I finished Howdie Mickoski`s book Empty the cave ten days ago. It is very good and insightful. And I highly recommend it. It goes even deeper than his previous book Exit the cave, which is also a brilliant book.
I have always believed that the personality I now have is the one that will follow me when I leave the matrix, but I am not so sure anymore after reading Empty the cave. Howdie`s Sleeping Beauty analogy is compelling.
«Earth is a time machine, the problem is earth is no longer set up on its original clock, it has been changed.”
“Changed, I don’t understand, what do you mean changed? It seems the clock as you call it via the stars works perfectly all the time.”
«The clock we see in space time is the master clock, it reveals the times of the ages. Each age exists in a perfect numerical output of time. Each age last for approximately 2160 years. And there are twelve ages that last for approximately 25,920 years. This is the master clock.
This completes the grand cycle. The problem is, the cycle was interfered with, the earth clock jumped off the time mantle and has been rotating not in 2160 years of ages, but it is now stuck within one-half of an age, or 1080 years.
And it keeps repeating this half-age over and over again, it never rides through the twelve houses, it is stuck in one house, the last one-thousand and eighty years of Pisces.”
“Are you telling me our earth has its own clock and somehow it is stuck in a loop of time that lasts only one-thousand and eighty years? That would mean our history is only one thousand years »
“That is correct my friend, we are stuck in a shorter time-loop and it has become a prison. We are no longer following the initial ages of 25,920 years, the furthest we can go back in this loop is to about the 10th century.
Anything before this time has been eradicated from our memory, many millions of years have been erased except for memory fallout or information given to us from sources beyond.”
“Memory fallout?”
“Yes this is when a person’s consciousness remembers something that has been blocked long ago. We call it fallout.”
“So you are saying that there is no history prior to the 10th century? How can that be we have plenty of proof our history goes back to the time of Noah and the flood, and so much further back even unto the dinosaurs. This cannot be possible.”
“The history that has been given, much of it is all a lie, it is either a deception, a fraud, or a forgery that is a replication duplicating historical events that have been relegated from one
time and replaced into another time extending the historical document.
It is an alternative history or a fake history created via wars where the victor changed the knowledge of history, of which their history was usually wrong also. Because even those cultures were once conquered and their history was redacted.
There is no viable ‘known’ history before the 10th century. However, there is a history; it is just no longer available unless you have access to the energy centers on the earth.”
“Energy Centers?”
“Yes I will be discussing this later.”
“What about the sciences of carbon 14 dating and all of the techniques we use to prove our ancient sources and artifacts? These date back well before the 10th century? Also what about family lineages that extend long before these said dates?”
“Again fabrications, these inaccurate sciences were created to make sure you never know the truth that your known history is only a thousand years old and that you are stuck in a time-loop.
Everything before this was removed from our memory, there is very little KNOWN history prior to the 10th century or 937AD to be exact. And the interesting thing is about carbon 14 dating is that it completely deteriorates about 900 years back, and it becomes corrupted, revealing false data, therefore
much of our historical record prior is all invented or guessed at.
All that we have is a duplicated history of the same events over and over again, with names changing and certain details are forged on top of others with a blending of actual events, but never revealing the true source data about these lost ages.
It is the same history being repeated time and time again, from our future and not our past.”
“Whoa, that seems exceedingly hard to believe. There are entire libraries with proof of our history, are you saying that they are all wrong?”
“Most information gathered in from what many would call a library is repeat information of the same facts via fraudulent coercion. Most do not carefully examine the content, they simply repeat what past authors teach about the history. And if the deception was paramount back then, repeating it only empowers the lie.
The real libraries on this planet were all removed, hidden or destroyed, and the information either was buried or confiscated, except that which is within the energy vortexes, which keep everything in memory.
You have heard of libraries such as Alexandria. These were the works of the real ancients, and they were destroyed and replaced by the new albeit chronological historical lies. It is important that we not quibble over details, it is however important that you understand what is happening in the big picture.”
“How did all of this happen, who could cause this to occur? I mean we are talking about changing of times and records, I would think only a deity could do this. Why would anyone want to do this?
And secondly, if what you are saying is true, and our time-loop began in the 10th century, wouldn’t that mean the time I am living in now, that the events in my time are coming to an end?”
“Now my friend you are beginning to ask the correct questions. Yes indeed we know exactly when these events will occur, the loop will occur, in April 2017 as you understand time. It may even go to 2022, but we believe the time will be cut short for various reasons but it could change.”
“Holy crap that is only about 33 years away!”
“Yes indeed, this is why it is imperative that you start your training now. Time itself has changed in how it operates, and the earth is now programmed to follow an approximate 1080 year cycle instead of a 2160 year cycle of the 25,920 year grand cycle. It had to be changed because there was not enough control over historical events over long periods of time as there is with shorter periods.”
“What do you mean control over, who is controlling this?”
“I will get into all of that in time. The reason this was done was to imprison the soul. This one thousand plus year period spoken often by your religious and secular academia is what your teachers today believe is a futuristic event.
Some call it the one thousand year Millennium, others call it, the Kingdom on Earth, and still others call it, the New World Order. What I am telling you is this so called Kingdom or this one-thousand year millennium reign is not a futuristic event.
