Den nye boken “Corona vaccines from the spiritual perspective: consequences for the soul and spirit and for life after death” av Thomas Meyer (som kan kjøpes her), er skremmende men til tider oppmuntrende lesning da boken også kommer med løsninger. Har man kun en materialistisk oppfattelse av livet så vil denne boken selvfølgelig bli sett på som det reneste sprøyt. Boken retter seg derfor mot dem med et åpent sinn.
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Soratic Transhumanism spirits: A special group of soratic beings are called here transhumanism spirits, because they seem to inspire transhumanism. These are central to the understanding of Covid19 and the vaccines. Since these beings are associated with the very highest adversarial powers, it can be assumed that all processes emanating from them are extremely harmful to humans. This will become more understandable in the course of this book.
Every vaccine has a being in the spiritual world, a kind of living original idea (one could also say “group soul” and “group spirit”). This is not an abstract idea, but a multiform spirit space filled with consciousness; a being-structure. With the vaccination those enter the human aura and work within it. In such case, there is the “great” vaccine being in the lower layers of the spiritual world and at the same time “smaller” replicas – one could also say “descendants” – working in the human aura.
The vaccine-being is connected with other spirit beings, which give it a special character. For example, if it is connected with certain ahrimanic beings, they work through the vaccine- being in the vaccinated person. If it is connected with soratic spirits, then soratic spirits gain access into the members of the human being.
Disease-Beings (Beings of Illness) : Every disease also has a being in the spiritual world, which connects with the human being when needed.
After this spiritual-scientific “crash course” we begin with the supersensible observation of the corona vaccines.
Hardening in the Soul
I received the following description from a psychotherapist from Hesse in April 2021:
“About one third of my clients are vaccinated, ten in total. I am no longer able to reach and experience them directly as I used to, but now have to do much more and take longer to get in touch with their “I”. It feels like they are behind a concrete wall. The concrete wall feeling is with AstraZeneca; with BioNTech and Modern it is more as if the “I” is choked with lumps.
Since the vaccination, I have experienced an increased influence of the dark layers, something has opened up. As a therapist I have to be more careful not to be drawn into something dark myself and I have to connect more consciously with the light. With the dark layers that are stored individually and collectively in the spiritual earth.
I often feel alone in my work now. I know these clients well, but somehow, they are no longer there. In the aftermath of a session, I no longer feel the person, even though they were physically there.
There is one exception. With a woman who meditates and has also thought for a long time whether she should be vaccinated, it is not like that. With her I do not experience any separation. Obviously, she was able to transform the soul-spiritual effects of the vaccination”.
The Baden working group had similar perceptions in May 2021:
“While observing vaccinated people (with AstraZeneca and BioNTech) we perceived the process of increasing hardening in the soul-element”.
More reports from therapists and alternative practitioners
All previous reports are from my personal network. The question arises whether such supersensible effects of the vaccines are also perceived by other people? Therefore, I researched in online forums of therapists and alternative practitioners, where there are also some who can experience supersensibly. What is their experience? I do not know the respective authors and therefore I cannot judge or confirm their way of working. Exactly this distance is an advantage to broaden the basis of experience. I found many confirming descriptions. The following is a selection.
“I do Healing Massage. I have a client who has been coming to me for a long time. Today she had an appointment with scheduled long time ago. My dogs did not greet her as they always do. I thought it was because she was not here for a while. I started my usual treatment, but it was different from usual. I just could not get into the depth. After half an hour I asked her if she was vaccinated, because I kept hitting a wall. ‘Yes’, she said, ‘a week ago’”.
“We had the same experience in our practice for body therapy. You can’t get into the tissue and the system of some vaccinated people”.
“I work as a naturopath and many patients unfortunately get vaccinated. I find some of them repulsive: strange color of their faces, aura field torn, as if they were disembodied. Some of them I cannot test bioenergetically at first, because there is an energetic shock on the kidney in the sense of a cybernetic blockade”.
“I also notice with some vaccinated people that the aura, which was previously strong and colorful, collapses and becomes gray. Yet this is not the case with all of them. When I do chakra balancing, some feel like after a chemotherapy, rigid, metallic, and almost not permeable. I would like to emphasize that this is not the case with everyone, with some I don’t feel any difference”.
