Soul trap and simulation movies



There is a growing interest in the simulation theory and the idea that we live in a reincarnation trap where our memories are erased every time we die. This means that you can’t learn anything from living several lives. If you forget what you learned yesterday, you have to learn it all over again. There is no progression in that. Another part of this theory, is that whom ever that created this simulation need energy to sustain it. The kind of energy that is needed is not ordinary fuel or electricity, but emotions from us humans. All emotions can be used, but those that come from trauma, violence, depression, etc., in other words negative energy, are preferred. And that is why our memories are wiped, because if we remebered earlier lives, we would never come back to this place.


This is as I write over here a theory, but none the less food for thoughts. If this is something that piques your curiosity, then in this blog you will find movie recommendations, book recommendations, articles and youtube videos that will guide you through anything you might be wondering about when it comes to this topic. I would say that this is the most comprehensive guide you will find on the web in this regard.


When Nick Bostrom launched his simulator theory in 2001, it was seen as a speculative theory. Today, however, science has found that his theory may be correct. This research is described particularly well by the scientist Rizwan Virk in his book The Simulation Hypothesis: An MIT Computer Scientist Shows Why AI, Quantum Physics and Eastern Mystics All Agree We Are In a Video Game and the sequel The Simulated Multiverse. 


“Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has spoken out about the digital simulation.”


But the simulation theory is far from new. The Cathars, whom the Catholic Church tried to exterminate in collaboration with the Templars (the 2012 mini-series Labyrinth tells that story very well), also believed that we lived in a simulation and reincarnation trap created by an evil god, the god of the Old Testament, where we are repeatedly sent back to earth to live again. Not to learn and evolve from life to life, because that’s not possible as long as you don’t remember your previous lives, but to generate energy through emotions that the creator god and his cronies depend on to maintain the simulation, described very well in this twelve-minute video here. A modern retelling of the Cathar creation story can be found in the exciting films Tron 1982, Tron Legacy 2010 and Mother 2017.



By Jim Dekorne, from the book Moksha from Earth:

“It is now a good two-decades later, and Robert Monroe has become, by any definition, a Master Shaman – able to leave his body at will, virtually whenever he pleases. He is comfortable travelling in “Locale-II” (though he no longer calls it that, feeling it’s too vague a label for what he’s now perceiving), and has become accustomed to meeting discarnate entities there. He even “makes friends” with a few and has ongoing interactions with them. Two of these beings, arbitrarily labelled “AA” and “BB,” occupy a good deal of his attention. Their communication in hyperspace does not involve words as we understand them, and is to all intents and purposes “telepathic.” Obviously, spoken language (which consists of vibrations produced in a physical larynx and enunciated via tongue and mouth through the earth’s atmosphere), is irrelevant in the non-physical realms. In hyperspace, information is conveyed, not serially, in words, sentences and paragraphs, but instantly in one comprehensive gestalt. Monroe has coined the word “rote” to describe these packets of information, and it is precisely because of the difficulty he has in translating them into word sequences, that he often uses fiction techniques in his writing.

At any rate, in Chapter 12 of Far Journeys, Robert Monroe receives a rote from the discarnate entity, BB. The translation takes up ten pages: 162 to 172, and is a devastatingly accurate synopsis of the Gnostic world view. (This section is, of course, much too long too quote here in full, so the following is a brief summation – “Ident” is Monroe’s term for “Mental name or “address,” i.e., energy pattern of item,” and “Loosh” might be described in Gnostic terms as “the dew from above [that] gives them strength.”) Here’s the “Loosh Rote” as translated by Robert Monroe into English:

Someone, Somewhere (or both, in millions, or uncountable) requires, likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a drug (sic) a substance ident Loosh. (Electricity, oil, oxygen, gold, wheat, water, land, old coins, uranium.) This is a rare substance in Somewhere, and those who possess Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for. Faced with this question of Supply and Demand (a universal law of Somewhere), Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its “natural” form. He decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh.

