Here is a possible explanation of what will happen when the simulation restarts. Of course, I don’t know if this is true, but it’s undeniably interesting and thought-provoking.
Excerpt from The Forbidden Knowledge of the Children of the Harvest by John Panella. From page 254 to 264. The complete book can be downloaded for free here:
“We have come to the point where the Harvest begins. The world in which we live in is not our world, however, the world is being used to transform souls into spirits of glory.
The world will continue as it moves back into the cycle where all cycles begin, the planting season. I have often spoken about the toiling under that occurs at the end of the final cycles and the reasons these things must take place.
Our world now is completely taken over by the tares. The children of the fallen ones now control this world and everything in it. The wheat is buried and scarcely can one even locate the true seed amongst the tares.
This is what happens when tares can grow unchecked, they take over the entire garden.
As I explained the parable of the fig tree as a metaphor, how the leaves represent the children of Satan/Lucifer and the figs hidden behind the leaves are the children of the Father and Mother.
Therefore, a purging must occur, but how does this purging work? How can the world continue if there is a purging of fire?
The simulation program is a program, it just keeps running and running like the famed energizer bunny. We speak of a world collapsing, and world-ending events. Yet this world is not the same. This a program, although designed to deceive, the truth is, eventually evil will fail. It cannot sustain itself.
In every age, every cycle, evil nations have always fallen and better nations rose. We might call this in type, rising from the ashes like the famed Phoenix bird.
Try to wrap your mind around the program. The program is designed for both good and evil to occupy the same space. This is being allowed to give us choices.
When we make the right choices, it is added to our character of fruits, when we make the wrong choices, it is removed from us and purged and we must live to choose another day.
If the choice is not there then the program will cease to function properly. And this is the key I have saved to the very end. The Father and Mother did not create the program or this world, but they had a hand as to how this program was going to operate.
There are certain laws the evil ones must follow, and these laws are immutable. And part of the laws that are regulating this program is, Good and Evil must be allowed to remain together to allow for choices.
The second law is all people must be revealed the truth on the requirements of this world so they can have a choice in the matter. Therefore, the dark side shadow lords always tell us beforehand what is going to occur if you are watching close enough.
The problem is, they mix it with the lie to make sure one is confused. Your choice is still there, but due to confusion many often make the wrong choices.
It is also extremely important that you understand, when we make choices to follow the dark side, we begin to lose comprehension of what is right or wrong.
It is like a cancer setting in and it attacks all the good cells of the body. Once the good cells are destroyed, one is then stuck in a pattern of making wrong choices.
This is based on the law of momentum. When we do good, good things follow. When we do evil things then evil begins to cling to us, and further evil is added.
When we get off the correct path often the only chance we have is a massive cleansing, if the cancer is that embedded within our cells, it will take a purging of fire to destroy the body, but save the soul.
I Corinthians 5/5 “To deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved…”
What we are witnessing here is the cleansing and purging that is required to save the soul while the flesh is destroyed. Obviously, this is not the optimum level of awareness it would be much better if the soul would begin their transformation.
Sometimes it takes drastic life-changes, and other times it takes simply shifting one’s awareness away from that which is dragging them into the flux of darkness. But one way or the other, once we enter the Harvest everyone will answer for the good or evil that has been committed.
This is how you must look at what is happening, it is a cancer. Evil is a disease of the body and mind. Fortunately, like all diseases cancer can either be healed now, or the body can be destroyed so the soul can be free of the illness.
The world today is being guided mostly by darkness, and sadly if you do not see this, then this same cancer is already invading your body and mind.
This world is not in harmony and balance, in fact it is so out of balance that something drastic is going to occur.
What happens when the earth is out of balance? Often terrible and tragic events like earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, and floods occur that reset the program.
I wonder if you had ever reasoned it like this before. These tragic and alarming events are simply resetting the program back to where it needs to be. It is basically called a do-over.
Many have spoken of a time where a place called, Atlantis existed and other strange unfamiliar worlds. Yes, indeed they did exist, and there are great cities lying underneath the ocean current below the current of these great seas to prove there was once thriving communities.
