Den egentlige årsaken til flykaoset i Europa er vaksinene



Det er kaos og avlyste flygninger på alle europeiske flyplasser nå. Den offisielle forklaringen er at det er nedstengingene som har skylden, og at det er grunnen til at mange flyansatte har mistet jobbene sine, og at de ikke kan bli ansatt igjen. Men den egentlige grunnen er at mange piloter nektet å la seg vaksinere og mistet derfor jobben sin, og mange av de pilotene som lot seg vaksinere, de gjorde det i frykt for å miste jobben og inntekta si.


Mange av de vaksinerte pilotene har også fått alvorlige bivirkninger og kan ikke fly, og de vaksinerte pilotene som kan fly utgjør en stor trussel mot flysikkerheten fordi flere av disse har fått bivirkninger av vaksinene, men flyr allikevel fordi de ikke tør å fortelle at de har disse bivirkningene i frykt for å miste jobben som de er avhengig av.

Med andre ord så behøver man ikke å være den som fant opp kruttet for å forstå at det å fly i dag kan sammenlignes med å spille russisk rullett.


Se denne videoen i fra EU parlamentet –  “Identity and Democracy Group Conference – POST-VAC FLIGHT RISKS – Are you safe on board a plane.” For å høre konferansen på engelsk så klikk på firkant nr to fra venstre på høyre side nederst i videoen og velg engelsk.



Every pilot that had a Covid injection and is having an adverse effect – even an effect without symptoms for example micro clotting – “these men and women are ticking time bombs,” Dr. Stillwagon said.

We’ve got pilots flying around now with micro clotting as a direct result of the vaccines.  They’re also having myocarditis and pericarditis, he explained.

Millions of people have pilot’s licences but only a select few get to make it to a major airline career.  These pilots are highly trained and they’re trusted by their company to operate a completely safe flight.  It is up to the pilot to determine whether he or she is up to the task of being in command of an aircraft carrying several hundred people.

“So, here’s the problem.  If a pilot is experiencing some minor chest pains, if she or he comes forward and mentions this to the aeromedical examiner it’s going to put them under a microscope and literally put their career at risk. I know this is happening to some of these pilots.  Unfortunately, they’re not coming forward and saying anything because they know it could absolutely ruin their career.”

So there’s an incentive not to be open and transparent or see symptoms as signs of a potentially serious condition.  “They might think it’s just a gastric problem, heartburn, or maybe something they ate,” Dr. Stillwagon said.

Pilots have bi-annual medical examinations.  Although there are a few pilots showing irregularities on their electrocardiogram (“ECGs” or “EKGs”) at these examinations, the real issue is myocarditis which a lot of the time wouldn’t show up on an ECG unless the ECG is worn for an extended period of time.

“So, here’s what got to happen – and this is for the safety of the flying public – every pilot that got this injection, that they’re calling a “vaccine,” I don’t care how old they are, every pilot needs to have a complete cardiac screening done on them.  This would include not only an EKG but a cardiac MRI.  You also have to check the D-dimer levels which would indicate micro clotting is happening.  Also, troponin levels which would indicate that they’ve had some heart damage. There’re also some inflammatory indicators that can be used like the PULS test”.

All of these tests are very expensive. So, the very companies that coerced these pilots into being injected are going to have to pay for this and any pilot who shows indications of vaccine-injury are going to have to be grounded.  The vaccine-injured pilots will have to be given treatment until they can prove they are healthy and safe enough to fly again.

“We’re headed for a disaster – I’m telling you right now.  The chances of both pilots having a heart attack at the same time, or losing consciousness in the cockpit at the same time are extremely remote.  But I think we might be headed for a situation where both pilots could become incapacitated at the same time.  In other words, they’ll experience some kind of an event that’s going to affect them either physically or mentally that’s going to require putting the aircraft on the ground as quickly as possible for the safety of the flight.”

Having one pilot incapacitated is a big thing.  One pilot in charge of a flight is a huge responsibility.

“If you’re close enough to your destination, you’d continue the flight.  But if you’re on a longer flight and you’re over a major city that can handle the diversion of a particular aircraft you’re flying, then yes you will divert the flight.”