“Someone” (who else but the Gnostic demiurge?), turns out to be one entity among many: a god among gods. As the rote unfolds we learn how Someone seeded His Garden (obviously planet earth), and evolved life forms upon it to eventually produce human beings. He then appointed Collectors to gather the Loosh/Emotional Energy from the earth’s entities, among whom humans are by far the best producers.

Someone, his work completed, returned to Somewhere and occupied himself with other matters. Loosh production stayed at a constant level under the supervision of the Collectors.

The Loosh harvest initially involved the creation of natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.), to kill off large numbers of creatures, since Loosh was easier to gather upon the deaths of the organisms generating it. Then it was discovered that different forms of “stress” generated in the human population would release Loosh without having to kill the organism. This was because Someone, as an experiment, injected a “Piece of Himself” into the human species. This was done to maintain more or less constant stress in each individual since the human would always “seek to satisfy the attraction this tiny mote of Himself engendered as it sought reunion with the infinite Whole.”

From experience, the Collectors have evolved an entire technology with complementary tools for the harvesting of Loosh from the Type 4M [i.e. human] units. The most common have been named love, friendship, family, greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice – and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, to list just a few. Loosh production is higher than ever before…

From a Gnostic perspective, the “Loosh Collectors” are the “Archons” – the dreaded rulers of hyperspace who had to be avoided at all costs when leaving the body at death.

The Archons collectively rule over the world, and each individually in his sphere is a warder of the cosmic prison. Their tyrannical world-rule is called heimarmene, universal fate … [This universal fate] aims at the enslavement of man. As guardian of his sphere, each Archon bars the passage to the souls that seek to ascend after death, in order to prevent their escape from the world and their return to God.

But because all humans contain a “Piece of Someone” within them, they cannot really die, so are reincarnated over and over again as Loosh producers in spacetime. The true Gnostic, then, is the person who has objectively observed this vicious cycle (presumably by “getting outside of himself” via OOBE) and, with his newfound knowledge (gnosis), is enabled to escape into the truly spiritual realms beyond the earth environment. This is only possible because the Divine spark within him renders him immortal.

Enclosed in the soul is the spirit, or “pneuma” (called also the “spark”), a portion of the divine substance from beyond which has fallen into the world; and the Archons created man for the express purpose of keeping it captive there… In its unredeemed state the pneuma thus immersed in soul and flesh is unconscious of itself, benumbed, asleep, or intoxicated by the poison of the world: in brief, it is “ignorant.” Its awakening and liberation is effected through “knowledge…” The goal of gnostic striving is the release of the “inner man” from the bonds of the world and his return to his native realm of light.

It’s important to note that Gnostic cosmology perceives the physical earth as surrounded by concentric hyperspatial “spheres” or “rings” which were regarded by them as palpable barriers. Each one of these circle-realms is presided over by an Archon whose only purpose in life is to capture any passing souls who may have escaped the lower rings.

These intermediary worlds, these circles ranged in echelons… are totally invisible to us. It is through intuition, or rather through revelation, through gnosis, that the Gnostic knows of their existence… Our own matter, that of the earth… is in some way the seed of the ethereal particles of the hyper-world, but grown infinitely heavier. Little by little, these particles have fallen down to our level as the result of a primordial drama which comprises the history of our universe, in the same manner that particles of dust and debris are slowly deposited at the bottom of marine abysses to form sediment.

When I read this seemingly exotic idea for the first time, I assumed (like most gnostic scholars probably do), that it was a theological allegory. “Surely,” one without gnosis might say, “the idea of literal rings around the earth is the product of some ancient philosopher’s metaphorical imagination.” Then I came across this passage in Far Journeys – Monroe is here describing what he routinely encounters in his (by now vastly expanded) out-of-body explorations:

Around the planet were rings of haze, gigantic thick rings, of indeterminate number. Demarcation between them was vague as wisps and tendrils reached down from one to the other. Except the ring nearly touching the planet itself. It appeared isolated… You could spend thousands of years in the rings and never explore all aspects of them. Some parts are great, some not so great. I was told that whatever man can think of is somewhere in these rings… Also I was told some humans do spend thousands of years here, rotating in and out of physical earth life.

