Wes penre on the “Ascension Program”


Excert from The Orion Book


“It is highly unlikely that En.ki’s ascension program leads out of the Matrix even long-term. What we learn about his program is that each “dimension” can take a million years to complete. According to the RA Material, the Fourth Dimension (the Fourth Density, as they call it) takes about a million years to complete. So, what is it supposed to achieve for us? What can we learn there that takes so long? Apparently, we will learn and practice compassion for a million years. Hmm… and that comes from the Overlords who don’t understand compassion. Look who’s talking.


Aside from that, far from all humans will climb “up” the ascension rungs. Many are manipulated into taking another route, becoming spirit guides. After holding this position for a long time, they may get “promoted” to becoming teachers, meaning they will be channels/mediums for humans here on Earth.


Since having followed a variety of channeled material over the years, I find it unlikely that anyone ascends at all within this closed system. Still, that is justified by the Overlords by taking some of us out of the reincarnation cycle and putting us on “loftier” tasks. Thus, they let us “evolve.” I would argue that the humans who become spirit guides, and later teachers, will not ascend at all. Instead, they descend, in the sense they get even more indoctrinated by the Matrix System, becoming even more loyal to En.ki.


So far, from what I’ve heard, no one has graduated from the Matrix (except maybe recently, since a few people who have followed my revelations about the Grid have died within the last few years and have hopefully left the Matrix). The Overlords most likely justify our lack of graduation by convincing themselves they gave us all the chances to exit, but we screwed it up. Instead of following the narrow path to freedom, we continue following others (the Overlords), rather than thinking for ourselves and doing inner work, which would give us insights on how to best exit.”


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Escaping the matrix by Wes Penre





Excerpt from David Icke’s book The Dream




Hereafter Loosh-Factory






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