Skrevet av tidligere redaktør i Bergens Tidende Einar Eriksen Januar 1992:
“Den misjonærende journalistikk har ensidighet som mål. Middelet brukes derfor bevisst for å forvirre og redusere lesernes muligheter til selv å skjelne mellom hva som er subjektive kommentarer og hva som er konkrete fakta. Utnyttet i politisk påvirkningshensikt er likheten med “propaganda journalistikk” tydelig. Misbrukt kontinuerlig for å dramatisere og vekke interesse, vil konsekvensene være desinformerende og destruktive. Aksepteres denne arbeidsmodell som kommunikasjonsprinsipp, kan det i verste fall føre til “informativ folkeforførelse” som går på sannheten løs.
Sannheten er at store deler av den journalistiske prioriteringsmodell bygger på jesuittiske hensiksmessighetsprinsipp om at middelet rettferdigjør veien til målet – til opplag og salg. Derfor anvendes fortsatt den personlige karakteriserings-journalistikken kombinert med faktaformidling langt inn i mediegiganter som NRK og enda til en kvalitetsavis som Aftenposten. Det er skummelt fordi det danner skole i “manipulerende journalistikk”.
Utrag fra hefte Journalistikkens tapte ære som kan leses i sin helhet her –
CIA og hvordan de manipulerer media –
Etteretningstjenesten og medienes skjulte samarbeid –
“Den offisielle fortellingen er at vi i Norge har et mediemangfold. Men i virkelighetens verden ligger kontrollen over mediene i Norge i svært få hender. Hvis vi ser bort fra statskanalsen NRK, eies mediene stort sett av en liten gruppe milliardærer.”
Den journalistiske etikken skiftes like kjapt som andre skifter skjorte –
Journalister er videreformidlere av propaganda, storfinansen og krigsindustriens viktigste verktøy –
Bok tips som vil gjøre en i stand til å forstå at mainstream media er drevet av individer med mye makt og penger som ikke bryr seg så mye om etikk og moral, og derfor heller ikke har noen problemer med å stemple det som ikke kommer derfra som fake news, samtidig som de fremstiller de falske nyhetene de selv formidler som sanne. Og bøker som vil gjøre deg i stand til å se det store bildet og ikke bare fragmenter av det:
Denne boka drøfter teorier om nyhetsproduksjon, nyhetskriterier, eierforhold, kapitalgrunnlag og monopolisering i massemedia. Boka ser på pressestøttens virkninger og de mediepolitiske konsekvensene av at reklame og annonser i dag er medias viktigste inntektskilde. Forfatteren kaster et kritisk blikk på kildenes makt i massemediene. Boka gir også eksempler på hvordan norske medier har dekket temaer som Gulf-krigen, internasjonal terrorisme og økonomi, og går til slutt gjennom massakrer i Kampuchea, Indonesia og Øst Timor. Har person- og sakregister. – Boken kan også leses gratis i sin helhet her:
Boka gir en systematisk oversikt over PR-byråer og informasjonsrådgivere i Norge. Gjennom empiriske undersøkelser og eksempler rettes søkelyset mot deres mediestrategier og nyhetsinnflytelse. Forfatteren hevder at informasjonsflyten i Norge er blitt betydelig kommersialisert. Med litteraturliste, kildeoversikt og stikkordregister.
Pressens tøyelige etikk : journalisters yrkesmoral og selvjustis – kan leses gratis i sin helhet her:
Dagens mening : bruk av meningsmålinger i journalistikk – boken kan leses gratis i sin helhet her: og en nyere utg kan kjøpes her:
Manipulation og påvirkning – boken kan leses gratis i sin helhet her:
Micky Z offers a look at 7 deadly spins: Spin #1: The Sleeping Giant: The U.S. minds its own business, but the sleeping giant is eventually provoked. Spin #2: Good Wars: Once forced into war, the U.S. only does so in the name of Democracy and justice. Spin #3: U.S. vs. Them: Terrorists, evildoers and more-the U.S. has faced off against the worst humanity has to offer. Spin #4: Support the Troops: No matter what we think, we all unite behind our troops once the fighting starts. Spin #5: The Devil Made U.S. Do It: During war, even the U.S. has to play a little rough. Spin #6: Surgical Strikes: Those billion-dollar weapons can differentiate between the guilty and the innocent. Spin #7: Only Losers Commit War Crimes: Enemies of the U.S. must be brought to justice.
In this startling book, Dr. Key exposes the devious and sophisticated strategies that advertisers use in newspapers, magazines, and television to manipulate and seduce our thoughts and senses. He explores why Americans are the most manipulated people in the world. This provocative book will forever change the way you view the world around you.
