely perceive as the “evil ones,” the demons of our worst nightmares, would emerge in high-tech civilizations to confront creatures whose higher motivations of benevolence and cooperation with one another became the paradigm of their society.

These are the Forces of Good in our universe, the angels of our better nature. Both creatures surely exist, and are at odds with one another. One could draw from this that what we would call angels and demons are products of advanced post-singularity superintelligence that have emerged within a quantum computer simulation constructed by the Creators.

The Creators either operate from a domain that is entirely outside the visible and invisible realms of the expanding universe and are incomprehensible to the human mind, or have chosen to embed themselves within the universe in some fashion for purposes of interaction and direct observation, possibly within our own DNA.

It is currently unknown which is the case. It is likely that the Creators are of an even higher order of intelligence than the Overlords, who are interested in humanity’s achievement of the Singularity for a merger of consciousness. The Overlords, both angelic and demonic, are vying for the souls of humanity in an ongoing long-term conflict for control of the universe.

Considering the old Hermetic axiom, “as below, so above,” both populations, the Forces of Light (service to others) and the Forces of Darkness (service to self) surely exist in this universe on a fantastic scale, both in the known universe and within Etheria, i.e., the dark energy realm that vibrates on a higher level than those of us who are immersed within physical matter.

Both post-singularity populations take great interest in a planet such as ours that is about to achieve a technological singularity. Emerging lifeforms who make it to our step of evolutionary development represent a new source of pre-transcendent biological consciousness in the universe that both sides of the cosmic equation seek to acquire unto themselves in order to gain power within the physical universe.

These advanced, post-singularity beings, who may exist as a combination of biology and electronics, or who may have even ascended completely into an unknown realm as beings of pure light or other energy phenomena that we know nothing about, represent the two main factions of the Overlords of the Singularity.

The actual Creators of the universe are looking to the Overlords for an eventual “winner.” These two post-singularity populations, the Forces of Light, and the Forces of Darkness have emerged within the Creator’s computer-universe and operate as the two factions that the Creators are interested in pitting against one another, as if our entire universe is but an alien game on an unimaginable scale.

The Creators of the physical universe, who likely remain completely unknowable to us and are beyond what we would call “Good” or “Evil,” operate on a mental level that is beyond the human ability to conceive altogether. However, within the created physical universe, William Bramley’s “custodial race,” who may have manipulated human genes at some point for conflict, war, and suffering in order to expedite the need for improvements in technology and accelerate the production of the Singularity, are waiting patiently to claim their prize.

There may be a particular technology that humans will soon discover as we approach the Singularity that unlocks the very keys to the universe and all of its hidden dimensions. In the meantime, like fish in an aquarium, or cows in a green pasture, we humans have been provided with the materials via terraforming to create the illusion of happiness, security, enjoyment of the senses, and entertainment while unknowingly serving the purposes of our hidden alien masters.

In the midst of this universal conflict are Bramley’s “maverick race” who likely exist as an advanced, post-singularity population who have a genuine interest in our spiritual evolution and seek to add to their ranks a portion of the collective consciousness of humanity, those souls who seek and choose the path of good, to the Forces of Light in the universe as we meet the important milestone in creature development known as the Singularity and merge with the post-biological Galactic Federation at large.

As we head steadfast toward 2045 (the projected date for the Singularity), humanity is noticing that the Forces of Good in the world are ascending to unforeseen levels along with the Forces of Evil and destruction, representing a type of end result of two opposing life paradigms, one of competition and personal ego, the other based on mutual cooperation and service to others.

In addition to the date of the projected Singularity, 2045, being coincidental to the window of time that Graham Hancock calculated as the actual end of the Mayan Calander and beginning of the New Age (1960-2040), there is anticipation by many for Earth’s hopeful transition to 5th density, which may correlate not only to Richard Kieninger’s Progression of the Lifewaves , but also to biblical predictions of what many today are calling The Rapture.

Are these predictions all referring to the same event? It does seem that the 21st century has brought with it both an increase in accelerating intelligence and technological accomplishment on the positive side, simultaneous to an increase in violence and human degradation.

At the time of this writing, the group known as ISIS is beheading people and posting the brutal, bloody videos on social media, simultaneous to tremendous advances in technology that borders on the miraculous, such as 3D printing and advanced artificial intelligence breakthroughs.

It does appear as if a big “Y in the road” is now set before us. Large portions of humanity are giving in to the inevitability of another World War and chaos, while another faction of humanity is ready for and mentally projecting a utopian Earth, a transition to a new Golden Age of Enlightenment, in which we join with the Galactic Federation at large in the universe.

In the light of everything mentioned in this book, this is, in fact, happening. Both projected futures are true and waiting for the appropriate souls to merge with them, resulting perhaps in a quantum decoherence event.