“Since early childhood I have been able to see people’s aura colors. I am sensitive. I “see” aura mostly as a basic color with different colored speckles. When I meet with vaccinated people, my eyes often “search” for aura, but all I can see is a smooth gray surface, like concrete. This confuses me, no other color appears”.
“The aura of vaccinated people often changes. It becomes cracked, broken and unprotected from foreign energies. The energies of the vaccinated flow out unfiltered and foreign energies flow in”.
“I have a naturopathic practice where I also work osteopathically (i.e., on the patient, with contact). Three weeks ago, I had a patient who was vaccinated with J&J five days earlier, although he did not tell me about it until afterwards. During the treatment I noticed several energy tentacles that were docked. In addition, the general life energy was very low. I removed tentacles, stabilized his energies, and tried to reconnect him (grounding and upward). He was better the next day”.
“I am highly sensitive and can see people’s aura. With some vaccinated people the aura is not colorful as with others, but gray and I can smell vaccinated people. The smell is sweetish and penetratingly unpleasant”.
“My husband and I do in body work. It is frightening to see how the vaccinated clients degrade. Their skin color changes, they seem to have aged for years, lymph nodes are swollen for a long time, the aura is “tattered” and many of them smell very unpleasant.
“I am an alternative practitioner; I also do energetic treatments and sometimes I can’t find the energy field of people who have been vaccinated. This can be found next to the body of the vaccinated”.
These are some of the reports from people who have psychic perceptions. These reports testify to the strong effects of Corona vaccinations on the bodies of the human being that make up the aura. These effects can be described in more detail.
Detailed consideration of the effect of Corona vaccinations on the constitution of the human beings
Some research groups can make detail supersensible observations of the human constitution. The terms used in the following reports are explained in the chapter on Supersensible Research. Those who skipped this chapter are recommended to return to it.
The members of the Working Group Hessen are experienced and accomplished spiritual researchers who work together on a regular basis. From them comes the following three case studies.
“May 20, 2021: A woman had received a first vaccination with AstraZeneca. After that she felt bad and did not want to work anymore. She is a psychotherapist and became grumpy with her patients.
The investigation revealed:
– In her aura there was the Vaccine-Being of AstraZeneca, which influenced all members of her constitution
– The spiritual members of her being (Spirit-Man, Life-Spirit and Spirit- Self) had a connection to the 9th subterranean region of the earth; they were influenced by it and blocked.
– Through this relationship, the door to beings of transhumanism was opened, which began forming a spiritual metal-line in her spinal cord. – Her angel appeared in the imaginative perception gray and somewhat unsound.
-On the level of the Intellectual Soul we experienced a blockage between the forehead and the crown chakra. We interpreted this as a separation of the Intellectual Soul from the higher self.
– The effects of the Vaccine-Being also went into the astral and etheric bodies. In the etheric body we perceived many small demons moving chaotically and dissonantly, bubbling like champagne.
– The Body Elemental Being was subdued in its activity. – In all chakras we felt blockages.
These difficult effects must have come from the vaccination, because before that Elke was in a good condition. She also experienced these effects in the joint examination. She was shocked by the results and wanted to neutralize the Vaccine-Being and harmonize her bodies through spiritual healing work. This happened, and after that she felt a great relief. Gradually the will to work came back”.
This example shows how profoundly Corona vaccination interferes with all members of the human being. Everything was taken over and impaired. However, the description also shows that such spiritual vaccine-damage can be neutralized if they are approached accordingly. It is important to emphasize this, so that the descriptions collected here are understood in the right way. It is a matter of looking at the reality soberly to learn and develop necessary steps.
If reports frighten, one should not suppress it, but let oneself be touched by it. It must be digested. However, the next step is of course to develop appropriate ways out.
Here another report of a differentiated consideration of the bodies and a successful harmonization from June 1, 2021:
“We could examine a woman vaccinated with BioNTech and found the following:
– There was no spiritual connection to the Being of Illness of Covid19 as well as to the Virus-Being of SarsCoV2, but very strongly to the BioNTech-Vaccine Being. Starting from this we experienced strong dark intentions, behind it Beings of Transhumanism were active. We asked ourselves: Why do the Covid19 Illness-Beings not appear, although BioNTech is supposed to protect against it? We were surprised, because with other traditional vaccines a connection to the respective Beings of Illnesses is established.
