Tidligere president Obama og Bush vil ta ny c 19 vaksine direkte på TV



De må jo være ganske så desperate når de nå bruker hvert eneste sleipe triks de har i ermet for å folk til å ta vaksina. Hvordan vet vi at det er vaksine de tar og ikke en saltvannsoppløsning eller noe annet ufarlig? Og FDA som liksom skal godkjenne vaksinene er jo gjennomkorrupte, som man kan se av dokumentasjonen jeg har lagt ved under her:

“De tidligere presidentene Barack Obama, George W. Bush og Bill Clinton har meldt seg frivillig til å motta en coronavaksine på direktesendt fjernsyn. Det gjøres for å skape tillit i befolkningen om at vaksinen er trygg så snart det amerikanske legemiddelverket FDA har godkjent en, skriver CNN.” https://www.dagbladet.no/studio/nyhetsstudio/5?post=50563&fbclid=IwAR3FN9KGw_KDr_hDamDc9s4_L21DJC585Fii3NKnapLGqI2ow12Hvkbchj4


Oppdatering. Tidligere president Bill Clinton vil også ta vaksinen på direkten: “De tidligere presidentene Barack Obama, George W. Bush og Bill Clinton har meldt seg frivillig til å motta en coronavaksine på direktesendt fjernsyn.” https://sol.no/nyheter/tre-tidligere-presidenter-vil-la-seg-vaksinere-pa-direkten/73135861?fbclid=IwAR20yz-Y9FdsR6FKcDQ7jFKvWJptaLeL-4S2HhYUgWMTKeEHeHx07KLkSZ8


I 2009 så skrev forskere og leger i  FDA et brev til daværende president Barack Obama der de ber ham om å rydde opp i korrupsjonen innefor FDA som har pågått i alt for lang tid. Men ble noe gjort? Neppe. Korrupsjonen i FDA er fremdeles vedvarende:


“Scientists and doctors with the FDA have sent a strongly worded letter to President Barack Obama calling for “sweeping measures are needed to end the systemic corruption and wrongdoing that permeates all levels of FDA and has plagued the Agency far too long.

The FDA employees advise the president to take action:

The clearance/approval of medical devices that were not made in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations, need to be re-visited. Furthermore, those FDA employees who have engaged in wrongdoing, who have violated laws, rules, and regulations, who have abused their power and authority, and/or who have engaged in retaliation, should be dealt with swiftly. Immediate and decisive disciplinary action will send a strong message FDA-wide that wrongdoing will no longer be tolerated and those who engage in wrongdoing will be held accountable. Some wrongdoing may be beyond the scope of FDA’s jurisdiction and may need referral to the U.S. Attorney General.”  https://www.whistleblowers.org/news/fda-staff-calls-for-end-to-corruption-wrongdoing/?fbclid=IwAR3TF2KnpqjwTMzynR01DnYz2g8U6MAK9mXbFO56B0OR6qtKFVYxMknkdSE

FDA Scientists Ask Obama to Restructure Drug Agency https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB123142562104564381

FDA scientists allege mismanagement at agency http://edition.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/09/fda.scientists/


Majority of doctors who oversee FDA drug approval receive payments from companies they monitor, report shows https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fda-drugs-companies-pharmaceutical-us-pay-doctors-approval-fompanies-astrazeneca-a8433621.html?fbclid=IwAR3ZS1GECKo7QPzIMZB6Zv5MQXA-hGI6kHAJC5P7kUZdor3qg8kIoGe6lw4

Investigation Examines Big Pharma Payments to FDA Advisers https://www.biospace.com/article/investigation-examines-big-pharma-payments-to-fda-advisers/

Hidden conflicts? Pharma payments to FDA advisers after drug approvals spark ethical concerns https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/07/hidden-conflicts-pharma-payments-fda-advisers-after-drug-approvals-spark-ethical

Risky Drugs: Why The FDA Cannot Be Trusted https://pnhp.org/news/institutional-corruption-of-pharmaceuticals/?fbclid=IwAR09pNOL3_tFKw7GZw4kVFsjdCs_aZC-oHNceufBB2odGFg2Fuf-b8-d23Y


Teksten fortsetter under bildet


“The forthcoming article in JLME also presents systematic, quantitative evidence that since the industry started making large contributions to the FDA for reviewing its drugs, as it makes large contributions to Congressmen who have promoted this substitution for publicly funded regulation, the FDA has sped up the review process with the result that drugs approved are significantly more likely to cause serious harm, hospitalizations, and deaths. New FDA policies are likely to increase the epidemic of harms. This will increase costs for insurers but increase revenues for providers.

This evidence indicates why we can no longer trust the FDA to carry out its historic mission to protect the public from harmful and ineffective drugs. Strong public demand that government “do something” about periodic drug disasters has played a central role in developing the FDA.2 Yet close, constant contact by companies with FDA staff and officials has contributed to vague, minimal criteria of what “safe” and “effective” mean.