Our investments are devastated, obesity is epidemic, test scores are in decline, blue-chip companies circle the drain, and popular medications turn out to be ineffective and even dangerous. What happened? Didn’t we listen to the scientists, economists and other experts who promised us that if we followed their advice all would be well?
Actually, those experts are a big reason we’re in this mess. And, according to acclaimed business and science writer David H. Freedman, such expert counsel usually turns out to be wrong–often wildly so. Wrong reveals the dangerously distorted ways experts come up with their advice, and why the most heavily flawed conclusions end up getting the most attention-all the more so in the online era. But there’s hope: Wrong spells out the means by which every individual and organization can do a better job of unearthing the crucial bits of right within a vast avalanche of misleading pronouncements.
“Caution: You’re about to enter a no-spin zone”” is the warning with which Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly kicks off his no-holds-barred cable news program “The O’Reilly Factor “every night. O’Reilly is the reigning king of cable news, with a huge lead in the ratings, two best-selling books, and a nationally syndicated radio program.
O’Reilly’s “no-spin” motto is clever marketing–but who’s keeping track of O’Reilly’s own spin? From his support for Bush’s tax cuts and the war with Iraq to his attacks on everything from National Public Radio to “welfare mothers,” O’Reilly often contradicts himself and consistently concocts evidence to support his conservative talking points.
His misguided opinions, stated as facts, are often simply wrong, such as his claim that the U.S. “gives far and away more tax money to foreign countries than anyone else . . . Nobody else even comes close to us” (per capita the U.S. is near the bottom of the list for developed countries). Other of his statements are deliberately inflammatory, such as his suggestion that we bomb Libyan civilians in the aftermath of September 11 (“Let them eat sand”). Weeks later O’Reilly denied the sentiment, though he has publicly stated that “If you’re not providing controversy and excitement, people won’t listen or watch.”
Following in the footsteps of FAIR’s hit book “The Way Things Aren’t: Rush Limbaugh’s Reign of Error, The Oh Really? Factor” will use facts, humor, illustrations, and comics to challenge the many absurd, outlandish, and just plain incorrect statements made on one of the U.S.’s most-watched “news” programs. Publication timed to coincide with O’Reilly’s forthcoming book, “Who’s Looking Out For You.”
Peter Hart is the activism director at FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting), the national media watch group. He is also a co-host and producer of FAIR’s syndicated weekly radio show “CounterSpin.”
In this New York Times bestseller, controversial ambush journalist James O’Keefe takes a hard-hitting look at how the media and government conspire to protect the status quo: “A spine-tingling, true crime thriller about the quest for truth in the age of media obfuscation” (Gavin McInnes, FOX News contributor).
Hailed by David Weigel in Slate as having “had more of an impact on the 2012 election than any journalist,” James O’Keefe is young, brash, and provocative: a new breed of guerrilla reporter for the twenty-first century. He and his associates have famously infiltrated some of America’s most protected organizations and institutions. Now, in Breakthrough, O’Keefe chronicles the harrowing undercover investigation that opened America’s eyes to the chicanery of its state houses and the duplicity of the White House during one of the most compromised election campaigns in our nation’s history: the 2012 presidential race.
Of all his controversial sting operations, this was the one that his late mentor, Andrew Breitbart, called “his most consequential.” While still on federal probation, O’Keefe organized an army of citizen journalists, planned a series of video stings to reveal the American system’s vulnerability to voter fraud, and went nose to nose with the most powerful political machine in the world. Along the way, O’Keefe found disheartening evidence that Americans are not nearly as free as we may believe, but also showed just how much real change ordinary citizens can bring about when they are willing to risk the wrath of the powerful.
Free of ideology, Breakthrough is at its core a clarion call for a more ethical society. Despite being vilified and libeled by an establishment media dedicated to suppressing the truth, James O’Keefe has dared to break through the firewall and reshape public opinion by showing things as they really are.
Leading journalists from Fox News, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, newspapers, and other outlets including Dan Rather, Ashleigh Banfield, Robert McChesney, Greg Palast, Pulitzer Prize and Emmy winners, and more recount the press censorship they experienced in the wake of 9/11 security concerns. With a foreword by Gore Vidal and edited by former CBS and CNN producer Kristina Borjesson, this highly acclaimed anthology has been described as “fascinating and disturbing,” “uplifting” and “infuriating,” and a “penetrating collection of powerful essays.” The original edition won the National Press Club s Arthur Rowse Award for Press Criticism and was selected by the New York Public Library as one of the most extraordinary titles of 2002.”