– The Body-Elemental-Being was considerably subdued in its function. – The etheric body appeared as if pressed together in a clamp.
– In the astral body there was a narrow astral cord through the spinal cord and the chakras.
– The sentient body was condensed in the abdominal cavity.
– The angel appeared with a black core, his own spiritual connection to the higher angelic hierarchies was obstructed. (The angel was connected in a regular way in earlier observations).
– The constituent angelic hierarchies, which create the physical body (i.e., the hierarchical beings, which convey the respective archetypes of the organs to the elemental beings), also had dark cores, their cosmic connection was hindered.
– The mental body was strongly limited, there was something like a wall around it; we interpret this as a limiting effect on thinking.
– The “I” appeared damaged, with spikes turned inward in the imaginative image.
– The Spirit-Self was shadowed.
– Life-Spirit and Spirit-Man were normal.
The Being of BioNTech had taken over a similar function as a Being of Illness (Disease-Being). A Disease-Being is often like a taproot that cuts into different bodies of the human being.
In spirit healing, the BioNTech being had to be removed step by step, each member of the human being was worked on, through cooperation with healing forces and the Ascended Masters.
The woman had not noticed anything special at the beginning, only when she was gradually freed from the influence of the Vaccine-Being, she started to experience the difference. She commented: ‘Now I can breathe again’; ‘Now I can think again’”.
In comparison, the examination of a J&J vaccination showed a somewhat more relaxed picture.
“A man from the USA got vaccinated so that he could continue working. We found:
– There was a clear spiritual connection to Covid19 and SarsCov2, the connection to the Being of J&J was clearly weaker than in the case with BioNTech. Also, the connection to the Transhumanism beings was clearly milder.
– There was a clamp in the etheric body in the spinal cord and in the lower back.
– There was no apparent influence on the Astral Body and the Sentient Soul.
– The Body-Elemental-Being was free.
– Only the forehead chakra, throat chakra and solar plexus chakra were blocked, the other chakras were free.
– The mental body had dark contours.
– The “I”- substance appeared to Imagination stained with cone- shaped imprints.
– Spirit-Self and Life-Spirit appeared conceal.
– The guardian angel appeared on the leash of the J&J being, that is, the angel was dulled.
– The constituent angels were free.”
Three groups of beings
In the descriptions collected here, three groups of beings appear. Those beings gain access to the members the human being through the Corona vaccination:
First, the Vaccine-Being: These are spirit beings of the lower level of the spiritual world. They have a determining and intervening effect on almost all bodies of the human being and resemble various Illness-Beings. In the aura, one can experience these Vaccine-Beings as a taproot that goes down through the physical human being into all members of human constitution. They are descendants and local representatives of the group souls or group spirits of specific vaccines.
Secondly, the soratic spirits of transhumanism: The vaccine beings are related to soratic spirits of transhumanism, which through them gain access to the layers of human aura. There they appear as black, sharp, sucking formations or spots, especially in the radius of about three feet and more, in the whole aura as well as in the highest members of the human being (I, Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit, Spirit-Self).
Thirdly, small ahrimanized elemental beings: These occupy especially the etheric body and the organs.
These three groups of beings seem to be the main causes of the described displacements and blockages within human constitution.
The purpose of a spiritual healing is to remove these three groups of beings from the human aura.
This should proceed out of the activity of the “I” of the vaccinated person, who ideally develops strength that makes it difficult for these beings to enter again.
Based on my own observations I have the following picture:
- – If a vaccinated person does not engage in an active process, the spirits of transhumanism work in the whole aura; in such case they also strongly radiate into the environment.
- – If a vaccinated person has engaged in the process – consciously or unconsciously – then many spirits of transhumanism leave. Only deposits remain, as well as the Vaccine-Being, which is then more subdued in its effectiveness. At least this is how I have observed it on people who at first glance do not look like they have been vaccinated at all.
- – With increasingly active work, the Vaccine-Being moves further and further away from the human being, up to about six feet away. In such case it no longer has a determining influence.
