What is a non-player caracter? – Beyond the veil quickie!
Og det er svært sannsynlig at non player charachters eksisterer og at vi faktisk lever i en simulator. Da Nick Bostrøm lanserte sin simulator teori i 2002 så ble den sett på som en spekulativ teori. I dag derimot, så har vitenskapen funnet ut at det er store sannsynligheter for at teorien hans stemmer. Denne forskningen beskrives særedeles godt av den anerkjente vitenskapsmannen Rizwan Virk ved MIT, i hans bok The Simulation hyphothesis
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Spirit over matter, escape the real matrix
Mennesker med sjel og de uten, en meget interessant teori:
“Pre-adamic man and Adamic man
“In the physical, man has to deal with the <<1st seed>> of Genesis 3:15, also known as the OP`s (Organic Portals.) <<Organic>> because they are flesh and blood, living beings, and <<Portals>> because they have no soul and are occasionally subject to manipulation from the Astral realms. If they have no soul, they have no aura, and that is the easiest way to spot them, but they are also readily identified by their behavior.
No aura = no soul = no conscience
This chapter is the first two dealing with the OPs with are about 60% of the earth population
They don`t have aura because they don`t have souls; the aura is the physical reflection of the soul`s energy – in fact, the body is contained within the soul, not the other way around. A soul means a connection to the Higher Self or Oversoul of which one is a part, and in turn is connected to the divine hierarchy from whence commeth conscience. OPs have no conscience because they have no soul. Another word for them if and when they are dysfunctional is sociopath. They are not all bad.
If peoples auras, specifically the 1-2″ etheric energy outline around people, they could verify this for themselves simply by observing people around them every day an taking a rough headcount. The fact that most people don`t see auras is why they don`t know about the OPs, and this makes their existence even more of a secret – and a problem at work and in a family. OPs don`t have the energy glow around their head (aura), they have what looks like 2heat Waves” above their head, and only above their head.
While OPs are not evil, they can be a real nuisance, sometimes escalating to being a real pain, as they are very self-centered and STS (service to self) in their orientation to life, job, marriage, etc. For them, everything is about getting what they want, survival, power and ego – they have no compassion, no conscience, no altruistic tendencies nor any interest in spiritual pursuits, unless they can gain on it, then they can fake it. They are usually the atheists since they have no soul and thus no connection with any higher power.
The OPs don`t even know what they are, much less that they are OPs. Thus, there is no organized conspiracy despite the fact that they are all pretty much alike. This disclosure is not about promoting a witch hunt, nor fear. It is to point out that there is another type of human on the planet with whom ensouled Man cannot basically get along…
So at this point, having raised the issue of the OPs, we need to take a more focused look at what they are. Again, there is a history and quasi-scientific investigation that has been made in their regard. “Quasi because this is a subject not readily open to scientific, hard evidence that you can hold in your hand and see that is real – the main evidence for their excitence comes from those who see auras. Anyone who see auras will note that there are some people without auras. As the aura us the energetic reflection of the soul: no aura means no soul.
To those who don`t see auras, the “evidence is meaningless. And to those who do see auras, they often go in denial and tell themselves that they just had an “off” day and can`t see auras because thy`re tired…so they`re not sure if they saw an aura or not… It was probably a “retinal afterimage” they say.
And the connection with this chapter is that OPs see to it that Mans I dissed, harassed, frustrated, and blocked who he tries to reclaim his heritage, learn and do better. It should be noted that many websites blogs are visited by OPs who login as “Anonymous” and the proceed to attack and shred what someone else has offered as something noteworthy
What you think are other humans, just like you, aren`t just like you, and they do not share the same motivations and goals. They job, sometimes with their controllers, Neggs (evil astral beings), working against you, trough them. is to stop you. And because you don`t know any better, they succeed in creating wars when Man could be uniting, they create scarcity when there could be abundance, and they create fear when there could be peace, love and faith. Why ? To keep Man from getting it together and developing his divine potential – something they absolutely do not understand (because they don`t have it).
