“In 1998. Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his coauthors at University College London reported in their article The Lancet that parents of eight of the children in the study noticed a temporal association between MMR vaccination and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Before that, numerous researchers reported that live rubella and measles viruses occasionally cause regressive ASD in young children. The validity of these earlier studies, so far as I can tell, has never been refuted.
In 1991, the prestigious US Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences, put the medical community on notice to watch out for ASD cases that may be linked to vaccines. The British Parliament was already dealing with a national MMR crisis after pulling Pluserix of the market in Great Britain for causing outbreaks of viral meningitis. In other words, Wakefield and his coauthors did not create a link between MMR vaccine and autism. In response to public concerns, the CDC has since funded studies on the issue, in which researchers concluded that MMR vaccine are not linked to autism.
The plan carried out by Parliament member Evan Harris, who escorted Brian Deer over to The Lancet and accused Dr. Wakefield and his coauthors of scientific fraud, worked. They succeeded in getting the scientific community and the world media to blame Wakefield for a global public health disaster created by government officials and the GMC`s lawyers in league with the vaccine industry in the United State, Canada, Great Britain, and elsewhere throughout the world. It worked because everybody had their hands in the pie: top government officials, leading universities funded by the vaccine industry, and even prestigious scientific journals on the payroll of Merck and GSK ? all searching for a scapegoat.
What happened was exactly what President Eisenhower saw coming, and warned America about when he left office. But, given enough time, history has a way of righting itself. The question is: Where will it go from here ? Will the common people around the world take up pitchforks and demand that scientific integrity be restored ? Or, will government, industry and academia keep marching lockstep toward successive global public health and environmental disasters until the system finally runs out of people to blame and the resources it requires to recover ?
With regard to the current public health crisis over MMR vaccines, here`s what concerns me. Most of the viruses in cell cultures used to make live vaccines are probably attenuated, and therefore, are less capable of replicating and causing infections. The processes used to denature these viruses (make them attenuated), however, are not 100 percent effective. Also, MMR vaccines, like all other vaccines, are never 100 percent pure. They`re contaminated with low levels of other strains of measles and rubella viruses that may or may not be attenuated.
My concern is that antibodies produced by MMR vaccines may keep measles and rubella viruses that escape the attenuation processes from causing outbreaks, but not prevent sporadic cases that go unreported. There`s nothing to prevent these sporadic cases of measles and rubella infections from generating sporadic cases of autism just like those reported in the scientific literature. Sporadic cases can also plant the seeds of future pandemics involving atypical strains of measles and rubella.
Moreover, vaccines may not prevent the contaminant strains of measles and rubella viruses from generating large numbers of sub-clinical infections, which goes unreported. Just as the CDC advertises with seasonal flu vaccines, even the vaccines fail to prevent infections, they can make the symptoms milder. Sometimes, the symptoms are so mild that they are not recognized as cases of measles, rubella or whatever. Autism may be the least among the problems created by vaccines that go awry.
But, still, widespread sporadic cases of measles and rubella viruses could produce a significant number of autism cases in which their links to MMR vaccines go unnoticed. To address these possibilities, studies that can detect even sporadic cases of measles and rubella viruses, which may be occurring by the mechanisms described above, should be conducted. These studies should be conducted in a manner in which the public can have full confidence in the results. If nothing else, these studies could help put to rest the issue of whether MMR vaccines can cause autism and, if so, what the actual risks are.”
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Andrew Wakefield Del 1 – Paradigmeskifte Forlag
“Sannhetens og frihetens farligste fiender iblant oss, er den kompakte majoritet, sier Henrik Ibsen i sitt drama “En Folkefiende”. Har disse ordene fortsatt gyldighet? Er “det store vi” fortsatt like unådig mot tidens “folkefiender”? I denne boken presenteres tre forskere, som hver på sin måte har opplevd å bli stemplet som “folkefiender”: * Andrew Wakefield – vaksiner og autisme * Olle Johansson – høyfrekvent stråling * ArpadPusztai – genmodifiserte organismer Om disse forskerne har rett i sak, vil det få dramatiske konsekvenser for mange autoriteter. Og det vil for alltid endre vår fremtid. I forordet skriver Tore Midtvedt, Professor emeritus dr. med. fra Karolinska Institutet i Stockholm: “Jeg kjenner ikke forfatteren og vet ikke hvorfor han har valgt å stikke hodet inn i dette illsinte vepsebolet. Men han fortjener vår takk. På over 200sider og med over 200 referanser overbeviser han oss både om nødvendigheten av å stille enkle spørsmål, og om farene ved å gjøre det.” https://www.bokklubben.no/SamboWeb/produkt.do?produktId=8126189