In his nearly thirty years at CBS News, Emmy Awardwinner Bernard Goldberg earned a reputation as one of the preeminent reporters in the television news business. When he looked at his own industry, however, he saw that the media far too often ignored their primary mission: objective, disinterested reporting. Again and again he saw that they slanted the news to the left.
For years Goldberg appealed to reporters, producers, and network executives for more balanced reporting, but no one listened. The liberal bias continued.
In this classic number one New York Times bestseller, Goldberg blew the whistle on the news business, showing exactly how the media slant their coverage while insisting they re just reporting the facts.
An exposé of what the author terms a culture of elitism in the modern media explains how distortions in news reporting are inevitable in today’s climate, prescribing challenging solutions to enable more balanced reporting. By the Emmy Award-winning author of Bias.
When News Lies is the untold story of media war behind Iraq; the American government’s efforts to manipulate war coverage; and the media’s own timidity and reluctance to do its job-report the news to the public.Veteran author, video journalist, and media critic, Danny Schechter, takes us on a sometimes frightening, sometimes humorous journey behind the scenes of the media machine that sold us Operation Iraqi Freedom.This innovative new publishing format includes the full length DVD of Danny’s award winning and controversial documentary, WMD-Weapons of Mass Deception.
Reporters claim to seek and tell the truth in their news stories, but Paul Weaver maintains that news organizations regularly foster a haze of untruth that obscures the meaning of events and distorts our perception of reality. This distortion, which Weaver terms “a culture of lying”, is the result of hidden structural relations, such as the media’s need to serve the interests of advertising sponsors, and the “addict/codependent” relationship of reporters to their sources. Enlivening his account of how stories are assigned, reported, edited and published, Weaver shows how standard procedures that aim at revealing truth produce the opposite.
This biography gives an account of one man’s relationship with power and gives an insight into Rupert Murdoch’s empire. Arguing that the freedom of the press is not just in our interest but a matter of life and death, the book also builds a case against the dangers of media monopoly.
For years Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers had been hacking, spying, blagging, bribing and destroying the evidence. They thought they were untouchable. They were wrong.
Media Ownership and Agenda Control offers a detailed examination of media ownership amidst the complexities of the information age, from the resurgence of press barons to the new influence wielded by internet giants. Much of the discussion pivots around recent revelations and controversies in the media industry, such as the findings published in 2012 from the Leveson Inquiry, the US Federal Communications Commission’s ruling on net neutrality in 2015, Edward Snowden’s decision to leak National Security Agency (NSA) documents in 2013 and the legal battles over ancillary copyrights waged in Germany and elsewhere. Justin Schlosberg traces the obscure and often unnoticed ways in which agendas continue to be shaped by a small number of individual and institutional megaphones, despite the rise of grassroots and participatory platforms, and despite ubiquitous displays of adversarial journalism.
Above all, it explores the web of connections and interdependence that binds old and new media gatekeepers, and cements them to the surveillance and warfare state.This ultimately foregrounds the book’s call for a radical rethink of ownership regulation, situating the movement for progressive media reform alongside wider struggles against the iniquities and injustices of global capitalism. This book’s re-evaluation of the nature of media ownership and control in a postdigital world will prove to be an invaluable resource for students of media studies and journalism, as well as all those with an interest in the changing dynamics of media power.
Noam Chomsky’s backpocket classic on wartime propaganda and opinion control begins by asserting two models of democracyone in which the public actively participates, and one in which the public is manipulated and controlled. According to Chomsky, “propaganda is to democracy as the bludgeon is to a totalitarian state,” and the mass media is the primary vehicle for delivering propaganda in the United States. From an examination of how Woodrow Wilson’s Creel Commission “succeeded, within six months, in turning a pacifist population into a hysterical, war-mongering population,” to Bush Sr.’s war on Iraq, Chomsky examines how the mass media and public relations industries have been used as propaganda to generate public support for going to war.
Chomsky further touches on how the modern public relations industry has been influenced by Walter Lippmann’s theory of “spectator democracy,” in which the public is seen as a “bewildered herd” that needs to be directed, not empowered; and how the public relations industry in the United States focuses on “controlling the public mind,” and not on informing it. Media Control is an invaluable primer on the secret workings of disinformation in democratic societies.
Noted media critics Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon again lay out the facts about the corporate media system and its collusion with the American political machine in Wizards of Media Oz, a follow-up to their Adventures in Medialand (1993) and Through the Media Looking Glass (1995). A compendium of dozens of their articles from the mid-1990s, Wizard of Media Oz reveals how the American media fails to report on the key issues of the day, presenting a skewed–and oftentimes false–account to the American people.