Suppose the leaders of other countries and their military brass decided to declare war…. and the people didn’t`t go along with it. To overcome this resistance, it would be necessary to control media so that the people heard only what would get them to agree that attacking another country was the “right” thing to do. And the leaders could keep it up as long as no one figured out what they wet doing…
New Age researcher Dolores Cannon, discovered the OPs as she was working with her patients under hypnosis, and sometimes while speaking with the client`s subconscious to better explain a problem. She called the Backdrop people as they are more like extras in a movie, and are just present to drive the humans Scripts, or the Father of Light`s Greater Script. She also was told that they have no path in life, no purpose such as soul growth – because they have no soul.
Pre-Adamic man has been termed Organic Portal for two reasons: Organic because they are flesh and blood. Portals because entities from the 4th can and do operate trough them to serve an STS agenda.
A word of caution: just because the 4D entities can operate thru the OPs does not mean that 4D entities created them. Nor that OPs are always manipulated by 4D entities. The ability to manipulate OPs are more due to the lack of higher energy centers (body chakras 4-7) that would normally support a soul inhabiting the body. With only the lower 3 chakras functional, the OPs is a lot like an unfinished 2-story house, and no soul wants to inhabit an unfinished house… but without the upper 4 chakras, they are easy to manipulate.
The human tares, the anthropoid race, are the descendants of pre-agamic humanity. The principal differences… is that the pre-Adamic does not possess the developed higher centers that exists in the Adamic… which offer him a real possibility of esoteric (spiritual) evolution. Apart form this, the two races are similar.
While the OPs are not blatantly evil they do present a problem to a smooth functioning society when they do NOT have the same orientation to life that ensouled humans do. The OPs are not interested in personal growth, nor are they capable of it, and since they have little or no conscience, their morals are often of the barnyard. They are not interested in doing what is right or appropriate, even if they know what it is – they do what benefits them. Since they are not altruistic, they see no value in charity, service to others, or doing something because it should be done, even if one is not going to pay them of. OPs are not interested in abstract ideas, and they cannot be helped, changed, fixed, re-taught or enlightened.
Physically the two races are virtually indistinguishable. Statistically there are minor physiological and perhaps genetic differences. Physiologically OPs tend to be more attractive and well-proportioned, because they exist on an emotionally primal level, natural selection has ensured that sexuality, physicality and attractiveness play a large part in their physical evolution.
At this point it is also relevant to emphasize that pre-agamic man represents the 1st Creation in Genesis 1. And this is significant because the Bible tells us that Adam and Eve had two sons, who was “Adamic” like them: the offspring had souls just like their parents. Then Cain killed Abel and was expelled from the scene – and he takes his wife from Land of Nod, and is relocated to the New World. The “mark” of Cain was no facial hair.
This is important information. There is only Adam and eve up to this point, with their two sons. Where did the rest of the people come from ? To cut to the chase, it is suggested that the people in the Land of Nod were descendants of the pre-Adamics, from the 1st Creation. That means that Cain had a soul and his wife didn’t`t. As they left from parts unknown, and did a lot of “begatting” as the Bible says, they began the mixed marriage scenario and furtherance of the OP and ensouled lines, with enmity between the two, just as Yahweh/Enlil said in the Garden of Eden when he expelled Adam and eve.
This is a suggested , plausible scenario. It explains where the OPS came from and why we have mixed families. A family with Mom and Dad ensouled and the kids ensouled would make for the theoretically balanced family. Unfortunately the ensouled Dad could marry an OP Mom, and the offspring can be a combination that brings peace or strife to the family. Ensouled parents would not know what to do with unresponsive, do-your-own-thing OP children, and OP parents would not care about nurturing their ensouled children and giving them spiritual values. Does this describe today`s family problems ?
A family may have both ensouled and soulless humans by natural birth.
The problem with a mixed family, where the parents are OPs , is that the ensouled human (ESH) children will not be cared for (nurtured and encouraged) as they would have been by ensouled parents. Op parents do not know what to do with ensouled children and their questions, deeper seeking and awareness (even psychic) issues. Note that an ensouled man and an ensouled woman (unless they have defective genetics) will usually produce an ensouled child…. but there is no guarantee.