There is a shortage of pilots right now, Dr. Stillwagon said, but we won’t really see it for a few months because the scheduling for pilots is flexible.

“A pilot can work as hard as he or she wants to or as little as he or she wants to. So, normally when there’s a pilot shortage the company will put out incentives for a pilot to come and fly on their days off – this would be an increase in their pay rate.  So, the companies have a way of covering these shortages.  But eventually, it’s going to reach a point where the pilots are going to be flown as hard as they can.  There are certain amounts of hour limitations.  FAA rules you can only fly so much.  And once those limits are hit, you’ll start to see flight cancellations start to happen.”

Another signal that a number of pilots have been adversely affected by Covid injections and are unable to fly creating a shortage of pilots is if the retirement age limit for pilots is increased.

“If there’s a real shortage of pilots, they may have to drop the mandatory requirement to retire at 65. As long as a pilot can continue to pass those ‘every six months physicals’ and those ‘every nine months simulator checks’ to make sure you can handle any and all emergencies they’ll let pilots fly until they don’t want to fly anymore.”


The Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) does something either on a preventative basis or it’s reactionary.  Unfortunately, most of it is reactionary, Dr. Stillwagon said.  “There was no safety data collected [on the adverse effects of Covid injections on pilots].  We’re collecting the safety data now.  We’re still in the safety trial.” 

“These are all experimental products.  None of them had been fully FDA approved until 23 August 2021.  The first one to get approval was the Pfizer shot and they called that Comirnaty.  But the problem is you can’t get that shot, not in the United States, it does not exist.  And the reason it doesn’t exist is that any FDA-approved product would now have liability placed back on the vaccine manufacturers unless that vaccine is what is on the childhood vaccine schedule.”

If a product is approved by the FDA there is also a requirement for transparency regarding what the injections contain.  This is not the case with products authorised under emergency use.  So, there are pilots who have been injected with an unknown substance.

Injecting pilots with Covid “vaccines” is not commensurate with FAA flight rules. “With a vaccine: the vaccine, number 1, has to be FDA approved,” Dr. Stillwagon said. 

“None of these vaccines that any pilot got is FDA approved.  And it does say for Comirnaty and Spikevax that the pilot is required to wait for 48 hours to see if any adverse reactions would show up

“There’re a couple of other vaccines that pilots can get.  One of them, I believe, is the typhoid vaccine and the other is the rabies vaccine.  And for those, you have to wait 72 hours.  But for any of the other vaccines, there is no period of observation, a pilot can get right back into the cockpit and start flying immediately.

“For a pilot to have a drug put into their body – either orally or injected or rubbed into their skin or any other way that you would want to get a drug into their body – it is required by law that there be a period of 12 months after that drug was even approved to see if any aero-medical type adverse reactions could occur.  One year, they have to wait after, after, the product was approved. That’s so they can see if any aero-medical type adverse reactions that would happen in the general public that might affect the safety of flight for a pilot.

“That’s for a drug.  But this product is not classified as a drug – although it should be, in my opinion, because it’s not a vaccine.  It doesn’t act like a vaccine, it doesn’t have anything in it that would even attempt to do what a vaccine is supposed to do.”

It’s a clear violation of FAA policy to inject pilots with experimental Covid gene therapy drugs.  Yet the FAA has not yet said anything to protect pilots, passengers and the public at large.  However, Dr. Stillwagon said: “There’s a movement with a couple of organisations that have been formed to get the FAA to come forward to make a statement. This has to be addressed, it has to be addressed before we run into a situation where people are going to get hurt – and I don’t want to see that happen, we cannot allow this to happen.”

“The FAA should come out immediately and say no more shots go into any pilots or flight attendants, we’re done with it.  No more shots go in and we need to start taking a look at these crew members to see if they have something actively going on in their cardiovascular systems.  If they do, they’re going to have to be grounded and put on a [treatment] regiment so that they can prove that they don’t have any of these conditions anymore.  Because, literally, they’re ticking time bombs.  They’re putting the safety of flight at risk and that ultimately affects you as a passenger.”


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