These cities are buried, these lands are lost and mostly forgotten. Places like Lemuria, which was mostly in the Pacific as well as part of Antarctica. Places like Troy and Phoenicia. Long lost lands that once existed that no longer exist.
What happened to these ancient lands?
They once existed in the beginning of the planting season, in the beginning of the ages. They are gone now leaving only small signposts and memories via left over artifacts, lost to the changes of the planet.
These were once great nations that occupied this planet but are now relegated as resets.
This is when past resets occurred and the program changed. Many lost their lives, millions died and suffered a massive purging. We see this all the time in our world but never understand that it is a program being reset.
There is nothing new under the sun, it is all the same events that have happened before and continue to happen nearly the same exact way every age.
Most do not understand that the program is like a record of events. Once it comes to the end of the ages then it is stopped, rewound, and starts all over again.
Ice ages, horrible weather events, like cyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, are all reset events. Even massive diseases like plagues are used to reset the program when it is totally out of balance.
Now granted most of the time they are localized so we do not see it all at one time, many ignore the seriousness and the truth of it all.
However, there are times when these events occur in such a massive way, the planet literally shifts on its axis and the poles reverse.
While most people are in a state of denial, actively succumbing to the evil of this world, they do not even realize that our magnetic poles are already changing. We are entering the reset followed by the mass purging.
I remember when Mt St. Helen’s erupted back many years past. This area in Washington State, is one of the most pristine areas filled with beauty beyond any normal description.
In one terrible moment in time, the land surrounding this awesome beauty was turned to toast. Everything died. People, trees and even the land was purged.
It is a most common event. It happens all over the world at any time and in any place. Now most people who lived in these areas of purging, would conceive of this as being the end, the finale. The utter and total hell description likened unto prophetic events portrayed in the Bible.
And yet not that many years later, that area has come back and become one of the most beautiful terrains on the planet again.
It didn’t end in its fiery hell. It wasn’t the end at all, but just a new beginning. Because the program is designed to reset and rebuild in intervals.
My friends the earth is not going to END as we might perceive, as being the end of all things, but the earth program is going to be reset. The world will continue for as long as it takes for the children of the wheat to change.
The heavens and the earth will not completely pass, until all souls are reestablished back with their Father and Mother. Yet everything does enter a reset.
This is the meaning of what Christ taught long ago in Matthew 5/18 “For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, not one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
And what is the law, it is the law of death created by this fallen cosmos? The program will continue till all is fulfilled. And what is the fulfillment? As in Adam, all die, as in Christ ALL shall me made alive.
The problem with the time we are now living in, is that there is more darkness then light, more evil than good, and when this ensues the system is out of balance.
And just like the planet along with its weather system and nature itself, a purging will occur via the resetting of the program.
However, this reset is dramatically different than what we have been told about from ancient lore. A very long time ago the world was covered in a flood, a global flood where most everyone perished.
This occurs when one age enters the next. Lucifer decided after he deluged this earth under water, he promised he would never allow this to happen again. The world would never again be destroyed by water, and he then left a sign accordingly; called the Rainbow.
He wasn’t doing anyone any favors. What angered him was his program was taking too long and much control was being lost. Each age lasts for about 2160 years, for a grand total of 25,920 years.
Each time the world would leave Pisces and then enter Aquarius, it was flooded and then restarted. He decided not to allow this to happen in this way again. He then brought in a game changer.
The decision was made to end the program and begin again not in what we call the future, but what we call the past. The world instead of moving forward to start all over again via Aquarius, it instead went backwards, returning to Pisces again.
This author believes our world is not moving in a 25,920- year loop anymore, that it changed to a little over 1000 years. We are being looped in a perpetual kingdom set up by Lucifer that lasts for about one-thousand years and then starts over again.
This is my theory and it does have some substantiated facts to support it, but this book is not for that lesson now.
Even Solomon understood the time-loop. Notice, Ecclesiastes 1/9-11 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It already happened in the olden days, which was before us.
There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.”
Solomon was telling us that we are stuck inside a program, a program that reveals everything in the past and future is a repeat of the same basic things. Even when people try to say, wait, this is new, look at our technology, and look at the difference of people today, he said, sorry it all happened before.