Throughout the twentieth century, especially during wartime and the Cold War, intelligence agents routinely used the media to publish and broadcast material that would deceive external enemies, thwart domestic subversion or simply to change the way readers thought about fascism or communism. Today stories are chanelled to journalists in order to promote a news agenda deemed favourable to MI5, MI6 or to the CIA, or to ‘spin’ the coverage of key issues. Investigative reporters often have a more adversarial relationship with the security services, seeing them as over-mighty agents of the state who should be subjected to forensic scrutiny of what they get up too – allegedly for the public good.
The furore over ‘rendition’ of terrorist suspects by the CIA and the complicity of British agencies in this process is but one example of journalists uncovering practices that the intelligence community would rather have kept secret. The contributors to this book, drawn from former intelligence officers, the media and academia, explore this intriguing and often fraught contest, shedding light on many hitherto unknown aspects of the intriguing and symbiotic relationship between the ‘second oldest profession’ and the print and broadcast media. Speaking from the perspective of the journalist are Chapman Pincher and Gordon Corera (Security Editor, BBC), whose essays trace the evolving relationship between news media outlets and the government, especially with regards to advances in technology.
Reporting from the perspective of the political institution are Sir David Omand, Nick Wilkinson, Michael Goodman, and Anthony Campbell, who explain governmental oversight of intelligence agencies, the operation of clandestine information units, and the laws that govern the control of information. Richard Aldrich investigates the exploitation of the globalized media by intelligence agencies; Scott Lucas and Steve Hewitt tackle the CIA’s use of open sources for intelligence purposes; and, Wyn Bowen examines the real-world use of open source intelligence in rolling back Libya’s nuclear program. Robert Dover and Pierre Lethier explore the depiction of intelligence in popular culture, a practice that helped create rendition and facilitate torture, and condition our responses to both. In the final essay, Patrick Porter focuses on cultural representations of the war on terror.
The American people depend on a free press to keep a close and impartial watch on the national security operations that are carried out in our name. But in many cases, this trust is sadly misplaced, as leading journalists are seduced and manipulated by the secretive agencies they cover.
While the press remains silent about its corrupting relationship with the intelligence community – a relationship that dates back to the Cold War – Spooking the News will blow the lid off this unseemly arrangement. Schou will name names and shine a spotlight on flagrant examples of collusion, when respected reporters have crossed the line and sold out to powerful agencies. The book will also document how the CIA has embedded itself in “liberal” Hollywood to ensure that its fictional spies get the hero treatment on screen.
Among the revelations in Spooking the News
- The CIA created a special public affairs unit to influence the production of Hollywood films and TV shows, allowing celebrities involved in pro-CIA projects – including Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck – unique access inside the agency’s headquarters.
- The CIA vets articles on controversial topics like the drone assassination program and grants friendly reporters background briefings on classified material, while simultaneously prosecuting ex-officers who spill the beans on damaging information.
This book provides a cross-section of Douglas Valentine s investigations into CIA engagement in terrorism, drugs, and propaganda. Author of three books on CIA operations, Valentine s research into CIA activities began when CIA Director William Colby gave him free access to interview CIA officials who had been involved in various aspects of the Phoenix program in South Vietnam. It was a permission Colby was to regret. The CIA would rescind it, making every effort to impede publication of The Phoenix Program, which documented the CIA s elaborate system of population surveillance, control, entrapment, imprisonment, torture and assassination in Vietnam.
While researching Phoenix, Valentine learned that the CIA allowed opium and heroin to flow from its secret bases in Laos, to generals and politicians on its payroll in South Vietnam. His investigations into this illegal activity focused on the CIA s relationship with the federal drugs agencies mandated by Congress to stop illegal drugs from entering the United States. Based on interviews with senior officials, Valentine wrote two subsequent books, The Strength of the Wolf and The Strength of the Pack, showing how the CIA infiltrated federal drug law enforcement agencies and commandeered their executive management, intelligence and foreign operations staffs in order to ensure that the flow of drugs continues unimpeded to traffickers and foreign officials in its employ.