It is the time-loop.”
“Now that is weird, I have heard of people speaking of a thousand year period that a future time will bring in peace, and you are saying this is not our future, but it is our past?”
“Would it be a surprise if I told you, that you are already living in this so called Kingdom, and it is about to replicate again for one-thousand years? It is a perpetual kingdom without end, for eternity. WHY? Because it is a time- loop.”
“Well sure, some of our religions teach this about a coming kingdom that will last for one-thousand years. But I believed this to be a futuristic benevolent time, when peace and tranquility returns to earth.
I have even read about what you called, “The New World Order”, and they say it will be a thousand-year reign also, not really sure that I ever realized that this may be the same event.
So it does seem to correlate between the two, that there is something dubious about this one-thousand year time period. And why just one thousand years? Why not two thousand, or ten thousand or even a million? Where did this arbitrary number come from? I have even read where Hitler wrote about this one-thousand year rule on earth, and he called it the ‘New World Order.’”
“Exactly, this number is not even equal to an age, or the twelve houses of ages, so why even choose this number? Well maybe they have to, because this is all that is remaining.”
“Excuse me, what do you mean they have to?”
“Maybe even the controllers are stuck inside the one- thousand year loop, so they have to abide by its parameters.”
The doorway you are about to walk through is what is called a spiral vortex portal. It is an entranceway that leads into other times and dimensions. In computer logic, it is called a backdoor. When a person creates or devises a program, often they add a backdoor entrance into the program so one can enter without going through the controls at the gate.
This world is a simulated program, and the earth is a time machine that can maneuver through the program. As with any program there are backdoors into the program where one can walk through without being seen. They can bypass the gates and walls, and other controls of the program.
The problem is, if someone else finds the door they could possibly either escape or enter the programming controls. Therefore the doorways must be keyed, with a password or code.
This way not just anyone can fiddle around to and fro without thought or reason. Now some of the doorways are heavily protected, by either earth elements or guardians. On this planet there are many backdoors, and there are also program centers.”
“Program centers, what are those?”
A program center is computer system environment. Meaning, when one builds a computer program, you can operate or at least check the vital statistics of the program from outside of the program.
This is to verify if it is all working properly or not. However, when programs are as detailed as this is, where it becomes an interactive environment, then it is expedient to create the control center also within or inside of the program.
This way those who are the guardians of the control centers can view anything they desire within the system without having to go back out of it and complete the task from an external source.
So in retrospect one can operate the program from the computer controls while being inside the program. There are many centers on this earth that has an internal operating system. Most of them are hidden from plain view. If you were able to get inside the operational controls, you would have all answers to your questions about this world’s history.”
“Like what Chief?”
“First of all, in these centers they have what is called holographic recorders. These can record every event in precision that occurs or ever has occurred on this world proving everything is a program. You could go back in time and view history as it really happened.”
“But you would need the password right. Wouldn’t they also guard these places so not just anyone can enter?”
“Very keen observation, but it is not really to keep people out but to make sure they are under control. They would guard these places by a password. The funny thing is, they didn’t want to constantly update and change the password all the time. They needed it to be unfailing throughout all ages of time. So they decided to make the password different for everyone and yet at the same time universal.”
“Wait just a second, how could they do that? It would take billions and billions of passwords to save and keep; that would seem even more ridiculous than just changing a single password all the time.”
“Ah you are right in one respect, it would seem simpler, but it would not be as effective. This way they could give everyone a password of their own where it is automatically built into the system. Everyone already has their own password.”
“How is that conceivable, I don’t know that I have any password?”
“Sure you do, we all do, and it is given to us at birth. It is called our DNA. Everyone has a unique DNA, and it is a number sequence of data.”
“That is interesting, but how do I know what that number sequence is?”
“You do not need to know, it is pouring out of every cell of your body. Every one of your cells are encoded with this same password just like any old good holograph where the smallest part is still the entire whole.”
“Ok, if that is true, then anyone that got into these centers could activate the controls if they knew their DNA code.”
“Yes, to a point. You see, if you were able to go inside of these control centers, all you would have to do is touch the console of these holographic computers and you would be encoded into the system. You could witness the world as it was and it would be historically accurate. You could peer into the past and into the future. You would be able to witness everything.”
“Could I make changes also?”
“No, you are not coded for the changes from the inside except that which you personally interact with. What I am saying is, you can change your life, change your circumstances and even change yourself down through time, and it will create the change through the overall time continuum.
But you cannot change history or the future for anyone else beyond your personal interactive process from the inside. You could witness everything, witness secrets that have been hidden. Witness historical chronology.”
“Then everyone on this earth could do this?”
“Again to a point, when you enter the console and place your hand down, it reads your DNA sequence, it will begin to show you everything as it applies to ‘you’ over all of your history.
As you are encoded into the system, it then automatically senses your trail. As an example, you have watched the show called, ‘Star Trek’, these shows will reveal how a warp drive can be seen via the energy it leaves behind.