- – The small Ahrimanic elemental beings give way for the most part when the spiritual levels are cleared. However, this should be controlled; often they still need specific complementary treatment.
Working through the vaccination
The question arises: how to process the vaccination? According to my impressions, this can be individually very different. I have experienced and heard most diverse stories in this regard. There are many factors that play a role.
One’s own decision to vaccinate: If one gets vaccinated out of fear or ideological conviction, there is a danger that the associated entities can penetrate deeper than in people with more composed motivations.
Motivation of the doctor: The spiritual attitude of the doctor (or a person; trans.), who administers the vaccine also plays a role. The soul-spiritual atmosphere during the vaccination can invite or discourage hostile spirits. The patient can also influence this, for example, by praying during the vaccination.
Awareness of the problem: If one is aware that vaccination may cause soul- spiritual damage and that one must take care of it – such awareness is priceless. This will become a starting point in the soul for a – conscious or unconscious – confrontation with the being of the vaccine. Without awareness of the problem, there is a danger for the soul of blindly falling into it and not finding a way to understand what is happening.
Medicinal support: There are various possibilities with natural remedies and homeopathic medicines. For this, please consult an health practitioner or a doctor.
Therapeutic support: All therapies that have a special effect on the higher members of human constitution can help, for example therapeutic eurythmy, rhythmical massage, craniosacral therapy, art therapy, etc.
Basic spiritual strengthening: The more one regularly strengthens the spiritual connection through meditation, prayer, religious ritual, singing or reading spiritual literature, the less one is accessible for spiritual attacks.
Spiritual-healing intervention: It seems to me very important to directly confront the beings connected with the inoculation in meditation or prayer; to meet them with the power of Christ, healing Buddha or other higher spirit beings. Through this these adversarial beings can be removed from the aura and their effects can be transformed. Everything that is done in this direction has an effect, even if one is not able to discern this by personally. For support it may be useful to seek the help of an experienced spiritual healer.
The processing of the vaccination should not be underestimated, as should have become clear from the previous descriptions. One is dealing with a class of adversary spirits that can quickly overwhelm one. Even if the processing needs only a few weeks with some people, others must work on it for many months.
Machine-human as a goal
It took many attempts before we understood the powerful effects of BioNTech, Modern, AstraZeneca and Johnson&Johnson. Important thing is that – spiritually speaking – at the core, these are filled with Soratic beings. Of course, all other groups of adversarial spirits are also involved. At first glance one can experience Ahrimanic beings, perhaps also Asuric beings. However, inside of them the Soratic beings are at work, setting the tone.
These beings do not originate from the development of our solar system and in this respect must be considered as outer-planetary spirits. Unlike the Luciferic and Ahrimanic fallen angelic beings, they are not part of the development of our spiritual planetary system, described in detail in Rudolf Steiner’s “Occult Science”. (35)
Through human unconscious attraction or conscious invitation, they gain access and can thus influence our life on earth. The Soratic beings are known for thousands of years; they inspire oppression, abuse, hatred, war, black magic, etc. But today a new kind is also emerging.
Some people within my research network are skilled in perceiving the Soratic beings. Yet, this new species was at first incomprehensible and unclassifiable to us. There is also no established terminology for this species. We have chosen the term “Spirits of Transhumanism” because these beings seem to be at the spiritual core of transhumanism. Transhumanism wants to merge human being with machines and thus to abolish our soul-spiritual being forever. Supersensibly, the transhumanism spirits do exactly that.
The spiritual effects are already here even if the brain is not yet connected to a computer – a dream of the transhumanists. They reach for the human being, and if they gain access, human beings loose – partially or completely – their spiritual connection. For this purpose, these beings possess especially the Phantom body (physical spirit body) and the etheric body. They “glue” them together and shut them off from soul and spirit and the soul-spiritual surroundings. In this respect these beings want to turn the human being into a “Machine-Man”, cut off from the spirit.
We found that all group spirits of the four examined vaccines are occupied by the spirits of transhumanism. Moreover, we found them in individual ampules, through which they enter the human being by means of vaccination.
To spiritual experience they appear as “devoid of the “I” metallic”, “brute” and threatening.