It says no one will remember the past, this is because all memory was removed from us. We do not recall we existed even back in the olden times.
He also goes on to say, no one will remember the future… Once again, the memories are removed, but it is proof that we have also lived in the future and we simply do not remember, except for tiny fragments and bits and pieces of memory, which return called, Déjà vu.
What you need to understand is the Harvest time is the greatest feast of all. It is the time when more of the wheat, the true children will be changed back into their glory being established by the many fruits they built during their many lives.
These will change in a twinkling of an eye; their souls will simply cease to exist in this realm anymore. However, many will not change, remember from the very beginning I said that the road to eternal life, only a few find it and the majority enter destruction.
This does not mean, that those are left behind will be spiritually destroyed, they will simply go through the reset.
It is important to understand that most souls good and evil find their way into the world prior to the harvest, this is why, we have upwards to 8 billion people here at this time. Sadly though, a great majority of them are Satan’s offspring. The true children have re-incarnated during this final age because the soul knows the potential is massive even if the body mind is not be aware.
However, the destructiveness is also massive, and it is a time for souls to be tried. This trial is by fire, when the heavens and the earth will burn with a deluge of melting heat. All the heavens and the earth will be consumed. Nothing will remain.
And then in a blink of an eye, the world will exist again albeit back in time where the souls who remain will go through the process again.
We are entering a time where evil and wickedness will consume the world. And it must be removed and then restored again.
This is the only reason the Father and Mother allow this program to exist, because it is for the children of the Harvest, the forbidden knowledge.
Our world is coming to an end, it is going to go through a time of great suffering but it will not be allowed to last long. The world is going to change before our very eyes, and a new world is going to mysteriously come up from the ashes of the old world.
Notice what Peter had to say, 2 Peter 3:10 “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
This is the toiling under after the Harvest is complete. But it is not the end, it is only the reset installed to begin again.
The Harvest is not the end of the world, but a new beginning, and then the world will follow its ancient path and go through the cycles of life and death until it is done.
Those who are ready must be prepared to leave this realm and enter their glory. Those who are not yet ready must be prepared to be cleansed via the purging, where they begin again in the new cycle.
Remember these things are possible because this realm is not real, it is a virtual reality simulation and we are programmed inside of the system.
Either way the world is going to change and the heavens and the earth will be reset back in time, and life after the cleansing will be much more towards the good than evil as it always is, but eventually evil will return, and the world will follow the same path as it has done many times before, until the next Harvest and the cleansing.
Are you ready?”
Excert from the book Gnosis (Alchemy, Grail, Ark, and the Demiurge): A Gnostic Treatise on Spirituality, Mythology, and Alien Technology:
“The twelve zodiac signs and their corresponding days of the year correlated perfectly back in 800–1000 B.C. when the zodiac system was devised in Babylon. Since that time, things have shifted back one complete sign. While there exists sidereal astrology that takes this into account, the more common tropical astrology uses the same system from 800 B.C. on the grounds that it’s not about the stars in the sky, but the position of Earth in its orbit around the Sun, i.e. the season of the year that determines your zodiac sign. But that explanation fails when it comes to Moon and rising signs, which have nothing to do with orbital position around the Sun and are likewise disconnected from the actual constellations they are supposed to represent.
The big mystery is that sidereal astrology works, despite being astronomically baseless as far as the zodiac is concerned. If you are Taurus, the Sun at your time of birth was actually in the constellation of Aries, and yet you may exhibit
all the personality traits fitting of the Taurean archetype. Same goes for the Moon and rising signs. And yet these signs are only correct according to the sky as it existed nearly three thousand years ago.
Somehow people’s souls are being molded by energies from the time of ancient Babylon and Israel. That was also the beginning of the particularly corrupted timeline that culminated in today’s precarious world situation. It’s as if the World Soul state from 1200–800 B.C. never went away with the advent of the Age of Pisces in 100 B.C.–100 A.D. Even though we technically passed from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Pisces, the “program change” did not execute fully.”
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