With an OP man and an ensouled wife, it could be either, but with two married OPs, the offspring will usually be only OP.
Most OPs will start arguments with ensouled humans to get them angry and this provides an energy rush for them – they “feed” off the energy you`re radiating, as if they were an “energy vampire. Fear and lust also feed them, as well as the Neggs (evil astral beings). You may even win the argument, but they got what they wanted and you will feel drained. Best of all, OPs provoking the ensouled humans into fear, anger or lust provides strong, radiated energy from the victim`s 3 lower chakras. This is often referred to as “energy vampirism.” And if they can start a war, the becomes a feeding frenzy, and it doesn’t`t matter who wins – just as long as energy I produced that can be “harvested” from the sheep who decade after decade put up with the manipulation.”
“Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist? Because out of necessity they had to be invented by those who independently noticed the same puzzling phenomenon, one for which there is no official name: some people seem to be missing something very important inside. While they are not necessarily any less intelligent, successful, or physically healthy as anyone else, they nevertheless show no indication of having any higher components to their consciousness.
Their behavior tends toward being glib, shallow, egotistical, narcissistic, mundane, predatory, and materialistic. Sometimes these traits are camouflaged by a polished social exterior, but anyone with a discerning eye can see through the disguise. They lack individuality, independent thinking, and are strongly biased toward holding a herd mentality. They lack comprehension of anything beyond the material sphere of the five senses, and have no interest in such metaphysical matters except as flashy accessories to boost their social image.
They also appear entirely incapable of empathy, soul-searching, and willful self-sacrifice. Nevertheless, in the presence of others they can put on a flashy show of concern, distress, or altruism for purposes of social manipulation; for example, crocodile tears to elicit sympathy, or doing something nice for another solely to guilt trip them later and extort a favor.
Psychically scanning their consciousness reveals something interesting. There is a certain simplicity, flatness, and inertness to their essence, even if their intellects are highly developed. Unlike other people, their conscious energy is more diffuse, dull, impermanent, and amorphous rather than solid, sparkling, crystallized, and concentrated. Put another way, their minds are like sand castles instead of real castles.
There is something animalistic and rudimentary piloting their bodies. It seems they have conscious awareness just as plants and animals do, but not conscious self-awareness as humans are supposed to have. There is an important difference between awareness and self-awareness.”
“Let’s pull together the various threads and weave a tapestry which illustrates our current situation.
By “going for the gold,” that is, desiring to experiment with physicality, our consciousness unit fell from its state of “grace,” that is, a 3D STO existence in a “semi/sort of” 4D state aligned with 4D STO into a 3D STS world already populated with an anthropoid race who served as organic portals, the bridge linking 2nd Density to 3rd Density.
Having fallen, and thereby losing awareness of its connection to the higher centers, the souled race was in no way different from the anthropoid race when seen from the exterior. He differed only in having the potential to reconnect with the higher centers by developing the magnetic center. The DNA which seated these higher centers was burned away – disconnected and dispersed in the cell structure. However, the ability to get it back remains.
This 3rd Density STS world in which Adamic man “awoke” was not his natural habitat. It is the world of the anthropoids, the meat puppets, the dead who think they are living, the world of the Organic Portal, a world of matter and material explanations of existence. It is a farm run and controlled by 4D STS to provide their nourishment. It is the world of the three lower centers and a sexual center limited to a role of procreation through carnal love.
It is a world organized on the basis of hunger, sex, and fear.
The souled race came into this world and became part of it, interbreeding with the native race until the genetic pool became thoroughly mixed. Now, the two races are so mixed that they can both be found within the same family.
More than that, the models we are taught and forced to internalize are based upon the “natural” inhabitant of this realm, the Organic Portal. Thus, material explanations are the norm. The inner life of the Organic Portal, cut off from the higher centers, is the “norm.”