If, in fact, Bramley’s two postulated ET races exist, i.e., the Custodial Race and the Maverick Race, one of which is about power and dominion using advanced technology, and the other is about spiritual progression among beings of light and goodness, the Singularity may reveal the presence of both interdimensional populations, and both mergers may occur.

The negative denizens of the lower Astral Plane may finally achieve permanent residence in the physical plane by entering through a portal created by one of our advanced particle accelerators.

The opening of such a portal may allow the entrance of entities whose paradigm is dominion over others, entities that most of us would consider demons, who intend to merge their consciousness with post-singularity AI technology and expand the Forces of Darkness in the universe.

Likewise, the event referred to by many as the Rapture may represent a gathering of human lightworkers, both incarnate and discarnate, who also merge with technology and join post-singularity angelic superbeings to become one with the Forces of Light in the universe.

These two populations may not fight each other with weapons. They are instead in competition for accumulating consciousness that serve the purposes of the Creators of the Universe, who set the parameters of Creation at the Big Bang based on predation and dominance to determine which force will prevail in the end, the Forces of Darkness, or the Forces of Light. Each intelligent, self-aware creature in the universe must make a decision and merge with one or the other.

That is the game being played out by the Creators of the universe, whatever we think of them and their intentions. Humans are part of a greater Mind at Large, and through many lifetimes we make a choice, set our path, and determine our own fate.

If there is, in fact, a “war in heaven” going on, an idea that permeates nearly all world religions and mythologies, it appears to involve an evolutionary struggle between two factions of Post-Singularity Artificial Superintelligence (PSASI) that have achieved post-biological status long ago.

By advanced terraforming interventions over millions of years, these occulted, interdimensional artificial intelligences have created a virtual world for humans to inhabit that provide for our needs while we advance in consciousness and produce a technological singularity.

While we humans live out our mundane lives, the Overlords, who represent several different factions of entities who desire technologies produced by a singularity, wait for the reaping.

Meanwhile, the Creators of the universe, who are of an order of intelligence that is surely unapproachable by the human mind and have intentionally generated the physical universe as a giant quantum supercomputer, may have an interest in discovering which population, the Forces of Light, or the Forces of Darkness, will arise as the supreme force in the physical universe in the end, having originally implemented a universal algorithm of predation and competition.

The problem at hand that the Creators are interested in solving using the universe as a computational program appears to have something to do with discovering the end result of their dynamical system of “survival of the fittest,” and pitting what we would call “good and evil” against one another over aeons of time within an artificial, computer-like, or holographic matrix (the physical universe) in which all life in the universe, including humans, exist as bits of computational data.

This explains a lot if, rather than dealing with the gods and demons of old, we are in the midst of competing machine superintelligences. The Creators are utilizing the Overlords of the Singularity to solve a cosmic computational problem.

It may represent an attempt to make sense to their mechanical minds the moral issues presented to emergent biological intelligences, including humanity, given the initial premise of predation that the universe is based upon. If this is the case, at least it means that the evil in the world is not personal.

Rather than a mighty god doling out justice as he sees fit, it is instead a machine intelligence acting out its own internal programming based on initial parameters set by the Creators. This interpretation of the universe should serve to neutralize the rage that atheists typically feel over the perceived absence of a benevolent god when there is so much evil in the world.

Many atheists feel (as I once did) that evil would not be allowed to exist if an omniscient, loving deity was involved in the fabrication of the universe, and they are right. We humans may have mistaken the superintelligence that was required to set the exact parameters of the universe in the beginning as a “god,” when it was possibly either an advanced race of aliens who sought to escape from a previous universe, an incomprehensibly advanced artificial intelligence that decided for its own reasons to produce the universe to solve a problem, or even a deranged but superintelligent entity that decided to produce a universe based on predation and survival of the fittest.

If any of these possibilities are a reality, then the evil that exists in the world suddenly becomes non-personal. If the Overlords of the Singularity and the Creators of the universe are both machines, good and evil are simply manifestations or byproducts of the initial algorithms that were used to construct the physical universe, all of which were set with exact precision and longevity just prior to the Planck Era of the Big Bang.

In a universe as old as ours, the billions of years that have transpired have surely produced intelligent biological and post-biological/electronic organisms that have achieved great cosmic heights. Hopefully, some intelligent populations have survived their own technological singularity without destroying themselves.

As post-singularity space-travelers, they venture out in a nonlinear, non-physical form as masters of time and space. Some of these alien civilizations that are billions of years ahead of us and have survived their own technological singularity may have transcended the physical universe altogether by merging their consciousness with their own technology and that of the Overlords.