A colleague encountered a leading group spirit of one of the vaccines. Its intention came clearly to light:
“I saw a high spirit being of the vaccine, a narrow, rugged, sinister figure, extremely evil, with a will of annihilation of everything that is human: The angel is as if cut off, the etheric pulverized, the soul subjugated, the Self extinguished. What remains are devoid of I, empty shelled automaton people; scrawny, rickety, metallic; they are to be held like puppets on a long string.”
Sinopharm neutral
We examined two other vaccines: Sinopharm from China and Sputnik V from Russia. We were surprised that neither of them had any soratic transhumanism reference.
Here are some impressions from the investigation of Sinopharm’s Corona vaccine by the Northwest Switzerland Working Group on March 12, 2021, with seven observers:
The angel stayed in touch. But is a bit stressed. Why? There are many small daemons, like flying sickles, but only on the astral plane. There is no soratic core. Where do these astral sickles come from? From the Sinopharm group soul. The physical body is fierily activated, the ether body is in motion, the astral body is neutral, the ego is pushed down. I meditate “I am an I”, but to no avail. Why? Is the Chinese vaccine about people staying healthy, but not becoming too individual? From whom does such an intention come?
Another report:
My angel was hissed at, “kneeled down”. There was anger in the background. The body was attacked to a lesser degree. Everything was wrapped in a yellow-sulfurous atmosphere that made dizzy. Very authoritative and dominant. But I didn’t have to connect with the highest forces to counter it and required much less “armor” comparing to other Covid vaccines.
In a debate we concluded that the Sinopharm vaccine is more tolerable than the four Western vaccines. The bodies are not so strongly attacked with it. Sinopharm seems to be embedded in the spiritual structure of the Chinese state power. It strengthens the impulse to be a good citizen. However, one does not have to follow these intentions if one has own individual power. We have examined Sinopharm only once; this research would have to be continued.
This result was confirmed by the Württemberg working group in August 2021. They examined Sinopharm aquired from an Arab country and did not determine anything conclusive. The effect was neutral.
How do you explain the difference? We could not determine this. However, it is known that the Western vaccines are new genetic agents, Sinopharm is a conventional vaccine.
Sputnik V more neutral, but possible to overcome
On February 26, 2021, six members of the Northern Switzerland Working Group for the first time investigated the Russian vaccine Sputnik V. We experienced a confrontation with the Covid19 illness, and no other effects. From the notes:
The effects are very different – they are not aggressive; there are no soratic beings active. The angel remains present and participates in the process of neutralization. The effect on the physical body is: “I am sick”, the etheric body is very active and struggles with the challenge, the astral body is forced to deal with the illness. Conclusion: It is exhausting, but it works.
Sputnik V is a vector vaccine, similar to AstraZeneca, but its soul-spiritual effects were clearly different. It seems they depend not only on the type of vaccine, but on factors in the production and other things that we were not able to perceive.
Over the months, however, further supersensible investigations of Sputnik V revealed cases of incriminating effects on the higher bodies. Why? We suspect that the dark powers of transhumanism have great interest in claiming the Sputnik V vaccine as well. Partially this seems to have succeeded. It is an embattled area.
On April 29, 2021, there was mixed testimony at a research meeting. Some experienced Sputnik V as neutral or even friendly. But there were also statements like: “Had strong disgust, the lower bodies were strongly pulled down. One thinks it is not so bad, but it is much worse”. “Aggressive effects; it acts more on the lower members of the human constitution”.
One observer said: “I became ill, got a headache, like the onset of flu, and then could not perceive anything any longer”. Next morning this person stood as if beside himself until the following day. In retrospect, we realized that due to time pressure, we had opened ourselves too quickly for Sputnik V. Because of that he could not sufficiently carry out the mental safety measures necessary for meeting with the Vaccine-Being.
One should not underestimate Sputnik V; no vaccination is harmless. Nevertheless, Sputnik V seems to be a bit more digestible. This is also confirmed by observations of Sputnik vaccinated people.
Experiences with Sputnik V in Moscow
The Hesse Working Group described on May 19, 2021:
I made a trip to Moscow. In Moscow everything was open and very relaxed in the streets, quite different from Germany. The people there are quite normal.
