Når samvittighetsløse maktmennesker vil redusere befolkningsveksten

Noe som er et mye større problem enn befolkningsveksten er individer med makt som mangler samvittighet. Og om befolkningstallet skulle bli redusert til 2 milliarder som det sies her, “Vi blir alt for mange mennesker” https://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/kronikk/i/zLb21/vi-blir-altfor-mange-mennesker?fbclid=IwAR00CA91q5qPyKkXIG1lps7cWMJMF–48zGi00HHx3Y8R2O73mt1IgTUSug
så ville ikke det gitt noen andre enn dem som satt med den økonomiske makta bedre leve vilkår. Jeg snakker om individer som har et umettelig begjær som aldri kan mettes hverken på det materielle planet eller når det gjelder makt.
Ghandi sa en gang at det er nok til alles behov men ikke nok til alles begjær, og når de som er i besittelse av et bunnløst begjær også er dem som sitter ved makta, så vil en reduksjon ned til 2 milliarder mennesker på denne planeten bety en ting, nemlig at det vil bli mye lettere å kontrollere oss og behandle oss som den dritten de ser på oss som. Det er et fordelingsproblem vi har der de som har mer enn nok ikke vil dele med seg, og ved en befolkningsreduksjon så vil ikke det bedre seg, det vil forverre seg for folk flest.

Gå tilbake i historien og se når denne planeten var mindre befolket, om det da var en rettferdig fordeling. Det vil du ikke finne, for det har alltid vært de grådige som har sugd resursene til seg og totalt oversett dem som var trengende.

I denne videoen på 22 minutter så kan du høre artikkelen fra Aftenposten over her bli knust til pinneved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exheGjFGNko


Og her kan du lese om dem som vil ha ned befolkningstallet og deres nyttige idioter de flygende apene “PSYKOPATENE KONTROLLERER VERDEN, OG DET KAN DOKUMENTERES” https://olehartattordet.blogg.no/1474108490_psykopatene_kontrolle.html
“Obsessed with breeding and family heredity, the eugenicists believed that it was not merely physical characteristics like weight or height that were determined by one’s family line, but social characteristics, like intelligence or conscientiousness or even criminality. If you are poor, it’s because you come from poor stock. If you’re criminal, it’s because your family line is criminal. And if you’re a Rockefeller or a Rothschild or a royal, you are rich and successful because your family was destined for fortune and success.

The pseudoscientific trappings of the 19th century eugenic philosophy may have been new, but in fact the idea is as old as human civilization itself. People have always been taught to believe that their rulers are special, a class apart, members of a family specially chosen to rule over the masses.

Whether literal descendants of the gods, like the Pharoahs of Egypt or the Emperors of Japan, or members of families specially chosen by god to reign over their kingdoms, like the monarchs of Europe, the right to rule over others was something passed down through family trees. The commoners, meanwhile, knew their place; not being born of royal blood, they entered the world as serfs, worked the land for the benefit of the noble class, and, if they were lucky, had children of their own to repeat the cycle for another generation.” https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-321-why-big-oil-conquered-the-world/

Anbefalt litteratur:
There was a time when humanity looked in the mirror and saw something precious, worth protecting and fighting for–indeed, worth liberating. But now we are beset on all sides by propaganda promoting a radically different viewpoint. According to this idea, human beings are a cancer upon the Earth, a species whose aspirations and appetites are endangering the natural order. This is the core of antihumanism.
Merchants of Despair traces the pedigree of this ideology and exposes its deadly consequences in startling and horrifying detail. The book names the chief prophets and promoters of antihumanism over the last two centuries, from Thomas Malthus through Paul Ehrlich and Al Gore. It exposes the worst crimes perpetrated by the antihumanist movement, including eugenics campaigns in the United States and genocidal anti-development and population-control programs around the world.
Combining riveting tales from history with powerful policy arguments, Merchants of Despair provides scientific refutations to antihumanism’s major pseudo-scientific claims, including its modern tirades against nuclear power, pesticides, population growth, biotech foods, resource depletion, industrial development, and, most recently, fear-mongering about global warming. Merchants of Despair exposes this dangerous agenda and makes the definitive scientific and moral case against it.
Forfatter: Robert Zubrin
Undertittel: Radical environmentalists, criminal pseudo-scientists, and the fatal cult of antihumanism
ISBN: 9781594037375
Språk: Engelsk
Vekt: 454 gram
Utgitt: 2013-12-01
Antall sider: 328
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