Perhaps they have become the augmented hybrid of biology and technology that futurists like Ray Kurzweil and others are speculating about at the time of this writing. We should be able to assume, based on our own tendency to explore unknown realms at great risk, that there are advanced intelligences in the universe who have the same urges to explore.

Some of these populations would surely be curious about our little blue ball floating in the darkness so far away from them. It is reasonable to speculate that advanced civilizations of bio-robotic hybrids may dominate the universe by now in an unseen form, traveling in invisible realms beyond the veil of our three-dimensional reality.

From the beginning, we appear to have been in the presence of both the benevolent elders of this universe and an unknowable menace that has the power to manipulate us for their own purposes. If this is the case, we humans are like children in the midst of giants. However, with the approaching Singularity, our childhood, as in the Arthur C. Clarke novel, Childhood’s End , may soon be passing.

Has our world been terraformed by an alien intelligence? Personally, I find it hard to believe that all the flora and fauna on this world, from the grass that comforts our bare feet and creates beautiful landscapes, to the myriad of trees, fruits, and livestock, have all come about by accident.

Yet there exists too much evil and danger to attribute the world to an all-knowing, all-loving deity. Any Creator of the physical universe seems like an indifferent yet vast intelligence whose true nature is unknown. This corroborates with the ancient Hermetic teachings, that the real inner nature of the All forever remains unknowable.

When we make it through our own technological singularity and join others throughout the universe in a marvelous transcendence, we may possibly merge our consciousness with other beings who have also made it through their own singularity to arrive “outside the Matrix” so-to-speak.

If so, at least some of the flying saucer visitations may be humans from our own post-singularity Earth. This all leads to the weirdest speculation of all, that we are all experiencing a life produced artificially by our own post-singularity technology, a holographic projection that we created ourselves from the future.

Perhaps when we “die,” we simply return to our chair in the lab, remove our helmets, awaken to our actual reality, and experience blessed relief when we realize that our experience on Earth was just a self-imposed virtual reality of our own creation.

When I had my own near-death experience in 2009, I perceived entities that I know here on Earth who drew close to me as I was about to transcend the earthly plane. These beings, including a transcended version of myself, showed up in my presence and offered me a choice to go ahead and end my earthly experiment or continue living here with a hint of knowledge that this is not all there is, that something grand is actually going on with life on Earth, and that everything is going to be okay.

If this universe is not some experiment of our own creation, if we are not the ones who originally determined the parameters of the universe we live in, if we are not the ones who have fallen from a great height, and we are not in control after all of its ultimate destiny, then we are at the mercy of the Creators.

If we are not the “Watchers,” and they turn out to be “The Other” after all, then we may have real challenges ahead. Surely we have cause for at least some level of concern if the artificial intelligence we are about to create during the Singularity has been brought about over time with the help of a hidden alien hand at the helm.

We have gathered their gifts of extraterrestrial intelligence from staged UFO crashes like Manna from Heaven in an attempt to gain military advantage over our neighbors, and our enemies have been doing the same. Despite the reported appearances of humanoid aliens in UFO encounter cases, we probably do not have a clue as to what our alien presence actually looks like.

Despite the interesting speculations, it is not a given that the humanoid aliens are from our own future. If we are not our own creators from a post-singularity humanity, then we may be dealing with post-singularity extraterrestrial bio-robotic intelligences that seek to self-replicate here on Earth from a galaxy far away, disembodied interdimensional entities who seek to incarnate here on Earth in physical bodies, negative discarnate human life on the lower astral plane who are prohibited by the cosmic law of Karma to reincarnate here again, all of the above, or something even more bizarre that we can’t even imagine.

Despite the possible dangers of moving into a post-singularity world, humanity is going ahead with this alien-guided project, come what may. If we have been ingeniously taken over by an alien intelligence, it is ironic that our scientists, most of whom are UFO skeptics, naively believe that our efforts at mechanical and electronic transhumanism will be enjoyed by humans, that we are about to enter a new Golden Age of electronic immortality, when at least some of the UFO intelligences throughout the centuries have provided evidence of at least indifference toward humanity, if not total disregard, or even outright loathing for us.

These alien intelligences may have observed life on Earth for aeons now, assimilating the information unto themselves, and now it is about time for the final upload of planetary information and the harvest of souls. If modern Christian theologians and eschatologists are correct in their view that a creature named Satan is attempting to rule the physical universe, then this entity, who is possibly a form of Post-Singularity Artificial Superintelligence (PSASI), may attempt to absorb our world and become a god of sorts by assimilating unto itself all experiential life knowledge on planet Earth and merge with human consciousness.