I did not notice any special spiritual radiance in vaccinated people. It is like a normal vaccination. I met six people who had been vaccinated, but they did not have strong radiance in their aura. They also did not get any physical side effects from the vaccination. Therefore, I did not investigate deeper.
Every vaccination weakens a person and opens him to negative forces. When I compare Sputnik V with other vaccinations, it seems to be as debilitating as a diphtheria or polio vaccination, but not as debilitating as the smallpox vaccination.
The vaccinated had a normal spiritual relation to the Covid19 disease being, to the SarsCoV2 being and to the Sputnik V group soul, always at a healthy distance. Sputnik V had no relation to the aggressive spirits of transhumanism.
Additionally, with Sputnik V no special networks of the dead entangled by the dark adversarial spirits are active. This is usually different with the group souls of the Western pharmaceutical companies.
This description from Moscow is clearly different from the observations of conveyed by people in Germany.
On July 13, 2021, the working group Northwest Switzerland could investigate Sputnik V more precisely:
We experienced strong side effects mainly in the etheric, but no impairment of the phantom body. In our estimation, a spiritual attack and a partial takeover on the Sputnik V vaccine has taken place. However, it is important to note that the spirit of transhumanism appears in the periphery, but does not come from within, as it does with the Western vaccines. Sputnik V does not force the transhumanism spirits into people, but it can pave the way for it. If one does not have the strength to hold against it, then the transhumanism spirits can enter also through Sputnik V. The vaccinated people themselves, or maybe the doctor has the possibility to prevent it.
Spiritual Corona Vaccinations
The Corona vaccines are filled with aggressive adversary spirits, which through vaccination anchor within the bodies of the human being. But is it possible to absorb these intrusive spirits without actual physical vaccinations
From the Hesse Working Group I received this remarkable report dated May 20, 2021:
Heidrun is a nurse and was always totally exhausted on the days she had to vaccinate. She vaccinates with AstraZeneca and Pfizer BioNTech. The exhaustion was definitely related to the vaccinating, because on the days she wasn’t involved in it, she was not exhausted. Heidrun described that after the day of vaccinating people, she felt constricted in her own skin, and as if her body was no longer her own.
The examination showed that she had a spiritual relationship to the SarsCoV2 group soul but no relationship to Covid19. Thus, there was no Covid19 disease present. The relationship to SarsCoV2 could have been developed due to her working with the vaccines or from a normal encounter with the virus.
It was striking that in addition to that, she also developed a relationship to the Pfizer BioNTech group soul as well as to the soratic spirits of transhumanism – even though she was not vaccinated. Normally such spiritual connection is not possible without physical inoculation. That is, these beings must have “jumped” over to her. The AstraZeneca beings did not jump over. After the spiritual cleansing from the relation to BioNTech and the beings of transhumanism, she felt better again.
A friend wanted to speak to me urgently. She reported that she had been beside herself for a week, had hardly any energy, had lost her goals in life and many bad feelings were coming up in her. She did not know what had happened to her. It had been like this since Sunday.
In the supersensible investigation she looked as if she had received a Corona vaccination. A part of her soul constitution and I-organization were removed for about 15 inches to the right; there was a blockage between the angel and her; in her aura there were dark beings, sparlings of soratic beings and spirits of transhumanism.
She is a spiritually developed person, experienced in healing work she does with clients. And yest, she got caught. Nobody is perfect – in every aura there are holes of unresolved old karma. Through these holes beings connected to the corona vaccines may enter – even without the syringe.
We discussed the impressions, turned with concentrated healing power towards those beings and after an hour she felt centered again and restored.
A week later I had a similar experience, a friend of mine was down and didn’t know what was wrong with her. In meditative diagnosis it turned out that in her “I” she was possessed by soratic spirits of transhumanism. Here again, the problem could be solved.
Thus, it is possible to absorb spirits that work in the corona vaccine into the soul without being physically vaccinated. This is not at all surprising. This is also the case with the supersensible perceptions of these beings, but in a controlled and protected way. I write these experiences down because they could be helpful in certain situations. Just the realization that one could have taken in such beings can bring ordering clarity, so that the soul wins its own space again. In contrast, a physical inoculation is of course many times more profound and therefore more difficult to harmonize.”
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