The FDA routinely approves scores of new minor variations each year, with minimal evidence about risks of harm. Then very effective mass marketing takes over, and the FDA devotes only a small percent of its budget to protect physicians or patients from receiving biased or untruthful information.34 

The further corruption of medical knowledge through company-funded teams that craft the published literature to overstate benefits and understate harms, unmonitored by the FDA, leaves good physicians with corrupted knowledge.5 6 Patients are the innocent victims.” https://ethics.harvard.edu/blog/risky-drugs-why-fda-cannot-be-trusted?fbclid=IwAR3HvXGhcAH_f6Pd2F4yHhwfAqW4s96gDnHcRTI2xs9Em1sYdDDwearqOEE



“This article highlights the importance of the FDA’s ongoing pediatric postmarketing safety reviews of regulated products, advice from the PAC, and FDA actions in the best interest of pediatric patients. This mandated process facilitates detection of safety concerns that may not be identified in prelicensure clinical trials. It continues to identify critical safety concerns, including unlabeled adverse events, frequent off-label use, product misuse, and secondary exposures in children.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26598453/


Institutional corruption of pharmaceuticals and the myth of safe and effectivedrugs https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24088149/


“Documents obtained by Scientific American through Freedom of Information Act requests now paint a disturbing picture of the tactics that are used to control the science press. For example, the FDA assures the public that it is committed to transparency, but the documents show that, privately, the agency denies many reporters access—including ones from major outlets such as Fox News—and even deceives them with half-truths to handicap them in their pursuit of a story.

At the same time, the FDA cultivates a coterie of journalists whom it keeps in line with threats. And the agency has made it a practice to demand total control over whom reporters can and can’t talk to until after the news has broken, deaf to protests by journalistic associations and media ethicists and in violation of its own written policies.

By using close-hold embargoes and other methods, the FDA, like other sources of scientific information, are gaining control of journalists who are supposed to keep an eye on those institutions. The watchdogs are being turned into lapdogs. “Journalists have ceded the power to the scientific establishment,” says Vincent Kiernan, a science journalist and dean at George Mason University. “I think it’s interesting and somewhat inexplicable, knowing journalists in general as being people who don’t like ceding power.”

The press corps is primed for manipulation by a convention that goes back decades: the embargo. The embargo is a back-room deal between journalists and the people they cover—their sources. A source grants the journalist access on condition that he or she cannot publish before an agreed-on date and time.

A surprisingly large proportion of science and health stories are the product of embargoes. Most of the major science journals offer reporters advance copies of upcoming articles—and the contact information of the authors—in return for agreeing not to run with the story until the embargo expires. These embargoes set the weekly rhythm of science coverage:

On Monday afternoon, you may see a bunch of stories about the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA published almost simultaneously. Tuesday, it’s the Journal of the American Medical Association. On Wednesday, it’s Nature and the New England Journal of Medicine. Science stories appear on Thursday. Other institutions have also adopted the embargo system.

Federal institutions, especially the ones science and health journalists report on, have as well. Embargoes are the reason that stories about the National Laboratories, the National Institutes of Health and other organizations often tend to break at the precisely same time.” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-the-fda-manipulates-the-media/



Relatert lesing:


Vitenskapen er det beste verktøyet vi har til å finne sannheten med, men hvis de som bruker dette verktøyet ikke har rent mel i posen, så vil dette verktøyet bli deretter, i verste fall så kan det brukes til å fremme usannheter og propaganda. Vitenskapen vil være særlig utsatt for dette når økonomien sitter i førersetet, og når vitenskapsmenn og kvinner vet at de kan miste jobben hvis de ikke viser til resultater som støtter det oppdragsgiveren forventer seg. Og at forskningen mere og mere har blitt et verktøy for politisk og økonomisk vinning og ikke et verktøy for å finne sannheten, det finnes det dokumentasjon på i bøtter og spann https://olehartattordet.blogg.no/nar-forskning-blir-et-verktoy-for-politisk-og-okonomisk-vinning.html

Korona vaksine og transhumanisme – en advarsel https://olehartattordet.blogg.no/korona-vaksine-og-transhumanisme-en-advarsel.html


Her har jeg tatt et tilbakeblikk på svineinfluensavaksinen og dokumentert hvor mange som ble syke av den. Greit å ha det i bakhodet når en ny vaksine kommer https://olehartattordet.blogg.no/noen-saers-gode-og-relevante-sporsmal-rundt-covid-19-viruset-og-corona-krisa.html


Pfizer er distributøren av en av de nye c 19 vaksinene. Rullebladet til Henry Rinnan er bare barnemat i forhold. Og myndighetene ber oss om å stole på at dette firmaet leverer en vaksine som vi overhodet ikke behøver å bekymre oss over https://olehartattordet.blogg.no/myndighetene-propmoterer-c-19-vaksina-til-pfizer-som-har-et-kriminelt-rullblad-som-far-en-hver-herdet-forbryter-til-a-bli-misunnelig.html


Korona kavalkade – hvor mye av dette har du glemt? https://olehartattordet.blogg.no/korona-kavalkade.html