In other words, the “rings” constitute the heaven and hell worlds which have always been a part of human mythology. They are made up of the belief systems of both the discarnate entities who dwell within them, and similar true believers still incarnate in physical bodies. Indeed, in Ultimate Journey, his third book, Monroe no longer refers to them as rings at all, but as “Belief System Territories.”

William Buhlman, another contemporary gnostic-shaman, in describing out-of-body perception in his book Adventures Beyond the Body (1996), portrays these discarnate realms as “consensus environments.”

A consensus environment is any environment or reality that is created and maintained by the thoughts of a group of individuals. For example, the heavens of each religious group are created by the thoughts and beliefs of their respective inhabitants. Like all realities, the consensus environments are molded by the group consciousness. Many of the consensus environments are extremely old and resistant to change… In a consensus environment, our thoughts influence our personal energy but not the energy surrounding us. The various heavens referred to by Saint John in Revelation and Mohammed in the Koran are classic examples of consensus environments. These nonphysical cities and structures exist within the second and third energy dimensions and continue to be molded and maintained by the group consciousness of millions of nonphysical inhabitants. When we enter these environments, our thoughts will not change the structures encountered.

Obviously, if these rings are the objective correlatives of the subtle energies that we label “belief,” they must be to some degree “illusory,” very much like dreams, which for all of their insubstantiality, are certainly real enough while we’re experiencing them. One way to conceptualize this space in toto might be to imagine it as analogous to the Jungian “Collective Unconscious” – except that here it is perceived objectively, outside of the body, rather than as usually experienced: subjectively, within our heads. In the Gnostic conception, each soul leaving the physical body at death, is challenged to pass through these rings.


If the soul is locked into a strong belief system it will be attracted to the ring corresponding to it: Christians go to Christian heavens or hells, Muslims go to Muslim heavens or hells, etc. Those who spent their earth lives locked into other beliefs wind up exactly where their heads are at the moment of death. This of course, is exactly what the Bardo Thodol describes as the first reality perceived by the soul as it leaves the body at death:

The apparitional visions seen by the deceased in the Intermediate State are not visions of reality, but nothing more than the hallucinatory embodiments of the thought-forms born of the mental-content of the percipient; or, in other words, they are the intellectual impulses which have assumed personified form in the after-death dream state.

Buhlman states it more succinctly:

When your physical body dies, you will automatically go to the energy level (frequency) of the universe that corresponds to your personal vibratory rate.

Thus: “Belief System Territories,” or, if you prefer: “Consensus Environments.” The shaman’s special talent is the ability to visit these spaces while still incarnate – he or she doesn’t have to wait until the moment of death to perceive them. And, like visiting a foreign country here on earth, it isn’t necessary for the visitor to share the beliefs of its inhabitants to be able to perceive their consensus reality “objectively” – i.e. outside of that particular belief system. Here, accompanied by his discarnate companion BB, Monroe describes what it’s like to actually enter the Belief System Territories, corroborating that they are mirror images of many physical life environments:

We began to enter the familiar cleared areas in the haze. Houses, parks, fields of growing plants, woods, forests, large buildings, rows of churches, it went on endlessly. Humanoid forms were busily occupying themselves in numerous earth-type activities.

Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688—1772), the great Swedish mystic, spent the last three decades of his life exploring the same realms that Robert Monroe did in our era. He was definitely a shaman (though he is seldom described as such), and he probably wouldn’t have liked that label himself, being very much a Protestant Christian – a belief system which unfortunately colours all of his discarnate perceptions. Here he describes what “the rings” (though he doesn’t use that nomenclature) looked like about 200 years before Monroe visited them:

Be it known that the spiritual world, in external appearance, is altogether similar to the natural [i.e. “physical”] world. Lands, mountains, hills, valleys, plains, fields, lakes, rivers and fountains appear there… Man, there, is an angel and a spirit. This is premised that it may be known that the universe of the spiritual world is altogether similar to the universe of the natural world.