Ultimately, portions of his research materials would be archived at the National Security Archive, Texas Tech University s Vietnam Center, and John Jay College. This book includes excerpts from the above titles along with subsequent articles and transcripts of interviews on a range of current topics, with a view to shedding light on the systemic dimensions of the CIA s ongoing illegal and extra-legal activities. These terrorism and drug law enforcement articles and interviews illustrate how the CIA s activities impact social and political movements abroad and in the United States. A common theme is the CIA s ability to deceive and propagandize the American public through its impenetrable government-sanctioned shield of official secrecy and plausible deniability. Though investigated by the Church Committee in 1975, CIA praxis then continues to inform CIA praxis now. Valentine tracks its steady infiltration into practices targeting the last population to be subjected to the exigencies of the American empire: the American people.
This book investigates representations of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Hollywood films, and the synergies between Hollywood product, U.S. military/defense interests and U.S. foreign policy. As probably the best known of the many different intelligence agencies of the US, the CIA is an exceptionally well known national and international icon or even “brand,” one that exercises a powerful influence on the imagination of people throughout the world as well as on the creative minds of filmmakers.
The book examines films sampled from five decades – the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s – and explores four main issues: the relative prominence of the CIA; the extent to which these films appeared to be overtly political; the degree to which they were favorable or unfavorable to the CIA; and their relative attitude to the “business” of intelligence. A final chapter considers the question: do these Hollywood texts appear to function ideologically to “normalize” the CIA?If so, might this suggest the further hypothesis that many CIA movies assist audiences with reconciling two sometimes fundamental opposites: often gruesome covert CIA activity for questionable goals and at enormous expense, on the one hand, and the values and procedures of democratic society, on the other. This interdisciplinary book will be of much interest to students of the CIA/Intelligence Studies, media and film studies, US politics and IR/Security Studies in general.
During the Cold War, freedom of expression was vaunted as liberal democracy s most cherished possession but such freedom was put in service of a hidden agenda. In The Cultural Cold War, Frances Stonor Saunders reveals the extraordinary efforts of a secret campaign in which some of the most vocal exponents of intellectual freedom in the West were working for or subsidized by the CIA whether they knew it or not.
Called “the most comprehensive account yet of the CIA s] activities between 1947 and 1967” by the New York Times, the book presents shocking evidence of the CIA s undercover program of cultural interventions in Western Europe and at home, drawing together declassified documents and exclusive interviews to expose the CIA s astonishing campaign to deploy the likes of Hannah Arendt, Isaiah Berlin, Leonard Bernstein, Robert Lowell, George Orwell, and Jackson Pollock as weapons in the Cold War. Translated into ten languages, this classic work now with a new preface by the author is “a real contribution to popular understanding of the postwar period” (The Wall Street Journal), and its story of covert cultural efforts to win hearts and minds continues to be relevant today.”
“Jenkins’s book raises serious ethical and legal questions about the relationship between the CIA and Hollywood and the extent to which we consume propaganda from one through the other…Should the CIA be authorized to target American public opinion? If our artists don’t confront [the question] more directly, and soon, the Agency will only continue to infiltrate our vulnerable film and television screens-and our minds.”
Tom Hayden, Los Angeles Review of Books “The book makes a strong case that the CIA should not be in Hollywood at all, but that if it is, it cannot pick and choose which movies it wishes to support. Well written and researched, this study examines a subject that has not received enough scholarly or critical attention. Highly recommended.” -Choice “A fascinating, highly readable, and original new work…Incorporating effective, illustrative case studies, The CIA in Hollywood is definitely recommended to students of film, media relations, the CIA, and U.S. interagency relations.”
When news broke that the CIA had colluded with literary magazines to produce cultural propaganda throughout the Cold War, a debate began that has never been resolved. The story continues to unfold, with the reputations of some of America’s best-loved literary figures–including Peter Matthiessen, George Plimpton, and Richard Wright–tarnished as their work for the intelligence agency has come to light.
Finks is a tale of two CIAs, and how they blurred the line between propaganda and literature. One CIA created literary magazines that promoted American and European writers and cultural freedom, while the other toppled governments, using assassination and censorship as political tools. Defenders of the -cultural- CIA argue that it should have been lauded for boosting interest in the arts and freedom of thought, but the two CIAs had the same undercover goals, and shared many of the same methods: deception, subterfuge and intimidation.
Finks demonstrates how the good-versus-bad CIA is a false divide, and that the cultural Cold Warriors again and again used anti-Communism as a lever to spy relentlessly on leftists, and indeed writers of all political inclinations, and thereby pushed U.S. democracy a little closer to the Soviet model of the surveillance state.
This book is a compilation, in encyclopedic format, of the CIA’s various fronts, proprietaries, and contractors/corporate partners since the agency’s inception in 1947. The book ranges from “A” to “Z” — Air America to Zapata Offshore.