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MK Ultra History channel


Origins and techniques of monarch mind control


Mind control; simple to complex


Some indicators of trauma based mind control programming

“In this old school summary and analysis lecture, I distill the insane mad scientist operation known as MK ULTRA and its dozens of projects from John Marks’ 1980 book, The CIA and Mind Control: The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. As this meme has now entered pop culture through dozens of films and TV shows, from Bourne to Suckerpunch to Alias to Dollhouse, the mind controlled assassin and alter persona mythos actually has much basis in reality, as well as going much, much deeper, with biometric manipulation and enhancement, the programming of new personalities, and transhumanism.”

“The Mechanical Universe Imagine a world where a majority of the people on the planet have been hypnotized. Imagine that virtually all the important world leaders have been hypnotized. In their hypnotized state they still do have a degree of functionality. They are not totally out of touch with reality, but their perception of the world is slightly amiss. They can still walk and talk. They still enjoy human relationships. They breathe, eat and drink. But their distorted perception causes them to act in ways that are destructive.

Their distorted perception causes them to feel less joy in life. They are harming themselves, other people and the environment because of their distorted perception. And the basis of this distorted perception is that on a subconscious level of mind they have been programmed to believe themselves to be in a mechanical universe. Subconsciously they believe that they are surrounded by a giant machine. Subconsciously they believe that they are a machine within a machine. And these subconscious distortions are always there.

On a conscious level of mind they are not aware of how they have been hypnotized. They have no conscious awareness of the fact that they are in a persistent hypnotic state. This is the nature of subconscious programming – the hypnotized person is simply not aware of the programming. This book is about deprogramming this mechanical universe. This book is unique, you won’t find any other book on deprogramming that is quite like this one. I describe a system of mind control that was developed by other persons.

These persons were former MK Ultra researchers who had become disillusioned with the CIA and the MK Ultra research program. So they began to covertly help those persons who were the victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and MK Ultra. I’m the only person who is willing to publicly describe their system of therapy. I don’t give advice on how to perform therapy, I only share information. In some cases the information comes from therapists who have treated MK Ultra and Monarch mind control. In this book I tell stories and share unique insights.

I’m am a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse and some MK Ultra techniques. I want to give hope to other survivors who are trying to recover. And I want to give some new viewpoints for therapy to those who are trying to help recovering survivors. This book was written as a sequel of sorts to my two previous books: Angelic Defenders and Demonic Abusers – Memoirs of a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor, and Cannibalism, Blood Drinking & High Adept Satanism.”

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“Many people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) have written their stories. And done a fine job. I admire and respect my fellow suffers of this disorder who have risked putting themselves “out there” as they have done. So, why read my story, just another among so many? I have attempted to answer two questions that I have been often asked but which I have not read about. One is, How does it happen? What is the actual process that took place? I explain the extremes that a child has to suffer in order to split and then describe the process of splitting. The second question is, What is it like to live as a DID? I describe on detail what day to day living is like and how DID became dysfunctional for me as an adult. So, this is a unique view of DID that illustrates DID in a different, but all too real, light.”

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“Allegations of ritual abuse are universal and mental health professionals, theologians, law enforcers, scholars, victim advocates, and others struggle to comprehend the enormity of the devastation left in the wake of these heinous acts. Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century addresses the concerns that naturally evolve from any discussion of this phenomenon from the perspectives of professionals, advocates, and survivors from around the world (eight countries, seven states in the U.S.)

How valid are the survivors’ stories? Is there evidence? What are the consequences of these acts to the individual and society? Why have these allegations been ignored or discredited whenever they have surfaced? The authors of these chapters respond to these and other questions in an effort to illustrate the constellation of psychological, health, legal, criminal, societal, and spiritual ramifications of ritual abuse. Chapters address current issues including ritually based crime, civil suits involving allegations of ritual abuse, that are universal. The value of understanding ritual trauma for diagnostic and treatment applications is discussed.”


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“The C.I.A. Doctors, (Manitou Communications, 2006), uncovers the truth about violations of human rights by American Psychiatrists in the twentieth century. Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and cross-referenced research published in leading medical journals expose the existence of mind altering experiments on unwitting human subjects, paid for by the U.S. government, the U.S. Military and the C.I.A.