Should we then be surprised that we live in a world,
which is more and more “mechanical”
which treats individuals as “units”
where “creativity” is the replication of existing ideas as in a production line
where “franchising” and “branding” are so important in the economic world
where democracy is a multiple choice test every few years rather than the creative input of individuals into the organization of their lives
where people who “see” other beings, other worlds, are shipped off into prison camps for the “mentally disturbed”
where culture consists of endless copies of the same product with slight modifications to fool the consumer that it is something “new” and “revolutionary”
And on and on it goes…
And it is all organized to prevent YOU from advancing, to distract YOU, to keep YOU concerned with a husband, wife, mother, father, daughter or son who is beyond your ability to “save” because he or she cannot be “saved” — they are fundamentally different from you, they do not have the DNA which would allow a soul to “seat” so as to enable an understanding of the possibility of a higher life.
Worse, they are draining you of vital energy and thus denying you any chance of developing your magnetic centre, with the final destination of this energy being 4D STS. It feeds and maintains the Matrix. In these interactions, you are nothing but a battery and the organic portals in your life are the “feeding tubes.”
You need that energy to advance. It is yours, and it is your right to claim and retain it. But to do so, you must stop this “dance of death” with the Organic Portals in your life.”
“A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.”
– G.I. Gurdjieff
“- There are some human beings who are like vampires. What are they and why are they like that?
They are not human; there is only a human form or appearance. They are incarnations of beings from the world that is just next to the physical, beings who live on the plane which we call the vital world. It is a world of all the desires and impulses and passions and of movements of violence and greed and cunning and every kind of ignorance; but all the dynamisms too are there, all the life-energies and all the powers. The beings of this world have by their nature a strange grip over the material world and can exercise upon it a sinister influence.
Some of them are formed out of the remains of the human being that persist after death in the vital atmosphere near to the earth-plane. His desires and hungers still float there and remain in form even after the dissolution of the body; often they are moved to go on manifesting and satisfying themselves and the birth of these creatures of the vital world is the consequence. But these are minor beings and, if they can be very troublesome, it is yet not impossible to deal with them.
There are others, far more dangerous, who have never been in human form; never were they born into a human body upon earth, for most often they refuse to accept this way of birth because it is slavery to matter and they prefer to remain in their own world, powerful and mischievous, and to control earthly beings from there. For, if they do not want to be born on earth, they do want to be in contact with the physical nature, but without being bound by it.
Their method is to try first to cast their influence upon a man; then they enter slowly into his atmosphere and in the end may get complete possession of him, driving out entirely the real human soul and personality. These creatures, when in possession of an earthly body, may have the human appearance but they have not a human nature. Their habit is to draw upon the life-force of human beings; they attack and capture vital power wherever they can and feed upon it. If they come into your atmosphere, you suddenly feel depressed and exhausted; if you are near them for some time you fall sick; if you live with one of them, it may kill you.
– But how is one to get such creatures out of one’s environment when they are once there?
The vital power incarnated in these beings is of a very material kind and it is effective only within a short distance. Ordinarily, if you do not live in the same house or if you are not in the same company with them, you do not come within their influence. But if you open some channel of connection or communication, through letters, for example, then you make possible an interchange of forces and are liable to be influenced by them even from a far distance.
The wisest way with these beings is to cut off all connection and have nothing to do with them – unless indeed you have great occult knowledge and power and have learned how to cover and protect yourself – but even then it is always a dangerous thing to move about with them. To hope to transform them, as some people do, is a vain illusion; for they do not want to be transformed. They have no intention of allowing any transformation and all effort in that direction is useless.
These beings, when in the human body, are not often conscious of what they really are. Sometimes they have a vague feeling that they are not quite human in the ordinary way. But still there are cases where they are conscious and very conscious; not only do they know that they do not belong to humanity but they know what they are, act in that knowledge and deliberately pursue their ends. The beings of the vital world are powerful by their very nature; when to their power they add knowledge, they become doubly dangerous.
There is nothing to be done with these creatures; you should avoid having any dealings with them unless you have the power to crush and destroy them. If you are forced into contact with them, beware of the spell they can cast. These vital beings, when they manifest on the physical plane, have always a great hypnotic power; for the centre of their consciousness is in the vital world and not in the material and they are not veiled and dwarfed by the material consciousness as human beings are.”
