Soul trap and simulation movies



There is a growing interest in the simulation theory and the idea that we live in a reincarnation trap where our memories are erased every time we die. This means that you can’t learn anything from living several lives. If you forget what you learned yesterday, you have to learn it all over again. There is no progression in that. Another part of this theory, is that whom ever that created this simulation need energy to sustain it. The kind of energy that is needed is not ordinary fuel or electricity, but emotions from us humans. All emotions can be used, but those that come from trauma, violence, depression, etc., in other words negative energy, are preferred. And that is why our memories are wiped, because if we remebered earlier lives, we would never come back to this place.


This is as I write over here a theory, but none the less food for thoughts. If this is something that piques your curiosity, then in this blog you will find movie recommendations, book recommendations, articles and youtube videos that will guide you through anything you might be wondering about when it comes to this topic. I would say that this is the most comprehensive guide you will find on the web in this regard.


When Nick Bostrom launched his simulator theory in 2001, it was seen as a speculative theory. Today, however, science has found that his theory may be correct. This research is described particularly well by the scientist Rizwan Virk in his book The Simulation Hypothesis: An MIT Computer Scientist Shows Why AI, Quantum Physics and Eastern Mystics All Agree We Are In a Video Game and the sequel The Simulated Multiverse. 


But the simulation theory is far from new. The Cathars, whom the Catholic Church tried to exterminate in collaboration with the Templars (the 2012 mini-series Labyrinth tells that story very well), also believed that we lived in a simulation and reincarnation trap created by an evil god, the god of the Old Testament, where we are repeatedly sent back to earth to live again. Not to learn and evolve from life to life, because that’s not possible as long as you don’t remember your previous lives, but to generate energy through emotions that the creator god and his cronies depend on to maintain the simulation, described very well in this twelve-minute video here. A modern retelling of the Cathar creation story can be found in the exciting films Tron 1982, Tron Legacy 2010 and Mother 2017.


In his three most recent books The Trap, The Dream, and The Reveal, David Icke concludes that we are living in a simulation and reincarnation trap. For those with an open mind, I highly recommend all three of his books. The same goes for these books: Exit the cave by Howdie Mickoski, Emergence of the omniverse by Alfred Lambremont Webre, Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence by Nigel Kerner, The Alchemical Tech Revolution by Wayne McRoy, The forbidden religion by Jose M. Herrou Aragon, The mind parasites by Colin Wilson, Vistas of Infinity – How to Enjoy Life When You are Dead by Jurgen Zieve, Soul Revolution: The Trinity of Humanity by Shmuel Asher, I Am Human Food for the Archons by Dennis Nappi, Closer encounters by Jazon Reza Jorjani, Gods of Eden by William Bramley, The Orion Book 1 and 2 by Wes Penre, Disneyland of the gods by John A Keel, Overlords of the singularity by Russell Scott Brinegar, The Djinn connection by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Egregores by Mark Stavish, The holographic universe by Michael Talbot, Masquerade of angels by Karla Turner, Extra dimensionals by John Desouza, Animal reactions to UFOs by Linda Zimmermann, Passport to Magonia by Jacques Vallee, Secret of the ages: UFO`s from inside the earth by Brinsley le Poer Trench, The Phoenix hypothesis by Cristian Køhlert, The Matrix control system of Philip K Dick by Timothy Green Beckley, Drunk with Blood: God’s Killings in the Bible by Steve Wells, Can You Stand The Truth? The Chronicle of Man’s Imprisonment: Last Call! by Angeliki S. Anagnostou-Kalogera, Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation by Abraham N Joseph, and all the books of Charles Fort and William R Corliss. Most of the books can be downloadede for free here.


Other free books:

Moksha from Earth” Freedom From Archons, Reincarnation Traps, Soul Traps, And False Light Heavens

Archons. Otherworldly Rulers Through The Agesabout the 7 planetary rulers 

The Matrix Revealed. Book 1. The Programming Of A Planet” 

The Matrix Revealed. Book 2. The Eye of Ra


Here are some movies that I can highly recommend:


Labyrinth miniserie 2012 – about the extermination of the Katahars


A modern retelling of the Kathar creation story: Tron 1982, Tron Legacy 2010 and Mother 2017.


Movies that promote reincarnation and afterlife: Always 1989, Made in heaven 1987, Heaven can wait 1978, Saved by the light 1995, Defending your life 1991, Nine days 2020, Soul Disney 2020, Cloud atlas 2012, Ghost 1990, Heart and souls 1993, Angel on my shoulder 1946 (remake 1980), Between two worlds 1944, Beyond tomorrow 1940, Birth 2004, Here comes Mr. Jordan 1941, It`s a wonderful life 1946, Just like heaven 2005, Kiss me goodbye 1982, A matter of life and death 1946, Ressurection 1980, Topper 1937, Truly madly deeply 1990, Brainstorm 1983, Battlestar Galactica 4 seasons 2004 – 2009, Chances are 1989, Afterlife 2 seasons 2005 – 2006, Beetlejuice 1988, What dreams may come 1998.