These experiments which inlcude LSD experiments, sensory deprivation, electroconvulsive treatment, brain electrode implants, radiation experiments and prostitution rings were perpetrated not by a few renegage doctors but by leading psychiatrists, psychologists, neurosurgeons, universities, medical schools and maximum security prisons on American soil. Dr. Ross takes you on a mind-blowing fact finding adventure into the secret world of espionage and Manchurian Candidates. Given our situations in Guantanamo and Abu Graib the only question left unanswered is what are the U.S. Government, psychiatrists and medical schools doing today? The C.I.A. Doctors was originally published as BLUEBIRD: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists in 2000.”


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“The Manchurian Candidate” was fiction. This, however, is fact.

This could be the most terrifying true story ever to emerge regarding the U.S. national security state – the first book ever written about the CIA’s mind control programs. The book became an instant classic, in part because the CIA bought up all the copies it could, simply to keep them off the shelves and out of the hands of the public. In these pages, author Walter Bowart uncovered a huge government “cryptocracy” dedicated to controlling and manipulating human minds.

Through hypnosis and drugs, ordinary citizens became CIA “zombies”: human computers, spies, trained assassins, and couriers with no control over, or memory of, their actions. Only unexplained memory gaps, multiple personality disorders, or other “mistakes” in programming revealed that something was amiss. Could you be one of the thousands of people ready to be “triggered” into action by some seemingly random cue? Bowart’s devastating account includes top secret documents outlining the cryptocracy’s cold-blooded programs, as well as startling new evidence linking “assassins” Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and Sirhan Sirhan to Operation Mind Control.”


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“A ‘Manchurian Candidate’ is an unwitting assassin brainwashed and programmed to kill. In this book, former State Department officer John Marks tells the explosive story of the CIA’s highly secret program of experiments in mind control. His curiosity first aroused by information on a puzzling suicide. Marks worked from thousands of pages of newly released documents as well as interviews and behavioral science studies, producing a book that ‘accomplished what two Senate committees could not’ (Senator Edward Kennedy).”


Teksten fortsetter undet bildet


“Steeped in research, but reading like a fast-paced novel, Stevens’ story begins with pioneering psychologists discovering the effects on the mind of mescaline and psilocybin, the role of the CIA in testing mind-control drugs, the evolution of Timothy Leary from Harvard research psychologist to the most “dangerous man in America” the wrenching changes from the repressed 50’s to the upheavals of the 60s, and along the way giving us portraits of some of the most colorful characters in modern American history, including Allen Ginsberg, Ken Kesey, Aldous Huxley, and Jack Kerouac.”
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Teksten fortsetter under bildet


Six signs of Mk-ultra (Documentary)

Mk-ultra documentary: techniques, celebrities & more

Rikets tilstand – kappløpet om hjernen (1/2)

Rikets tilstand – kappløpet om hjernen (2/2)


Derren Brown: The Assassin | Derren Brown’s The Experiment FULL EPISODE


En meget god video om Mk Ultra monarch programing. Hvorfor det står “demonic possession” i tittelen vet jeg ikke, da det er et tema som ikke blir tatt opp i videoen.


Ronald Bernard high finance shocking revelations Dutch withs english subtitles


Psykopatene kontrollere verden og det kan dokumenteres


Basically the activation of Adrenochrome is first started by the release of adrenaline in the body. If you were a child or adultthat were taken to undergo a human sacrifice ritual then there is no denying that you would have some adrenaline pumping in your veins. In doing so will give you a more potent version of Adrenochrome. Thats why a-lot of secret occult and ancient societies perform ritual human sacrifices and keep them alive during the ‘blood-letting”

Postulated pathway for the oxidation of adrenaline in cardiomyocytes and incubation medium (not all intermediates are shown, for simplification). The oxidation process of adrenaline initially involves its conversion to o-quinone with an o-semiquinone intermediary in cardiomyocytes.


The o-quinone can react with GSH, to form the corresponding GSH conjugate, or react with other nucleophilic groups in the cells. Thus, the higher stability of o-quinone where only adrenaline is present favors the formation of the GSH adduct and quinoproteins. The GSH adduct seems to be transported out of the cells. Meanwhile, the o-quinone can undergo an irreversible 1,4-intramolecular cyclization, forming leucoadrenochrome.