“We have to thank Randy Maugan of Off-Planet Radio for outing the soulless drone people hypothesis to us a few years ago, and ever since I believe so many more of the fully awakened remnant populations have become aware of their literal existence, some more than others, but even those not fully convinced of them yet, appear at least to “listen” when I and others bring up the topic. Why are they even listening? I believe it is because the SOUL is already fully aware of all the facts, all the knowledge, and all the wisdom that is true, and useful to it, but, as I depicted throughout my work, the soul has been fire-walled in most people for a very long time. Not allowing it to gain a more full control over the “body-hardware” in the majority of people who have them, with the greater talent of the Living-Soul being the power of critical thinking, and then the ability to “intuit” the truth without even contemplating any facts.
However, I can still see by the many people I am in contact with daily, that most people who may be aware of the soulless drone population, still either do not know why they have been installed here in this Creation-Space-Matrix, and or, if they have learned why they are here, those people, on a daily basis when taking in the “New-Normal-News”, seem to momentarily forget about the drone population and their mission, entirely. This article below is 100% indicative of just that. Either the writers do not know, or they keep forgetting.
Forgetting what?
Well, anyone acquainted with my work already knows, or should know my hypothesis for why the soulless exist, and also, HOW they exist, physically functional without having their own, created, living-soul. You can find most of this in my Soul Revolution book.
You see, upon my own revelation through Randy Maugan concerning these demonically controlled, drone Hu-mans, I was not content with just knowing of their existence, I needed to have the more probable, accurate reason for WHY…
Going back, I can tell you that when Randy first told me of them I completely dismissed the possibility of them out of hand, which truthfully, is very unlike me. That alone, bothered me. I then found myself days later completely infused with the drive to know more about this possibility even though my academic training was telling me it was impossible. That no physical body can be animated at all without having a Living-Soul within it to energize it. Again, my Soul Revolution book goes into great detail on this topic of the soul.
After weeks of being thoroughly plagued in my consciousness on this topic, the answer which I had already long had, finally popped right up.
Enoch and the ancient, New Age culture!
Yes, decades before that point I had been shown the answer concerning the details of what actually happened, physically, to the fallen ones, which then led me to how they continue to exist, and hope to exist eternally into the future after having been CUT OFF from their “eternal tether” by the Eternal Creator. Enoch clearly explains all that. As do most of the worlds ancient pagan cultures in one way or another. They all seem to have that same story about the “Archons”, the “Controllers”, the “fallen ones”, etc.
In short, I already understood how and why the fallen ones got cut off from the Creator’s eternal force , the “Eternal Tether”, as I call it, others refer to it as the silver cord which they see attached to each living soul. As I show, via the Enochian and other prophetic texts, when the fallen were cut-off, they had a very adverse reaction to it. I believe it is clear that the adverse reaction was them becoming mortal for the first time. Their life expectancy counting down from that moment for the very first time. One can only imagine how a being with eternal life, who has lived for countless time, would feel having that eternal shroud suddenly removed. And the real war of worlds began at that moment.
Striving to Survive
That would be their motivation in a nutshell, no different than us or any other living creature. Most will fight and do anything to continue living. Why should we think of them being any different. BUT HOW? The tether was cut. Well, I believe that circumstantially, many, many times the Tanak gives is some clues, but I also think that other cultures ancient stories of the “gods” who need to be “fed” constantly, and by various means, although most times was and continues to be through the tortured death of women and children in most cases. It all may have gone underground for the most part, but they still do it in great numbers. So, we have established WHY the fallen “gods”of this realm need to be fed, so they can continue to exist, and continue to fight to be “as the Eternal One.” But how?….
