Vannkrise? Hva med storindustrien som sløser bort vannet, og hva med teknologien vi har tilgjengelig som kan forhindre vannkrise?


Jeg vil påstå at det ikke er vannmangel som er den største krisa, men mangelen på å legge ansvaret hos dem som virkelig sløser med vannet og stillheten rundt teknologien som er i stand til å avverge en hvilken som helst vannkrise.

“Vannmangel er det største krisa som ingen snakker om. Konsekvensene er der så alle ser dem, i form av usikkerhet rundt mat, konflikter og migrering, og økonomisk ustabilitet, sier president for WRI, Andres Steer, til CNN.”—enormt/71466399?fbclid=IwAR3-4FtLZXKM7QcxewmzMzD5udE-qp2faW7nXAqZS31DZ_qxlQsESJ2XbF0

La oss ta det første spørsmålet i overskriften. Hvor mye vann kreves det for å produsere ett tonn stål, en bil, bomull, en skjorte, en bukse, maling, plastikk og bomull bare for nevne noe

Og vannmengden som alle disse produktene bruker kan reduseres betraktelig ved å gå over til industriell hamp, som kan erstatte råvarene som skal til for å produsere alle disse tingene. Og ikke vil bare vannmengden reduseres ved å gå over til hamp, miljøgevinstene vil også bli enorme

De siste årene har det også vært en revolusjonerende utvikling av vannteknologi som kan rense det mest forurensede vann på en enkel og billig måte, det samme gjelder hvis man vil gjøre om havvann til drikkevann:

For Drinking Water in Drought, California Looks Warily to Sea –

These seeds purify water by killing bacteria. Just add them along with sand in water –
New Technology Turns Sea Water Into Drinking Water In Minutes –
Desalination of simulated seawater by purge-air pervaporation using an innovative fabricated membrane –
Rapid removal of organic micropollutants from water by a porous β-cyclodextrin polymer –
E44 Artificial glacier provides fresh water to villagers –
This invention can turn seawater into drinking water –
Og helt til slutt så er også dette interessant informasjon å ta med seg:
Do not let the psyops media campaign frighten you about the scarcity of water . . .
The Earth is the Water Planet and continuously produces water from within, in-fact, water is a RENEWABLE. We have an abundance of water. . . WHY would the corporate government agencies create the false science of water scarcity and the fear we are running out of water?
The goal is CONTROL, MONEY and Creating compliance to water monitoring, required reduced water use and charging higher usage costs all based upon our ignorance of where water really comes from. Sadly, out of FEAR many people will forfeit their ranches, farms and livelihoods believing they are out of water due to the drought. . .
Primary Water is in abundance and we MUST start looking down for water instead of up!
To Learn the WATER FACTS go to to the Primary Water link which will also link to the Primary Water Institute – the evidence will provide you with the knowledge to combat the corporate media fear campaign. . . and spread this TRUTH to everyone you know, and demand your cities access the Primary Water to recharge the ground water basins that have been over pumped.
The Earth is the Water Planet and continuously produces water from within, in-fact, water is a RENEWABLE. We have an abundance of water. . . WHY would the corporate government agencies create the false science of water scarcity and the fear we are running out of water? The goal is CONTROL, MONEY and Creating compliance to water monitoring, required reduced water use and charging higher usage costs all based upon our ignorance of where water really comes from. Sadly, out of FEAR many people will forfeit their ranches, farms and livelihoods believing they are out of water due to the drought. . .
Primary Water is in abundance and we MUST start looking down for water instead of up!
To Learn the WATER FACTS go to to the Primary Water link which will also link to the Primary Water Institute – the evidence will provide you with the knowledge to combat the corporate media fear campaign. . . and spread this TRUTH to everyone you know, and demand your cities access the Primary Water to recharge the ground water basins that have been over pumped.
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