The main goal of the Gnostic was to eliminate belief entirely from his life, replacing it with gnosis. In which case, his soul was enabled to transcend the rings entirely – to escape into the “True Reality,” to find the “True God” beyond the Belief System Territories, exempt now from reincarnation in the earth life system, which (as Buddhism has always asserted), is pre-eminently an “illusion” anyway.

Man’s task is to regain his lost homeland by wrenching himself free of the snares and illusions of the real, to rediscover the original unity, to find again the kingdom of this God who was unknown, or imperfectly known, to all preceding religions. (LaCarriere, Jacques (1977). The Gnostics)

This was no easy task, even for the Gnostics, because one always had to run the gauntlet of the Archons. Who, or what, the Archons are has been argued about for millennia, and it is still not easy to differentiate exactly what they represent. The authors of the Bardo Thodol mention Peaceful and Wrathful Deities, who are conceived of as the personification of our own beliefs and could easily be thought of as Archons – this fits the scheme outlined here. But there the Archons’ primary function as “guardians of the threshold” seems to end. Although Swedenborg describes angels and demons presiding over the various heavens and hells, entry into those realms is not seen to involve any encounter with either Loosh Collectors or Archons. For example:

After the first state is passed through… the man-spirit is let into the state of his interiors, or into the state of his interior will and the thought therefrom, in which he had been in the world, when being left to himself he thought freely and without restraint. Into this state he glides unconsciously. (Swedenborg, op. cit.)

Despite the rather twisted prose, we recognise that “interiors” translates as “beliefs,” and the “state of his interiors” (unless they are totally unique to that individual), would correspond to our definition of consensus realities. So what happened to the Gnostic Archons? Buhlman doesn’t mention meeting them, nor do Fox and Muldoon. Monroe’s concept of “Loosh Collectors” fits their description, but it is highly significant that although he learned about them from the “Loosh Rote,” he never describes encountering other discarnate entities resembling either Archons or Collectors – and he definitely doesn’t perceive the rings as being subject to their specific control.”



By Bronte Baxter, from the book Moksha from Earth:

“The idea that man must sacrifice (must kill something or be killed in order to appease the gods) is apparently intrinsic to all the world’s root religions. We find blood ritual, including human sacrifice, in the Druidic tradition, Tibetan Buddhism, among the Indians of the Americas, in Greece and Rome, Africa, China, Arabia, Germany, Phoenicia and Egypt. Even the Old Testament (Judges 11:31-40) has a little-advertised story of human sacrifice, with the Israelite judge Jephthah ritually slaughtering his own daughter to fulfill a vow he made to Jehovah.

While we may not think of Judaism as typically promoting human sacrifice, it more than promoted it if we count the genocide Jehovah demanded of the Hebrews. In one day alone, they murdered 12,000 Canaanites “and utterly destroyed everything in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey with the edge of the sword.”(Joshua: 6:21)

In Islam, the situation is similar. Allah, while paying lip service to the immorality of human sacrifice, orders his servants in the Koran to practice jihad against all unbelievers. “When the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.” (Koran: 9:5)

Peace-loving Moslems interpret such passages as “symbolic” in their desire to justify their faith, much as Christians try to justify Jehovah’s sociopathic behavior with excuses. In many ways, the god of Islam reasons and rants like the god of the Israelites. Could it be the same entity? It isn’t contradictory that he would support two separate peoples, then lead them to fight each other. Not if his agenda is to stimulate and harvest plenty of loosh.

Christianity, the religion of brotherly love, is implicated in blood sacrifice by being rooted in the Jewish tradition. The Bible declares Jesus is the son of God (Jehovah), and Jehovah announces at Jesus’ baptism, “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.” (Matthew: 17:5) Where was Jesus when his father was slaughtering the Canaanites? Jesus himself becomes a blood sacrifice, a fact that Catholics reenact in the mass and that Protestants bathe themselves in to be “saved.” Christians are no strangers to sacrifice.