Movies that show how reincarnation could be useful: 12:01 pm 1990 (shortfilm), Groundhog day 1993, Edge of tomorrow 2014, Boss level 2020.


Simulation movies and series: Soul 2020, Existenz 1999, The Truman show 1998, The Matrix movies, Fractale 1 season 2011, Bliss 2021, Serenity 2019, Don`t worry darling 2022, Upgrade 2018, Upload 3 seasons 2020 – 2024, The Pheripheral 1 season 2022, Mrs Davis 1 season 2023, Devs 1 season 2020, The Cell 2000, The Game 1997, The Thirteenth Floor 1999, Inception 2010, Pleasantville 1998, Vanilla sky 2001, Bloodshot 2020, Boss level 2020, Loki 2 seasons 2021 – 2023, Videodrome 1983, Ready player one 2018, Gamer 2009, Source code 2011,The Lawnmover Man 1992, Brainscan 1994, Await further instructions 2018, Cell 2016, Free guy 2021,They live 1988, Black mirror 6 seasons 2011 – 2023, World on a wire mini serie 1973, In the mouth of madness 1994, The Bothersome Man 2006, Lost 6 seasons 2004 – 2010, Donnie Darko 2001, Last action hero 1993.


Movies and series about memory wiping: Severance 1 season 2022 , Westworld 4 seasons 2016 – 2022, Welcome to Blood City 1977, Dollhouse 2 seasons 2009 – 2010, Dark city 1998, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 2004, Bloodshot 2020, Before I go to sleep 2014, Blink twice 2024, Paycheck 2003, Total recall 1990 (remake 2012), Rememory 2017, Cypher 2002, Don`t worry darling 2022, The Manchurian Candidate 2004, Oblivion 2013.


Movies about egregores: Branded 2012.


Movies about loosh production: Monsters inc 2001, Jupiter ascending 2015, Doctor sleep 2019, Lifeforce 1985.


Movies with archons and/or the demiurge: Dark City 1998, Fringe five seasons 2008 – 2013, Kaos 1 season 2024, The Adjustment Bureau 2011, Invitation to hell 1984, Zardoz 1974, The Hidden 1987, The Shining 1980, Doctor Sleep 2019, 1492 Conquest of paradise 1992, John Carter 2012, Mother 2017, Needful things 1993, Dark Tower 2017, 9 2009, Oblivion 2013, The Truman Show 1998, The Matrix movies, Edge of tomorrow 2014, The Cabin in the woods 2011.



And here are some good and interesting movies about transhumanism, AI and potential dystopian futures, that to a certain extent has a connection with the soultrap/matrix theme:


Monsters of man 2020

Tau 2018

Anon 2018

Hardwired 2009

Terminator 3: Rise of the machines 2003

Vexile 2007

Self less 2015

Code 46 2003

Equals 2015

The Giver 2014

In Time 2011

Surrogates 2009

Captive state 2019

Lucy 2014

Transcendence 2014

Ghost in the shell 2017

The 6th day 2000

Minority report 2002

Halloween 3 1982 (The only watchable halloween movie which has nothing to do with Michael Myers. Contains black magic merged with technology)


There are also some good movie books that analyses some of the movies over here. The first time I watched Donnie Darko for more than fifteen years ago, I didn`t understand very much of it, then I read an analysis of it in Cinema symbolism 3 by Robert W Sullivan IV and watched it again, and it was like watching a complete new movie. Howdie Mickoski also have a good analysis of it and the film Dark City and Groundhog Day. 


Recommended movie analysis books:


Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2 by Jay Dyer

Cinema Symbolism 1, 2 and 3 by Robert W Sullivan IV

The Vigilant Citizen articles compilation 2024 edition volume 2 movies and TV


Here are some good youtube channels that deal with simulation and soul trap theory: 


Angeliki Anagnostou


Tony Sayers


Forever Conscious Research Channel


Sovereign Spirits


Mark Devlin




Sargeant Schultz


Howdie Mickoski Talks


Eric Dubay




JeffMara Podcast


Recommended and related reading:


In this link you will find a huge amount of videoes and articles related to the subject in this blog NIGHTSIDE OF EDEN – A COIN ALWAYS HAVE TWO SIDES


Backdrop people


And if you know about some movies or books that are related to the theme here that I have not mentioned, please tell about them in the comment section of this blog. 



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