Loosh Farming
The ancients, as many are already aware, called it “Loosh”, which is simply, the powerful energy emitted from each Living-Soul, person, as well as most animals. As I have explained this in much greater detail in my books, how the fallen required a new source of eternal energy to remain living, which they hope to continue, eternally, by abducting, and fully capturing as many of the actual, living-souls that currently reside in this creation-space. I won’t get into all the ways this has been done through the many false-narrative systems they have set up throughout time, as all of that is also covered in my books, and in some of the Podcasts. If you are not yet a member of the Members Zone to hear the podcasts, go here:
So, from Enoch, which, along with Job is our most ancient of Hebrew books, to the many other cultures who show the same story line, the fallen have somehow, by their super-tech, set up a system to “Pirate” the soul energy from the fewer living souls who inhabit this place, at any time. It is apparent to me for some time that we, the “ensoulled” are NOT the majority here. I have thrown out educated guesses for their numbers from a minimum of 50%, up to 90%, and other researches that I and others have found in recent past appear to agree with my drone population assessment. And, I believe the following article, below this video, is further proof of that.
Additionally, this may be a good video to watch which relates directly to HOW their new Tower of Babel weapon will be used to move certain CONSENTING souls away from here, and to their new, reality to be used as their eternal life force. This, in my estimation, is based on their belief that the Eternal Creator will NOT disconnect from those souls regardless. However, I believe they are seriously miscalculating on that point.
So, how does all that pertain to the Soulless Drones?
Some years back, when contemplating HOW any hu-man’oid can possibly be animated, alive as we think we know it, but void of the living-soul which I am absolutely convinced is required to make the physical body functional, and sentient; and as I stated earlier, it hit me. With the fallen’s apparent technologies having many amazing abilities, not the least of which has to do with recycling the souls back into their false heaven matrix base after physical death occurs, where they are memory wiped and returned into the general soul population by a new birth, to be used again, and again for Loosh harvesting, I thought, why am I limiting their “Loosh routing” ability on this topic? Surely if they can take life giving forces, they can also give it back.
Again, by Enoch, and the ancient lore of many cultures, over many thousands of years, we know as a fact, that most people who ever lived also believed that these entities, in various forms, and by many names, were able to pirate this eternal signal like vampires. Additionally, as I also explain in my books, that even though data may be circumstantial at first, the academic world has long held to the measure that if any “thing, belief or data” can be found in the same form four times, then that thing, belief, or data, will, from that point forward, NOT be considered as circumstantial by implication or inference, but as “Direct Evidence.” And, personally, given all the information that I have found and compiled from the Hebrew Tanak to an eclectic maze of ancient cultures where such explicit proof of feeding the gods has been found in their codified sources, lore, and direct practices of human, and animal sacrifice, I know we are way past mere implications or inference on all points.
Greater Loosh by Emotional Distress
In my work I have shown the science of how the human soul energy is emitted in very low amounts when the soul is at peace. Scientists have also shown how the soul is expanded out when agitated. Many have shown these results via Kirlian photography.
So then, if their super-tech is able to pirate the soul energy signals, and those signals are far greater when the soul, each individual soul, is agitated, or better yet, in fear, then now we know why the many controllers of this realm have continued, and expanded, over thousands of years, their many false-control-narrative systems upon all people. Endless war on many levels, and by all means against the ensoulled population for the consistent generation of energy. And once you begin to start contemplating the many major world systems, and their even more numerous sub-systems, the list of fear generating mechanisms seems endless, and with good reason. Because fear, and even low level but constant anxiety creates a higher output of soul energy to be harvested. And the more Soulless Drones they add into this world realm, the more soul energy they need, for both the drones, and for them.
Re-routing the Loosh
It is my personal hypothesis, which is based on far more information than posed herein, that the fallen ones have the technology to pirate, and also store excess soul energy for later use, or, possibly for other unknown uses. I also believe that they have the ability to transmit that stored soul energy back. I believe that this is how they have been able to animate humanoid bodies without those extra bodies having an actual, completed, living soul within them. I also believe this affords them better control. I believe the many evidences show that these drone hu-mans are not only animated by some external force, but that they are also programmable when some result is needed.