If suffering and death were part of creation that no one, including the gods, could help, there’d be some reason to be more forgiving. I might even buy the story that they need us to support them with our homage and we need them to keep the universe running. But when you add blood sacrifice into the equation, I abandon ship. It’s one thing if the gods can’t prevent earthly suffering and death – quite another if they seek it out and thrive from it – or worse yet, created it. And that’s what blood sacrifice, and the scriptures around it, indicate.

When the oldest scriptures of the world tell us we were created as food for the gods, I have to ask myself if I want to live in a universe where that might be true. The fact is, I don’t. I can no longer give my approval to that kind of reality. So if I won’t live with it, I have to come up with something better. I have to find something more fundamental than the physical universe to locate my identity in, and my power in. I sense, as many do these days, that there’s something beyond the universe as it has been presented to us, something outside this box, outside this system. That’s what I seek to know, connect with, and draw from.

Robert Morning Sky, a truth seeker of the Hopi and Apache traditions, tells a story he learned from his people about a race of beings who knew no limitations, who existed far outside this physical universe. One day one of them declared his intention to visit Earth and take on a body just for the adventure of it, for the experience. His friends cautioned him, as this universe had a reputation as amnesia-producing, a place of no return. But the entity laughed that off and promised to come back after one lifetime.

Centuries passed, and the entity never came home. One of his comrades decided to enter the physical world to go look for his friend. He promised not to get lost in matter and to return with the other individual. More centuries passed, and neither being returned. So another immortal entered physical mass, and he also never came back. In time many members of these unlimited beings incarnated in human form, and the story goes, none of them yet has gone home.

Maybe we are those people, starting to remember who we are. Maybe it’s time to break out of the hypnosis we’ve lived under for eons, the unquestioned assumptions that we must kill and eat, suffer and die, live in lack and sadness, and undergo all the human drama as it has been defined for us.

Is it insane to think that humans can beat the system? That we could make a choice to stop the activities that supply our up-line with fuel? That we could minimize – even stop – our own refueling from the life force of creatures lower than us on the food chain? Is it madness to think that our bodies, made of undying energy, could themselves not have to die, that we might learn to live on the power of infinite consciousness, which we can access within ourselves, being part of it? While some may call that madness, I prefer it to the world I see around me. I certainly prefer it to death. I prefer it to loss of my dear ones, and to sickness and poverty. The greatest experiment mankind can engage in is mastery of the principles of freedom, creation, abundance, and immortality. We’re wearing body suits that in 70-some years of use are programmed to self-destruct. What could be more important than changing that programming?

In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna warns: “He who does not follow the wheel thus set revolving lives in vain.” The wheel is the cycle of birth and death, karma and retribution, human sacrifice and divine blessing. To rebel against this system is to fail in our life purpose as defined by those who say they are our creators and gods. But surely life was meant to be more than dinner for the next rung up on the food chain. If “living in vain” means breaking out of that, I’m all for that kind of failure.”



“The God of Abrahamic faith exists, for sure, but he is an insane alien predator bent on deceiving and enslaving humanity—such is the bizarre warning from Gnostic seers in the Mysteries. But how actually do archons affect humankind apart from the nefarious delusions they can engender in our minds? By another vector of influence, they use fakery and simulation to divert our attention from the reality of human potential, the gifts of our species such as rational thinking and imagination, and distract us from the presence of nature and the supernatural power within nature. I have discussed this tactic of counter-mimicry at length in Not in His Image. Ialdabaoth, the Gnostic name for Jehovah, is called the counterfeiting spirit. The Coptic word for simulation, HAL, denotes the signature of the archons who can imitate but not create. They are a mimic species. They imitate our faculties to substitute their mind set for our own, hence living vicariously through us. As Castaneda said, they function as a “foreign installation” in our own minds.