You could follow the trail of a ship due to this warp energy trail, even though you can’t see the ship or its trail, it leaves an energy in its wake like waves upon an ocean. When we travel through this program, our DNA is coded directly into the system think-tank, so to speak. Everything we do, everywhere we go; we are encoded as to how we interact within the system.
When you touch the console in these computer centers, it will track your DNA imprint like a warp drive energy. And it will visually scan everything that occurred that was directly related to you. Have you ever heard of the Akashic records?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Well in time you will, a growing movement in this world called the NEW AGE will talk all about it. It is a record or movie of everything everyone does visually throughout their lifetimes. It is your own personal video camera of your many lives, but it imprints everything about you from all angles. It is pretty impressive.
It is simply a data collector. The Bible even makes reference to it, called the, ‘Book of Remembrance.’ Everything that you have ever done, is recorded because of your DNA imprint.”
“There is a potential problem though chief, I can see how this might work over one lifetime, but many lifetimes, how is this possible? When we are born, we all have a different DNA encoding don’t we?”
“Now you are starting to think cogently, and becoming more aware. First of all it is partially correct. Since you are the product of a time-loop life, meaning you lived in this body before, then you could carry the same DNA throughout many lifetimes. However, there is a problem, due to interactive design, things can be change.
First of all, when birth occurs, you are correct, the DNA of the child is based on the father and mother as it is being passed down to the child. However, what is not unique or new, is your soul. Your soul has an energy vibrational pattern that can be deciphered numerically. Every soul is unique.
When you touch the console, its reads your DNA right now, the one you were born with in this life. It automatically transfers the DNA coding linked to your soul energy and
discovers all of your past or future lives instantly through what is called the silver cord.
As an example, let’s say the DNA was, 242FG21yy and your Soul energy coding was, DBw231Xw. So the number would be your DNA code plus your soul’s energy code, and it would look like this, 242FG21yy- DBw231Xw. Just a bunch of numbers but holding key statistics.
So whatever the DNA coding was, it will be attached with the same soul energy coding, and voila, you have your universal imprint. It simply scans your soul energy code based on the DNA code you provided and it locates every single DNA match for you as it is based on your soul code. Do you understand what I am telling you?
“Yes I believe so.”
“Your DNA is a code that replicates everything about you in the system. Meaning you are nothing but a code inside a computer.”
“How can a computer be that powerful to remember so much information? Our best computers today are like only 256K memory?”
“In your future within 25 years from your time, your computers will advance from KB, to MB to GB to TB to PB and it would have continued if the shift didn’t take place.”
“I know what KB is, what do those other letters mean?”
“KB is kilobyte representing 1000 bits of information in the hard drive as you know. The computer can hold up to 1000 times its capacity, as your system might be 256K it means it has 256,000 bits of capable information that it can store.
Now MB is megabytes, it is one thousand times more than kilobytes. And it represents one million byte memory. Then there are GB, or gigabytes, which is one-thousand times even more, or one billion bytes. The TB, are terabytes or one trillion bits of information, and then it increases to PB or petabytes, which is a quadrillion bits of information.
Now understand, this is just the hard drive faculty of what can be stored. This is not the memory that is needed to allow a program to function. That is different, that is called memory speed, and this is what drives the computer, like a person driving an automobile. This is what generates the active pixels to form during operation of movement.
So the stored memory can create the driver and the automobile, but the RAM (Random Access Memory) speed is what allows it to go virtual, where the driver can actually begin driving the vehicle.
The RAM speed is called RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. It references how much power can be given to the virtual drive. By 2017 the fastest RM speed will be so powerful that it will be very close within a few years to actually creating a virtual reality game that could appear as real as your life, in this world and in the universe.”
“Wow that is magnificent, something that powerful to produce a fake reality, whoa!”
“If this world were to continue and not get stuck in the time-loop where everything is reversed backwards. Then this world would come to the place by 2022AD, where you could make a virtually reality of your very own universe inside a computer and then link your consciousness awareness up to it creating your own virtual universe.
You could then create computers that were so powerful it could recreate a virtual world and everything in it would simply be a program where one could use to experience this other awareness.”
“Just a second chief, are you telling me these centers have such a computer where it can visually store memory from all ages. Wouldn’t that imply that someone has the capability of building such a universal operating machine where it is all a virtual reality right now?”
“Impressive, I do believe you are really beginning to understand. This is what I am trying to convey, that the world we appear to live in is a simulated computer program. We are already inside a virtual reality because someone already has this technology and they are using it, and we are the rats in their lab. I am going to allow you to access these virtual controls to witness your past lives and existence that is linked with your soul energy.”
“Do you mean that you know where these energy centers are that have this computer access?”
“Well yes and no, I do know where some of them are, but we will not be going there, YET. We do not even need to go to these places to locate these controls.”
“Why not?”
“Because why go to the machine when we already have the information stored within our soul?”
“We have all of this stored within us?”
“Oui mon ami!
Everything that you have ever done is stored within you for all times. If the machine can access your history’s past by interlinking the DNA of your program to your soul energy, then why use the DNA at all? Just use the soul energy. Come with me.”
Recommended reading and related topics:
Must see simulation, soul trick and memory wipe movies
Excerpt from David Icke’s book The Dream