Et lite utdrag fra boken “As it was in the days of Noah”

Noah’s Ark riding on a swell after the Great Flood


Et lite utdrag fra boken “As it was in the days of Noah. The Noah Prophecy. Connecting Noah`s cataclysmic event days to the coming end times events!”

“The real issue then and now, is with the rulers in several fields of endeavor who control the people and the narratives. This 3rd warning is to all of them!

So, you should now understand that it will be their “capitals” and “citadels” where those rulers, priests, and captains of industry will be utterly destroyed, flat!
They will be wiped away by some catastrophic events. Flattened tilled under like farmland, with all their graven statues, obelisks, and monumenst crushed completely.
However, they already know this and have been preparing for it for many, many years in America and around the world.
They are known to have been building deep safe-zone bunkers to hide in. Mirroring every single major government office required for the continuity of government from DC, too deep underground installations in Denver and other areas from Colorado to New Zealand. Their work in in Coloroda was finalized 2010.
The Eternal One via his mighty ones is telling all of tose evil doers trough His prophet, assuring you all that bunkers will not save you! But will be the final resting place where your evil bodies are tormented to death and disolved while your souls are caught and quarantined forever.
As it is written, so shall it be; All of the top people who have followed their unanointed false god will find no refuge within the, massive Deep Underground Bunkers they built for themselves with the sweat stolen from us.
They will be overheated, burned and choked to death by the lava breaking in, and finally buried by the stones they paid for to save them. While their lower counterparts perish in various and sundry ways above the ground. A fitting end.”
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