Both on psychological and parapsychological terms, the Gnostic archon profile is truly sophisticated and warrants careful and respectful consideration. It is without doubt the most lucid descriptive paradigm of subliminal mind control produced by the human mind. Dismiss it at your peril…..Karma is a rigged game. Liberation from karma comes first with seeing how it is rigged, how the archontic spin induces auto-suggestion and clouds perception, and then by simply choosing not to play that game. ” John Lash



“The idea is that upon death, our soul or consciousness separates from the body and then undergoes a process where its memory is wiped clean and it is recycled – reincarnated – into another body to repeat the same process. In this way the Earth becomes a literal prison planet from which it’s very difficult to escape. The soul net is placed there as an artificial energetic grid (not the natural energetic grid of ley lines of Planet Earth) to prevent any soul from getting through. Thus the Earth remains a closed system where new people are constantly born for the purpose of powering the economy and generating (negative) emotion for the Archons to feed off, not remembering Who They Are or what the real situation is.

The soul net ensures the planet remains a trawling ground for the Archons to trigger our emotions (which they expertly do through the media, war, fear and other methods of deception) so they can get fed. As Don Juan put it in Castaneda’s final book, The Active Side of Infinity, we are like humaneros, raised like livestock on a farm to be exploited…….However, because we are powerful beings, the Archons can’t just rely on force for all this. They need to trick us into giving them consent. How do they do that? How do they get us to go willingly into the soul net? With the trick of the white light …” Zen Gardener



On May 10, 1971 the renowned astronomer Fred Hoyle, the incumbent Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Theoretical Philosophy at Cambridge University, a position he had held since 1958, convened a small press conference to make a most unusual announcement.

“Human beings are simply pawns in a great game, being played by alien minds, which control mankind’s every move. These alien minds come from another universe, one with five dimensions. Their laws of chemistry and physics are completely different from ours. They have learned to shatter the time-space barriers that restrict us. These super-intelligent entities are so different from us that to apprehend them or to describe them in human terms is impossible. These entities seem to be totally free from physical restrictions such as bodies, and they are more like pure intelligence. They seem to have the ability to be anywhere in the universe in a matter of seconds. These aliens are everywhere – in the sky, on the sea, on earth. They have been here for countless eons and they have probably controlled the evolution of homo sapiens. All of what man has built and become was accomplished because of their ‘tinkering’ of the intelligent forces.”
Professor Hoyle went on to say “The only reason that I have called this press conference is that no government on earth would release this information. All governments fear panic among their people and think that if people knew the truth and knew some alien intelligent force and power is controlling them, that people would no longer listen to or obey their government.”

Certainly this is a most stunning pronouncement of disclosure from a former pillar of the scientific community, one that would most certainly have ended his career one would imagine. On the contrary, the following year Fred Hoyle was knighted by the Queen and was also the recipient of the most illustrious Royal Medal (also known as the Queen’s Medal) from the Royal Society ‘In recognition of his distinguished contributions to theoretical physics and cosmology’ “