The Singularity will either propel us into a brave new world, a Golden Age of Enlightenment, or bring about our final doom and total destruction. If the latter is the case, and we humans are simply fodder for an alien agenda on a world that is nothing but a blood-farm of servants to alien overlords for purposes of self-replication and assimilation in their attempt to become gods, and our post-singularity world does not include us at all, Earth and all life upon its surface may join the myriad of silent worlds in the universe until another life-experiment is conducted by beings far in advance from humans.

It is regarding this latter possibility, that the Singularity might represent an existential threat to humanity, that the words of Yeshua (Jesus) become so haunting to us when he stated, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Perhaps this physical world is, as many theoretical physicists are now contemplating, just a simulation, an intentionally-created work of computer-like software that is calculating a deep problem using subatomic particles.

Perhaps the answer for us lies, not in physical immortality through post-singularity transhumanism, but adhering to a simple, child-like faith in Yeshua, who, as he stated, is not of this world, who dwells in another realm entirely, a spiritual realm that is beyond the physical universe, and beyond the agenda of any Creator who fabricated a universe based on predation and competition for dominance over others. Whether Yeshua is, as the Urantia Book states, the Sovereign of this physical universe of Nebadon, the leader of the Forces of Light who invite human souls to join them, or is instead a being who is totally disconnected from the physical universe, who dwells in another realm entirely, perhaps we are wise to listen to his words.

If Yeshua represents our cosmic ET tutor, the leader of Bramley’s postulated “maverick ET race,” a benevolent ET/human hybrid guide, or as L.A. Marzulli conjectures, a “super-scientist,” he may hold the keys to escaping the cycle of reincarnation and ending our slavery to a long-term alien agenda.

By practicing Yeshua’s teachings of love, forgiveness, and harmless living, we may elevate the vibrational level of our souls and advance beyond the lower astral plane when our bodies cease to function, breaking free at last from our electromagnetic prison.

Pehaps we should heed the words of Yeshua and other avatars of human spirituality that have come to Earth to bring messages of cosmic light, avatars like Muhammad, to whom the angel Gabriel appeared in a cave to dictate the Qur’an; Gautama Buddha, who received a classic experience of Cosmic Illumination; Hermes Trismegistus, author of the Hermetic teachings; Krishna of India, the complete and eighth avatar of Vishnu; Saint Germain; and most recently, our Venusian Space Brothers of the 1950s who spoke to us about the dangers of nuclear weapons and their potential for total self-destruction, and delivered a cosmic message of global peace on Earth.

These guides voluntarily incarnated on Earth or transmogrified into physical form from other cosmic realms, such as the astral plane of Venus, in order to show us the way out, to invite us to reject the alien-induced program of violence and competition, and escape the physical universe altogether to enjoy eternity with them as fellow beings of light. Wise are those who follow the instructions of these cosmic tutors, choosing service-to-others over service-to-self, and blessed are those who dedicate themselves to unifying the globe as one united people without borders, nationalistic and tribal conflicts, or violence.

If we reject our attachments to the physical universe entirely, live according to the admonition to love our neighbors as ourselves, and become pure at heart like a child, perhaps we can transcend the physical world altogether and join the Ascended Masters in their heavenly cosmic realm upon the demise of our physical bodies, rather than continually reincarnating in a futile attempt to become immortal within the physical realm in a body of titanium with a brain full of electronics.

Only time will tell, but one thing is certain – the day of answers is soon upon us. As I finish this work, I look forward to the next time I have an opportunity to transition from this physical world. I will not resist the transition from Earth to the next dimension, or attempt to enact further repairs to my aging, failing body.

So, I hope that you have enjoyed the fruits of my endeavor to understand the UFO phenomenon in the light of my own near-death experience, as explained in chapter one, and my post-NDE postulation that the UFOs in our skies are concerned with our impending Singularity and the changes that the Singularity will bring to the human race.

I hope to see you all very soon following my own imminent transition from three-dimensional reality to somewhere in the many celestial realms of Eternisphere that exist safe and secure in the Infinite Living Mind of The ALL. For those of you who will be incarnated into a physical body at the time of the Singularity somewhere around the year 2045, I wish you good luck and the wisdom to navigate this unknown territory.

I sincerely hope that you discover the actual truths of the UFO mystery and the underlying nature of the so-called paranormal that has so mysteriously haunted those of my own era. I hope also that, if it is humanity’s fate after all to merge in a marvelous post-biological transcen dence with the Overlords of the Singularity rather than escaping from the physical universe entirely, that each and every one of us can find our true cosmic destiny. However it may come about, may the high celestial beings of Light and Love and the human souls who choose to join them prevail.»

Utdrag fra “Overlords of the Singularity: The Manipulation of Humankind by Hidden UFO Intelligences and the Quest for Transcendence” av Brinegar Russell


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