What does the Christmas tree symbolize?


Excerpt from the book The Divine Secret Garden – The Mystery of the Pyramid – With the All-Seeing Eye by John Panella. The book can be downloaded in its entirety for free here.


“As you look closely at any pyramid, I want to ask you the question what does it look like to you?


Doesn’t it look like a Christmas tree? Of course, it does, because the Christmas tree is the symbol for Lucifer’s entire pyramidal government. The origin of the Christmas tree was noted as something of evil in America until it was brought over from Germany

Christmas developed long before Christ ever came to this realm. In the Roman times, it was celebrated as the Saturnalia, representing both the Planet Saturn and the day, Saturday. And it was also celebrated for the birth and death of the SUN, or Sunday.


Saturnalia represented Satan’s day, or Saturday as the seventh day and Saturday was the most holy day to the Israelites representing the planet Saturn or Satan. And their God was the Moon or SIN. It was also a mark of Satan to represent who his people really were.

Saturnalia: an ancient Roman festival of feasting and revelry in celebration of the god Saturn/Satan and the winter solstice. When Christianity came on the scene, an opponent of Christianity had a strange conversion claiming Christ came to him in the light, as a vision.

This was none other than Constantine the Great, Emperor of Eastern Rome. He then combined the ancient festival of Saturnalia, Satan’s day and the ancient Mithras, which represents the God


With the All-Seeing Eye of Light as the Sun, as Lucifer. These light festivals all came under the SOL Invictus or Sunday’s conviction, or Sunday Worship, which became the High Holy Day for Christians, as Lucifer’s day. Then during the Middle Ages, the Christmas tree was decorated with Apples representing the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil for the celebration of the Fall of Adam and Eve, along with all the true children. It was called the Paradise tree.

Finally entering the 16th and 17th century the Christmas tree had morphed to where it was being decorated with roses, apples and candies. The Christmas tree was not accepted in America due to its Saturnalia and Sol Invictus connections relating to obvious pagan sun and moon worshipping.


Returning to the early 16th century, Martin Luther is said to have decorated a small Christmas tree with candles, to show his children how the stars twinkled through the dark night, this represented the sons of god or the children of Lucifer. The simulation stars are the sons/suns represented by a fake light of a candle, and the dark night represents the fall of the angels and humanity.


In Austria & Germany during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the tops of evergreens were cut and hung upside down in a living room corner. They were decorated with apples, nuts and strips of red paper. The first record of Christmas trees in America was for children in the German Moravian Church’s settlement in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Christmas 1747. Real trees were not decorated, but wooden pyramids covered with evergreen branches were decorated with candles.

The custom of the Christmas tree was introduced in the United States during the War of Independence by Hessian/German troops. An early account tells of a Christmas tree set up by American soldiers at Fort Dearborn, Illinois, the site of Chicago, in 1804. Most other early accounts in the United States were among the German settlers in eastern Pennsylvania.


Finally, in the 19th Century the Christmas tree was brought to the English-speaking peoples, and to no shock it came through the blue blood royals. Somewhere around 1846 – 1848, Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert was credited with bringing the first Christmas tree in Windsor Castle for the Royal Family. The Christmas tree was still never in vogue in America until after WWII, and then it took off as being the sensation as we know it today, but as you can see it has extremely dark origins.

When you think about it, this wicked agenda and evil ruling government is brought to the level of a pyramidal shaped tree, which symbolically people have gravitated towards for ages, due to what they perceive as benevolence. What most have never understood is that the tree is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is Lucifer’s entire agenda.


The tinsels represent wealth, the orbs represent the suns which is Lucifer and his children. All of it is the glitter of Lucifer’s deadly agenda being brought before the people as something of goodness, when in fact its intentions are laced with evil, i.e. The GOD AND DEVIL game.

I am not condemning the celebration of Christmas nor telling you what you must do or not do. Because even good souls can celebrate what they believe is good and true, even if the symbolism is rotten to the core. I am simply revealing the deadly origins of what these things really represent. And how they are linked to black magic to control people without them knowing what is going on.


The orbs also have a secondary meaning, these are spirits from the 4th dimension that rule this earth and often are recognized as orbs of light or as hidden invisible spirits. They also represent as noted earlier Apples, representing the fallen knowledge that seduced mankind and then created the mixture of the fallen angels seeded amongst humanity.

Now think about it for a second, the Christmas tree is supposed to represent the Christ, or Jesus. That is why it is called Christmas, but it represents both Saturnalia or Satan’s day, and Mithras or Sunday, as Lucifer’s day. Yet few understand that the tree represents the worshiping of the death of Christ, not his life. CHRIST MASS represents his DEATH and not his birth.


Lucifer wants it embedded into the psyche that the true Christ is dead. Like Friedrich Nietzsche proclaimed, God is dead. Once the sub consciousness believes that Christ is dead, and Christ is also God, which makes his Father dead also, then the consciousness sees true life as death. It worships the things of the dead. Thus, Christmas is the worship of death, or the worship of this fallen world.

And Lucifer is the god of death and decay. The world worships a dead Christ because that is exactly what Lucifer wants us to believe about the true Christ, that he is dead. The Christ is a helpless man that was nailed to a cross and is now forever gone.


Christmas is all about the celebration of Christ death not his life. And this is represented in the fact that the people are all buying gifts for one another, not for the one they are celebrating it for, this is something one does to console the living after someone dies. This is an act of celebration of becoming victorious over the one perceived as death. The Father did not kill Jesus, Lucifer acting under his polar identity as Satan, did.