Results Driven Programming & WHY
I have also written on this idea several times now, and expanded on in podcasts, so I will give the redacted version here. If the original law of the Eternal Creator was and remains as I have shown it, “The Everlasting Agreement” and all that pertains to it, then surely that law is the only law that governed the first community, aka, Eden. Now expand that thinking, because even by the ancient Hebrew texts of Genesis I have shown conclusively that there were far more than only two people there. Based on that understanding, and coupled with the knowledge that all of them knew and kept only one law, i.e, aka – The Golden Rule… and knew no evil, meaning, they didn’t even understand what evil was, or how to break that law, which is exactly what ALL evil is based on; then, I submit that without the “introduction”, of some contaminating source, that not one single light-bodied soul at that time, or ever, would have, on their own, decided to go against the entirety of the law as encoded in them by the Prime, Eternal Creator. No way!
Most all Living-souls are naive, gullible, trusting, caring, and dependent on the greater collective of Living-Souls, which is exactly what makes them easily manipulated. And left all alone, on their own, even in this physical form, and void of any and all outside contaminating forces, I absolutely know that most souls would just continue along within the Creator’s simple law of love, and free will. I firmly believe that totally void of any outside influences, no ensoulled person would stray from the path of just being good. Because without any other outside influences, whether you deem them today as being good or bad, very little change would ever occur in the day to day life of any soul. What I am referring to here is the total absence of evil, and or controlling influences as we have always had here.
On a much smaller scale, I will provide an example. Since the CV attack last May, I have several good friends here with us now, all of whom know and live the path of the Creator’s original law. They all learned it, and lived it for years before coming here, and I am certain that none of them would leave this path regardless of the worldly or personal situation. So, in this somewhat secluded situation here, where we have several like minded individuals who are all sold out to the Father’s 1st law, how could anyone here be influenced to make an about-face when the only souls around them, are exactly like them? I’m not saying that everyone around me is a robot, or that personalities don’t exist, and even clash at times, they surely do, but that is the growth part after being contaminated by this worlds control-narrative systems from birth. However, regardless of the many personality types, the core strength of this pillar in each person (Yehshurun), is the greater power of the Creator’s original law, and what HE gives to each soul AFTER they make “Teshuvah” = RETURN, back to the original path of the Eternal One.
So again, I ask the question; without any external evil to contaminate those within the garden, HOW could the evil forces gain a controlling influence over the souls in the secluded place? THEY CANNOT! That’s how!
The evil ones had to find a way in, which I do explain in more detail in my books, but infiltrate they must do. Because short of an infiltration, and by knowing their enemy (our souls), and our strengths, which for them are weaknesses, they would never be able to turn any souls away from the Creator, and His law. THERE MUST BE SOME WAY TO ADD PRESSURE! So, we know how they did it in that first garden area, but how can so few fallen souls as they are, able to keep that game going for so long, and over so many souls, or as many as they allow to be alive (recycled) in to this realm at any given time where ultimately mass-manipulation must be applied worldwide?
March of the Drones
Now you have guessed it! However, many who have not read and studied my works will undoubtedly be missing many main points in all this. Again, without getting into all the biblical proof and details which I have written about, the short answer is, they can literally create the physical, drone bodies as required, because they are actually the ones who fabricated all of these physical bodies. The Eternal Creator, contrary to all of the incorrect biblical understanding on this, and far too many other relatable topics, was NOT the one who actually made these physical forms. HE created all Living-Souls, including those of the fallen ones, and yes, HE allowed them to be used to animate their physical bodies ongoing, but that is all. The bottom line to it all is, that we, all living-souls who were originally here, CHOSE, and CONSENTED, without knowing the full weight of the fine print, to be here, and under the “influences” of those fallen controllers.
Thus, in summation, they can and have been making physical bodies that are most likely born to drone mothers, and at higher volumes as time goes on. Why? Because the drone army has always been used as their peer pressure weapon. And as we all know, peer pressure comes in many forms, and from various places. From strangers, to lovers, and loved ones, they are everywhere. And the worst part of it all, is that all of the ensoulled people are energizing them as they all work against us. Same way we all pay taxes that are always used to undermine us in too many ways. As above, so below!