ANCIENT ALIENs – THE ARCHONS – Invaders from Space



In his three most recent books The Trap, The Dream, and The Reveal, David Icke concludes that we are living in a simulation and reincarnation trap. For those with an open mind, I highly recommend all three of his books. The same goes for these books: Exit the cave by Howdie Mickoski, Emergence of the omniverse by Alfred Lambremont Webre, Grey Aliens and Artificial Intelligence by Nigel Kerner, The Alchemical Tech Revolution by Wayne McRoy, The forbidden religion by Jose M. Herrou Aragon, The mind parasites by Colin Wilson, Vistas of Infinity – How to Enjoy Life When You are Dead by Jurgen Zieve, Soul Revolution: The Trinity of Humanity by Shmuel Asher, I Am Human Food for the Archons by Dennis Nappi, Closer encounters by Jazon Reza Jorjani, Gods of Eden by William Bramley, The Orion Book 1 and 2 by Wes Penre, Disneyland of the gods by John A Keel, Overlords of the singularity by Russell Scott Brinegar, The Djinn connection by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Egregores by Mark Stavish, The holographic universe by Michael Talbot, Masquerade of angels by Karla Turner, Extra dimensionals by John Desouza, Animal reactions to UFOs by Linda Zimmermann, Passport to Magonia by Jacques Vallee, Secret of the ages: UFO`s from inside the earth by Brinsley le Poer Trench, The Phoenix hypothesis by Cristian Køhlert, The Matrix control system of Philip K Dick by Timothy Green Beckley, Drunk with Blood: God’s Killings in the Bible by Steve Wells, Can You Stand The Truth? The Chronicle of Man’s Imprisonment: Last Call! by Angeliki S. Anagnostou-Kalogera, Kings, Conquerors, Psychopaths: From Alexander to Hitler to the Corporation by Abraham N Joseph, and all the books of Charles Fort and William R Corliss. Most of the books can be downloadede for free here.


Other free books:

Moksha from Earth” Freedom From Archons, Reincarnation Traps, Soul Traps, And False Light Heavens

Archons. Otherworldly Rulers Through The Agesabout the 7 planetary rulers 

The Matrix Revealed. Book 1. The Programming Of A Planet” 

The Matrix Revealed. Book 2. The Eye of Ra


Here are some movies that I can highly recommend:


Labyrinth miniserie 2012 – about the extermination of the Katahars


A modern retelling of the Kathar creation story: Tron 1982, Tron Legacy 2010 and Mother 2017.


Movies that promote reincarnation and afterlife: Always 1989, Made in heaven 1987, Heaven can wait 1978, Saved by the light 1995, Defending your life 1991, Nine days 2020, Soul Disney 2020, Cloud atlas 2012, Ghost 1990, Heart and souls 1993, Angel on my shoulder 1946 (remake 1980), Between two worlds 1944, Beyond tomorrow 1940, Birth 2004, Here comes Mr. Jordan 1941, It`s a wonderful life 1946, Just like heaven 2005, Kiss me goodbye 1982, A matter of life and death 1946, Ressurection 1980, Topper 1937, Truly madly deeply 1990, Brainstorm 1983, Battlestar Galactica 4 seasons 2004 – 2009, Chances are 1989, Afterlife 2 seasons 2005 – 2006, Beetlejuice 1988, What dreams may come 1998, The Good Place 4 seasons 2016 – 2020, Dead again 1991, Fluke 1995.


Movies that show how reincarnation could be useful (Timeloop movies): 12:01 pm 1990 (shortfilm), Two distant strangers 2020 (Shortfilm), Groundhog day 1993, Timecrimes 2007 (spanish), Triangle 2009, Edge of tomorrow 2014, Boss level 2020, Retroactive 1997, Palm Springs 2020, Before I fall 2017.


Simulation movies and series: Soul 2020, Existenz 1999, The Truman show 1998, The Matrix movies, Fractale 1 season 2011, Bliss 2021, Serenity 2019, Don`t worry darling 2022, Upgrade 2018, Upload 3 seasons 2020 – 2024, The Pheripheral 1 season 2022, Mrs Davis 1 season 2023, Devs 1 season 2020, The Cell 2000, The Game 1997, Contact 1997, The Thirteenth Floor 1999, Inception 2010, Pleasantville 1998, Vanilla sky 2001, Bloodshot 2020, Boss level 2020, Loki 2 seasons 2021 – 2023, Videodrome 1983, Ready player one 2018, Gamer 2009, Source code 2011,The Lawnmover Man 1992, Lawnmower Man 2 1996, Brainscan 1994, Await further instructions 2018, Cell 2016, Free guy 2021,They live 1988, Black mirror 6 seasons 2011 – 2023, World on a wire mini serie 1973, In the mouth of madness 1994, The Bothersome Man 2006, Lost 6 seasons 2004 – 2010, Donnie Darko 2001, Last action hero 1993, The Good Place 4 seasons 2016 – 2020, Flashback 2020, The Triangle mini serie 2005, The Mandela Effect 2019, Wreck it Ralph 2012, Ralph breaks the internet (Wreck it Ralph 2) 2018, Purple rose of Cairo 1985, Pantheon (animated) 1 season 2022, Krampus 2015, The Sentence episode 22 from The Outer Limits 1996, Stranger than fiction 2006, The Hollow (animated) 2 seasons 2018 – 2020, Three Body (Chinese – 30 episodes) 1 season 2023.