However, Christ is not dead, he morphed, i.e. metamorphosis; into his true reality. The term Mass also comes from the word DECAY. This should be of no shock to my readers. It represents the decay/death of Christ.


The two symbols that are taken to give us Christmas are the baby Jesus and the dead Jesus. But none of these symbols reveal the very much living SEED/CHRIST who has returned to his world above, and now lives within the realm of the Father and Mother in spirit as the living Christ. As well as he continues to live within the planted Seeds or children of the Father and Mother, all of which came out of him.

Christmas as many know comes at the time of December 25th. The time between the 22nd and the 25th is the time when our sun goes through its ritual of death and then begins its resurrection in three days and three nights. Sound familiar? It is the mass of the sun or death of the physical sun; thus, Lucifer is the appointed false Christ. Remember earlier in the Divine Secret Garden series it was revealed, that Lucifer is the SUN. He represents the physical sun, which is the antichrist.


It is our sun that is creating this illusion we call life in this lower world. And every year our very own sun goes through this ritual of death unto life as a defining power of the antichrist. Lucifer is the bright and morning star, often noted to be the Planet Venus, but it is the Sun that this is referring to. Venus is just the beneficiary of the sun’s illumination making it brighter than most planets due to its proximity, so in that sense Venus is the Sun’s son, it is not a star, but a satellite.


Lucifer is the bright and morning STAR which rises from the East. This is where Easter comes from as the resurrection for Christ, it is the worshiping of the Sun in the East as it rises from its death. Once again it is important to be reminded who this God really is and why the Sun rising in the East is so very important.

Isaiah 45 5-7 “I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God. I will strengthen you, though you have not acknowledged me, (Because he exists in the hidden places in secret) so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting people may know there is none besides me. (Notice that Lucifer is telling you who he is, he reveals himself as the Sun rising from the East that brings light to the world.) Which brings forth both light and dark.


“I am the Lord, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, (This is exactly the mission of the sun) I bring prosperity and create wickedness/evil; I, the Lord, do all these things.” He is showing that he is the SUN. I bring forth light, the day and I bring forth darkness, the night.” Therefore, most corporate entities use the logo of the sun rising. It is the worshiping of our SUN or Lucifer. None of it has anything to do with the real Jesus Christ.

Lucifer, not Jesus is the Great Seraphim Angel. And this brings me back full-loop to the Christmas tree.


What have people been led to place on top of the pyramidal structure of the Christmas tree, as a representation of the all-seeing eye as Lucifer? Is it Jesus? For the most part, NO. It is none other than a bright Star or Angel of light, of which Jesus or the Christ has never been referred by nor does he represent this, and yet it is supposed to be his day and his tree. Jesus is not an angel, he is the true child of the Father and Mother. Jesus was not a star, a star represents the SONS of GOD, which came from the children of Olam.

The true Jesus of Christ was the Son of Man, a seed planted by the Father and Mother as the first seed among many, he was not of God; He was of the Father and Mother. This is the separation between the false Christ and the true Christ and the false God and true Father and Mother. I won’t even get into much detail about Santa Claus and all the ritualistic meaning that is present there. Most believe it is Saint Nicholas, but it is Satan’s Clause, or covenant with humanity.


Santa, is dressed in red represented by the red tinsels and ornaments on the tree as the fiery burning flames of his eyes. Santa has a large white beard that sits in a throne like carriage that allows him to seduce the hearts of children everywhere with gifts and candy all the while supposedly knowing their thoughts and desires. Santa represents what many believe God looks like with image and form.

Dan 7:9 “I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne (Santa’s chariot) was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.”


Clause refers to a legal Document. This document is the tree of good and evil. Santa is indeed Satan, but he is worshipped by the hearts of children and even many adults everywhere as a god or as the duplicate of Christ. The God who rules this world claims through Jacob the one that supplanted or stole what was not his that he is the Holy One of Israel. Yet the Father reveals he is not a respecter of persons, thus there is no chosen race, there is only the chosen seeds from before the foundations of this world.

Those that are of the true Seed, and those that do the will of the Father and Mother, it is those that please him no matter what race, creed or color you have been seeded within.Acts 10/34 (I removed God for the Father.) New International Version: “Then Peter began to speak: I now realize how true it is that the Father does not show favoritism. “ King James Bible: “Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a truth I perceive that the Father is no respecter of persons:


Now read back in Isaiah 45 /3-5 “I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen…” It is obvious who is speaking, again from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, here is the truth.

That I, the LORD, H3068 (JEHOVAH-YHVH) which call H7121 thee by thy name, H8034 am the God H430 (ELOHIM) of Israel. H3478 Again, what we are seeing here is the Lord refers to YHVH and God refers to the plurality of God, meaning the GODS.


It must become apparent to you by now who it is that is revealing they are god and who they represent. This God and or family of gods is a respecter of persons, they have favorites, and these gods have secret places where they can make you wealthy in this world. And grant you everything you desire if you follow, obey and worship them.

They even grant titles, which are articles of fame and wealth. These gods by their own admission are not the Father and Mother, because our true divine Parents have nothing to do with this world nor the things in this world. The Christmas tree has not now or has ever been the revelation of the true Jesus Christ, it is however the revelation of Lucifer and his controlling world government through Satan.


The tree also represents the family tree of the fallen angels. The Lights and the orbs and all the decorations are the children of Lucifer whom have all been given power to illuminate the minds of the world throughout the Pyramidal structure.”


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