Remember in the bible where the messenger of the Eternal One is constantly reminding us through generations to NOT allow our sons and daughter to marry their sons or daughters? Because then they/we will become just like them? THAT is it in a nutshell! If we allow the drone hordes to have direct access to us, then eventually those souls younger in their physical form than we are, will be adversely influenced by the drones, causing each soul to CONSENT to ever deepening evil. One thing about the souls that HE created is, most of them have that – Go along to get along – tendency. And the dark side knows this, and they definitely use it to influence as many unsuspecting souls as possible to confirm to their anti-laws. Just look at how many seemingly sheepish people totally went along with so many detrimental suggestions that were given without one bit of scientific or medical proof.
Wear a mask and re-breath your contaminated exhaust
Stop going to work & school
Allow your local and national economies to implode
Allow your family economic situation to implode
Stay fearful of everyone
Stay fearful of the air around us
Make all youth fearful and manic
Turn family, neighbors and strangers into confrontational belligerents
And too much more to list here
Yes, some of us, the few, the remnants, remnant called total BS on all of this on day-1, and everything else going forward as it continues to unfold. The only way you would ever find a mask on this face, would be on my cold, dead, face. BUT, how do you all think that happened so damn fast, with such overwhelming, cow-like compliance? And who exactly do you think those UN-consenting voices were and have become more and more as this has gone on?
Exactly! The mass-soulless-drone populations were instantly receiving download instructions to not only be complaint, and exude as much fearful speech and manipulation tactics as possible, but we can now see them gearing up to become the CV-Compliance Police; and they are not nearly done yet. The Hebrew prophets, and I believe also Yehshua had allot to say about how they will act towards the UN-compliant in these times. Again, the vast majority of ensoulled people here are not so naturally fearful, lacking in critical thinking skills, or, so quickly compliant void of any and all of the most basic medical, or other related proofs that should accompany any such situation, much less requests for mass sequestering and new social orders.
The bottom line here so far is, that yes, there are still many of the good, but adversely influenced ensoulled people during this time who have been roped into some level of compliance by those peer pressure, weaponized soulless drones around them. Not all souls are created equal, evidently. So, unless this worldwide abomination, and attack is not stopped soon, which I do not believe can or will be done by the few ensoulled people who are totally awake, then I think many souls will be lost to the other side.
And for those in the know; the reason why their demonic “Vack-seen” has only be seen evicting a small portion of the souls from the allegedly “known” 6.5 billion hu-man entities on this world, is most likely because there are so few BEACON-SEED (souls) here compared to drones. And sure, many physical deaths may be occurring among the many drones who are obviously complying in mass, but the dark side doesn’t care about them in the least anyway. Nor do they matter, because their death is only physical, having no soul to move on, or capture. That sounds harsh because you have a soul that enables you to commiserate, but you fool yourself believing that they are just like you, when they are not.”
Teksten fortsetter under bildet
Occultism in the west, however, have been dominated by interpretations that take into account only the positive aspect of this great symbol. The other side, the negative or averse side of the Tree has been kept out of sight and sedulously ignored. But there is no day without night, and Being itself cannot be without reference to Non-Being of which it is the inevitable manifestion.
Any allusions to this aspect of the Tree and its branches have been subsumed under oppbrobrious heads or related to the infernal realm of the Qliphoth, the worlds of shells or shadows that is none other than our world as we know it, without the transforming light of magical counsciousness. Full magical initiation is not possible without an understanding of the so called qliphotic paths which are, in practice, as real as the shadow of any object illumined by the sun.
In other words, the well-lit highways of Hourus, the paths that man has projected to connect the cosmic power-zones (Sephiroth) with his own counsciousness, have their counterparts in the Tunnel of Set, a dark web of nocturnal network of paths the very exsitence of which is denied or ignored by those who are unable to realize the total truth of the Tree and its validity for those who would climb even its lower branches.
The mind is beguiled with promises of “cosmic counsciousness” and the senses are lulled to sleep or bewitched by the constant reiteration that if we spread our wings and fly we shall attain to the topmost branches in the space of a single life-time.
But do those who speak so glibly of enlightment, and who brush aside with apparent ease the averse sides of the power-zones with which they boast familiarity, do they really imagine that one side only exists ? It is futile and false to imagine a coin with one side only.”
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