Movies and series about memory wiping: Severance 1 season 2022 , Westworld 4 seasons 2016 – 2022, Welcome to Blood City 1977, Dollhouse 2 seasons 2009 – 2010, Dark city 1998, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind 2004, Bloodshot 2020, Before I go to sleep 2014, Blink twice 2024, Paycheck 2003, Total recall 1990 (remake 2012), Rememory 2017, Cypher 2002, Don`t worry darling 2022, The Manchurian Candidate 2004, Oblivion 2013, Men in black 1997, Hypnotic 2023, Self/less 2015, The Hollow (animated) 2 seasons 2018 – 2020.


Movies about egregores: Branded 2012.


Movies about loosh production and loosh eating: Monsters inc 2001, Jupiter ascending 2015, Doctor sleep 2019, Lifeforce 1985, Sleepwalkers 1992, Cat`s eye 1985 (Episode 3).


Movies with archons and/or the demiurge: Dark City 1998, Fringe five seasons 2008 – 2013, Kaos 1 season 2024, The Adjustment Bureau 2011, Invitation to hell 1984, Zardoz 1974, The Hidden 1987, The Shining 1980, Doctor Sleep 2019, 1492 Conquest of paradise 1992, John Carter 2012, Mother 2017, Needful things 1993, Dark Tower 2017, 9 2009, Oblivion 2013, The Truman Show 1998, The Matrix movies, Edge of tomorrow 2014, The Cabin in the woods 2011, Stay tuned 1992, Krampus 2015,Three Body (Chinese – 30 episodes) 1 season 2023.



And here are some good and interesting movies about transhumanism, AI and potential dystopian futures, that to a certain extent has a connection with the soultrap/matrix theme:


Monsters of man 2020

Possessor 2020

Tau 2018

Anon 2018

Hardwired 2009

Terminator 3: Rise of the machines 2003

Vexile 2007

Self less 2015

Code 46 2003

Equals 2015

The Giver 2014

In Time 2011

Surrogates 2009

Captive state 2019

Lucy 2014

Transcendence 2014

Ghost in the shell 2017

The 6th day 2000

Minority report 2002

Halloween 3 1982 (The only watchable halloween movie which has nothing to do with Michael Myers. Contains black magic merged with technology)


There are also some good movie books that analyses some of the movies over here. The first time I watched Donnie Darko for more than fifteen years ago, I didn`t understand very much of it, then I read an analysis of it in Cinema symbolism 3 by Robert W Sullivan IV and watched it again, and it was like watching a complete new movie. Howdie Mickoski also have a good analysis of it and the film Dark City and Groundhog Day. 


Recommended movie analysis books:


Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2 by Jay Dyer

Cinema Symbolism 1, 2 and 3 by Robert W Sullivan IV

The Vigilant Citizen articles compilation 2024 edition volume 2 movies and TV


Here are some good youtube channels that deal with simulation and soul trap theory: 


Angeliki Anagnostou


Tony Sayers


Forever Conscious Research Channel


Tricked by the light


Sovereign Spirits


Mark Devlin




Sargeant Schultz


Howdie Mickoski Talks


Eric Dubay


Dark Mystic Nine


Ayahuasca Canada




JeffMara Podcast



Recommended and related reading:






Escaping the matrix by Wes Penre



Excerpt from David Icke’s book The Dream




Hereafter Loosh-Factory







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