The oxidation to adrenochrome of the unstable leucoadrenochrome is rapid, especially in the group where a ROS generating system (O2 •-) is present. The formation of adrenochrome is a reaction in which a total of two electrons are removed and adrenochrome semiquinone is the intermediate. Adrenochrome formed in the cells can also suffer conjugation with cellular GSH, leading to its depletion, or polymerize into several other compounds.


Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium.
Chemical formula: C9H9NO3
Boiling point: 115–120 °C (239–248 °F; 388–393 K) (decomposes)
Density: 3.264 g/cm3

Psychedelic use :

There has been a substantial amount of controversy about whether adrenochrome can be classified as a hallucinogenic drug. Psychoactive effects of adrenochrome include euphoria, confusion, changed train of thought, lack of judgment, poor insight and inability to concentrate. In one study, test subjects compared adrenochrome experience to mild psilocybin and LSD experiences.
A. Hoffer study link
“This second controversy must be an unusual one of the unusual ones in science since every paper published, so far, onadrenochrome showed that it was psychologically active and changed behavior or man and animals. A curious situation resulted in which many who had worked with adrenochromeprovided data that showed it was hallucinogenic while several who had not studied adrenochrome insisted that it was not.”
In this book Hoffer says that out of the 4 controversies he had with Adrenochrome, the second controversy arose from a meeting at the Canada Club in New York City with the Dementia Praecox Committee of The Scottish Rite Masons in 1952. It is interesting to note that the freemasons ARE connected to occult and esoteric secret societies. It is a little suspicious that they would want to keep the information on adrenochromesuppressed.
In the study describes experiments done on animals and people clearly showing the possibility of strong amounts of endogenous epinephrine metabolites in a person under extreme stress, and that a couple of these metabolites (adrenochrome and adrenolutin) DO have marked psychomimetic and hallucinatory effects in both animals and humans.
Evidence of this, combined with frequent allusions to its use by the most unsavory characters in fiction and apparently in real life really start to make the adrenochrome hypothesis more convincing than ever.

In the Aztec culture:

It is said to produce a feeling of intense euphoria and power. It becomes highly addictive and bonds the user’s brain to a new high threshold turning the user into an instant addict. This is what the Aztec were doing. In school they told us sacrifices were performed to help crops grow.
They were actually doing it to get high. Not all Aztec bloodletting ritual were sacrificial.
Bloodletting was common and even included children.
This blood was collected and baked into bread. The heart was considered the most potent. The adrenochrome was strongest when the heart was still alive. Deers, chickens, snakes, and even butterflies were farmed for adrenochrome. It comes from tears, too.
The entire body excretes adrenalin. Tlaloc, the god of rain,would ask for the tears of children and they were sacrificed to him. Adrenochrome extraction can come from burning someone alive. The smoke is vaporized adrenochrome.
Huitzilopochtli would be made to restore the blood he lost, as the sun was engaged in a daily battle. Human sacrifices would prevent the end of the world that could happen on each cycle of 52 years. In the 1487 re-consecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan some estimate that 80,400 prisoners were sacrificed  though numbers are difficult to quantify as all obtainable Aztec texts were destroyed by Christian missionaries during the period 1528–1548. The Aztec, also known as Mexica, periodically sacrificed children as it was believed that the rain god, Tlāloc, required the tears of children.
According to Ross Hassig, author of Aztec Warfare, “between 10,000 and 80,400 people” were sacrificed in the ceremony. The old reports of numbers sacrificed for special feasts have been described as “unbelievably high” by some authors and that on cautious reckoning, based on reliable evidence, the numbers could not have exceeded at most several hundred per year in Tenochtitlan. The real number of sacrificed victims during the 1487 consecration is unknown.
The truth about adrenochrome

“According to research compiled over two decades ago, it was estimated that 20% of girls and 10% of boys had been sexually victimized as minors. A more recent finding asserts that now one in three girls and one in five boys is sexually molested. Multiple reports are now coming in from around the world, in places like Africa, India and Europe, all confirming that child sexual abuse is surging, including online child pornography, to become a worldwide epidemic today.

We must take a decisive stand now to stamp out this growing scourge, first by educating ourselves as to the extent and pervasiveness of the problem, and second by becoming proactive activists committed to positive change that includes taking steps to protect children from further exploitation and abuse, helping victims of all ages heal, while eradicating this malignant network of child rapists operating behind a millennium of sealed off impunity and previously impenetrable power.”

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